Uses of Class

Packages that use RVMType

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type RVMType
static void Callbacks.notifyDefineClass(RVMType type)
          Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.defineclass was called.
 void Callbacks.DefineClassMonitor.notifyDefineClass(RVMType type)
          Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.defineclass was called.
static void Callbacks.notifyForName(RVMType type)
          Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.forName was called.
 void Callbacks.ForNameMonitor.notifyForName(RVMType type)
          Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.forName was called.
static void Callbacks.notifyLoadClass(RVMType type)
          Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.loadclass was called.
 void Callbacks.LoadClassMonitor.notifyLoadClass(RVMType type)
          Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.loadclass was called.

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Subclasses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.classloader
 class Primitive
          Description of a java "primitive" type (int, float, etc.)
 class RVMArray
          Description of a java "array" type.
 class RVMClass
          Description of a java "class" type.
 class UnboxedType
          Description of an Unboxed Magic type.

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as RVMType
private  RVMType RVMArray.elementType
          The RVMType object for elements of this array type.
private  RVMType RVMArray.innermostElementType
          The RVMType object for the innermost element of this array type.
private  RVMType TypeReference.type
          The RVMType instance that this type reference resolves to.
private static RVMType[][] RVMType.types
          All types

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader with type parameters of type RVMType
private  ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<String,RVMType> BootstrapClassLoader.loaded

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return RVMType
static RVMType RVMClassLoader.defineClassInternal(String className, byte[] classRep, int offset, int length, ClassLoader classloader)
static RVMType RVMClassLoader.defineClassInternal(String className, InputStream is, ClassLoader classloader)
 RVMType RVMArray.getElementType()
 RVMType RVMArray.getInnermostElementType()
 RVMType BytecodeStream.getObjectArrayType(RVMType klass)
          Returns the type of the array of given object type (as a RVMType).
 RVMType BytecodeStream.getPrimitiveArrayType()
          Returns the type of the primitive array (as a RVMType).
static RVMType RVMType.getType(int id)
          Get the type for the given id
(package private)  RVMType BootstrapClassLoader.loadVMClass(String className)
          Backdoor for use by TypeReference.resolve when !
 RVMType TypeReference.peekType()
 RVMType TypeReference.resolve()
          Force the resolution of the type reference.
private  RVMType TypeReference.resolveInternal()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMType
(package private) static short[] DynamicTypeCheck.buildSuperclassIds(RVMType t)
          Create the superclass Id vector for a RVMType.
protected static Class<?> RVMType.createClassForType(RVMType type, TypeReference typeRef)
          Utility to create a java.lang.Class for the given type using the given type reference
 RVMType BytecodeStream.getObjectArrayType(RVMType klass)
          Returns the type of the array of given object type (as a RVMType).
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfResolved(RVMType LHSType, RVMType RHSType)
          Can we store an object of type RHSType in a variable of type LHSType?
 boolean RVMType.isAssignableFrom(RVMType type)
private static int RVMType.nextId(RVMType it)
          Allocate entry in types array and add it (NB resize array if it's not long enough)
static void SpecializedMethodManager.notifyTypeInstantiated(RVMType type)
          Set up the specialized methods for the given type
static void SpecializedMethodManager.refreshSpecializedMethods(RVMType type)
          Set up the specialized methods for the given type
(package private)  void TypeReference.setType(RVMType rt)
abstract  ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray SpecializedMethod.specializeMethod(RVMType type)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMType
RVMArray(TypeReference typeRef, RVMType elementType)

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with parameters of type RVMType
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_checkcast_final(RVMType type)
          Emit code to implement the checkcast bytecode
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_instanceof_final(RVMType type)
          Emit code to implement the instanceof bytecode
 int BaselineCompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType)
          Find a catch block within the compiled method

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type RVMType
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_checkcast_final(RVMType type)
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_instanceof_final(RVMType type)

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.common with parameters of type RVMType
static int ExceptionTable.findCatchBlockForInstruction(int[] eTable, Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType)
          Return the machine code offset for the catch block that will handle the argument exceptionType,or -1 if no such catch block exists.
abstract  int CompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType)
          Find "catch" block for a machine instruction of this method that might be guarded against specified class of exceptions by a "try" block.
 int HardwareTrapCompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType)

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir with parameters of type RVMType
private  TypeOperand BC2IR.makeTypeOperand(RVMType type)
          Make a type operand that refers to the given type.

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir with parameters of type RVMType
(package private) static Operand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s, IR ir, RVMType type)
          get the class tib for type

Uses of RVMType in

Fields in declared as RVMType
private  RVMType TypeOperand.type
          A type
 RVMType TIBConstantOperand.value
          The non-null type for this TIB

Methods in that return RVMType
 RVMType TypeOperand.getVMType()

Methods in with parameters of type RVMType
 void MethodOperand.refine(RVMType targetClass)
          Refine the target information.

Constructors in with parameters of type RVMType
TIBConstantOperand(RVMType v)
          Construct a new TIB constant operand
TypeOperand(RVMType typ)
          Create a new type operand with the specified type.
TypeOperand(RVMType t, TypeReference tr)

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport with parameters of type RVMType
 int OptCompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType)
          Find "catch" block for a machine instruction of this method.

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.jni

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with parameters of type RVMType
 int JNICompiledMethod.findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType)

Uses of RVMType in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMType
private static int SpecializedScanMethod.getPattern(RVMType type)
          Get the pattern index for a given type
static Object MemoryManager.newRuntimeTable(int size, RVMType type)
          Allocate a new runtime table (at runtime)
static void MemoryManager.notifyClassResolved(RVMType vmType)
          A new type has been resolved by the VM.
static int MemoryManager.pickAllocator(RVMType type)
          Returns the appropriate allocation scheme/area for the given type.
static int MemoryManager.pickAllocator(RVMType type, RVMMethod method)
          Returns the appropriate allocation scheme/area for the given type and given method requesting the allocation.
private static int MemoryManager.pickAllocatorForType(RVMType type)
          Determine the default allocator to be used for a given type.
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray SpecializedScanMethod.specializeMethod(RVMType type)
          TODO: Lazily compile specialized methods?

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel that return RVMType
static RVMType ObjectModel.getObjectType(Object o)
          Get the type of an object.
 RVMType TIB.getType()
          Get the type for this TIB.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type RVMType
static void ObjectModel.allocateThinLock(RVMType t)
          Allocate a thin lock word for instances of the type (if they already have one, then has no effect).
static void JavaHeader.allocateThinLock(RVMType t)
          Allocate a thin lock word for instances of the type (if they already have one, then has no effect).
static int ObjectModel.computeHeaderSize(RVMType type)
          Compute the header size of an instance of the given type.
 boolean ITable.isFor(RVMType I)
          Does this ITable correspond to the given interface?
static void ObjectModel.setTIB(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address refAddress, Address tibAddr, RVMType type)
          Set the TIB for an object.
static void JavaHeader.setTIB(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address refOffset, Address tibAddr, RVMType type)
          Set the TIB for an object.
 void TIB.setType(RVMType type)
          Set the type for this TIB.

Uses of RVMType in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime that return RVMType
static RVMType Magic.getObjectType(Object object)
          Get an object's type.
static RVMType Magic.objectAsType(Object object)
          Cast object.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type RVMType
private static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.cloneArray(Object obj, RVMType type)
          Clone an array
private static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.cloneClass(Object obj, RVMType type)
          Clone an object implementing a class - check that the class is cloneable (we make this a small method with just a test so that the inliner will inline it and hopefully eliminate the instanceof test).
private static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.cloneClass2(Object obj, RVMType type)
          Clone an object implementing a class - the actual clone
static boolean RuntimeEntrypoints.isAssignableWith(RVMType lhs, RVMType rhs)
          May a variable of type "lhs" be assigned a value of type "rhs"?