Uses of Class

Packages that use RVMMethod

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type RVMMethod
static void Callbacks.notifyMethodCompile(RVMMethod method, int compiler)
          Notify the callback manager that a method is about to be compiled.
 void Callbacks.MethodCompileMonitor.notifyMethodCompile(RVMMethod method, int compiler)
          Notify the monitor that a method is about to be compiled.
static void Callbacks.notifyMethodOverride(RVMMethod method, RVMMethod parent)
          Notify the callback manager that a method has been overridden.
 void Callbacks.MethodOverrideMonitor.notifyMethodOverride(RVMMethod method, RVMMethod parent)
          Notify the monitor that a method has been overridden.
static void VM.sysWriteln(int i, Address a, RVMMethod m)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type RVMMethod
ArchitectureSpecificOpt.RegisterPool(RVMMethod meth)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller

Fields in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller with type parameters of type RVMMethod
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,LinkedList<ControllerPlan>> ControllerMemory.table
          This is a hashtable of controller plans indexed by RVMMethod.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller that return RVMMethod
 RVMMethod HotMethodEvent.getMethod()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller with parameters of type RVMMethod
(package private) static boolean ControllerMemory.completedPlanWithOptLevel(RVMMethod method, int optLevel)
          Return true if there is a completed plan with the given opt level for the given method
(package private)  ControllerPlan RecompilationStrategy.createControllerPlan(RVMMethod method, int optLevel, InstrumentationPlan instPlan, int prevCMID, double expectedSpeedup, double expectedCompilationTime, double priority)
          This helper method creates a ControllerPlan, which contains a CompilationPlan, for the passed method using the passed optimization level and instrumentation plan.
static ControllerPlan ControllerMemory.findLatestPlan(RVMMethod method)
          Looks for the last controller plan for the passed method
private static LinkedList<ControllerPlan> ControllerMemory.findPlan(RVMMethod method)
          Looks for a controller plan for the passed method
(package private) static boolean ControllerMemory.planWithStatus(RVMMethod method, byte status)
          Return true if there is a plan with the given status for the given method
(package private)  boolean RecompilationStrategy.previousRecompilationAttempted(RVMMethod method)
          This method returns true if we've already tried to recompile the passed method.
(package private) static boolean ControllerMemory.shouldConsiderForInitialRecompilation(RVMMethod method)
          Determine if the passed method should be considered as a candidate for _initial_ AOS recompilation.

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph

Fields in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph declared as RVMMethod
private  RVMMethod CallSite.method
          Caller method
(package private)  RVMMethod[] WeightedCallTargets.MultiTarget.methods
private  RVMMethod

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph that return RVMMethod
 RVMMethod CallSite.getMethod()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph with parameters of type RVMMethod
abstract  WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.augmentCount(RVMMethod target, double amount)
          Augment the weight associated with the argument method by the argument amount.
 WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.SingleTarget.augmentCount(RVMMethod t, double v)
 WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.MultiTarget.augmentCount(RVMMethod t, double v)
private  void PartialCallGraph.augmentEdge(RVMMethod caller, int bcIndex, RVMMethod callee, double weight)
          Increment the edge represented by the input parameters, creating it if it is not already in the call graph.
static WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.create(RVMMethod target, double weight)
abstract  WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.filter(RVMMethod goal, boolean isPrecise)
 WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.SingleTarget.filter(RVMMethod goal, boolean isPrecise)
 WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.MultiTarget.filter(RVMMethod goal, boolean isPrecise)
 WeightedCallTargets PartialCallGraph.getCallTargets(RVMMethod caller, int bcIndex)
 WeightedCallTargets WeightedCallTargets.incrementCount(RVMMethod target)
          Augment the weight associated with the argument method by 1.
 void PartialCallGraph.incrementEdge(RVMMethod caller, int bcIndex, RVMMethod callee)
          Increment the edge represented by the input parameters, creating it if it is not already in the call graph.
 void PartialCallGraph.incrementEdge(RVMMethod caller, int bcIndex, RVMMethod callee, float weight)
          Increment the edge represented by the input parameters, creating it if it is not already in the call graph.
 void WeightedCallTargets.Visitor.visit(RVMMethod target, double weight)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph with parameters of type RVMMethod
CallSite(RVMMethod m, int bci)
WeightedCallTargets.SingleTarget(RVMMethod t, double w)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util that return RVMMethod
private static RVMMethod DynamicCallFileInfoReader.getMethod(MethodReference ref)
          Establish the RVMMethod for a given MethodReference gracefully.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util with parameters of type RVMMethod
static CompilerAdviceAttribute CompilerAdviceAttribute.getCompilerAdviceInfo(RVMMethod method)
          Given a method and bytecode offset, return an compiler advice attribute or null if none is found for that method and offset.
 void AOSLogging.recordControllerEstimateCostDoNothing(RVMMethod method, int optLevel, double cost)
          This method logs a controller cost estimate for doing nothing.
 void AOSLogging.recordControllerEstimateCostOpt(RVMMethod method, String choiceDesc, double compilationTime, double futureTime)
          This method logs a controller cost estimate.
 void AOSLogging.recordUpdatedCompilationRates(byte compiler, RVMMethod method, int BCLength, int totalBCLength, int MCLength, int totalMCLength, double compTime, double totalCompTime, double totalLogOfRates, int totalLogValueMethods, int totalMethods)
          Records lots of details about the online computation of a compilation rate

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Subclasses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.classloader
 class AbstractMethod
          An abstract method of a java class.
 class NativeMethod
          A native method of a java class.
 class NormalMethod
          A method of a java class that has bytecodes.

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as RVMMethod
private  RVMMethod[] MethodVector.array
private  RVMMethod RVMClass.classInitializerMethod
          Class initializer method, null if no method or if class is initialized (ie class initializer method has been run)
private  RVMMethod[] RVMClass.constructorMethods
          constructor methods of class
private  RVMMethod[] RVMClass.declaredMethods
          Methods of this class
private static RVMMethod[] MethodVector.empty
protected static RVMMethod[] RVMType.emptyVMMethod
          Canonical representation of no methods
(package private)  RVMMethod InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.Link.method
(package private)  RVMMethod[] RVMClass.noIMTConflictMap
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.resolvedMember
          The RVMMethod that this method reference resolved to (null if not yet resolved).
private  RVMMethod[] RVMClass.staticMethods
          static methods of class
private  RVMMethod[] RVMClass.virtualMethods
          virtual methods of class

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader with type parameters of type RVMMethod
private static HashMapRVM<RVMMethod,Object> RVMMethod.annotationDefaults
          A table mapping to values present in the method info tables of annotation types.
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,Annotation[][]> RVMMethod.declaredParameterAnnotations
          Cache of arrays of declared parameter annotations.
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,TypeReference[]> RVMMethod.exceptionTypes
          exceptions this method might throw (null --> none)
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,ReflectionBase> RVMMethod.invokeMethods
          Map from a method to a reflective method capable of invoking it
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,Integer> RVMMethod.jtocOffsets
          The offsets of virtual methods in the JTOC, if it's been placed there by constant propagation.
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,RVMAnnotation[][]> RVMMethod.parameterAnnotations
          Method parameter annotations from the class file that are described as runtime visible.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return RVMMethod
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationInit(TypeReference aClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, int objectInitIndex, RVMField[] aFields, RVMMethod[] aMethods, int[] defaultConstants)
          Create a method to initialise the annotation class
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationMethod(TypeReference annotationClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, RVMMethod interfaceMethod, int constantPoolIndex)
          Create a copy of the method that occurs in the annotation interface.
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createDefaultConstructor(TypeReference klass, MemberReference memRef)
          Create a method to act as a default constructor (just return)
(package private)  RVMMethod RVMMethod.createReflectionMethod(TypeReference reflectionClass, int[] constantPool, MethodReference memRef)
          Create a method for reflectively invoking this method
(package private)  RVMMethod MethodVector.elementAt(int index)
 RVMMethod RVMClass.findDeclaredMethod(Atom methodName)
          Find the first description of a method of this class.
 RVMMethod RVMClass.findDeclaredMethod(Atom methodName, Atom methodDescriptor)
          Find description of a method of this class.
 RVMMethod RVMClass.findInitializerMethod(Atom memberDescriptor)
          Find specified initializer method description.
 RVMMethod RVMClass.findMainMethod()
          Find description of "public static void main(String[])" method of this class.
 RVMMethod RVMClass.findStaticMethod(Atom memberName, Atom memberDescriptor)
          Find specified static method description.
 RVMMethod RVMType.findVirtualMethod(Atom memberName, Atom memberDescriptor)
          Find specified virtual method description.
 RVMMethod[] MethodVector.finish()
 RVMMethod RVMClass.getClassInitializerMethod()
          Static initializer method for this class (null -> no static initializer or initializer already been run).
(package private) static RVMMethod ClassFileReader.getClassInitializerMethod(RVMMethod[] declaredMethods)
          Return the class initializer method among the declared methods of the class
 RVMMethod[] RVMClass.getConstructorMethods()
          Constructors () methods of this class.
 RVMMethod[] RVMClass.getDeclaredMethods()
          Methods defined directly by this class (i.e. not including superclasses).
 RVMMethod MethodReference.getResolvedMember()
          Get the member this reference has been resolved to, if it has already been resolved.
private  RVMMethod InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.getSoleTarget(int index)
 RVMMethod[] Primitive.getStaticMethods()
          Statically dispatched methods of this class/array type.
abstract  RVMMethod[] RVMType.getStaticMethods()
          Statically dispatched methods of this class/array type.
 RVMMethod[] UnboxedType.getStaticMethods()
          Statically dispatched methods of this class/array type.
 RVMMethod[] RVMArray.getStaticMethods()
          Statically dispatched methods of this array type.
 RVMMethod[] RVMClass.getStaticMethods()
          Statically dispatched methods of this class.
 RVMMethod RVMType.getTIBMethodAtSlot(int slot)
          Return the method at the given TIB slot
 RVMMethod[] Primitive.getVirtualMethods()
          Virtually dispatched methods of this class/array type (composed with supertypes, if any).
abstract  RVMMethod[] RVMType.getVirtualMethods()
          Virtually dispatched methods of this class/array type (composed with supertypes, if any).
 RVMMethod[] UnboxedType.getVirtualMethods()
          Virtually dispatched methods of this class/array type (composed with supertypes, if any).
 RVMMethod[] RVMArray.getVirtualMethods()
          Virtually dispatched methods of this array type.
 RVMMethod[] RVMClass.getVirtualMethods()
          Virtually dispatched methods of this class (composed with supertypes, if any).
 RVMMethod MethodReference.peekInterfaceMethod()
          Find the RVMMethod that this member reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
 RVMMethod MethodReference.peekResolvedMethod()
          Find the RVMMethod that this method reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
(package private) static RVMMethod[] ClassFileReader.readDeclaredMethods(TypeReference typeRef, DataInputStream input, int[] constantPool)
          Read the declared methods of the class being read
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.readMethod(TypeReference declaringClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, DataInputStream input)
          Called from ClassFileReader.readClass(TypeReference,DataInputStream) to create an instance of a RVMMethod by reading the relevant data from the argument bytecode stream.
 RVMMethod MethodReference.resolve()
          Find the RVMMethod that this field reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM specification
 RVMMethod MethodReference.resolveInterfaceMethod()
          Find the RVMMethod that this member reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.resolveInterfaceMethodInternal(RVMClass declaringClass)
          Find the RVMMethod that this member reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.resolveInternal(RVMClass declaringClass)
          Find the RVMMethod that this member reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
 RVMMethod MethodReference.resolveInvokeSpecial()
          Resolve the method reference for an invoke special into a target method, if that is possible without causing classloading.
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.searchInterfaceMethods(RVMClass c)

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMMethod
 void InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.addElement(InterfaceMethodSignature sig, RVMMethod m)
(package private)  void MethodVector.addElement(RVMMethod item)
 void MethodVector.addUniqueElement(RVMMethod item)
protected  CompiledMethod SpecializedMethod.compileSpecializedMethod(RVMMethod template, TypeReference[] specializedParams)
          Compile a specialized version of a template method.
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationInit(TypeReference aClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, int objectInitIndex, RVMField[] aFields, RVMMethod[] aMethods, int[] defaultConstants)
          Create a method to initialise the annotation class
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationMethod(TypeReference annotationClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, RVMMethod interfaceMethod, int constantPoolIndex)
          Create a copy of the method that occurs in the annotation interface.
(package private) static Class<?> RVMClass.createReflectionClass(RVMMethod methodToCall)
          Create a synthetic class that extends ReflectionBase and invokes the given method
(package private) static RVMMethod ClassFileReader.getClassInitializerMethod(RVMMethod[] declaredMethods)
          Return the class initializer method among the declared methods of the class
 boolean MemberReference.needsDynamicLink(RVMMethod that)
          Is dynamic linking code required to access "this" member when referenced from "that" method?
private  void RVMClass.resolveNativeMethodsInternal(RVMMethod[] methods)
(package private)  void MethodVector.setElementAt(RVMMethod item, int index)
(package private)  void MethodReference.setResolvedMember(RVMMethod it)
          For use by RVMMethod constructor
 void RVMClass.updateJTOCEntry(RVMMethod m)
          Update the JTOC slot for the given static method to point to the current compiled code for the given method.
 void RVMClass.updateMethod(RVMMethod m)
          Given a method declared by this class, update all dispatching tables to refer to the current compiled code for the method.
static void InterfaceInvocation.updateTIBEntry(RVMClass klass, RVMMethod m)
          If there is an an IMT or ITable entry that contains compiled code for the argument method, then update it to contain the current compiled code for the method.
 void RVMClass.updateTIBEntry(RVMMethod m)
          Update this class's TIB entry for the given method to point to the current compiled code for the given method.
 void RVMClass.updateVirtualMethod(RVMMethod m)
          Update the TIB entry's for all classes that inherit the given method to point to the current compiled code for the given method.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMMethod
InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.Link(InterfaceMethodSignature sig, RVMMethod m, InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.Link n)
RVMClass(TypeReference typeRef, int[] constantPool, short modifiers, RVMClass superClass, RVMClass[] declaredInterfaces, RVMField[] declaredFields, RVMMethod[] declaredMethods, TypeReference[] declaredClasses, TypeReference declaringClass, TypeReference enclosingClass, MethodReference enclosingMethod, Atom sourceName, RVMMethod classInitializerMethod, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          Construct a class from its constituent loaded parts
RVMClass(TypeReference typeRef, int[] constantPool, short modifiers, RVMClass superClass, RVMClass[] declaredInterfaces, RVMField[] declaredFields, RVMMethod[] declaredMethods, TypeReference[] declaredClasses, TypeReference declaringClass, TypeReference enclosingClass, MethodReference enclosingMethod, Atom sourceName, RVMMethod classInitializerMethod, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          Construct a class from its constituent loaded parts

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with parameters of type RVMMethod
protected  void TemplateCompilerFramework.checkTarget(RVMMethod target, int bci)
          Ensure that the callee method is safe to invoke from uninterruptible code
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_resolved_invokespecial(MethodReference methodRef, RVMMethod target)
          Emit code to implement a dynamically linked invokespecial
 boolean ReferenceMaps.isLocalRefType(RVMMethod method, Offset mcoff, int lidx)
          Query if a local variable has a reference type value
 int ReferenceMaps.locateGCPoint(Offset machCodeOffset, RVMMethod method)
          Given a machine code instruction offset, return an index to identify the stack map closest to the offset ( but not beyond).
protected  void TemplateCompilerFramework.printEndHeader(RVMMethod method)
          Print a message to mark the end of machine code printing for a method
protected  void TemplateCompilerFramework.printStartHeader(RVMMethod method)
          Print a message to mark the start of machine code printing for a method
 int ReferenceMaps.showReferenceMapStatistics(RVMMethod method)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with parameters of type RVMMethod
BaselineCompiledMethod(int id, RVMMethod m)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type RVMMethod
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_resolved_invokespecial(MethodReference methodRef, RVMMethod target)
(package private) static boolean BaselineMagic.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
          Entry point to generating magic
(package private) abstract  void BaselineMagic.MagicGenerator.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.EarlyReferenceCheckDecorator.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LateReferenceCheckDecorator.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Load32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Load32_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Load32_MD.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadByte.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadByte_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadUnsignedByte_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadShort.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadShort_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadChar.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadChar_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Load64.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Load64_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store32_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store32_MD.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store8.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store8_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store8.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store8_MD.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store16.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store16_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store16.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store16_MD.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store64.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store64_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store64.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Store64_MD.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Attempt32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Attempt32_Offset.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Attempt32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Magic_Attempt64.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Prefetch.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetObjectType.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Nop.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.MFence.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.FreeStackSlot.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.DuplicateStackSlot.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.QuadZeroExtend.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.QuadSignExtend.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.AddressConstant.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.AddressComparison.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.AddressComparison_isZero.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.AddressComparison_isMax.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordPlus.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordPlus32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordMinus.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordMinus32.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordAnd.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordOr.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordXor.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordLsh.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordRshl.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordRsha.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordNot.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.WordToLong.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.SetRegister.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetRegister.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningObject.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningVoid.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningInt.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningLong.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningFloat.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningDouble.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeEntryPoint.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.DynamicBridgeTo.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.ReturnToNewStack.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.InvokeClassInitializer.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetFramePointer.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetValueAtDisplacement.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.SetValueAtDisplacement.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.CreateArray.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Load32_Array.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Load64_Array.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.LoadByte_Array.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store32_Array.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store64_Array.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Store8_Array.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetReturnAddressLocation.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetTimeBase.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Pause.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Fsqrt.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.Dsqrt.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.GetInlineDepth.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)
(package private)  void BaselineMagic.IsConstantParameter.generateMagic(ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler asm, MethodReference m, RVMMethod cm, Offset sd)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common declared as RVMMethod
 RVMMethod CompiledMethod.method
          The RVMMethod that was compiled

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common that return RVMMethod
 RVMMethod CompiledMethod.getMethod()
          Return the RVMMethod associated with this compiled method

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common with parameters of type RVMMethod
static CompiledMethod CompiledMethods.createCompiledMethod(RVMMethod m, int compilerType)
          Create a CompiledMethod appropriate for the given compilerType

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common with parameters of type RVMMethod
CompiledMethod(int id, RVMMethod m)
          Set the cmid and method fields
HardwareTrapCompiledMethod(int id, RVMMethod m)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with type parameters of type RVMMethod
private  ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,FieldDatabase.FieldWriterInfo> FieldDatabase.FieldDatabaseEntry.summaries

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt that return RVMMethod
static RVMMethod ClassLoaderProxy.lookupMethod(RVMClass cls, MethodReference ref)
          Find the method of the given class that matches the given descriptor.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type RVMMethod
(package private)  FieldDatabase.FieldWriterInfo FieldDatabase.FieldDatabaseEntry.findMethodInfo(RVMMethod m)
private static void FieldAnalysis.recordBottom(RVMMethod m, RVMField f)
          Record that a method writes an unknown concrete type to a field.
private static void FieldAnalysis.recordConcreteType(RVMMethod m, RVMField f, TypeReference t)
          Record that a method stores an object of a particular concrete type to a field.

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver with parameters of type RVMMethod
private  boolean OptimizingBootImageCompiler.match(RVMMethod method)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with type parameters of type RVMMethod
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,MethodSummary> SummaryDatabase.hash

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type RVMMethod
static MethodSummary SummaryDatabase.findMethodSummary(RVMMethod m)
          Lookup a given method in the database
static MethodSummary SummaryDatabase.findOrCreateMethodSummary(RVMMethod m)
private static MethodSummary SimpleEscape.findOrCreateMethodSummary(RVMMethod m, OptOptions options)
          If a method summary exists for a method, get it.
private static void SimpleEscape.performSimpleEscapeAnalysis(RVMMethod m, OptOptions options)
          Perform the simple escape analysis for a method.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type RVMMethod
MethodSummary(RVMMethod m)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir with parameters of type RVMMethod
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getInstanceMethod(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand tib, RVMMethod method)
          Get an instance method from a TIB
private  void ExpandRuntimeServices.primitiveArrayStoreHelper(RVMMethod target, Instruction inst, Instruction next, IR ir)
          Helper method to generate call to primitive arrayStore write barrier
private  void ExpandRuntimeServices.primitiveObjectFieldStoreHelper(RVMMethod target, Instruction inst, Instruction next, IR ir, FieldReference fieldRef)
          Helper method to generate call to primitive putfield write barrier

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining declared as RVMMethod
private  RVMMethod[] InlineDecision.targets
          The set of methods to inline.

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining with type parameters of type RVMMethod
private  HashMapRVM<RVMMethod,InvalidationDatabase.MethodSet> InvalidationDatabase.nonOverriddenHash
          A mapping from RVMMethod to MethodSet: holds the set of methods which depend on a particular method being "final"

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining that return RVMMethod
 RVMMethod[] InlineDecision.getTargets()
          Return the methods to inline according to this decision.
static RVMMethod InterfaceHierarchy.getUniqueImplementation(RVMMethod foo)
          If, in the current class hierarchy, there is exactly one method that defines the interface method foo, then return the unique implementation.
 RVMMethod CompilationState.obtainTarget()
          Obtain the target method from the compilation state.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining with parameters of type RVMMethod
 void ClassLoadingDependencyManager.addNotOverriddenDependency(RVMMethod source, CompiledMethod cm)
          Record that the code currently being compiled (cm) must be invalidated if source is overridden.
 void InvalidationDatabase.addNotOverriddenDependency(RVMMethod source, int dependent_cmid)
          Record that if a particular RVMMethod method is ever overridden, then the CompiledMethod encoded by the cmid must be invalidated.
private  byte DefaultInlineOracle.chooseGuard(RVMMethod caller, RVMMethod singleImpl, RVMMethod callee, CompilationState state, boolean codePatchSupported)
          Logic to select the appropriate guarding mechanism for the edge from caller to callee according to the controlling OptOptions.
 boolean InlineSequence.containsMethod(RVMMethod m)
          Does this inline sequence contain a given method?
static RVMMethod InterfaceHierarchy.getUniqueImplementation(RVMMethod foo)
          If, in the current class hierarchy, there is exactly one method that defines the interface method foo, then return the unique implementation.
static InlineDecision InlineDecision.guardedYES(RVMMethod[] targets, byte[] guards, String reason)
          Return a decision YES to do a guarded inline.
static InlineDecision InlineDecision.guardedYES(RVMMethod target, byte guard, String reason)
          Return a decision YES to do a guarded inline.
static boolean InlineTools.hasBody(RVMMethod callee)
          Does the callee method have a body?
static boolean InlineTools.hasInlinePragma(RVMMethod callee, CompilationState state)
          Should the callee method always be inlined?
static boolean InlineTools.hasNoInlinePragma(RVMMethod callee, CompilationState state)
          Should the callee method be barred from ever being considered for inlining?
 Iterator<Integer> InvalidationDatabase.invalidatedByOverriddenMethod(RVMMethod m)
          Returns an iteration of CMID's (compiled method ids) that are dependent on the argument RVMMethod not being overridden.
static boolean InlineTools.isCurrentlyFinal(RVMMethod callee, boolean searchSubclasses)
          Is the method CURRENTLY final (not overridden by any subclass)?
static boolean InlineTools.isForbiddenSpeculation(RVMMethod caller, RVMMethod callee)
          Is it safe to speculatively inline the callee into the caller?
static boolean InlineTools.needsGuard(RVMMethod callee)
          Does an inlined call to callee need a guard, to protect against a mispredicted dynamic dispatch?
static InlineDecision InlineDecision.NO(RVMMethod target, String reason)
          Return a decision NOT to inline.
private  void ClassLoadingDependencyManager.processOverride(RVMMethod overridden)
 void InvalidationDatabase.removeNotOverriddenDependency(RVMMethod source)
          Delete all NotOverridden dependencies on the argument RVMMethod
 void InvalidationDatabase.removeNotOverriddenDependency(RVMMethod source, int dependent_cmid)
          Delete a NotOverriddenDependency.
static InlineDecision InlineDecision.YES(RVMMethod target, String reason)
          Return a decision to inline without a guard.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining with parameters of type RVMMethod
InlineDecision(RVMMethod[] targets, byte[] guards, InlineDecision.Code code, String reason)

Uses of RVMMethod in

Constructors in with parameters of type RVMMethod
GenericRegisterPool(RVMMethod meth)
          Initializes a new register pool for the method meth.

Uses of RVMMethod in

Constructors in with parameters of type RVMMethod
RegisterPool(RVMMethod meth)
          Initializes a new register pool for the method meth.

Uses of RVMMethod in

Fields in declared as RVMMethod
(package private)  RVMMethod
          Target RVMMethod of invocation.
 RVMMethod CodeConstantOperand.value
          The non-null method for the code represent

Methods in that return RVMMethod
 RVMMethod MethodOperand.getTarget()

Methods in with parameters of type RVMMethod
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.COMPILED(RVMMethod callee, Offset offset)
          Returns a method operand representing a compiled method with designated JTOC offset.
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.INTERFACE(MethodReference ref, RVMMethod target)
          create a method operand for an INVOKE_INTERFACE bytecode
 void MethodOperand.refine(RVMMethod target)
          Refine the target information.
 void MethodOperand.refine(RVMMethod target, boolean isPreciseTarget)
          Refine the target information.
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.SPECIAL(MethodReference ref, RVMMethod target)
          create a method operand for an INVOKE_SPECIAL bytecode
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.STATIC(MethodReference ref, RVMMethod target)
          create a method operand for an INVOKE_STATIC bytecode
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.STATIC(RVMMethod target)
          create a method operand for an INVOKE_STATIC bytecode where the target method is known at compile time.
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.VIRTUAL(MethodReference ref, RVMMethod target)
          create a method operand for an INVOKE_VIRTUAL bytecode

Constructors in with parameters of type RVMMethod
CodeConstantOperand(RVMMethod v)
          Construct a new code constant operand
MethodOperand(MemberReference ref, RVMMethod tar, byte t)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32 with parameters of type RVMMethod
private static void FinalMIRExpansion.expandUnconditionalYieldpoint(Instruction s, IR ir, RVMMethod meth)
private static void FinalMIRExpansion.expandYieldpoint(Instruction s, IR ir, RVMMethod meth, IA32ConditionOperand ypCond)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with parameters of type RVMMethod
 boolean OptMachineCodeMap.hasInlinedEdge(RVMMethod caller, int bcIndex, RVMMethod callee)
          This method searches the machine code maps and determines if the given call edge is definitely inlined into the method.
private  void OptMachineCodeMap.recordStats(RVMMethod method, int mapSize, int machineCodeSize, boolean DUMP_MAP_SIZES)
          Gather cumulative stats about the space consumed by maps.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with parameters of type RVMMethod
OptCompiledMethod(int id, RVMMethod m)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.specialization

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.specialization with type parameters of type RVMMethod
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,SpecializationDatabase.MethodSet<RVMMethod>> SpecializationDatabase.specialVersionsHash
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMMethod,SpecializationDatabase.MethodSet<RVMMethod>> SpecializationDatabase.specialVersionsHash

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.specialization with parameters of type RVMMethod
(package private) static int SpecializationDatabase.getSpecialVersionCount(RVMMethod m)
(package private) static Iterator<SpecializedMethod> SpecializationDatabase.getSpecialVersions(RVMMethod m)
          Return an iteration of SpecializedMethods that represents specialized compiled versions of the method pointed by RVMMethod

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.ia32 with parameters of type RVMMethod
static int MachineReflection.countParameters(RVMMethod method)
          Determine number/type of registers and parameters required to call specified method.
static ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray InterfaceMethodConflictResolver.createStub(int[] sigIds, RVMMethod[] targets)
private static void InterfaceMethodConflictResolver.insertStubCase(Assembler asm, int[] sigIds, RVMMethod[] targets, int[] bcIndices, int low, int high)
static void MachineReflection.packageParameters(RVMMethod method, Object thisArg, Object[] otherArgs, WordArray GPRs, double[] FPRs, byte[] FPRmeta, WordArray Parameters)
          Collect parameters into arrays of registers/spills, as required to call specified method.

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.jni

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.jni with parameters of type RVMMethod
JNICompiledMethod(int id, RVMMethod m)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32 with parameters of type RVMMethod
static void JNICompiler.generateEpilogForJNIMethod(Assembler asm, RVMMethod method)
          Handle the C to Java transition: JNI methods in
(package private) static Object[] JNIHelpers.packageParameterFromJValue(RVMMethod targetMethod, Address argAddress)
          Repackage the arguments passed as an array of jvalue into an array of Object, used by the JNI functions CallStaticMethodA
(package private) static Object[] JNIHelpers.packageParameterFromVarArg(RVMMethod targetMethod, Address argAddress)
          Repackage the arguments passed as a variable argument list into an array of Object, used by the JNI functions CallStaticMethodV

Uses of RVMMethod in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMMethod
static int MemoryManager.pickAllocator(RVMType type, RVMMethod method)
          Returns the appropriate allocation scheme/area for the given type and given method requesting the allocation.

Uses of RVMMethod in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMMethod
private  void ScanThread.printMethod(RVMMethod m)
          Print out the name of a method

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.osr.bytecodes

Methods in org.jikesrvm.osr.bytecodes that return RVMMethod
static RVMMethod InvokeStatic.targetMethod(int tid)

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Fields in org.jikesrvm.runtime declared as RVMMethod
private  RVMMethod StackBrowser.currentMethod
          Method associated with current stack location
static RVMMethod Entrypoints.getClassFromStackFrame
static RVMMethod Entrypoints.getClassLoaderFromStackFrame
static RVMMethod Entrypoints.java_lang_reflect_Method_invokeMethod
static RVMMethod Entrypoints.jniEntry
static RVMMethod Entrypoints.jniExit
static RVMMethod Entrypoints.jniThrowPendingException
private  RVMMethod StackTrace.Element.method
          Stack trace's method, null => invisible or trap

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime that return RVMMethod
 RVMMethod StackBrowser.getMethod()
          The method associated with the current stack frame
static RVMMethod EntrypointHelper.getMethod(Class<?> klass, Atom member, Class<?>... argTypes)
(package private) static RVMMethod DynamicLinker.DL_Helper.resolveMethodRef(DynamicLink dynamicLink)
          Resolve method ref into appropriate RVMMethod Taken: DynamicLink that describes call site.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type RVMMethod
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.buildMDAHelper(RVMMethod method, int[] numElements, int dimIndex, RVMArray arrayType)
(package private) static void DynamicLinker.DL_Helper.compileMethod(DynamicLink dynamicLink, RVMMethod targetMethod)
          Compile (if necessary) targetMethod and patch the appropriate disaptch tables
 Object ReflectionBase.invoke(RVMMethod method, Object obj, Object[] args)
          Invoke reflective method being wrapped by this object
static Object Reflection.invoke(RVMMethod method, ReflectionBase invoker, Object thisArg, Object[] otherArgs, boolean isNonvirtual)
          Call a method.
private static Object Reflection.outOfLineInvoke(RVMMethod method, Object thisArg, Object[] otherArgs, boolean isNonvirtual)
 void StackBrowser.setMethod(RVMMethod method)
          Set the current method, called only by the appropriate compiled method code

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type RVMMethod
StackTrace.Element(RVMMethod method, int ln)
          Constructor for opt compiled methods

Uses of RVMMethod in org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Fields in org.jikesrvm.scheduler declared as RVMMethod
private  RVMMethod MainThread.mainMethod

Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler that return RVMMethod
(package private)  RVMMethod MainThread.getMainMethod()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with parameters of type RVMMethod
private static void RVMThread.showMethod(RVMMethod method, int lineNumber, Address fp)
          Helper function for RVMThread.dumpStack(Address,Address).

Uses of RVMMethod in

Fields in with type parameters of type RVMMethod
(package private) static Vector<RVMMethod> OptTestHarness.baselineMethodVector
(package private) static Vector<RVMMethod> OptTestHarness.optMethodVector
(package private) static Vector<RVMMethod> OptTestHarness.reflectMethodVector

Methods in that return RVMMethod
(package private) static RVMMethod OptTestHarness.findDeclaredOrFirstMethod(RVMClass klass, String methname, String methdesc)
          Finds a method, either one with a given descriptor or the first matching one in in the given class.

Methods in with parameters of type RVMMethod
private static void OptTestHarness.processMethod(RVMMethod method, OptOptions opts)
private static void OptTestHarness.processMethod(RVMMethod method, OptOptions opts, boolean isBaseline)