Package org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Class Summary
BootThread Represents the thread that the Jikes RVM uses to boot itself.
FinalizerThread Finalizer thread.
Latch An implementation of a latch using the HeavyCondLock in "nice" mode.
LightMonitor A light-weigh condition variable and lock, like Monitor, but this one is movable and can be garbage collected.
Lock Lock provides RVM support for monitors and Java level synchronization.
Lock.AppRunStartMonitor Initialize counts in preparation for gathering statistics
Lock.ExitMonitor Report statistics at the end of execution.
MainThread Thread in which user's "main" program runs.
Monitor Implementation of a heavy lock and condition variable implemented using the primitives available from the operating system.
NoYieldpointsMonitor A heavy condition variable and lock that also disables interrupts while the lock is held.
RVMThread A generic java thread's execution context.
RVMThread.BlockAdapter A block adapter specifies the reason for blocking or unblocking a thread.
SoftLatch An implementation of a latch using monitors.
SpinLock Alternative (to Java monitors) light-weight synchronization mechanism to implement Java monitors Lock.
Synchronization Class to provide synchronization methods where java language synchronization is insufficient and Magic.prepare and Magic.attempt are at too low a level.
ThinLock Implementation of thin locks.
ThreadQueue An unsynchronized queue data structure for Threads.
TimerThread The timer thread.

Enum Summary
RVMThread.Waiting An enumeration that describes the different manners in which a thread might be voluntarily waiting.