Package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller

Interface Summary
ControllerInputEvent Abstract parent class for events from organizers to the controller.

Class Summary
AdaptiveInlining Collection of static methods to assist with adaptive inlining.
AINewHotEdgeEvent Event used by the Adaptive Inlining Organizer to notify the controller that a call arc originating in a hot method has become hot and therefore recompilation of the method should be considered to enable additional profile-directed inlining.
AnalyticModel This class encapsulates the analytic model used by the controller to guide multi-level recompilation decisions.
Controller This class contains top level adaptive compilation subsystem functions.
ControllerMemory This class records decisions taken by the controller.
ControllerPlan An instance of this class describes a compilation decision made by the controller.
ControllerThread This class implements the controller thread.
HotMethodEvent Abstract parent class for events from organizers to the controller used to communicate that a method should be considered as a candidate for recompilation.
HotMethodRecompilationEvent Event used by the basic recompilation organizer to notify the controller that a method is hot.
MultiLevelAdaptiveModel Implements the multi-level adaptive strategy using an analytic model, as described in the OOPSLA 2000 paper.
RecompilationChoice A recompilation choice represents an action (or a set of actions) that can be considered by the controller's analytic model.
RecompilationStrategy An abstract class providing the interface to the decision making component of the controller.
RecompileOptChoice Represents the recompilation choice of simply recompiling the method in question at a particular opt-level.