Class ByteStream

  extended by org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.Stream
      extended by org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ByteStream
          extended by

public class ByteStream
extends ByteStream

Set up a GCspy Stream with data type BYTE_TYPE.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.Stream
DEBUG, presentation, serverSpace, stream, streamId, summary0, summary1, summaryEnabled, summaryLen
Constructor Summary
ByteStream(AbstractDriver driver, String name, byte minValue, byte maxValue, byte zeroValue, byte defaultValue, String stringPre, String stringPost, int presentation, int paintStyle, int indexMaxStream, Color colour, boolean summary)
          Construct a new GCspy stream of BYTE_TYPE
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ByteStream
distribute, increment, resetData, send
Methods inherited from class org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.Stream
getMaxValue, getMinValue, sendSummary, setStream, setSummary, setSummary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ByteStream(AbstractDriver driver,
                  String name,
                  byte minValue,
                  byte maxValue,
                  byte zeroValue,
                  byte defaultValue,
                  String stringPre,
                  String stringPost,
                  int presentation,
                  int paintStyle,
                  int indexMaxStream,
                  Color colour,
                  boolean summary)
Construct a new GCspy stream of BYTE_TYPE

driver - The driver that owns this Stream
name - The name of the stream (e.g. "Used space")
minValue - The minimum value for any item in this stream. Values less than this will be represented as "minValue-"
maxValue - The maximum value for any item in this stream. Values greater than this will be represented as "maxValue+"
zeroValue - The zero value for this stream
defaultValue - The default value for this stream
stringPre - A string to prefix values (e.g. "Used: ")
stringPost - A string to suffix values (e.g. " bytes.")
presentation - How a stream value is to be presented.
paintStyle - How the value is to be painted.
indexMaxStream - The index of the maximum stream if the presentation is *_VAR.
colour - The default colour for tiles of this stream