Package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.instrumentation

Class Summary
AOSInstrumentationPlan An instance of this class is created for each method that is instrumented by the adaptive system.
CounterBasedSampling Contains necessary infrastructure to perform counter-based sampling used with the instrumentation sampling code (PLDI'01) (see InstrumentationSamplingFramework)
InsertInstructionCounters The following OPT phase inserts counters on all instructions in the IR.
InsertMethodInvocationCounter An CompilerPhase that inserts a method invocation counter on the first basic block of the method.
InsertYieldpointCounters An opt compiler phase that inserts yieldpoint counters.
InstrumentationSamplingFramework Transforms the method so that instrumentation is sampled, rather than executed exhaustively.
LowerInstrumentation This phase takes converts "instrumentation instructions" that were inserted by previous instrumentation phases and "lowers" them, converting them to the actual instructions that perform the instrumentation.