Package org.jikesrvm.jni

Class Summary
FunctionTable This class holds a JNI function table, at runtime it is an array with CodeArray elements
JNICompiledMethod Information associated with artifical stackframe inserted at the transition from Jave to JNI Native C.
JNIEnvironment A JNIEnvironment is created for each Java thread.
JNIFunctions This class implements the 232 JNI functions.
JNIGenericHelpers Platform independent utility functions called from JNIFunctions (cannot be placed in JNIFunctions because methods there are specially compiled to be called from native).
JNIGlobalRefTable Weak Global References are global references (negative numbers), with the 2^30 bit UNset.
LinkageTripletTable This class holds a triplet for each entry of the JNI function table.