
Interface Summary
Operators Interface with all operator names and opcodes.

Class Summary
ALoad The ALoad InstructionFormat class.
AStore The AStore InstructionFormat class.
Athrow The Athrow InstructionFormat class.
Attempt The Attempt InstructionFormat class.
BasicBlock A basic block in the Factored Control Flow Graph (FCFG).
BBend The BBend InstructionFormat class.
Binary The Binary InstructionFormat class.
BooleanCmp The BooleanCmp InstructionFormat class.
BoundsCheck The BoundsCheck InstructionFormat class.
BranchProfileCarrier InstructionFormats that have a BranchProfile (which is BranchProfileOperand)
CacheOp The CacheOp InstructionFormat class.
Call The Call InstructionFormat class.
CondMove The CondMove InstructionFormat class.
ControlFlowGraph The Factored Control Flow Graph (FCFG).
Empty The Empty InstructionFormat class.
ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock A basic block that marks the start of an exception handler.
ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag A container for the chain of exception handlers for a basic block.
GCIRMap This class holds GC maps for various program points.
GCIRMapElement This class holds each element in the GCIRMap
GenericPhysicalRegisterSet This class represents a set of Registers corresponding to the physical register set.
GenericPhysicalRegisterTools This abstract class provides a set of useful architecture-independent methods for manipulating physical registers for an IR.
GenericRegisterPool Pool of symbolic registers.
GetField The GetField InstructionFormat class.
GetStatic The GetStatic InstructionFormat class.
Goto The Goto InstructionFormat class.
GuardCarrier InstructionFormats that have a Guard (which is Operand)
GuardedBinary The GuardedBinary InstructionFormat class.
GuardedSet The GuardedSet InstructionFormat class.
GuardedUnary The GuardedUnary InstructionFormat class.
GuardResultCarrier InstructionFormats that have a GuardResult (which is RegisterOperand)
HIRInfo Wrapper class around IR info that is valid on the HIR/LIR/MIR
IfCmp The IfCmp InstructionFormat class.
IfCmp2 The IfCmp2 InstructionFormat class.
InlineGuard The InlineGuard InstructionFormat class.
InstanceOf The InstanceOf InstructionFormat class.
Instruction Instructions are the basic atomic unit of the IR.
Instruction.BASE_OE Shared functionality for operand enumerations
Instruction.MOE Enumerate the memory operands of an instruction
Instruction.OE enumerate leaf operands in the given ranges
Instruction.OEDefsOnly Enumerate the def operands of an instruction (ignores memory operands, since the contained operands of a MO are uses).
Instruction.ROE Enumerate the root operands of an instruction
InstructionFormat Abstract parent class of all InstructionFormat classes.
InstrumentedCounter The InstrumentedCounter InstructionFormat class.
IR An IR object (IR is short for Intermediate Representation) contains all the per-compilation information associated with a method that is being compiled.
IREnumeration This class is not meant to be instantiated.
IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum This class implements an Enumeration of Operands.
IREnumeration.AllInstructionsEnum This class implements an enumeration of instructions over all instructions for a basic block.
IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum This class implements an Enumeration of Operand.
IRSummary General utilities to summarize an IR
IRTools This abstract class contains a bunch of useful static methods for performing operations on IR.
Label The Label InstructionFormat class.
LIRInfo Wrapper class around IR info that is valid on the LIR/MIR
Load The Load InstructionFormat class.
LocationCarrier InstructionFormats that have a Location (which is LocationOperand)
LookupSwitch The LookupSwitch InstructionFormat class.
LowTableSwitch The LowTableSwitch InstructionFormat class.
MachineSpecificIR Generic wrappers around machine-specific IR
MIR_BinaryAcc The MIR_BinaryAcc InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Branch The MIR_Branch InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CacheOp The MIR_CacheOp InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Call The MIR_Call InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CaseLabel The MIR_CaseLabel InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Compare The MIR_Compare InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CompareExchange The MIR_CompareExchange InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CompareExchange8B The MIR_CompareExchange8B InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CondBranch The MIR_CondBranch InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CondBranch2 The MIR_CondBranch2 InstructionFormat class.
MIR_CondMove The MIR_CondMove InstructionFormat class.
MIR_ConvertDW2QW The MIR_ConvertDW2QW InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Divide The MIR_Divide InstructionFormat class.
MIR_DoubleShift The MIR_DoubleShift InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Empty The MIR_Empty InstructionFormat class.
MIR_FSave The MIR_FSave InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Lea The MIR_Lea InstructionFormat class.
MIR_LowTableSwitch The MIR_LowTableSwitch InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Move The MIR_Move InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Multiply The MIR_Multiply InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Nullary The MIR_Nullary InstructionFormat class.
MIR_RDTSC The MIR_RDTSC InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Return The MIR_Return InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Set The MIR_Set InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Test The MIR_Test InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Trap The MIR_Trap InstructionFormat class.
MIR_TrapIf The MIR_TrapIf InstructionFormat class.
MIR_Unary The MIR_Unary InstructionFormat class.
MIR_UnaryAcc The MIR_UnaryAcc InstructionFormat class.
MIR_UnaryNoRes The MIR_UnaryNoRes InstructionFormat class.
MIR_XChng The MIR_XChng InstructionFormat class.
MIRInfo Wrapper class around IR info that is valid on the MIR
MonitorOp The MonitorOp InstructionFormat class.
Move The Move InstructionFormat class.
Multianewarray The Multianewarray InstructionFormat class.
New The New InstructionFormat class.
NewArray The NewArray InstructionFormat class.
Nullary The Nullary InstructionFormat class.
NullCheck The NullCheck InstructionFormat class.
Operator An Operator represents the operator of an Instruction.
OperatorNames Class to store the string representations of different operators.
OsrBarrier The OsrBarrier InstructionFormat class.
OsrPoint The OsrPoint InstructionFormat class.
Phi The Phi InstructionFormat class.
Prepare The Prepare InstructionFormat class.
Prologue The Prologue InstructionFormat class.
PutField The PutField InstructionFormat class.
PutStatic The PutStatic InstructionFormat class.
Register Represents a symbolic or physical register.
RegSpillListElement A class to hold each element in the GCIRMap
ResultCarrier InstructionFormats that have a Result (which is RegisterOperand)
Return The Return InstructionFormat class.
Store The Store InstructionFormat class.
StoreCheck The StoreCheck InstructionFormat class.
TableSwitch The TableSwitch InstructionFormat class.
Trap The Trap InstructionFormat class.
TrapIf The TrapIf InstructionFormat class.
TypeCheck The TypeCheck InstructionFormat class.
Unary The Unary InstructionFormat class.
WeightedBranchTargets Used to iterate over the branch targets (including the fall through edge) and associated probabilites of a basic block.
ZeroCheck The ZeroCheck InstructionFormat class.