Package org.jikesrvm.osr.bytecodes

Class Summary
AConstNull aconst_null
CheckCast checkcast instruction
DoubleStore BC_DoubleStore: dstore, dstore_<i>
FloatStore BC_FloatStore: fstore, fstore_<i>
Goto goto instruction
IntStore BC_IntStore : {@code istore_
InvokeCompiledMethod invoke a compiled method
InvokeStatic Special invokestatic, with only two possible target ObjectHolder.getRefAt and ObjectHolder.cleanRefs indiced by GETREFAT and CLEANREFS.
LoadDoubleConst BC_LoadDoubleConst: ldc2_w
LoadFloatConst BC_LoadFloatConst: ldc, ldc_w
LoadIntConst load an integer constant on the stack
LoadLongConst load a long constant on the stack
LoadRetAddrConst artificial instruction, load a PC on the stack.
LoadWordConst load a word constant on the stack
LongStore BC_LongStore: lstore, lstore_<n>
Nop nop
ParamInitEnd LocalInitEnd
Pop pop
PseudoBytecode OSR_PseudoBytecode is super class of all pseudo instructions.
RefStore BC_RefStore: astore, astore_<i>