Uses of Class

Packages that use Extent

Uses of Extent in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type Extent
static void VM.sysWrite(Extent e)
static void VM.sysWriteln(Extent e)
static void VM.write(Extent addr)
static void VM.writeHex(Extent value)

Uses of Extent in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return Extent
 Extent RVMField.getExtentValueUnchecked(Object obj)

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type Extent
 void RVMField.setExtentValueUnchecked(Object obj, Extent ref)

Uses of Extent in

Constructors in with parameters of type Extent
AddressConstantOperand(Extent v)
          Constructs a new address constant operand with the specified offset value.

Uses of Extent in

Methods in that return Extent
static Extent Barriers.extentFieldRead(Object ref, Offset offset, int locationMetadata)
          Barrier for loads of Extents from fields of instances (i.e. getfield).
static Extent MemoryManager.freeMemory()
          Returns the amount of free memory.
static Extent MemoryManager.getMaxHeapSize()
          Return the max heap size in bytes (as set by -Xmx).
static Extent MemoryManager.maxMemory()
          Returns the maximum amount of memory VM will attempt to use.
static Extent MemoryManager.totalMemory()
          Returns the amount of total memory.

Methods in with parameters of type Extent
static void Barriers.extentFieldWrite(Object ref, Extent value, Offset offset, int locationMetadata)
          Barrier for writes of Extents into fields of instances (i.e. putfield).

Uses of Extent in

Methods in that return Extent
 Extent Barriers.extentRead(ObjectReference ref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Extent.

Methods in with parameters of type Extent
 void Barriers.extentWrite(ObjectReference ref, Extent target, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Extent.
 void MMTk_Events.heapSizeChanged(Extent heapSize)
 void useNT, Address start, Extent len)

Uses of Extent in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type Extent
static void ObjectModel.fillAlignmentGap(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address address, Extent size)
          Fill an alignment gap with the alignment value

Uses of Extent in org.jikesrvm.options

Methods in org.jikesrvm.options that return Extent
protected  Extent OptionSet.pagesToBytes(int pages)

Methods in org.jikesrvm.options with parameters of type Extent
protected  int OptionSet.bytesToPages(Extent bytes)

Uses of Extent in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Fields in org.jikesrvm.runtime declared as Extent
 Extent BootRecord.initialHeapSize
          initial size of heap
 Extent BootRecord.maximumHeapSize
          maximum size of heap

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime that return Extent
static Extent Magic.getExtentAtOffset(Object object, Offset offset)
          Get Extent at arbitrary (byte) offset from object.
static Extent Magic.getExtentAtOffset(Object object, Offset offset, int locationMetadata)
          Get Extent at arbitrary (byte) offset from object.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type Extent
static Address Memory.dzmmap(Address address, Extent size)
          Do mmap demand zero fixed address memory mapping call
static boolean Memory.isPageMultiple(Extent val)
static void Memory.memcopy(Address dst, Address src, Extent cnt)
          Copy a region of memory.
static Address Memory.mmap(Address address, Extent size, int prot, int flags)
          Do generic mmap non-file memory mapping call
static boolean Memory.mprotect(Address address, Extent size, int prot)
          Do mprotect system call
static void Magic.setExtentAtOffset(Object object, Offset offset, Extent newvalue)
          Set Extent at arbitrary (byte) offset from object.
static void Magic.setExtentAtOffset(Object object, Offset offset, Extent newvalue, int locationMetadata)
          Set Extent at arbitrary (byte) offset from object.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, Extent value)
          Set contents of a slot, as a Extent
abstract  void SysCall.sysCopy(Address dst, Address src, Extent cnt)
abstract  Address SysCall.sysMMap(Address start, Extent length, int protection, int flags, int fd, Offset offset)
abstract  Address SysCall.sysMMapErrno(Address start, Extent length, int protection, int flags, int fd, Offset offset)
abstract  int SysCall.sysMProtect(Address start, Extent length, int prot)
abstract  void SysCall.sysZero(Address dst, Extent cnt)
abstract  void SysCall.sysZeroNT(Address dst, Extent cnt)
static void useNT, Address start, Extent len)
          Zero a region of memory.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.plan

Methods in org.mmtk.plan that return Extent
static Extent Plan.availableMemory()
          Return the amount of available memory, in bytes.
 Extent MutatorContext.extentRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read an Extent.
static Extent Plan.freeMemory()
          Return the amount of free memory, in bytes (where free is defined as not in use).
static Extent Plan.reservedMemory()
          Return the amount of memory in use, in bytes.
static Extent Plan.totalMemory()
          Return the total amount of memory managed to the memory management system, in bytes.
static Extent Plan.usedMemory()
          Return the amount of memory in use, in bytes.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan with parameters of type Extent
 void MutatorContext.extentWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Extent value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Extent.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.usePrimitiveWriteBarriers

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.usePrimitiveWriteBarriers with parameters of type Extent
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.extentWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Extent value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Extent.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.policy

Fields in org.mmtk.policy declared as Extent
static Extent Space.AVAILABLE_BYTES
protected  Extent Space.extent
private static Extent SegregatedFreeListSpace.LIVE_WORD_STRIDE
private static Extent SegregatedFreeListSpace.META_DATA_OFFSET

Methods in org.mmtk.policy that return Extent
static Extent Space.chunkAlign(Extent bytes, boolean down)
          Align an extent to a space chunk
 Extent Space.getExtent()
          Extent getter @return The size (extent) of this space
static Extent Space.getFracAvailable(float frac)
          Convert a fraction into a number of bytes according to the fraction of available bytes.
 Extent BaseLargeObjectSpace.getSize(Address first)
          Return the size of the super page
protected  Extent MarkCompactLocal.maximumRegionSize()

Methods in org.mmtk.policy with parameters of type Extent
static Extent Space.chunkAlign(Extent bytes, boolean down)
          Align an extent to a space chunk
protected  void SegregatedFreeListSpace.clearBlockMark(Address block, Extent blockSize)
          Clear block marks for a block
protected  boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.containsLiveCell(Address block, Extent blockSize, boolean clearMarks)
          Does this block contain any live cells.
 void Space.growSpace(Address start, Extent bytes, boolean newChunk)
          This hook is called by page resources each time a space grows.
protected  Address SegregatedFreeListSpace.sweepBlock(Address block, int sizeClass, Extent blockSize, Address availableHead, boolean clearMarks)
          Sweep a block, freeing it and adding to the list given by availableHead if it contains no free objects.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.policy.immix

Methods in org.mmtk.policy.immix with parameters of type Extent
 void ImmixSpace.growSpace(Address start, Extent bytes, boolean newChunk)

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.utility

Fields in org.mmtk.utility declared as Extent
private  Extent SimpleHashtable.entrySize
          The size of each entry in the table
private  Extent SimpleHashtable.size
          The full size of the table

Methods in org.mmtk.utility that return Extent
static Extent Conversions.pagesToBytes(int pages)
static Extent Conversions.roundDownMB(Extent bytes)

Methods in org.mmtk.utility with parameters of type Extent
private static void Memory.assertAligned(Extent value)
static int Conversions.bytesToMmapChunksUp(Extent bytes)
static int Conversions.bytesToPages(Extent bytes)
static int Conversions.bytesToPagesUp(Extent bytes)
static Extent Conversions.roundDownMB(Extent bytes)
static void Log.write(Extent e)
          writes an extent, in hexadecimal.
static void Log.writeln(Extent e)
          writes an extent, in hexadecimal, and a new-line, then flushes the buffer.
static void Log.writeln(Extent e, boolean flush)
          writes an extent, in hexadecimal, and a new-line, then optionally flushes the buffer.
static void start, Extent bytes)
          Zero a region of memory
static void Memory.zeroSmall(Address start, Extent bytes)
          Zero a small region of memory

Constructors in org.mmtk.utility with parameters of type Extent
SimpleHashtable(RawPageSpace rps, int logSize, Extent es)
          Create a new data table of a specified size.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.utility.alloc

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.alloc declared as Extent
static Extent BlockAllocator.META_DATA_EXTENT

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc that return Extent
static Extent EmbeddedMetaData.getMetaDataOffset(Address address, int logCoverage, int logAlign)
          Given an address, the density (coverage) of a meta data type, and the granularity (alignment) of the meta data, return the offset into the meta data the address.
protected  Extent BumpPointer.maximumRegionSize()
          Maximum size of a single region.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with parameters of type Extent
private  void BumpPointer.updateMetaData(Address start, Extent size, int bytes)
          Update the metadata to reflect the addition of a new region.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type Extent
protected  int AbstractDriver.countTileNum(Extent extent, int tileSize)
          Count number of tiles in an address range.
 void AbstractDriver.setRange(Address start, Extent extent)
          Indicate the limits of a space.

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.utility.heap

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.heap declared as Extent
private static Extent HeapGrowthManager.currentHeapSize
          The current heap size in bytes
 Extent VMRequest.extent
private static Extent HeapGrowthManager.initialHeapSize
          The initial heap size (-Xms) in bytes
private static Extent HeapGrowthManager.maxHeapSize
          The maximum heap size (-Xms) in bytes

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap that return Extent
static Extent Map.getContiguousRegionSize(Address start)
          Return the size of a contiguous region in bytes.
static Extent HeapGrowthManager.getCurrentHeapSize()
static Extent HeapGrowthManager.getInitialHeapSize()
          Return the initial heap size in bytes (as set by -Xms).
static Extent HeapGrowthManager.getMaxHeapSize()
          Return the max heap size in bytes (as set by -Xmx).
 Extent FreeListPageResource.getSize(Address first)
          Return the size of the super page

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type Extent
static void HeapGrowthManager.boot(Extent initial, Extent max)
          Initialize heap size parameters and the mechanisms used to adaptively change heap size.
static VMRequest VMRequest.create(Address start, Extent extent)
          A request for an explicit region of memory
static VMRequest VMRequest.create(Extent extent, boolean top)
          A request for a number of bytes of memory, optionally requesting the highest available.
static void Map.insert(Address start, Extent extent, int descriptor, Space space)
          Insert a space and its descriptor into the map, associating it with a particular address range.
static void HeapGrowthManager.overrideGrowHeapSize(Extent size)
          Forcibly grow the heap by the given number of bytes.
private  void MonotonePageResource.releasePages(Address first, Extent bytes)
          Release a range of pages associated with this page resource, optionally zeroing on release and optionally memory protecting on release.
private  void FreeListPageResource.reserveMetaData(Extent extent)
          Reserve virtual address space for meta-data.

Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type Extent
FreeListPageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes)
          Constructor Contiguous free list resource.
FreeListPageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes, int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
          Constructor Contiguous free list resource.
MonotonePageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes, int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
          Constructor Contiguous monotone resource.
VMRequest(int type, Address start, Extent bytes, float frac, boolean top)

Uses of Extent in org.mmtk.vm

Methods in org.mmtk.vm that return Extent
abstract  Extent Barriers.extentRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Extent.

Methods in org.mmtk.vm with parameters of type Extent
abstract  void Barriers.extentWrite(ObjectReference ref, Extent target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Extent.
abstract  void MMTk_Events.heapSizeChanged(Extent heapSize)
abstract  void useNT, Address start, Extent len)
          Zero a region of memory.

Uses of Extent in org.vmmagic.unboxed

Methods in org.vmmagic.unboxed that return Extent
static Extent Extent.fromIntSignExtend(int address)
static Extent Extent.fromIntZeroExtend(int address)
 Extent ExtentArray.get(int index)
static Extent Extent.max()
 Extent Extent.minus(Extent byteSize)
 Extent Extent.minus(int byteSize)
static Extent
 Extent byteSize)
 Extent byteSize)
 Extent Word.toExtent()
          Type-cast to an extent
static Extent

Methods in org.vmmagic.unboxed with parameters of type Extent
 boolean Extent.EQ(Extent extent2)
 boolean Extent.GE(Extent extent2)
 boolean Extent.GT(Extent extent2)
 boolean Extent.LE(Extent extent2)
 boolean Extent.LT(Extent extent2)
 Extent Extent.minus(Extent byteSize)
 Word Word.minus(Extent w2)
          Subtract an extent from a word.
 Address Address.minus(Extent extent)
          Subtract an Extent from this Address, and return the result.
 boolean Extent.NE(Extent extent2)
 Extent byteSize)
 Word w2)
          Add an extent to a word
 Address extent)
          Add an Extent to this Address, and return the sum.
 void ExtentArray.set(int index, Extent v)

Uses of Extent in org.vmutil.options

Methods in org.vmutil.options that return Extent
 Extent PagesOption.getBytes()
          Read the current value of the option in bytes.
 Extent PagesOption.getDefaultBytes()
          Read the default value of the option in bytes.
protected abstract  Extent OptionSet.pagesToBytes(int pages)
          Convert from pages into bytes.

Methods in org.vmutil.options with parameters of type Extent
protected abstract  int OptionSet.bytesToPages(Extent bytes)
          Convert bytes into pages, rounding up if necessary.
 void PagesOption.setBytes(Extent value)
          Update the value of the option, echoing the change if logChanges is set.