Interface Summary | |
BootstrapClassLoader.Handler<T> | |
BytecodeConstants | Information about java byte codes that appear in the "code" attribute of a .class file. |
ClassLoaderConstants | |
ClassLoadingListener | Interface for callbacks on classloading events. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractMethod | An abstract method of a java class. |
AnnotatedElement | A common abstract super class for all elements that can be annotated within the JVM. |
ApplicationClassLoader | The class loader used by Jikes RVM to load the application program. |
Atom | An utf8-encoded byte string. |
Atom.InternedStrings | Inner class responsible for string interning. |
BootstrapClassLoader | Implements an object that functions as the bootstrap class loader. |
BytecodeStream | Provides minimal abstraction layer to a stream of bytecodes from the code attribute of a method. |
ClassFileReader | Support code to parse a DataInputStream in the Java classfile format and create the appropriate instance of an RVMClass or UnboxedType. |
DynamicTypeCheck | Data structures and code for fast dynamic type checking. |
ExceptionHandlerMap | A java method's try/catch/finally information. |
FieldReference | A class to represent the reference in a class file to a field. |
FieldVector | Lightweight implementation of a vector of Fields. |
InterfaceInvocation | Runtime system mechanisms and data structures to implement interface invocation. |
InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict | |
InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.Link | |
InterfaceMethodSignature | An interface method signature is a pair of atoms: interfaceMethodName + interfaceMethodDescriptor. |
LocalVariableTable | A java method's local variable information |
LocalVariableTable.LocalVariable | Information needed to describe a local variable |
MemberReference | A class to represent the reference in a class file to some member (field or method). |
MethodReference | A class to represent the reference in a class file to a method of that class or interface. |
MethodVector | Lightweight implementation of a vector of Fields. |
NativeMethod | A native method of a java class. |
NormalMethod | A method of a java class that has bytecodes. |
Primitive | Description of a java "primitive" type (int, float, etc.) |
RVMAnnotation | Internal representation of an annotation. |
RVMAnnotation.AnnotationMember | A class to decode and hold the name and its associated value for an annotation member |
RVMArray | Description of a java "array" type. |
RVMClass | Description of a java "class" type. |
RVMClassLoader | Manufacture type descriptions as needed by the running virtual machine. |
RVMField | A field of a java class. |
RVMMember | A field or method of a java class. |
RVMMethod | A method of a java class corresponding to a method_info structure in the class file. |
RVMType | A description of a java type. |
SpecializedMethod | A method that is specialized across all reference types. |
SpecializedMethodManager | The manager of specialized methods. |
TableBasedDynamicLinker | Dynamic linking via indirection tables. |
TypeDescriptorParsing | A Java class for parsing type descriptors and class names. |
TypeReference | A class to represent the reference in a class file to some type (class, primitive or array). |
TypeReferenceVector | Lightweight implementation of a vector of Fields. |
UnboxedType | Description of an Unboxed Magic type. |
UTF8Convert | Abstract class that contains conversion routines to/from utf8 and/or pseudo-utf8. |
UTF8Convert.ByteArrayStringEncoderVisitor | Visitor that builds up a char[] as characters are decoded |
UTF8Convert.ByteBufferStringEncoderVisitor | Visitor that builds up a char[] as characters are decoded |
UTF8Convert.StringHashCodeVisitor | Visitor that builds up a String.hashCode form hashCode as characters are decoded |
UTF8Convert.UTF8CharacterVisitor | UTF8 character visitor abstraction |
Error Summary | |
BootImageMemberLookupError |