Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining

Interface Summary
InlineOracle Oracle interface: the compiler queries this oracle to decide whether to inline a call site.

Class Summary
CallSiteTree This class represents the set of inlined method calls that are contained within a single method code body.
CallSiteTreeNode The nodes of an CallSiteTree.
ClassLoadingDependencyManager This class acts as an intermediary between RVMClassLoader and the optimizing compiler's dependency database.
CompilationState This class holds miscellaneous information regarding the state of a compilation
DefaultInlineOracle The default inlining oracle used by the optimizing compiler.
InlineDecision Instances of this class represent decisions to inline.
Inliner This class contains the high level logic for executing an inlining decision.
InlineSequence Represents an inlining sequence.
InlineTools This class provides some utilities that are useful for inlining.
InterfaceHierarchy This class holds, for each interface, the set of initialized classes that implement the interface.
InvalidationDatabase This class holds the dependencies that define invalidation requirements for the opt compiled methods.
InvalidationDatabase.MethodSet The following defines a set of methods that share a common "key"

Enum Summary