Uses of Class

Packages that use Uninterruptible   

Uses of Uninterruptible in

Classes in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Chunk
 class EventChunk
 class EventTypeChunk
 class EventTypeSpaceChunk
 class FeedHeaderChunk
 class FeedletChunk
 class PropertyTableChunk
 class RawChunk
 class StringTableChunk

Uses of Uninterruptible in

Classes in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class EventAttribute
          An attribute of an EventType.
 class EventType
          An EventType describes the types and attributes of the data values associated with a particular event index.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm

Classes in org.jikesrvm with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Options
          Class to handle command-line arguments and options meant for the core runtime system of the VM.
 class Services
          Various service utilities.
 class VM
          A virtual machine.

Methods in org.jikesrvm with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 void MachineSpecific.adjustESP(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers, Offset delta, boolean traceAdjustments)
          A thread's stack has been moved or resized.
static void VM.shutdown(int value)
          Shut down the virtual machine.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 void OSROrganizerThread.activate()
          Activates organizer thread if it is waiting.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements with annotations of type Uninterruptible
static void RuntimeMeasurements.takeCBSCallSample(int whereFrom, Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP)
          Called from Thread.yieldpoint when it is time to take a CBS call sample.
static void RuntimeMeasurements.takeCBSMethodSample(int whereFrom, Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP)
          Called from Thread.yieldpoint when it is time to take a CBS method sample.
static void RuntimeMeasurements.takeTimerSample(int whereFrom, Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP)
          Called from Thread.yieldpoint every time it is invoked due to a timer interrupt.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.listeners

Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.listeners with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class CallDensityListener
          A simple listener to accumulate counts of total events and the fraction of those events that occurred at loop backedges.
 class ContextListener
          This object that is invoked when online measurement information must be collected.
 class EdgeListener
          A EdgeListener defines a listener that computes a call graph edge from the call stack.
 class Listener
          A Listener object is invoked when online measurement information needs to be collected.
 class MethodListener
          A MethodListener defines a listener to collect method invocation samples.
 class NullListener
          A NullListener is an object that is invoked when online measurement information must be collected.
 class YieldCounterListener
          A YieldCounterListener samples yield points, and notifies an Organizer when a threshold is reached.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.organizers

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.organizers with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 void Organizer.activate()
          Called to activate the organizer thread (i.e. schedule it for execution).

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.instrumentation

Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.instrumentation with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class CounterBasedSampling
          Contains necessary infrastructure to perform counter-based sampling used with the instrumentation sampling code (PLDI'01) (see InstrumentationSamplingFramework)

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with annotations of type Uninterruptible
(package private)  TypeReference RVMAnnotation.annotationType()
          Return the TypeReference of the declared annotation, ie an interface and not the class object of this instance
 RVMArray RVMType.asArray()
 RVMClass RVMType.asClass()
 FieldReference MemberReference.asFieldReference()
 MethodReference MemberReference.asMethodReference()
 Primitive RVMType.asPrimitive()
 UnboxedType RVMType.asUnboxedType()
 int RVMArray.getAlignment()
 int RVMClass.getAlignment()
static Atom Atom.getAtom(int id)
 byte[] Atom.getBytes()
          Return the underlying set of bytes for the Atom.
 RVMMethod RVMClass.getClassInitializerMethod()
          Static initializer method for this class (null -> no static initializer or initializer already been run).
 ClassLoader TypeReference.getClassLoader()
 ClassLoader RVMType.getClassLoader()
          Get the class loader for this type
(package private)  int RVMField.getConstantValueIndex()
          Get index of constant pool entry containing this "static final constant" field's value.
 RVMField[] RVMClass.getDeclaredFields()
          Fields defined directly by this class (i.e. not including superclasses).
 RVMClass[] RVMClass.getDeclaredInterfaces()
          Interfaces implemented directly by this class (ie. not including superclasses).
 RVMMethod[] RVMClass.getDeclaredMethods()
          Methods defined directly by this class (i.e. not including superclasses).
 RVMClass RVMMember.getDeclaringClass()
          Class that declared this field or method.
 Atom RVMType.getDescriptor()
          Descriptor for this type.
 Atom RVMMember.getDescriptor()
          Descriptor for this member.
 Atom MemberReference.getDescriptor()
 int Primitive.getDimensionality()
          Number of [ in descriptor for arrays; -1 for primitives; 0 for classes
abstract  int RVMType.getDimensionality()
          Number of [ in descriptor for arrays; -1 for primitives; 0 for classes
 int UnboxedType.getDimensionality()
 int RVMArray.getDimensionality()
          Number of [ in descriptor for arrays
 int RVMClass.getDimensionality()
          Number of [ in descriptor for arrays; -1 for primitives; 0 for classes
 int[] RVMType.getDoesImplement()
          get doesImplement vector (@see DynamicTypeCheck)
 void NormalMethod.getDynamicLink(DynamicLink dynamicLink, int bcIndex)
          Fill in DynamicLink object for the invoke at the given bytecode index
 RVMType RVMArray.getElementType()
 ExceptionHandlerMap NormalMethod.getExceptionHandlerMap()
          Exceptions caught by this method.
 TypeReference FieldReference.getFieldContentsType()
 FieldReference RVMClass.getFieldRef(int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "fieldRef" constant pool entry.
(package private) static FieldReference ClassFileReader.getFieldRef(int[] constantPool, int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "methodRef" constant pool entry.
 int TypeReference.getId()
 int RVMType.getId()
          Get the numeric identifier for this type
 int RVMMember.getId()
          Get a unique id for this member.
 int MemberReference.getId()
 RVMType RVMArray.getInnermostElementType()
 int RVMClass.getInstanceSize()
          Total size, in bytes, of an instance of this class (including object header).
 int RVMArray.getInstanceSize(int numelts)
          Total size, in bytes, of an instance of this array type (including object header).
 int RVMClass.getInstanceSizeInternal()
          Total size, in bytes, of an instance of this class (including object header).
 int NormalMethod.getLineNumberForBCIndex(int bci)
          Return the line number information for the argument bytecode index.
 int NormalMethod.getLocalWords()
          Space required by this method for its local variables, in words.
 int RVMArray.getLogElementSize()
          Size, in bytes, of an array element, log base 2.
 MemberReference RVMMember.getMemberRef()
          Canonical member reference for this member.
static MemberReference MemberReference.getMemberRef(int id)
 int Primitive.getMemoryBytes()
 int TypeReference.getMemoryBytes()
          How many bytes do values of this type take?
abstract  int RVMType.getMemoryBytes()
          Number of bytes in memory required to represent the type
 int UnboxedType.getMemoryBytes()
 int RVMArray.getMemoryBytes()
 int RVMClass.getMemoryBytes()
 MethodReference RVMClass.getMethodRef(int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "methodRef" constant pool entry.
(package private) static MethodReference ClassFileReader.getMethodRef(int[] constantPool, int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "methodRef" constant pool entry.
 int RVMType.getMMAllocator()
          This returns the allocator id as supplied by the memory manager.
 Atom TypeReference.getName()
 Atom RVMMember.getName()
          Name of this member.
 Atom MemberReference.getName()
 Offset RVMMember.getOffset()
          Offset of this field or method, in bytes.
 int NormalMethod.getOperandWords()
          Space required by this method for its operand stack, in words.
 TypeReference[] MethodReference.getParameterTypes()
 TypeReference[] RVMMethod.getParameterTypes()
          Type of this method's parameters.
 int MethodReference.getParameterWords()
          Space required by method for its parameters, in words.
 int RVMMethod.getParameterWords()
          Space required by this method for its parameters, in words.
 int[] RVMType.getReferenceOffsets()
          Offsets of reference-containing instance fields of this class type.
 Class<?> RVMType.getResolvedClassForType()
          Instance of java.lang.Class corresponding to this type.
 RVMMethod MethodReference.getResolvedMember()
          Get the member this reference has been resolved to, if it has already been resolved.
 TypeReference MethodReference.getReturnType()
 TypeReference RVMMethod.getReturnType()
          Type of this method's return value.
 int FieldReference.getSize()
          Get size of the field's value, in bytes.
 int Primitive.getStackWords()
          Stack space requirement in words.
 int TypeReference.getStackWords()
          How many java stack/local words do value of this type take?
abstract  int RVMType.getStackWords()
          Space required when this type is stored on the stack (or as a field), in words.
 int UnboxedType.getStackWords()
          Stack space requirement in words.
 int RVMArray.getStackWords()
 int RVMClass.getStackWords()
 RVMClass[] RVMClass.getSubClasses()
          Currently loaded classes that "extend" this class.
 RVMClass RVMClass.getSuperClass()
          Superclass of this class (null means "no superclass", i.e. class is "java/lang/Object").
 short[] RVMType.getSuperclassIds()
          get superclass id vector (@see DynamicTypeCheck)
 Offset Primitive.getThinLockOffset()
abstract  Offset RVMType.getThinLockOffset()
          Get the offset in instances of this type assigned to the thin lock word.
 Offset UnboxedType.getThinLockOffset()
 Offset RVMArray.getThinLockOffset()
          Get the offset in instances of this type assigned to the thin lock word.
 Offset RVMClass.getThinLockOffset()
          Get the offset in instances of this type assigned to the thin lock word.
 Offset RVMType.getTibOffset()
          Get offset of tib slot from start of jtoc, in bytes.
 TypeReference RVMField.getType()
          Get type of this field's value.
 TypeReference MemberReference.getType()
static RVMType RVMType.getType(int id)
          Get the type for the given id
 int Primitive.getTypeDepth()
          get number of superclasses to Object
abstract  int RVMType.getTypeDepth()
          get number of superclasses to Object 0 java.lang.Object, Primitive, and Classes that are interfaces 1 for RVMArrays and classes that extend Object directly
 int UnboxedType.getTypeDepth()
 int RVMArray.getTypeDepth()
 int RVMClass.getTypeDepth()
          Get number of superclasses to Object.
 TIB Primitive.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class/array type.
abstract  TIB RVMType.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class/array type.
 TIB UnboxedType.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class/array type.
 TIB RVMArray.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this array type.
 TIB RVMClass.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class type.
 TypeReference RVMType.getTypeRef()
          Canonical type reference for this type.
static TypeReference TypeReference.getTypeRef(int id)
          Get the canonical type reference given its id.
 TypeReference RVMClass.getTypeRef(int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "typeRef" constant pool entry.
(package private) static TypeReference ClassFileReader.getTypeRef(int[] constantPool, int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "typeRef" constant pool entry.
(package private)  Atom RVMClass.getUtf(int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "utf" constant pool entry.
(package private) static Atom ClassFileReader.getUtf(int[] constantPool, int constantPoolIndex)
          Get contents of a "utf" from a constant pool entry.
 boolean AnnotatedElement.hasAnnotations()
          Does the element have any annotations?
 boolean AnnotatedElement.hasBaselineSaveLSRegistersAnnotation()
          Return true if this element has a BaselineSaveLSRegisters annotation.
 boolean RVMClass.hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation()
          The methods of this class are only called from native code, they are compiled with a special prolog to interface with the native stack frame.
 boolean RVMClass.hasDynamicBridgeAnnotation()
          Should the methods of this class be compiled with special register save/restore logic?
 boolean Primitive.hasFinalizer()
abstract  boolean RVMType.hasFinalizer()
          Does this type override java.lang.Object.finalize()?
 boolean UnboxedType.hasFinalizer()
 boolean RVMArray.hasFinalizer()
 boolean RVMClass.hasFinalizer()
          Does this class override java.lang.Object.finalize()?
 boolean AnnotatedElement.hasUntracedAnnotation()
          Return true if this element has a Untraced annotation.
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfClass(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded class.
 boolean RVMMethod.isAbstract()
          Implemented in subclass?
 boolean RVMClass.isAbstract()
 boolean Primitive.isAcyclicReference()
abstract  boolean RVMType.isAcyclicReference()
          Reference Count GC: Is a reference of this type contained in another object inherently acyclic (without cycles)?
 boolean UnboxedType.isAcyclicReference()
 boolean RVMArray.isAcyclicReference()
 boolean RVMClass.isAcyclicReference()
 boolean TypeReference.isAddressType()
          Does 'this' refer to Address
(package private)  boolean AnnotatedElement.isAnnotationDeclared(TypeReference annotationTypeRef)
          Return true if annotation present.
 boolean Atom.isArrayDescriptor()
          Is "this" atom an array descriptor?
 boolean Primitive.isArrayType()
 boolean TypeReference.isArrayType()
          Does 'this' refer to an array?
abstract  boolean RVMType.isArrayType()
          Is this an instance of RVMArray?
 boolean UnboxedType.isArrayType()
 boolean RVMArray.isArrayType()
 boolean RVMClass.isArrayType()
 boolean TypeReference.isBooleanType()
          Is this the type reference for the boolean primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isBooleanType()
 boolean TypeReference.isByteType()
          Is this the type reference for the byte primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isByteType()
 boolean TypeReference.isCharType()
          Is this the type reference for the char primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isCharType()
 boolean Atom.isClassDescriptor()
          Is "this" atom a class descriptor?
 boolean RVMMethod.isClassInitializer()
          Is this method a class initializer?
 boolean Primitive.isClassType()
 boolean TypeReference.isClassType()
          Does 'this' refer to a class?
abstract  boolean RVMType.isClassType()
          Is this is an instance of RVMClass?
 boolean UnboxedType.isClassType()
 boolean RVMArray.isClassType()
 boolean RVMClass.isClassType()
 boolean TypeReference.isCodeArrayType()
          Does 'this' refer to CodeArray
 boolean TypeReference.isCodeType()
          Does 'this' refer to Code
 boolean TypeReference.isDoubleType()
          Is this the type reference for the double primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isDoubleType()
 boolean TypeReference.isExtentType()
          Does 'this' refer to Extent
 boolean MemberReference.isFieldReference()
          Is this member reference to a field?
 boolean RVMField.isFinal()
          May only be assigned once?
 boolean RVMMethod.isFinal()
          Declared as non-overridable by subclasses?
 boolean RVMClass.isFinal()
 boolean TypeReference.isFloatType()
          Is this the type reference for the float primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isFloatType()
 boolean Primitive.isInBootImage()
abstract  boolean RVMType.isInBootImage()
          Is this class part of the virtual machine's boot image?
 boolean UnboxedType.isInBootImage()
 boolean RVMArray.isInBootImage()
 boolean RVMClass.isInBootImage()
 boolean Primitive.isInitialized()
abstract  boolean RVMType.isInitialized()
          Initialization status.
 boolean UnboxedType.isInitialized()
 boolean RVMArray.isInitialized()
 boolean RVMClass.isInitialized()
 boolean Primitive.isInstantiated()
abstract  boolean RVMType.isInstantiated()
          Instantiation status.
 boolean UnboxedType.isInstantiated()
 boolean RVMArray.isInstantiated()
 boolean RVMClass.isInstantiated()
 boolean RVMClass.isInterface()
          An "interface" description rather than a "class" description?
 boolean TypeReference.isIntLikeType()
          Is this the type reference for an int-like (1, 8, 16, or 32 bit integral) primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isIntLikeType()
 boolean TypeReference.isIntType()
          Is this the type reference for the int primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isIntType()
 boolean RVMType.isJavaLangObjectType()
 boolean RVMType.isJavaLangStringType()
 boolean RVMType.isJavaLangThrowableType()
 boolean TypeReference.isLoaded()
          Return true if the type for type reference has been loaded.
 boolean TypeReference.isLongType()
          Is this the type reference for the long primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isLongType()
 boolean TypeReference.isMagicType()
          Does 'this' refer to Magic?
 boolean Atom.isMethodDescriptor()
          Is "this" atom a method descriptor?
 boolean MemberReference.isMethodReference()
          Is this member reference to a method?
 boolean RVMMethod.isNative()
          Not implemented in java?
 boolean RVMMethod.isObjectInitializer()
          Is this method an object initializer?
 boolean RVMMethod.isObjectInitializerHelper()
          Is this method a compiler-generated object initializer helper?
 boolean TypeReference.isOffsetType()
          Does 'this' refer to Offset
 boolean Primitive.isPrimitiveType()
 boolean TypeReference.isPrimitiveType()
          Does 'this' refer to a primitive type
abstract  boolean RVMType.isPrimitiveType()
          Is this a primitive type?
 boolean UnboxedType.isPrimitiveType()
 boolean RVMArray.isPrimitiveType()
 boolean RVMClass.isPrimitiveType()
 boolean RVMClass.isPublic()
          Usable from other packages?
 boolean Primitive.isReferenceType()
 boolean TypeReference.isReferenceType()
          Does 'this' refer to a reference type
abstract  boolean RVMType.isReferenceType()
          Is this a reference type?
 boolean UnboxedType.isReferenceType()
 boolean RVMArray.isReferenceType()
 boolean RVMClass.isReferenceType()
 boolean Atom.isReservedMemberName()
          Is "this" atom a reserved member name?
 boolean Primitive.isResolved()
 boolean TypeReference.isResolved()
          Return true if the type for type reference has been loaded and it is resolved.
abstract  boolean RVMType.isResolved()
          Resolution status.
 boolean UnboxedType.isResolved()
 boolean RVMArray.isResolved()
 boolean RVMClass.isResolved()
 boolean TypeReference.isRuntimeTable()
          Does 'this' refer to a runtime table type?
 boolean TypeReference.isShortType()
          Is this the type reference for the short primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isShortType()
 boolean RVMClass.isSpecial()
          Use new-style "invokespecial" semantics for method calls in this class?
 boolean RVMField.isStatic()
          Shared among all instances of this class?
 boolean RVMMethod.isStatic()
          Declared as statically dispatched?
 boolean RVMMethod.isSynchronized()
          Guarded by monitorenter/monitorexit?
 boolean RVMField.isTransient()
          Value not to be written/read by persistent object manager?
 boolean TypeReference.isUnboxedArrayType()
          Does 'this' refer to WordArray, AddressArray, OffsetArray or ExtentArray
 boolean Primitive.isUnboxedType()
 boolean TypeReference.isUnboxedType()
          Does 'this' refer to an unboxed type.
abstract  boolean RVMType.isUnboxedType()
          Is this an unboxed type?
 boolean UnboxedType.isUnboxedType()
 boolean RVMArray.isUnboxedType()
 boolean RVMClass.isUnboxedType()
 boolean TypeReference.isVoidType()
          Is this the type reference for the void primitive type?
 boolean RVMType.isVoidType()
 boolean RVMField.isVolatile()
          Value not to be cached in a register?
 boolean TypeReference.isWordArrayType()
          Does 'this' refer to WordArray, AddressArray, OffsetArray or ExtentArray
 boolean TypeReference.isWordLikeType()
          Does 'this' refer to Word, Address, Offset or Extent
 boolean TypeReference.isWordType()
          Does 'this' refer to Word
 int Atom.length()
 boolean RVMField.madeTraced()
          Does the field hold a made-traced reference?
static int RVMType.numTypes()
          How many types have been created?
(package private) static int ClassFileReader.packCPEntry(byte type, int value)
(package private) static boolean ClassFileReader.packedCPTypeIsClassType(int cpValue)
(package private) static int ClassFileReader.packTempCPEntry(int index1, int index2)
 byte Atom.parseForArrayElementTypeCode()
          Parse "this" array descriptor to obtain type code for its element type.
 RVMType TypeReference.peekType()
private  void RVMArray.publishResolved(TIB allocatedTib, short[] superclassIds, int[] doesImplement)
          Atomically initialize the important parts of the TIB and let the world know this type is resolved.
private  void RVMClass.publishResolved(TIB allocatedTib, short[] superclassIds, int[] doesImplement)
          Atomically initialize the important parts of the TIB and let the world know this type is resolved.
 void RVMClass.setInstanceSizeInternal(int size)
          Set the size of the instance.
 void Atom.sysWrite()
 byte[] Atom.toByteArray()
          Get at a string-like representation without doing any heap allocation.
(package private) static byte ClassFileReader.unpackCPType(int cpValue)
(package private) static int ClassFileReader.unpackSignedCPValue(int cpValue)
(package private) static int ClassFileReader.unpackTempCPIndex1(int cpValue)
(package private) static int ClassFileReader.unpackTempCPIndex2(int cpValue)
(package private) static int ClassFileReader.unpackUnsignedCPValue(int cpValue)

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline

Classes in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with annotations of type Uninterruptible
(package private)  class JSRInfo
          Scratch space for JSR processing.
 class ReferenceMaps
          class that provides stack (and local var) map for a baseline compiled method GC uses the methods provided here
(package private)  class UnusualMaps
          Unusual maps are maps to track references that don't take the usual format.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 int BaselineCompiledMethod.findBytecodeIndexForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset)
          Find bytecode index corresponding to one of this method's machine instructions.
 int BaselineCompiledMethod.findLineNumberForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset)
 int BaselineCompiledMethod.getCompilerType()
 void BaselineCompiledMethod.getDynamicLink(DynamicLink dynamicLink, Offset instructionOffset)
 ExceptionDeliverer BaselineCompiledMethod.getExceptionDeliverer()
          Get the exception deliverer for this kind of compiled method
 short BaselineCompiledMethod.getFloatLocalLocation(int localIndex)
          Location of local floating point variable.
 short BaselineCompiledMethod.getFloatStackLocation(int stackIndex)
          Offset onto stack of a particular operand stack location for a floating point value
 short BaselineCompiledMethod.getGeneralLocalLocation(int localIndex)
          Location of local general purpose variable.
 short BaselineCompiledMethod.getGeneralStackLocation(int stackIndex)
          Offset onto stack of a particular general purpose operand stack location
 int BaselineCompiledMethod.getLastFixedStackRegister()
          Last general purpose register holding part of the operand stack
 int BaselineCompiledMethod.getLastFloatStackRegister()
          Last floating point register holding part of the operand stack
 Offset BaselineCompiledMethod.getLockAcquisitionOffset()
          Get the lock acquisition offset
 boolean BaselineCompiledMethod.hasCounterArray()
          Does the method have a counters array?

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Classes in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class BaselineGCMapIterator
          Iterator for stack frame built by the Baseline compiler.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
private static void BaselineMagic.check(ObjectReference value)
          Method called to check an object reference is valid
static int BaselineCompilerImpl.getEmptyStackOffset(NormalMethod m)
          The last true local
private static int BaselineCompilerImpl.getFirstLocalOffset(NormalMethod method)
          This is misnamed.
static short BaselineCompilerImpl.getFloatLocalLocation(int index, short[] localloc, NormalMethod m)
static short BaselineCompilerImpl.getGeneralLocalLocation(int index, short[] localloc, NormalMethod m)
private static int BaselineCompilerImpl.getStartLocalOffset(NormalMethod method)
static int BaselineCompilerImpl.locationToOffset(short location)
static short BaselineCompilerImpl.offsetToLocation(int offset)

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common

Classes in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class HardwareTrapGCMapIterator
          Iterator for stack frames inserted by hardware trap handler.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 void CompiledMethod.clearActiveOnStack()
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray CompiledMethod.codeArrayForOffset(Offset offset)
          Return the code array for this method that contains the given offset.
static String CompiledMethod.compilerTypeToString(int compilerType)
 boolean CompiledMethod.containsReturnAddress(Address ip)
          Does the code for the compiled method contain the given return address?
 int CompiledMethod.findLineNumberForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset)
          Find source line number corresponding to one of this method's machine instructions.
static CompiledMethod CompiledMethods.findMethodForInstruction(Address ip)
          Find the method whose machine code contains the specified instruction.
static CompiledMethod CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(int compiledMethodId)
          Fetch a previously compiled method.
static CompiledMethod CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethodUnchecked(int cmid)
          Fetch a previously compiled method without checking
abstract  int CompiledMethod.getCompilerType()
          Identify the compiler that produced this compiled method.
 int HardwareTrapCompiledMethod.getCompilerType()
abstract  void CompiledMethod.getDynamicLink(DynamicLink dynamicLink, Offset instructionOffset)
          Fetch symbolic reference to a method that's called by one of this method's instructions.
 void HardwareTrapCompiledMethod.getDynamicLink(DynamicLink dynamicLink, Offset instructionOffset)
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray CompiledMethod.getEntryCodeArray()
abstract  ExceptionDeliverer CompiledMethod.getExceptionDeliverer()
          Get handler to deal with stack unwinding and exception delivery for this compiled method's stackframes.
 ExceptionDeliverer HardwareTrapCompiledMethod.getExceptionDeliverer()
 int CompiledMethod.getId()
          Return the compiled method id for this compiled method
 Address CompiledMethod.getInstructionAddress(Offset offset)
          Return the address of the instruction at offset offset in the method's instruction stream.
 Offset CompiledMethod.getInstructionOffset(Address ip)
          Return the offset in bytes of the given Address from the start of the machine code array.
 Offset CompiledMethod.getInstructionOffset(Address ip, boolean dieOnFailure)
          Return the offset in bytes of the given Address from the start of the machine code array.
 RVMMethod CompiledMethod.getMethod()
          Return the RVMMethod associated with this compiled method
 boolean CompiledMethod.hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation()
          Does this method have a bridge from native annotation, important when walking the stack
 boolean CompiledMethod.isActiveOnStack()
 boolean CompiledMethod.isCompiled()
          Has compilation completed?
 boolean CompiledMethod.isInvalid()
          Is the compiled code invalid?
 boolean CompiledMethod.isObsolete()
          Is the compiled code obsolete?
 boolean CompiledMethod.isOutdated()
          Check if the compiled method is marked as outdated, called by Thread
 int CompiledMethod.numberOfInstructions()
static int CompiledMethods.numCompiledMethods()
          Get number of methods compiled so far.
 void CompiledMethod.setActiveOnStack()
private static void CompiledMethods.setCompiledMethod(int cmid, CompiledMethod cm)
          Set entry in compiled method lookup
 void CompiledMethod.setObsolete()
          Mark the compiled method as obsolete (ie a candidate for eventual GC)
 void CompiledMethod.setOutdated()
          Mark the compiled method as outdated (i.e. requires OSR), the flag is set in AnalyticModel
static void CompiledMethods.snipObsoleteCompiledMethods()
          Snip reference to CompiledMethod so that we can reclaim code space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport

Classes in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class OptCompiledMethod
          An implementation of CompiledMethod for the OPT compiler.
 class OptEncodedCallSiteTree
          Suppose the following inlining actions have been taken (<callerMID, bcIndex, calleeMID>): <A, 12, B>, <A,14,C>, <A,16,D>, < B,3,E>, < B,5,F >, <C,10,G>, <G,20,H>, <H,30,I> Then the OptEncodedCallSiteTree would be: -1, A, -2, 12, B, 14, C, 16, D, -6, 3, E, 5, F, -9, 10, G, -2, 20 H -2 30 I
 class OptGCMap
          A class that encapsulates the GCMap portion of the machine code maps.
 class OptGenericGCMapIterator
          This class contains its architecture-independent code for iteration across the references represented by a frame built by the OPT compiler.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 int OptMachineCodeMap.findGCMapIndex(Offset MCOffset)
          This method searches for the GC map corresponding to the passed machine code offset.
private  int OptMachineCodeMap.findMCEntry(Offset MCOffset)
          Do a binary search of the machine code maps to find the index in MCInformation where the entry for the argument machine code offset starts.
 int OptMachineCodeMap.gcMapInformation(int index)
          Returns the GC map information for the GC map information entry passed
private  int OptMachineCodeMap.getBytecodeIndex(int entry)
          Returns the Bytecode index for the entry passed
 int OptMachineCodeMap.getBytecodeIndexForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset)
          Get the bytecode index for a machine instruction offset.
private  int OptMachineCodeMap.getCallInfo(int entry)
          Returns the call info for the entry passed.
private  int OptMachineCodeMap.getGCMapIndex(int entry)
          Returns the GC map index for the entry passed
 int OptMachineCodeMap.getInlineEncodingForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset)
          Return the inlining encoding index for the machine instruction offset.
private  int OptMachineCodeMap.getInlineEncodingIndex(int entry)
          Returns the inline encoding index for the entry passed.
private  int OptMachineCodeMap.getMCOffset(int entry)
          Returns the MCOffset for the entry passed
 NormalMethod OptMachineCodeMap.getMethodForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset)
          Get the RVMMethod for a machine instruction offset.
private  boolean OptMachineCodeMap.isBigEntry(int entry)
          Is the entry a big entry?
private  boolean OptMachineCodeMap.isHugeEntry(int entry)
          Is the entry a big entry?
 int OptMachineCodeMap.nextLocation(int currentIndex)
 boolean OptMachineCodeMap.registerIsSet(int entry, int registerNumber)
          Determines if the register map information for the entry passed is true

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.ia32

Classes in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class OptGCMapIterator
          An instance of this class provides iteration across the references represented by a frame built by the OPT compiler.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.ia32

Classes in org.jikesrvm.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class CodeArray
          CodeArray represents a code object (contiguous memory region containing code).
 class DynamicLinkerHelper
          Machine specific helper functions for dynamic linking.
 class Registers
          The machine state comprising a thread's execution context, used both for thread context switching and for software/hardware exception reporting/delivery.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 void MachineSpecificIA.adjustESP(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers, Offset delta, boolean traceAdjustments)
static void ThreadLocalState.boot()
          The C bootstrap program has placed a pointer to the initial RVMThread in ESI.
static RVMThread ThreadLocalState.getCurrentThread()
          Return the current RVMThread object
 void MachineSpecificIA.initializeStack(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers contextRegisters, Address ip, Address sp)
static void ThreadLocalState.setCurrentThread(RVMThread p)
          Set the current RVMThread object

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.jni

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with annotations of type Uninterruptible
private  void JNIEnvironment.checkPush(Object ref, boolean canGrow)
          Check push of reference can succeed
private static void JNIGlobalRefTable.copyAndReplaceGlobalRefs(AddressArray newGlobalRefs)
 void JNIEnvironment.dumpJniRefsStack()
          Dump the JNIRefs stack to the sysWrite stream
 void JNIEnvironment.entryToJNI(int encodedReferenceOffsets)
          Save data and perform necessary conversions for entry into JNI.
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray FunctionTable.get(int index)
          Get an ITable entry.
 AddressArray LinkageTripletTable.get(int index)
          Get a LinkageTripletTable entry.
 int JNICompiledMethod.getCompilerType()
 void JNICompiledMethod.getDynamicLink(DynamicLink dynamicLink, Offset instructionOffset)
 ExceptionDeliverer JNICompiledMethod.getExceptionDeliverer()
(package private) static Object JNIGlobalRefTable.globalRef(int index)
 boolean JNIEnvironment.hasNativeStackFrame()
(package private) static boolean JNIGlobalRefTable.isWeakRef(int index)
 int FunctionTable.length()
          Return the length of the ITable
 int LinkageTripletTable.length()
          Return the length of the LinkageTripletTable
(package private) static Object JNIGlobalRefTable.ref(int index)
 AddressArray JNIEnvironment.refsArray()
 int JNIEnvironment.refsTop()
private  void JNIEnvironment.replaceJNIRefs(AddressArray newrefs)
          Atomically copy and install a new JNIRefArray
 int JNIEnvironment.savedRefsFP()
 Address JNIEnvironment.topJavaFP()
private  int JNIEnvironment.uninterruptiblePushJNIRef(Address ref, boolean isRef)
          Push a JNI ref, used on entry to JNI NB only used for Intel
(package private) static Object JNIGlobalRefTable.weakRef(int index)

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32

Classes in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class JNIGCMapIterator
          Iterator for stack frames inserted at the transition from Java to JNI Native C.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 void JNIExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod, Address catchBlockInstructionAddress, Throwable exceptionObject, ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
          Deliver exception, not possible for JNI methods
 void JNIExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod, ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
          Unwind registers/stack through JNI method

Uses of Uninterruptible in

Classes in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Barriers
 class DebugUtil
          Common debugging utility functions used by various garbage collectors
 class GCMapIterator
          Base class for iterators that identify object references and JSR return addresses held in stackframes produced by each of our compilers (baseline, opt, etc.).
 class MemoryManager
          The interface that the MMTk memory manager presents to Jikes RVM
static class Selected.Collector
static class Selected.Constraints
static class Selected.Mutator
static class Selected.Plan
 class SpecializedScanMethod
          A method that scan objects and is specialized to a specific MMTk TransitiveClosure type.
 class ThreadContext
          RVMThread must extend this class to associate appropriate context with processor.

Methods in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
static void DebugUtil.dumpAllThreadStacks()
          Dump all threads & their stacks starting at the frame identified by the threads saved contextRegisters (ip & fp fields).
static void DebugUtil.dumpRef(ObjectReference ref)
static int AlignmentEncoding.extractTibCode(Address address)
          Extract the encoded value from a TIB pointer, represented as a raw address.
 GCMapIterator GCMapIteratorGroup.getJniIterator()
          get the GCMapIterator used for scanning JNI native stack frames.
 ScanThread CollectorThread.getThreadScanner()
static int AlignmentEncoding.getTibCode(ObjectReference object)
          Extract the encoded value from an object's TIB pointer
static boolean DebugUtil.mappedVMRef(ObjectReference ref)
 void GCMapIteratorGroup.newStackWalk(RVMThread thread, Address registerLocation)
          Prepare to scan a thread's stack for object references.
static void HandInlinedScanning.scanObject(int code, int id, Object object, TransitiveClosure trace)
          Hand-inlined scanning of objects.
private static void HandInlinedScanning.scanObject(int code, int id, Object object, TransitiveClosure trace, boolean specialize)
static void HandInlinedScanning.scanObject(int code, Object object, TransitiveClosure trace)
          Hand-inlined scanning of objects.
 GCMapIterator GCMapIteratorGroup.selectIterator(CompiledMethod compiledMethod)
          Select iterator for scanning for object references in a stackframe.
static boolean DebugUtil.validObject(Object ref)
          Check if a ref, its tib pointer & type pointer are all in the heap
static boolean DebugUtil.validRef(ObjectReference ref)
static boolean DebugUtil.validType(ObjectReference typeAddress)
          Check if an address appears to point to an instance of RVMType

Uses of Uninterruptible in

Classes in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class ActivePlan
          This class contains interfaces to access the current plan, plan local and plan constraints instances.
 class Assert
 class Barriers
 class Collection
 class Debug
          Debugger support for the MMTk harness
 class FinalizableProcessor
          This class manages the processing of finalizable objects.
 class Lock
          Adaptive mutex with a spinlock fast path.
 class Memory
 class MMTk_Events
          Implementation of simple MMTK event generation hooks to allow MMTk to generate TuningFork events.
 class Monitor
          Provides MMTk access to a heavy lock with condition variable.
 class ObjectModel
 class ReferenceProcessor
          This class manages SoftReferences, WeakReferences, and PhantomReferences.
 class Scanning
 class ScanThread
          Class that supports scanning thread stacks for references during collections.
 class Statistics
 class Strings
 class SynchronizedCounter
          A counter that supports atomic increment and reset.
 class TraceInterface
          Class that supports scanning Objects or Arrays for references during tracing, handling those references, and computing death times

Methods in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
private static void ScanBootImage.checkReference(Address refaddr)
          Check that a reference encountered during scanning is valid.
private static void ScanStatics.checkReference(Address refaddr, int slot)
          Check that a reference encountered during scanning is valid.
private static Offset ScanBootImage.decodeLongEncoding(Address cursor)
          Decode a 4-byte encoding, taking a pointer to the first byte of the encoding, and returning the encoded value as an Offset
private static int ScanBootImage.decodeLongEncoding(byte[] code, int index)
          Decode a 4-byte encoding, taking a byte array and an index into it and returning the encoded value as an integer
 void Assert.exit(int rc)
private static boolean ScanBootImage.isAddressAligned(Address address)
          Return true if the given address is address-aligned
private static boolean ScanBootImage.isAddressAligned(Offset offset)
          Return true if the given offset is address-aligned
private static void ScanBootImage.processChunk(Address chunkStart, Address imageStart, Address mapStart, Address mapEnd, TraceLocal trace)
          Process a chunk of encoded reference data, enqueuing each reference (optionally filtering them on whether they point outside the boot image).
static void ScanBootImage.scanBootImage(TraceLocal trace)
          Scan the boot image for object references.
static void ScanStatics.scanStatics(TraceLocal trace)
          Scan static variables (JTOC) for object references.
static void Collection.scheduleFinalizerThread()
          Schedule the finalizerThread, if there are objects to be finalized and the finalizerThread is on its queue (ie. currently idle).

Uses of Uninterruptible in

Classes in with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class ByteStream
          Set up a GCspy Stream with data type BYTE_TYPE.
 class IntStream
          Set up a GCspy Stream with data type INT_TYPE.
 class ServerInterpreter
          Generic GCspy Server Interpreter.
 class ServerSpace
          This class implements the GCspy Space abstraction.
 class ShortStream
          Set up a GCspy Stream with data type SHORT_TYPE.
 class Util
          This class provides generally useful methods.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Classes in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class JavaHeader
          Defines the JavaHeader portion of the object header for the default JikesRVM object model.
 class MiscHeader
          Defines other header words not used for core Java language support of memory allocation.
 class ObjectModel
          The interface to the object model definition accessible to the virtual machine.
 class TIB
          This class represents an instance of a type information block, at runtime it is an array with Object elements.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 ITable ITableArray.get(int index)
          Get an ITable entry from the array.
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray IMT.get(int index)
          Gets an entry in the IMT.
 Object ITable.get(int index)
          Gets an entry in the ITable.
static void MiscHeader.initializeHeader(Object obj, TIB tib, int size, boolean isScalar)
          Perform any required initialization of the MISC portion of the header.
 boolean ITable.isFor(RVMType I)
          Does this ITable correspond to the given interface?
 int ITableArray.length()
          Return the length of the array of ITable
 int IMT.length()
          Returns the length of the IMT
 int ITable.length()
          Return the length of the ITable

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.options

Methods in org.jikesrvm.options with annotations of type Uninterruptible
protected  int OptionSet.bytesToPages(Extent bytes)
protected  Extent OptionSet.pagesToBytes(int pages)

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.osr

Classes in org.jikesrvm.osr with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class ObjectHolder
          ObjectHolder helps the specialized prologue to load reference get around of GC problem

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.osr.ia32

Classes in org.jikesrvm.osr.ia32 with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class PostThreadSwitch
          A class helps schedule OSRed method, it is called right after thread switch and highly depends on the calling convention.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Classes in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class DynamicLink
          Place for CompiledMethod.getDynamicLink() to deposit return information.
 class Memory
          Low level memory management functions.
 class SysCall
          Support for lowlevel (i.e. non-JNI) invocation of C functions with static addresses.
 class Time
          Primitives from which to build interval and absolute timers.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type Uninterruptible
(package private) static void RuntimeEntrypoints.aastoreUninterruptible(Object[] arrayRef, int index, Object value)
          Perform uninterruptible aastore bytecode
private static boolean RuntimeEntrypoints.canForceGC()
          Return true if we are stress testing garbage collector and the system is in state where we can force a garbage collection.
private  int StackTrace.countFramesUninterruptible(RVMThread stackTraceThread)
          Walk the stack counting the number of stack frames encountered.
static int Statics.getNumberOfNumericSlots()
          Fetch number of numeric JTOC slots currently allocated.
static int Statics.getNumberOfReferenceSlots()
          Fetch number of reference JTOC slots currently allocated.
static int Statics.getReferenceSlotSize()
          Get size occupied by a reference
static Address Magic.getReturnAddress(Address fp)
          Get return address for a frame in the current thread
static Address Magic.getReturnAddress(Address fp, RVMThread thread)
          Get return address for a frame in a specific thread
static Address Magic.getReturnAddressUnchecked(Address fp)
          Get return address for a frame in a case where the frame is known not to be a trampoline frame.
static int Statics.getSlotContentsAsInt(Offset offset)
          Fetch contents of a slot, as an integer
static long Statics.getSlotContentsAsLong(Offset offset)
          Fetch contents of a slot-pair, as a long integer.
static Object Statics.getSlotContentsAsObject(Offset offset)
          Fetch contents of a slot, as an object.
static Address Statics.getSlots()
          Fetch JTOC object (for JNI environment and GC).
static int[] Statics.getSlotsAsIntArray()
          Fetch JTOC object (for JNI environment and GC).
static int Statics.getTotalNumberOfSlots()
          Fetch total number of slots comprising the JTOC.
static boolean Statics.isReference(int slot)
          Does specified JTOC slot contain a reference?
static int Statics.offsetAsSlot(Offset offset)
          Conversion from JTOC offset to JTOC slot index.
static long Magic.prepareLong(Object object, Offset offset)
          Get contents of (object + offset) and begin conditional critical section.
private  void StackTrace.recordFramesUninterruptible(RVMThread stackTraceThread)
          Walk the stack recording the stack frames encountered The stack being walked is our stack, so code is Uninterrupible to stop the stack moving.
 void BootRecord.setHeapRange(int id, Address start, Address end)
static void Magic.setReturnAddress(Address fp, Address v)
          Get return address for a frame
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, Address value)
          Set contents of a slot, as a Address
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray code)
          Set contents of a slot, as a CodeArray.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, double value)
          Set contents of a slot, as a double.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, Extent value)
          Set contents of a slot, as a Extent
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, float value)
          Set contents of a slot, as an float.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, int value)
          Set contents of a slot, as an integer.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, long value)
          Set contents of a slot, as a long integer.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, Offset value)
          Set contents of a slot, as a Offset
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, TIB tib)
          Set contents of a slot, as a CodeArray.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, Word word)
          Set contents of a slot, as a Word.
static Offset Statics.slotAsOffset(int slot)
          Conversion from JTOC slot index to JTOC offset.
private static void RuntimeEntrypoints.unwindInvisibleStackFrame(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
          Unwind stack frame for an .
static Address RuntimeEntrypoints.unwindNativeStackFrame(Address currfp)
          Skip over all frames below currfp with saved code pointers outside of heap (C frames), stopping at the native frame immediately preceding the glue frame which contains the method ID of the native method (this is necessary to allow retrieving the return address of the glue frame).
static Address RuntimeEntrypoints.unwindNativeStackFrameForGC(Address currfp)
          The current frame is expected to be one of the JNI functions called from C, below which is one or more native stack frames.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Classes in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class LightMonitor
          A light-weigh condition variable and lock, like Monitor, but this one is movable and can be garbage collected.
 class Lock
          Lock provides RVM support for monitors and Java level synchronization.
 class Monitor
          Implementation of a heavy lock and condition variable implemented using the primitives available from the operating system.
 class NoYieldpointsMonitor
          A heavy condition variable and lock that also disables interrupts while the lock is held.
 class RVMThread
          A generic java thread's execution context.
(package private) static class RVMThread.AllButGCHardHandshakeVisitor
static class RVMThread.BlockAdapter
          A block adapter specifies the reason for blocking or unblocking a thread.
static class RVMThread.GCBlockAdapter
static class RVMThread.HandshakeBlockAdapter
static class RVMThread.HardHandshakeVisitor
static class RVMThread.SoftHandshakeVisitor
static class RVMThread.SuspendBlockAdapter
 class SpinLock
           Alternative (to Java monitors) light-weight synchronization mechanism to implement Java monitors Lock.
 class Synchronization
          Class to provide synchronization methods where java language synchronization is insufficient and Magic.prepare and Magic.attempt are at too low a level.
 class SystemThread
 class ThinLock
          Implementation of thin locks.
 class ThreadQueue
          An unsynchronized queue data structure for Threads.
 class TimerThread
          The timer thread.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type Uninterruptible
static void Lock.addLock(Lock l)
          Add a lock to the lock table
static boolean ThinLock.attemptToMarkDeflated(Object o, Offset lockOffset, Word oldLockWord)
private static Word ThinLock.biasBitsToThinBits(Word bits)
 void RVMThread.deInstallStackTrampoline()
          de-install the stack trampoline (disabling return barriers).
 void RVMThread.endPairHandshake()
static RVMThread RVMThread.getCurrentThread()
static Address RVMThread.getHijackedReturnAddress(Address hijackedFp)
          Given a frame that has been hijacked by the stack trampoline, return the real (hijacked) return address.
static int ThinLock.getLockIndex(Word lockWord)
          Return the lock index for a given lock word.
static int ThinLock.getLockOwner(Word lockWord)
static int ThinLock.getRecCount(Word lockWord)
static boolean ThinLock.holdsLock(Object o, Offset lockOffset, RVMThread thread)
 void RVMThread.installStackTrampolineBridge(Address targetFp)
          Install the stack trampoline bridge at a given frame, hijacking that frame, saving the hijacked return address and callee fp in thread-local state to allow execution of the hijacked frame later.
static boolean ThinLock.isFat(Word lockWord)
static void ThinLock.markDeflated(Object o, Offset lockOffset, int id)
 void Latch.openNoHandshake()
          Like open(), but does it without letting the system know that we could potentially block.
static void RVMThread.returnBarrier()
          The return barrier.
static void FinalizerThread.schedule()

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.jikesrvm.tuningfork

Classes in org.jikesrvm.tuningfork with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class EventChunkQueue
          A Queue of EventChunks.
 class Feedlet
          A Feedlet is a entity that is a unit of trace generation for TuningFork.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.tuningfork with annotations of type Uninterruptible
(package private)  EventChunk TraceEngine.getEventChunk()
 void TraceEngine.returnFullEventChunk(EventChunk events)

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan

Classes in org.mmtk.plan with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class CollectorContext
          This class (and its sub-classes) implement per-collector thread behavior.
 class ComplexPhase
          Phases of a garbage collection.
 class ConcurrentPhase
          Phases of a garbage collection.
 class ControllerCollectorContext
 class MutatorContext
          This class (and its sub-classes) implement per-mutator thread behavior.
 class ParallelCollector
          TODO: Documentation.
 class ParallelCollectorGroup
          This class represents a pool of collector contexts that can be triggered to perform collection activity.
 class Phase
          A garbage collection proceeds as a sequence of phases.
 class Plan
          This abstract class implements the global core functionality for all memory management schemes.
 class PlanConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class Simple
          This abstract class implements the core functionality for simple collectors.
 class SimpleCollector
          This class (and its sub-classes) implement per-collector thread behavior and state.
 class SimpleConstraints
          Constraints specific to simple collectors.
 class SimpleMutator
          This class (and its sub-classes) implement per-mutator thread behavior and state.
 class SimplePhase
          Phases of a garbage collection.
 class StopTheWorld
          This abstract class implements the core functionality for stop-the-world collectors.
 class StopTheWorldCollector
          This class (and its sub-classes) implement per-collector thread behavior and state.
 class StopTheWorldConstraints
          Constraints specific to Stop-the-world collectors.
 class StopTheWorldMutator
          This class (and its sub-classes) implement per-mutator thread behavior and state.
 class Trace
          This abstract class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap.
 class TraceLocal
          This abstract class and its global counterpart implement the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.
 class TraceWriteBuffer
          This class is used to push values in one direction during a trace.
 class TransitiveClosure
          This abstract class is the fundamental mechanism for performing a transitive closure over an object graph.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Concurrent
          This class implements the global state of a concurrent collector.
 class ConcurrentCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for a concurrent collector.
 class ConcurrentConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class ConcurrentMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for a simple whole-heap concurrent collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class CMS
          This class implements the global state of a concurrent mark-sweep collector.
 class CMSCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the CMS plan, which implements a full-heap concurrent mark-sweep collector.
 class CMSConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class CMSMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the CMS plan, which implements a full-heap concurrent mark-sweep collector.
 class CMSTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a mark-sweep space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.copyms

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.copyms with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class CopyMS
          This class implements the global state of a full-heap collector with a copying nursery and mark-sweep mature space.
 class CopyMSCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the CopyMS plan.
 class CopyMSConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class CopyMSMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the CopyMS plan.
 class CopyMSTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a coping/mark-sweep hybrid collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.generational

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.generational with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Gen
          This abstract class implements the core functionality of generic two-generation copying collectors.
 class GenCollector
          This abstract class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for generational copying collectors.
 class GenConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class GenMatureTraceLocal
          This abstract class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.
 class GenMutator
          This abstract class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for generational copying collectors.
 class GenNurseryTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class GenCopy
          This class implements the functionality of a standard two-generation copying collector.
 class GenCopyCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the GenCopy two-generational copying collector.
 class GenCopyConstraints
          GenCopy constants.
 class GenCopyMatureTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph, specifically in a Generational copying collector.
 class GenCopyMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the GenCopy two-generational copying collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class GenImmix
          This class implements the functionality of a two-generation copying collector where the higher generation is an immix space.
 class GenImmixCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the GenImmix two-generational copying collector.
 class GenImmixConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class GenImmixMatureDefragTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph, specifically in a defragmenting pass over a generational immix collector.
 class GenImmixMatureTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph, specifically in a generational immix collector.
 class GenImmixMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the GenImmix two-generational copying collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class GenMS
          This class implements the functionality of a two-generation copying collector where the higher generation is a mark-sweep space (free list allocation, mark-sweep collection).
 class GenMSCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the GenMS two-generational copying collector.
 class GenMSConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class GenMSMatureTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph, specifically in a Generational Mark-Sweep collector.
 class GenMSMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the GenMS two-generational copying collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.immix

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.immix with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Immix
          This class implements the global state of an immix collector.
 class ImmixCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the Immix plan, which implements a full-heap immix collector.
 class ImmixConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class ImmixDefragTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a defragmenting transitive closure over an immix space.
 class ImmixMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the Immix plan, which implements a full-heap immix collector.
 class ImmixTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over an immix space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class MC
          This class implements the global state of a simple sliding mark-compact collector.
 class MCCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the MC plan, which implements a full-heap mark-compact collector.
 class MCConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class MCForwardTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a mark-compact space during the forwarding phase.
 class MCMarkTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a mark-compact space during the initial marking phase.
 class MCMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the MC plan, which implements a full-heap mark-compact collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class MS
          This class implements the global state of a simple mark-sweep collector.
 class MSCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the MS plan, which implements a full-heap mark-sweep collector.
 class MSConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class MSMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the MS plan, which implements a full-heap mark-sweep collector.
 class MSTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a mark-sweep space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.nogc

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.nogc with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class NoGC
          This class implements the global state of a a simple allocator without a collector.
 class NoGCCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the NoGC plan, which simply allocates (without ever collecting until the available space is exhausted.
 class NoGCConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class NoGCMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the NoGC plan, which simply allocates (without ever collecting until the available space is exhausted.
 class NoGCTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.poisoned

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.poisoned with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Poisoned
          This class implements a poisoned collector, that is essentially a test case for read and write barriers in the VM.
 class PoisonedCollector
          This class implements a poisoned collector, that is essentially a test case for read and write barriers in the VM.
 class PoisonedConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class PoisonedMutator
          This class implements a poisoned collector, that is essentially a test case for read and write barriers in the VM.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.refcount

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.refcount with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class RCBase
          This class implements the global state of a reference counting collector.
 class RCBaseCollector
          This class implements the collector context for a reference counting collector.
 class RCBaseConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class RCBaseMutator
          This class implements the mutator context for a reference counting collector.
 class RCDecBuffer
          This class implements a dec-buffer for a reference counting collector
 class RCHeader
 class RCZero
          This class is the fundamental mechanism for performing a transitive closure over an object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount with annotations of type Uninterruptible
static boolean RCHeader.attemptToLog(ObjectReference object)
          Attempt to log object for coalescing RC.
static int RCHeader.decRC(ObjectReference object)
          Decrement the reference count of an object.
static int RCHeader.getRC(ObjectReference object)
          Return the reference count for the object.
static boolean RCHeader.isLiveRC(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if given object is live
static boolean RCHeader.logRequired(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if object is yet to be logged (for coalescing RC).
static void RCHeader.makeLogged(ObjectReference object)
          Signify completion of logging object.
static void RCHeader.makeUnlogged(ObjectReference object)
          Change object's state to UNLOGGED.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class BTFreeLargeObjectSweeper
          This class implements the freeing of large objects during a backup trace.
 class BTSweeper
          This class implements the thread-local core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.
 class BTSweepImmortalScanner
          This class is used in backup tracing to sweep and zero any dead 'immortal' objects.
 class BTTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.fullheap

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.fullheap with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class RC
          This class implements the global state of a reference counting collector.
 class RCCollector
          This class implements the collector context for a reference counting collector.
 class RCConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class RCFindRootSetTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.
 class RCModifiedProcessor
          This class is the fundamental mechanism for performing a transitive closure over an object graph.
 class RCMutator
          This class implements the mutator context for a reference counting collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class GenRC
          This class implements the global state of a a simple reference counting collector.
 class GenRCCollector
          This class implements the collector context for a simple reference counting collector.
 class GenRCConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.
 class GenRCModifiedProcessor
          This class is the fundamental mechanism for performing a transitive closure over an object graph.
 class GenRCMutator
          This class implements the mutator context for a simple reference counting collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.semispace

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.semispace with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class SS
          This class implements a simple semi-space collector.
 class SSCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the SS plan, which implements a full-heap semi-space collector.
 class SSConstraints
          SemiSpace common constants.
 class SSMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the SS plan, which implements a full-heap semi-space collector.
 class SSTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class SSGCspy
          This class extends a simple semi-space collector to instrument it for GCspy.
 class SSGCspyCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the SSGCspy plan.
 class SSGCspyConstraints
          Semi space GCspy constants.
 class SSGCspyMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the SSGCspy plan.
 class SSGCspyTraceLocal
          This class implements the core functionality for a transitive closure over the heap graph.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class GCTrace
          This plan has been modified slightly to perform the processing necessary for GC trace generation.
 class GCTraceCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the GCTrace plan, which implements a GC tracing algorithm.
 class GCTraceConstraints
          GCTrace constants.
 class GCTraceMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the GCTrace plan, which implements a GC tracing algorithm.
 class GCTraceTraceLocal
          This plan has been modified slightly to perform the processing necessary for GC trace generation.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.usePrimitiveWriteBarriers

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.usePrimitiveWriteBarriers with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class UsePrimitiveWriteBarriers
          This class exercises primitive write barriers The write barriers contain no payloads but merely perform a write to the heap
 class UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersCollector
          This class extends the SSCollector class as part of the UsePrimitiveWriteBarriers collector.
 class UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersConstraints
          UsePrimitiveWriteBarriers common constants.
 class UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator
          This class extends the SSMutator class as part of the UsePrimitiveWriteBarriers collector.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class StickyImmix
          This class implements the global state of a simple sticky mark bits collector, based on an immix collector.
 class StickyImmixCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the StickMS plan, which implements a generational sticky mark bits immix collector.
 class StickyImmixConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class StickyImmixMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the StickyImmix plan, which implements a generational mark-sweep collector.
 class StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a sticky-immix space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.plan.stickyms

Classes in org.mmtk.plan.stickyms with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class StickyMS
          This class implements the global state of a simple sticky mark bits collector, based a simple on mark-sweep collector.
 class StickyMSCollector
          This class implements per-collector thread behavior and state for the StickMS plan, which implements a generational sticky mark bits mark-sweep collector.
 class StickyMSConstraints
          This class and its subclasses communicate to the host VM/Runtime any features of the selected plan that it needs to know.
 class StickyMSMutator
          This class implements per-mutator thread behavior and state for the StickyMS plan, which implements a generational mark-sweep collector.
 class StickyMSNurseryTraceLocal
          This class implements the thread-local functionality for a transitive closure over a mark-sweep space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.policy

Classes in org.mmtk.policy with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class BaseLargeObjectSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one treadmill space.
 class CopyLocal
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of a copying collector.
 class CopySpace
          This class implements tracing functionality for a simple copying space.
 class ExplicitFreeListLocal
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of an explicitly managed collector.
 class ExplicitFreeListSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one *space*.
 class ExplicitLargeObjectSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space.
static class ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.Sweeper
          A callback used to perform sweeping of the large object space.
 class ImmortalLocal
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of an immortal space.
 class ImmortalSpace
          This class implements tracing for a simple immortal collection policy.
 class LargeObjectLocal
          Each instance of this class is intended to provide fast, unsynchronized access to a treadmill.
 class LargeObjectSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space.
 class MarkCompactCollector
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) per-collector-thread elements of a sliding mark-compact collector.
private static class MarkCompactCollector.FromCursor
          Subclass for the read-only cursor that leads the scan of regions.
private static class MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor
          Both the 'compact' and 'calculate' phases can be thought of as sweeping a pair of cursors across a linked list of regions.
private static class MarkCompactCollector.ToCursor
          Subclass for the read-only cursor that follows the 'from' cursor, writing or calculating the position of copied objects
 class MarkCompactLocal
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of a sliding mark-compact collector.
 class MarkCompactSpace
          This class implements functionality for a simple sliding mark-compact space.
 class MarkSweepLocal
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of a mark-sweep collector.
 class MarkSweepSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.
 class RawPageSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one raw page space.
 class SegregatedFreeListSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.
static class SegregatedFreeListSpace.Sweeper
          A callback used to perform sweeping of a free list space.
 class Space
          This class defines and manages spaces.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.policy.immix

Classes in org.mmtk.policy.immix with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Block
          This class defines operations over block-granularity meta-data
 class Chunk
 class ChunkList
 class CollectorLocal
          This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of an immix collector.
 class Defrag
 class ImmixSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one immix space.
 class Line
 class MutatorLocal
 class ObjectHeader

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility

Classes in org.mmtk.utility with annotations of type Uninterruptible
(package private)  class BaseGenericFreeList
          This is a very simple, generic malloc-free allocator.
 class Conversions
(package private)  class CycleDetector
 class DoublyLinkedList
          FIXME This class must be re-written as it makes the assumption that the implementation language (Java) and the language being implemented are the same.
 class ForwardingWord
          This class provides generic support for object forwarding, which is specific to a few policies that support copying.
 class GenericFreeList
          This is a very simple, generic malloc-free allocator.
 class HeaderByte
          This class provides generic support for operations over the GC byte within each object's header word.
 class Log
          Error and trace logging.
 class Memory
          This class implements basic memory copying, setting and clearing operations.
 class SimpleHashtable
          This class implements a simple hashtable.
 class TraceGenerator
          Class that supports scanning Objects and Arrays for references during tracing, handling those references, and computing death times
 class Treadmill
          FIXME The DoublyLinkedList class, upon which this depends, must be re-written as it makes the assumption that the implementation language (Java) and the language being implemented are the same.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.alloc

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Allocator
          This abstract base class provides the basis for processor-local allocation.
 class BlockAllocator
          This class implements "block" data structures of various sizes.
 class BumpPointer
          This class implements a bump pointer allocator that allows linearly scanning through the allocated objects.
 class DumpLinearScan
          Simple linear scan to dump object information.
 class EmbeddedMetaData
          This plan implements constants and access methods for meta data that is embedded in allocation spaces (rather than kept on the side).
 class ImmixAllocator
 class LargeObjectAllocator
          This abstract class implements core functionality for a generic large object allocator.
 class LinearScan
          Callbacks from BumpPointer during a linear scan are dispatched through a subclass of this object.
 class SegregatedFreeList<S extends SegregatedFreeListSpace>
          This abstract class implements the fast past for a segregated free list.
 class SegregatedFreeListLocal<S extends SegregatedFreeListSpace>
          This abstract class implements a simple segregated free list.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.deque

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.deque with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class AddressDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of addresses
 class AddressPairDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of address pairs
 class AddressTripleDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of address triples
(package private)  class Deque
          Class that defines a doubly-linked double-ended queue (deque).
 class LocalDeque
          Note this may perform poorly when being used as a FIFO structure with insertHead and pop operations operating on the same buffer.
(package private)  class LocalQueue
          This class implements a local (unsynchronized) queue.
(package private)  class LocalSSB
          This class implements a local (unsynchronized) sequential store buffer.
 class ObjectReferenceBuffer
          This class is a combination of a Deque and a TraceStep, designed to include intelligent processing of child references as objects are scanned.
 class ObjectReferenceDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of object references
 class SharedDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of buffers for shared use.
 class SortSharedDeque
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of buffers for shared use.
 class SortTODAddressStack
          This supports unsynchronized pushing and popping of addresses.
 class SortTODObjectReferenceStack
          This supports unsynchronized pushing and popping of object references.
 class SortTODSharedDeque
          This class specializes SortSharedQueue to sort objects according to their time of death (TOD).
 class TraceBuffer
          This supports unsynchronized enqueuing and dequeuing of tracing data and bulk processing of the buffer.
 class WriteBuffer
          This supports unsynchronized insertion of write buffer values.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class Color
          Cut-down implementation of java.awt.Color sufficient to provide the server side (Stream) with colours
 class GCspy
          This class implements collector-independent GCspy functionality to start the GCspy server.
 class LinearScan
          This class is only necessary because we cannot implement org.mmtk.utility.alloc.LinearScan as an interface since the invokeinterface bytecode is forbidden in uninterruptible code.
 class Subspace
          This class is an abstraction of a contiguous region of a Space.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class AbstractDriver
          Abstract GCspy driver for MMTk collectors.
 class GenImmortalSpaceDriver
          GCspy driver for the MMTk generational immortal space.
 class GenLOSDriver
          This class extends a simple driver for the MMTk LargeObjectSpace for Generational Collectors.
 class ImmortalSpaceDriver
          GCspy driver for the contiguous MMTk ImmortalSpace.
private  class ImmortalSpaceDriver.Closure
          Used to visit the edges in the immortal object.
 class LinearSpaceDriver
          GCspy driver for the MMTk ContigousSpace.
 class TreadmillDriver
          This class implements a simple driver for the MMTk LargeObjectSpace.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.heap

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.heap with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class ConcurrentZeroingContext
          This context concurrently zeroes a space when triggered.
 class FreeListPageResource
          This class manages the allocation of pages for a space.
 class HeapGrowthManager
          This class is responsible for growing and shrinking the heap size by observing heap utilization and GC load.
 class Map
          This class manages the mapping of spaces to virtual memory ranges.
 class Mmapper
          This class implements mmapping and protection of virtual memory.
 class MonotonePageResource
          This class manages the allocation of pages for a space.
 class PageResource
          This class manages the allocation of pages for a space.
 class SpaceDescriptor
          This class manages the encoding and decoding of space descriptors.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap with annotations of type Uninterruptible
static boolean Mmapper.addressIsMapped(Address addr)
          Return true if the given address has been mmapped
static boolean Mmapper.objectIsMapped(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given object has been mmapped

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.options

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.options with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class NurseryZeroing
          The zeroing approach to use for new object allocations.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.options with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 int NurserySize.getMaxNursery()
          Read the upper bound of the nursery size.
 int NurserySize.getMinNursery()
          Read the lower bound of the nursery size.
 int TraceRate.getValue()
          Return the appropriate value.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class SanityChecker
          This class performs sanity checks for Simple collectors.
 class SanityCheckerLocal
          This class performs sanity checks for Simple collectors.
 class SanityDataTable
          This class implements a simple hashtable to store and retrieve per object information for sanity checking.
(package private)  class SanityLinearScan
          This class performs sanity checks for Simple collectors.
 class SanityRootTraceLocal
          This class implements the parallel root-gathering part of a sanity check.
 class SanityTraceLocal
          This class implements the simply sanity closure.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.utility.statistics

Classes in org.mmtk.utility.statistics with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class BooleanCounter
          This class implements a simple boolean counter (counting number of phases where some boolean event is true).
 class Counter
          This abstract class describes the interface of a generic counter.
 class EventCounter
          This class implements a simple event counter (counting number events that occur for each phase).
 class LongCounter
          This abstract class implements a simple counter (counting some integer (long) value for each phase).
 class PerfEvent
          This class represents a perf event, such as cache misses, etc.
 class SizeCounter
          This class implements a simple counter of events of different sizes (eg object allocations, where total number of objects and total volume of objects would be counted).
 class Stats
          This class implements basic statistics functionality
 class Timer
          This class implements a simple timer.
 class Xml
          Utility class for writing statistics out in XML format.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.vm

Classes in org.mmtk.vm with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class ActivePlan
          Stub to give access to plan local, constraint and global instances
 class Assert
 class Barriers
 class Collection
 class Debug
 class FinalizableProcessor
          This class manages finalizable objects.
 class Lock
          Simple, fair locks with deadlock detection.
 class Memory
 class MMTk_Events
          Event generation interface for MMTk.
 class Monitor
          Provides MMTk access to a heavy lock with condition variable.
 class ObjectModel
 class ReferenceProcessor
          This class manages SoftReferences, WeakReferences, and PhantomReferences.
 class Scanning
 class Statistics
 class Strings
 class SynchronizedCounter
          A counter that supports atomic increment and reset.
 class TraceInterface
          Class that supports scanning Objects or Arrays for references during tracing, handling those references, and computing death times

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.mmtk.vm.gcspy

Classes in org.mmtk.vm.gcspy with annotations of type Uninterruptible
 class ByteStream
          Set up a GCspy Stream with data type BYTE_TYPE
 class IntStream
          Set up a GCspy Stream with data type INT_TYPE.
 class ServerInterpreter
          Abstract class for the GCspy server interpreter Implementing classes will mostly forward calls to the C gcspy library.
 class ServerSpace
          Abstract class for the GCspy Space abstraction.
 class ShortStream
          Set up a GCspy Stream with data type SHORT_TYPE.
 class Stream
          Abstract class for a GCspy Stream.
 class Util
          Abstract class that provides generally useful methods.

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.vmmagic.unboxed

Classes in org.vmmagic.unboxed with annotations of type Uninterruptible
(package private)  class ArchitecturalWord

Uses of Uninterruptible in org.vmutil.options

Methods in org.vmutil.options with annotations of type Uninterruptible
protected abstract  int OptionSet.bytesToPages(Extent bytes)
          Convert bytes into pages, rounding up if necessary.
 Extent PagesOption.getBytes()
          Read the current value of the option in bytes.
 Extent PagesOption.getDefaultBytes()
          Read the default value of the option in bytes.
 int MicrosecondsOption.getDefaultMicroseconds()
          Read the default value of the option in microseconds.
 int MicrosecondsOption.getDefaultMilliseconds()
          Read the default value of the option in milliseconds.
 int PagesOption.getDefaultPages()
          Read the default value of the option in pages.
 Address AddressOption.getDefaultValue()
          Read the default value of the option.
 String StringOption.getDefaultValue()
          Read the default value of the option
 int IntOption.getDefaultValue()
          Read the default value of the option.
 float FloatOption.getDefaultValue()
          Read the default value of the option
 int EnumOption.getDefaultValue()
          Read the default value of the option.
 boolean BooleanOption.getDefaultValue()
          Read the default value of the option.
 String EnumOption.getDefaultValueString()
          Read the string for the default value of the option.
 int MicrosecondsOption.getMicroseconds()
          Read the current value of the option in microseconds.
 int MicrosecondsOption.getMilliseconds()
          Read the current value of the option in milliseconds.
 int PagesOption.getPages()
          Read the current value of the option in pages.
 Address AddressOption.getValue()
          Read the current value of the option.
 String StringOption.getValue()
          Read the current value of the option.
 int IntOption.getValue()
          Read the current value of the option.
 float FloatOption.getValue()
          Read the current value of the option.
 int EnumOption.getValue()
          Read the current value of the option.
 boolean BooleanOption.getValue()
          Read the current value of the option.
 String EnumOption.getValueString()
          Read the string for the current value of the option.
protected abstract  Extent OptionSet.pagesToBytes(int pages)
          Convert from pages into bytes.