Uses of Class

Packages that use NonMoving

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm

Classes in org.jikesrvm with annotations of type NonMoving
static class ArchitectureSpecific.Registers

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.adaptive

Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive with annotations of type NonMoving
 class OSROrganizerThread
          Organizer thread collects OSR requests and inserted in controller queue The producers are application threads, and the consumer thread is the organizer.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller

Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller with annotations of type NonMoving
 class ControllerThread
          This class implements the controller thread.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.organizers

Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.organizers with annotations of type NonMoving
 class AccumulatingMethodSampleOrganizer
          An organizer for method listener information that simply accumulates the samples into a private MethodCountData instance.
(package private)  class AccumulatingMethodSampleOrganizer.AsyncReporter
 class DecayOrganizer
          An organizer that periodically decays runtime counters
 class DynamicCallGraphOrganizer
          An organizer to build a dynamic call graph from call graph edge samples.
 class MethodSampleOrganizer
          An organizer for method listener information.
 class Organizer
          An Organizer acts an an intermediary between the low level online measurements and the controller.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation

Classes in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation with annotations of type NonMoving
 class CompilationThread
          This class is a separate thread whose job is to monitor a (priority) queue of compilation plans.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Classes in org.jikesrvm.classloader with annotations of type NonMoving
 class Primitive
          Description of a java "primitive" type (int, float, etc.)
 class RVMArray
          Description of a java "array" type.
 class RVMClass
          Description of a java "class" type.
 class RVMType
          A description of a java type.
 class UnboxedType
          Description of an Unboxed Magic type.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.ia32

Classes in org.jikesrvm.ia32 with annotations of type NonMoving
 class Registers
          The machine state comprising a thread's execution context, used both for thread context switching and for software/hardware exception reporting/delivery.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.jni

Classes in org.jikesrvm.jni with annotations of type NonMoving
 class FunctionTable
          This class holds a JNI function table, at runtime it is an array with CodeArray elements
 class JNIEnvironment
          A JNIEnvironment is created for each Java thread.
 class LinkageTripletTable
          This class holds a triplet for each entry of the JNI function table.

Uses of NonMoving in

Classes in with annotations of type NonMoving
 class CollectorThread
          System thread used to perform garbage collection work.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Classes in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with annotations of type NonMoving
 class IMT
          This class represents an instance of an interface method table, at runtime it is an array with CodeArray elements.
 class ITable
          This class represents an instance of an interface table.
 class ITableArray
          This class represents an instance of an array of interface tables.
 class TIB
          This class represents an instance of a type information block, at runtime it is an array with Object elements.

Uses of NonMoving in org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Classes in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type NonMoving
 class BootThread
          Represents the thread that the Jikes RVM uses to boot itself.
 class FinalizerThread
          Finalizer thread.
 class Monitor
          Implementation of a heavy lock and condition variable implemented using the primitives available from the operating system.
 class NoYieldpointsMonitor
          A heavy condition variable and lock that also disables interrupts while the lock is held.
 class RVMThread
          A generic java thread's execution context.
(package private) static class RVMThread.AllButGCHardHandshakeVisitor
static class RVMThread.BlockAdapter
          A block adapter specifies the reason for blocking or unblocking a thread.
static class RVMThread.GCBlockAdapter
static class RVMThread.HandshakeBlockAdapter
static class RVMThread.SuspendBlockAdapter
 class SystemThread
 class ThreadQueue
          An unsynchronized queue data structure for Threads.
 class TimerThread
          The timer thread.