Package org.jikesrvm.runtime

Interface Summary
ArchEntrypoints Entrypoints that are specific to instruction architecture.
ExitStatus Exit status codes for the Jikes RVM virtual machine.
ObjectAddressRemapper Facility for remapping object addresses across virtual machine address spaces.

Class Summary
BootRecord Information required to start the virtual machine and communicate with the outside world.
DynamicLibrary Interface to the dynamic libraries of our underlying operating system.
DynamicLink Place for CompiledMethod.getDynamicLink() to deposit return information.
DynamicLinker Implement lazy compilation.
DynamicLinker.DL_Helper Helper class that does the real work of resolving method references and compiling a lazy method invocation.
EntrypointHelper Helper class for retrieving entrypoints.
Entrypoints Fields and methods of the virtual machine that are needed by compiler-generated machine code or C runtime code.
ExceptionDeliverer Interface for exception delivery called by RuntimeEntrypoints.deliverException() to pass control to a stackframe whose method has an appropriate "catch" block or to step over a stackframe that does not have an appropriate catch block.
FileSystem Interface to filesystem of underlying operating system.
Magic Magic methods for accessing raw machine memory, registers, and operating system calls.
MagicNames Method names that are treated specially by compiler.
MathConstants Placeholder for constants that are accessed from generated code.
Memory Low level memory management functions.
Reflection Arch-independent portion of reflective method invoker.
ReflectionBase Base class for all reflective method invoker classes, contains utility methods that are invoked to unwrap the reflective arguments.
RuntimeEntrypoints Entrypoints into the runtime of the virtual machine.
StackBrowser Use this class to explore the stack.
StackTrace A list of compiled method and instructionOffset pairs that describe the state of the call stack at a particular instant.
StackTrace.Element Class to wrap up a stack frame element
Statics The static fields and methods comprising a running virtual machine image.
SysCall Support for lowlevel (i.e. non-JNI) invocation of C functions with static addresses.
Time Primitives from which to build interval and absolute timers.

Exception Summary
TimeoutException Exception to indicate that a blocking call has timed out.