Package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util

Interface Summary
UnResolvedWeightedCallTargets.Visitor Used by visitTargets

Class Summary
AOSExternalOptions Class to handle command-line arguments and options for the adaptive system.
AOSGenerator This class provides advice file used by compile replay experiments Right now this class is basically duplicate part of the AOSLogging class.
AOSLogging This class provides logging functionality for the Adaptive Optimization System.
AOSOptions Additional option values that are computed internally are defined here.
BlockingPriorityQueue This class extends PriorityQueueRVM to safely support multiple producers/consumers where the consumers are blocked if no objects are available to consume.
BlockingPriorityQueue.CallBack Used to notify consumers when about to wait and when notified Default implementation does nothing, but can be overriden as needed by client.
CompilerAdvice Utilities for providing compiler advice.
CompilerAdviceAttribute Defines an attribute for compiler advice, and maintains a map allowing attributes to be retrieved by method and bytecode offset.
CompilerAdviceInfoReader Utility to read compiler advice annotations from file in ascii format.
DynamicCallFileInfoReader Utility to read dynamic call graph annotations from file in ASCII format.
UnResolvedCallSite A unresolved call site is a pair: <MethodReference, bcIndex>.
UnResolvedWeightedCallTargets A collection of weighted call targets.
UnResolvedWeightedCallTargets.UnResolvedMultiTarget An implementation for storing a call site distribution that has multiple targets.
UnResolvedWeightedCallTargets.UnResolvedSingleTarget An implementation for storing a call site distribution that has a single target.