Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm |
Methods in org.jikesrvm with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static void |
The disableGC() and enableGC() methods are for use as guards to protect code that must deal with raw object addresses in a collection-safe manner (i.e. code that holds raw pointers across "gc-sites"). |
static void |
VM.disableGC(boolean recursiveOK)
disableGC: Disable GC if it hasn't already been disabled. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive |
Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
class |
Code invoked from Thread.yieldpoint for the purposes of OSR. |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static void |
OnStackReplacementTrigger.trigger(int ypTakenInCMID,
Offset tsFromFPoff,
Offset ypTakenFPoff,
int whereFrom)
Trigger an OSR from a running thread. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.organizers |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.organizers with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
private void |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.classloader |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
CompiledMethod |
Get the current compiled method for this method. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
int |
BaselineCompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset,
RVMType exceptionType)
Find a catch block within the compiled method |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
void |
BaselineExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Pass control to a catch block. |
void |
BaselineExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Unwind a stackframe. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static int |
ExceptionTable.findCatchBlockForInstruction(int[] eTable,
Offset instructionOffset,
RVMType exceptionType)
Return the machine code offset for the catch block that will handle the argument exceptionType,or -1 if no such catch block exists. |
abstract int |
CompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset,
RVMType exceptionType)
Find "catch" block for a machine instruction of this method that might be guarded against specified class of exceptions by a "try" block. |
int |
HardwareTrapCompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset,
RVMType exceptionType)
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport |
Classes in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
class |
Contains routines that must be compiled with special prologues and eplilogues that save/restore all registers (both volatile and non-volatile). |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
int |
OptCompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset,
RVMType exceptionType)
Find "catch" block for a machine instruction of this method. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.ia32 |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.ia32 with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
void |
OptExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Pass control to a catch block. |
void |
OptExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Unwind a stackframe. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.jni |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
Object |
JNIEnvironment.exitFromJNI(int offset)
Restore data, throw pending exceptions or convert return value for exit from JNI. |
int |
JNICompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset,
RVMType exceptionType)
static void |
Return and clear the (known to be non-null) pending exception. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static Object |
MemoryManager.allocateArray(int numElements,
int logElementSize,
int headerSize,
TIB tib,
int allocator,
int align,
int offset,
int site)
Allocate an array object. |
static Object |
Gets an object from the list of objects that are to be reclaimed and need to have their finalize method called. |
static byte[] |
MemoryManager.newStack(int bytes)
Allocate a stack |
void |
Collection entry point. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.mm.mmtk |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.mm.mmtk with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static void |
FinalizableProcessor.addCandidate(Object object)
Add a finalization candidate. |
private void |
ReferenceProcessor.addCandidate(Reference<?> ref,
ObjectReference referent)
Add a reference to the list of references. |
void |
boolean |
ReferenceProcessor.enqueueReference(ObjectReference addr)
Put this Reference object on its ReferenceQueue (if it has one) when its referent is no longer sufficiently reachable. |
static Object |
Get an object to call the finalize() method on it. |
Object |
Get an object to run finalize(). |
void |
void |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static void |
ObjectModel.genericLock(Object o)
Generic lock |
static void |
JavaHeader.genericLock(Object o)
Generic lock |
static void |
ObjectModel.genericUnlock(Object o)
Generic unlock |
static void |
JavaHeader.genericUnlock(Object o)
Generic unlock |
static Lock |
ObjectModel.getHeavyLock(Object o,
boolean create)
Obtains the heavy-weight lock, if there is one, associated with the indicated object. |
static Lock |
JavaHeader.getHeavyLock(Object o,
boolean create)
Obtains the heavy-weight lock, if there is one, associated with the indicated object. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.runtime |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
static void |
RuntimeEntrypoints.athrow(Throwable exceptionObject)
Deliver a software exception to current java thread. |
static int |
FileSystem.bytesAvailable(int fd)
abstract void |
ExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Stackframe's method has a "catch" block for exception being thrown and control is to be passed to that catch block. |
private static void |
RuntimeEntrypoints.deliverException(Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers exceptionRegisters)
Deliver an exception to current java thread. |
static int |
FileSystem.readByte(int fd)
Read single byte from file. |
static int |
FileSystem.readBytes(int fd,
byte[] buf,
int off,
int cnt)
Read multiple bytes. |
static boolean |
FileSystem.sync(int fd)
abstract void |
ExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Stackframe's method has no "catch" block for exception being thrown and stackframe is to be "unwound" as follows: 1. for a synchronized method, call ObjectModel.genericUnlock(), passing it the appropriate "lock" object for non-static methods, the lock is the method's first argument ("this") for static methods, the lock is the method's java.lang.Class 2. restore the non-volatile registers (including fp) that were saved in the method's prologue, by copying them from the method's stackframe save area into the provided "registers" object |
static int |
FileSystem.writeByte(int fd,
int b)
Write single byte to file |
static int |
FileSystem.writeBytes(int fd,
byte[] buf,
int off,
int cnt)
Write multiple bytes. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.jikesrvm.scheduler |
Classes in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
class |
An implementation of a latch using the HeavyCondLock in "nice" mode. |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
protected static Lock |
ThinLock.attemptToInflate(Object o,
Offset lockOffset,
Lock l)
Promotes a light-weight lock to a heavy-weight lock. |
static boolean |
ThinLock.attemptToMarkInflated(Object o,
Offset lockOffset,
Word oldLockWord,
int lockId,
int cnt)
void |
void |
RVMThread.beginPairWith(RVMThread other)
void |
int |
RVMThread.block(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba)
(package private) int |
RVMThread.block(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba,
boolean asynchronous)
Attempt to block the thread, and return the state it is in after the attempt. |
static void |
Stop all mutator threads. |
static boolean |
ThinLock.casFromBiased(Object o,
Offset lockOffset,
Word oldLockWord,
Word changed,
int cnt)
(package private) void |
Check if the thread is supposed to block, and if so, block it. |
private void |
A variant of checkBlock() that does not save the thread state. |
static Lock |
ThinLock.getHeavyLock(Object o,
Offset lockOffset,
boolean create)
Obtains the heavy-weight lock, if there is one, associated with the indicated object. |
static void |
static void |
RVMThread.hardHandshakeResume(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba,
RVMThread.HardHandshakeVisitor hhv)
static void |
static void |
RVMThread.hardHandshakeSuspend(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba,
RVMThread.HardHandshakeVisitor hhv)
private static Lock |
ThinLock.inflate(Object o,
Offset lockOffset)
Promotes a light-weight lock to a heavy-weight lock. |
private static boolean |
ThinLock.inflateAndLock(Object o,
Offset lockOffset)
Promotes a light-weight lock to a heavy-weight lock and locks it. |
static void |
ThinLock.inlineLock(Object o,
Offset lockOffset)
static void |
ThinLock.inlineUnlock(Object o,
Offset lockOffset)
private void |
static void |
Called when JNI code tried to transition from IN_JNI to IN_JAVA but failed |
(package private) static void |
static void |
static void |
static void |
Leave privileged code. |
private void |
private void |
static void |
ThinLock.lock(Object o,
Offset lockOffset)
void |
boolean |
Lock.lockHeavy(Object o)
Acquires this heavy-weight lock on the indicated object. |
boolean |
Lock.lockHeavyLocked(Object o)
Complete the task of acquiring the heavy lock, assuming that the mutex is already acquired (locked). |
void |
void |
Wait until it is possible to acquire the lock and then acquire it. |
void |
static void |
Monitor.lockWithHandshake(Monitor m1,
Word priority1,
Monitor m2,
Word priority2)
private void |
private void |
void |
Monitor.relockWithHandshake(int recCount)
Relock the mutex after using unlockCompletely, but do so "nicely". |
private void |
Monitor.relockWithHandshakeImpl(int recCount)
static void |
RVMThread.resizeCurrentStack(int newSize,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers exceptionRegisters)
Change the size of the currently executing thread's stack. |
static void |
The return barrier. |
int |
RVMThread.safeAsyncBlock(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba)
int |
RVMThread.safeBlock(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba)
private int |
RVMThread.safeBlock(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba,
boolean asynchronous)
private static void |
ThinLock.setDedicatedU16(Object o,
Offset lockOffset,
Word value)
Set only the dedicated locking 16-bit part of the given value. |
static void |
RVMThread.softHandshake(RVMThread.SoftHandshakeVisitor v)
Tell each thread to take a yieldpoint and wait until all of them have done so at least once. |
private void |
Unpreemptible portion of thread termination. |
private static void |
RVMThread.throwFromUninterruptible(Throwable e)
void |
Monitor.timedWaitAbsoluteWithHandshake(long whenWakeupNanos)
Wait until someone calls broadcast, or until the clock reaches the given time. |
private void |
Monitor.timedWaitAbsoluteWithHandshakeImpl(long whenWakeupNanos)
void |
Monitor.timedWaitRelativeWithHandshake(long delayNanos)
Wait until someone calls broadcast, or until at least the given number of nanoseconds pass. |
private void |
Monitor.timedWaitRelativeWithHandshakeImpl(long delayNanos)
static void |
Unblock all mutators blocked for GC. |
static void |
ThinLock.unlock(Object o,
Offset lockOffset)
void |
Lock.unlockHeavy(Object o)
Releases this heavy-weight lock on the indicated object. |
void |
Wait until someone calls broadcast. |
private void |
static void |
RVMThread.yieldpoint(int whereFrom,
Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP)
Process a taken yieldpoint. |
static void |
Yieldpoint taken on backedge. |
static void |
Yieldpoint taken in epilogue. |
static void |
Yieldpoint taken in prologue. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.mmtk.plan |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
void |
Perform some concurrent garbage collection |
static void |
The application code has requested a collection. |
static boolean |
Notify that the concurrent phase has completed successfully. |
void |
Entry point for the collector context. |
void |
Main execution loop. |
abstract void |
Entry point for the collector context. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
void |
Perform some concurrent garbage collection |
void |
ConcurrentCollector.concurrentCollectionPhase(short phaseId)
Perform some concurrent collection work. |
void |
Entry point for the collector context. |
Uses of Unpreemptible in org.mmtk.vm |
Methods in org.mmtk.vm with annotations of type Unpreemptible | |
abstract void |
Block for the garbage collector. |
abstract void |
Resume all mutators blocked for GC. |
abstract void |
Stop all mutator threads. |