
Class Summary
MachineSpecificIRIA Wrappers around IA32-specific IR common to both 32 & 64 bit
MachineSpecificIRIA.EM64T Wrappers around EMT64-specific IR (64-bit specific)
MachineSpecificIRIA.IA32 Wrappers around IA32-specific IR (32-bit specific)
PhysicalDefUse This class provides utilities to record defs and uses of physical registers by IR operators.
PhysicalDefUse.PDUEnumeration A class to enumerate physical registers based on a code.
PhysicalRegisterSet This class represents a set of Registers corresponding to the IA32 register set.
PhysicalRegisterSet.PhysicalRegisterEnumeration An enumerator for use by the physical register utilities.
PhysicalRegisterTools This abstract class provides a set of useful methods for manipulating physical registers for an IR.
RegisterPool Pool of symbolic registers.