Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Class Summary
Barriers Class called from baseline compiler to generate architecture specific write barriers for garbage collectors.
BaselineCompilerImpl BaselineCompilerImpl is the baseline compiler implementation for the IA32 architecture.
BaselineExceptionDeliverer Handle exception delivery and stack unwinding for methods compiled by baseline compiler.
BaselineGCMapIterator Iterator for stack frame built by the Baseline compiler.
BaselineMagic Create magic code
BaselineMagic.AddressComparison Address comparison
BaselineMagic.AddressComparison_isMax Is an address max?
BaselineMagic.AddressComparison_isZero Is an address zero?
BaselineMagic.AddressConstant Generate an address constant
BaselineMagic.Attempt32 Compare and swap a 32bit value
BaselineMagic.Attempt32_Offset Compare and swap a 32bit value at an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.CreateArray Create an array for a runtime table
BaselineMagic.Dsqrt Double precision square root
BaselineMagic.DuplicateStackSlot Perform an operation to duplicate a stack slot
BaselineMagic.DynamicBridgeTo Perform dynamic bridge from linker to compiled code
BaselineMagic.EarlyReferenceCheckDecorator Add a reference check to a magic generator
BaselineMagic.FreeStackSlot Perform an operation to release a stack slot
BaselineMagic.Fsqrt Floating point square root
BaselineMagic.GetFramePointer Get frame pointer on entry to method
BaselineMagic.GetInlineDepth Return the current inlining depth (always 0 for baseline)
BaselineMagic.GetObjectType Get the type from an object
BaselineMagic.GetRegister Put a register on to the stack
BaselineMagic.GetReturnAddressLocation Create address that holds return address
BaselineMagic.GetTimeBase Get a 64bit time base value (not accurate on certain multi-cores)
BaselineMagic.GetValueAtDisplacement Load an address from the stack and load the value at it plus a displacement
BaselineMagic.InvokeClassInitializer Boot up calling of class initializers
BaselineMagic.InvokeEntryPoint Invoke an entry point taking values off of the stack
BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningDouble Reflective method dispatch
BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningFloat Reflective method dispatch
BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningInt Reflective method dispatch
BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningLong Reflective method dispatch
BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningObject Reflective method dispatch
BaselineMagic.InvokeMethodReturningVoid Reflective method dispatch
BaselineMagic.IsConstantParameter Is the requested parameter a constant?
BaselineMagic.LateReferenceCheckDecorator Add a reference check to a magic generator
BaselineMagic.Load32 Load a 32bit quantity from an address
BaselineMagic.Load32_Array Get a 32bit element from a runtime table
BaselineMagic.Load32_Offset Load a 32bit quantity from an address and offset parameter
BaselineMagic.Load64 Load a 64bit quantity from an address
BaselineMagic.Load64_Array Get a 64bit element from a runtime table
BaselineMagic.Load64_Offset Load a 32bit quantity from an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.LoadByte Load a byte from an address
BaselineMagic.LoadByte_Array Get a byte element from a runtime table
BaselineMagic.LoadByte_Offset Load a byte from an address and offset parameter
BaselineMagic.LoadChar Load a char from an address
BaselineMagic.LoadChar_Offset Load a char from an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.LoadShort Load a short quantity from an address
BaselineMagic.LoadShort_Offset Load a short quantity from an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.LoadUnsignedByte_Offset Load an unsigned byte from an address and offset parameter
BaselineMagic.Magic_Attempt32 Compare and swap a 32bit value in the format used in Magic
BaselineMagic.Magic_Attempt64 Compare and swap a 64bit value in the format used in Magic
BaselineMagic.Magic_Load32_MD Load a 32bit quantity from an address and offset parameter
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store16 Store a 16 bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store16_MD Store a 16bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic with an additional meta-data argument
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store32 Store a 32bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store32_MD Store a 32bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic with an additional meta-data argument
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store64 Store a 64bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store64_MD Store a 64bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic with an additional meta-data argument
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store8 Store a 8bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic
BaselineMagic.Magic_Store8_MD Store a 8bit quantity to an address plus offset in the format used in Magic with an additional meta-data argument
BaselineMagic.MagicGenerator Parent of all magic generating classes
BaselineMagic.MFence Generate the MFENCE instruction.
BaselineMagic.Nop Perform no-operation
BaselineMagic.Pause Pause hint that thread is contending for a lock
BaselineMagic.Prefetch Prefetch from an address
BaselineMagic.QuadSignExtend Sign extend 32bit int to 64bits
BaselineMagic.QuadZeroExtend Zero high part of 64bits
BaselineMagic.ReturnToNewStack Exchange stacks
BaselineMagic.SetRegister Set a register to a value from the stack
BaselineMagic.SetValueAtDisplacement Store a value to an address from the stack plus a displacement
BaselineMagic.Store16 Store a 16bit quantity to an address
BaselineMagic.Store16_Offset Store a 16bit quantity to an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.Store32 Store a 32bit quantity to an address
BaselineMagic.Store32_Array Store a 32bit element to a runtime table
BaselineMagic.Store32_Offset Store a 32bit quantity to an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.Store64 Store a 64bit quantity to an address
BaselineMagic.Store64_Array Store a 64bit element to a runtime table
BaselineMagic.Store64_Offset Store a 64bit quantity to an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.Store8 Store a 8bit quantity to an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.Store8_Array Set a 8bit in a runtime table
BaselineMagic.Store8_Offset Store a 8bit quantity to an address plus offset
BaselineMagic.WordAnd Logical and of words
BaselineMagic.WordLsh Logical left shift of words
BaselineMagic.WordMinus Subtraction of words
BaselineMagic.WordMinus32 Special case of 64bit subtraction to 32bit value
BaselineMagic.WordNot Logical not of word
BaselineMagic.WordOr Logical or of words
BaselineMagic.WordPlus Addition of words
BaselineMagic.WordPlus32 Special case of 64bit addition to 32bit value
BaselineMagic.WordRsha Arithmetic right shift of words
BaselineMagic.WordRshl Logical right shift of words
BaselineMagic.WordToLong Convert word to long
BaselineMagic.WordXor Logical xor of words