Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport

Class Summary
OptCompiledMethod An implementation of CompiledMethod for the OPT compiler.
OptEncodedCallSiteTree Suppose the following inlining actions have been taken (<callerMID, bcIndex, calleeMID>): <A, 12, B>, <A,14,C>, <A,16,D>, < B,3,E>, < B,5,F >, <C,10,G>, <G,20,H>, <H,30,I> Then the OptEncodedCallSiteTree would be: -1, A, -2, 12, B, 14, C, 16, D, -6, 3, E, 5, F, -9, 10, G, -2, 20 H -2 30 I
OptExceptionTable Encoding of try ranges in the final machinecode and the corresponding exception type and catch block start.
OptGCMap A class that encapsulates the GCMap portion of the machine code maps.
OptGenericGCMapIterator This class contains its architecture-independent code for iteration across the references represented by a frame built by the OPT compiler.
OptLinker Routines for dynamic linking and other misc hooks from opt-compiled code to runtime services.
OptMachineCodeMap A class that encapsulates mapping information about generated machine code.
OptSaveVolatile Contains routines that must be compiled with special prologues and eplilogues that save/restore all registers (both volatile and non-volatile).