Package org.mmtk.policy

Interface Summary
Space.SpaceVisitor Interface to use to implement the Visitor Pattern for Spaces.

Class Summary
BaseLargeObjectSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one treadmill space.
CopyLocal This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of a copying collector.
CopySpace This class implements tracing functionality for a simple copying space.
ExplicitFreeListLocal This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of an explicitly managed collector.
ExplicitFreeListSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one *space*.
ExplicitLargeObjectSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space.
ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.Sweeper A callback used to perform sweeping of the large object space.
ImmortalLocal This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of an immortal space.
ImmortalSpace This class implements tracing for a simple immortal collection policy.
LargeObjectLocal Each instance of this class is intended to provide fast, unsynchronized access to a treadmill.
LargeObjectSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space.
MarkCompactCollector This class implements unsynchronized (local) per-collector-thread elements of a sliding mark-compact collector.
MarkCompactCollector.FromCursor Subclass for the read-only cursor that leads the scan of regions.
MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor Both the 'compact' and 'calculate' phases can be thought of as sweeping a pair of cursors across a linked list of regions.
MarkCompactCollector.ToCursor Subclass for the read-only cursor that follows the 'from' cursor, writing or calculating the position of copied objects
MarkCompactLocal This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of a sliding mark-compact collector.
MarkCompactSpace This class implements functionality for a simple sliding mark-compact space.
MarkSweepLocal This class implements unsynchronized (local) elements of a mark-sweep collector.
MarkSweepSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.
RawPageSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one raw page space.
SegregatedFreeListSpace Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.
SegregatedFreeListSpace.Sweeper A callback used to perform sweeping of a free list space.
Space This class defines and manages spaces.