
Class Summary
AlignmentEncoding Support for encoding a small amount of metadata in the alignment of a TIB.
CollectorThread System thread used to perform garbage collection work.
DebugUtil Common debugging utility functions used by various garbage collectors
GCMapIterator Base class for iterators that identify object references and JSR return addresses held in stackframes produced by each of our compilers (baseline, opt, etc.).
GCMapIteratorGroup Maintains a collection of compiler specific GCMapIterators that are used by collection threads when scanning thread stacks to locate object references in those stacks.
HandInlinedScanning Supply and interpretation of values to be alignment-encoded into the TIB pointer of an object.
MemoryManager The interface that the MMTk memory manager presents to Jikes RVM
MemoryManagerConstants This class merely exposes the MMTk constants into the Jikes RVM package space so that they can be accessed by the VM in an MM-neutral way.
Monitor This class allows JMTk to register call backs with Callbacks.
SpecializedScanMethod A method that scan objects and is specialized to a specific MMTk TransitiveClosure type.
SpecializedScanMethod.Names The atoms for the names of the specialized methods
ThreadContext RVMThread must extend this class to associate appropriate context with processor.