Uses of Class

Packages that use RVMClass

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type RVMClass
static void Callbacks.notifyClassInitialized(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the callback manager that a class has been initialized.
 void Callbacks.ClassInitializedMonitor.notifyClassInitialized(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the monitor that a class has been initialized.
static void Callbacks.notifyClassInstantiated(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the callback manager that a class has been instantiated.
 void Callbacks.ClassInstantiatedMonitor.notifyClassInstantiated(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the monitor that a class has been instantiated.
static void Callbacks.notifyClassLoaded(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the callback manager that a class has been loaded.
 void Callbacks.ClassLoadedMonitor.notifyClassLoaded(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the monitor that a class has been loaded.
static void Callbacks.notifyClassResolved(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the callback manager that a class has been resolved.
 void Callbacks.ClassResolvedMonitor.notifyClassResolved(RVMClass klass)
          Notify the monitor that a class has been resolved.
 void PrintLN.print(RVMClass class_)

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as RVMClass
private  RVMClass[] RVMClass.declaredInterfaces
          Interfaces supported by this class
protected static RVMClass[] RVMType.emptyVMClass
          Canonical representation of no VM classes
static RVMClass RVMType.FunctionTableType
static RVMClass RVMType.IMTType
private static RVMClass[] RVMClass.interfaces
static RVMClass RVMType.ITableArrayType
static RVMClass RVMType.ITableType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaIoSerializableType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaLangClassType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaLangCloneableType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaLangObjectType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaLangRefReferenceType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaLangStringType
static RVMClass RVMType.JavaLangThrowableType
private  RVMClass InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.klass
static RVMClass RVMType.LinkageTripletTableType
static RVMClass RVMType.MagicType
static RVMClass RVMType.ObjectReferenceType
private  RVMClass[] RVMClass.subClasses
          Non-final list of sub-classes.
private  RVMClass RVMClass.superClass
          Super class of this class
static RVMClass RVMType.TIBType

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return RVMClass
 RVMClass RVMType.asClass()
 RVMClass[] RVMClass.getAllImplementedInterfaces()
static RVMClass RVMClass.getClassFromStackFrame(int skip)
          Used for accessibility checks in reflection code.
 RVMClass[] RVMClass.getDeclaredInterfaces()
          Interfaces implemented directly by this class (ie. not including superclasses).
 RVMClass BytecodeStream.getDeclaringClass()
          Returns the declaring class that this bytecode stream is from
 RVMClass RVMMember.getDeclaringClass()
          Class that declared this field or method.
static RVMClass RVMClass.getInterface(int id)
 RVMClass[] RVMClass.getSubClasses()
          Currently loaded classes that "extend" this class.
 RVMClass RVMClass.getSuperClass()
          Superclass of this class (null means "no superclass", i.e. class is "java/lang/Object").
(package private) static RVMClass ClassFileReader.readClass(TypeReference typeRef, DataInputStream input)
          Create an instance of a RVMClass.
(package private) static RVMClass[] ClassFileReader.readDeclaredInterfaces(DataInputStream input, int[] constantPool)
          Read the list of interfaces implemented by the class being read
(package private) static RVMClass ClassFileReader.readSuperClass(DataInputStream input, int[] constantPool, short modifiers)
          Read the super class name, load and resolve the super class

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMClass
private  void RVMClass.addSubClass(RVMClass sub)
          Add to list of classes that derive from this one.
(package private) static int[] DynamicTypeCheck.buildDoesImplement(RVMClass t)
          Create the doesImplement vector for a RVMClass.
private static InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict InterfaceInvocation.buildIMTDict(RVMClass klass, RVMClass[] interfaces)
          Build up a description of the IMT contents for the given class.
private static InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict InterfaceInvocation.buildIMTDict(RVMClass klass, RVMClass[] interfaces)
          Build up a description of the IMT contents for the given class.
private static ITable InterfaceInvocation.buildITable(RVMClass C, RVMClass I)
          Build a single ITable for the pair of class C and interface I
 void ClassLoadingListener.classInitialized(RVMClass c, boolean writingBootImage)
(package private) static boolean RVMClassLoader.getDesiredAssertionStatus(RVMClass klass)
          Calculate the desired assertion status for a freshly loaded class
static int InterfaceInvocation.getITableIndex(RVMClass klass, Atom mname, Atom mdesc)
          Return the index of the interface method m in the itable
static void InterfaceInvocation.initializeDispatchStructures(RVMClass klass)
          Main entrypoint called from RVMClass.instantiate to initialize the interface dispatching data structures for the given class.
private static void InterfaceInvocation.installITable(RVMClass C, RVMClass I)
          Build and install an iTable for the given class interface pair (used for iTable miss on searched iTables).
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfClass(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded class.
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfInterface(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded interface.
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfNonArray(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded class or interface.
private static void InterfaceInvocation.populateIMT(RVMClass klass, InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict d)
          Populate an indirect IMT for C using the IMTDict d
 void InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.populateIMT(RVMClass klass, TIB tib, IMT imt)
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.resolveInterfaceMethodInternal(RVMClass declaringClass)
          Find the RVMMethod that this member reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.resolveInternal(RVMClass declaringClass)
          Find the RVMMethod that this member reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
private  RVMField FieldReference.resolveInternal(RVMClass declaringClass)
private  RVMField FieldReference.searchInterfaceFields(RVMClass c)
private  RVMMethod MethodReference.searchInterfaceMethods(RVMClass c)
static void InterfaceInvocation.updateTIBEntry(RVMClass klass, RVMMethod m)
          If there is an an IMT or ITable entry that contains compiled code for the argument method, then update it to contain the current compiled code for the method.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMClass
InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict(RVMClass c)
RVMClass(TypeReference typeRef, int[] constantPool, short modifiers, RVMClass superClass, RVMClass[] declaredInterfaces, RVMField[] declaredFields, RVMMethod[] declaredMethods, TypeReference[] declaredClasses, TypeReference declaringClass, TypeReference enclosingClass, MethodReference enclosingMethod, Atom sourceName, RVMMethod classInitializerMethod, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          Construct a class from its constituent loaded parts
RVMClass(TypeReference typeRef, int[] constantPool, short modifiers, RVMClass superClass, RVMClass[] declaredInterfaces, RVMField[] declaredFields, RVMMethod[] declaredMethods, TypeReference[] declaredClasses, TypeReference declaringClass, TypeReference enclosingClass, MethodReference enclosingMethod, Atom sourceName, RVMMethod classInitializerMethod, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          Construct a class from its constituent loaded parts

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline declared as RVMClass
protected  RVMClass TemplateCompilerFramework.klass
          The declaring class of the method being compiled

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with parameters of type RVMClass
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_checkcast_resolvedClass(RVMClass type)
          Emit code to implement the checkcast bytecode
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_checkcast_resolvedInterface(RVMClass type)
          Emit code to implement the checkcast bytecode
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_instanceof_resolvedClass(RVMClass type)
          Emit code to implement the instanceof bytecode
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_instanceof_resolvedInterface(RVMClass type)
          Emit code to implement the instanceof bytecode
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_resolved_new(RVMClass typeRef)
          Emit code to allocate a scalar object

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type RVMClass
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_checkcast_resolvedClass(RVMClass type)
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_checkcast_resolvedInterface(RVMClass type)
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_instanceof_resolvedClass(RVMClass type)
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_instanceof_resolvedInterface(RVMClass type)
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_resolved_new(RVMClass typeRef)

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type RVMClass
static ClassConstantOperand ClassLoaderProxy.getClassFromConstantPool(RVMClass klass, int index)
          Get the Class stored at a particular index of a class's constant pool.
static DoubleConstantOperand ClassLoaderProxy.getDoubleFromConstantPool(RVMClass klass, int index)
          Get the double stored at a particular index of a class's constant pool.
static FloatConstantOperand ClassLoaderProxy.getFloatFromConstantPool(RVMClass klass, int index)
          Get the float stored at a particular index of a class's constant pool.
static IntConstantOperand ClassLoaderProxy.getIntFromConstantPool(RVMClass klass, int index)
          Get the integer stored at a particular index of a class's constant pool.
static LongConstantOperand ClassLoaderProxy.getLongFromConstantPool(RVMClass klass, int index)
          Get the long stored at a particular index of a class's constant pool.
static StringConstantOperand ClassLoaderProxy.getStringFromConstantPool(RVMClass klass, int index)
          Get the String stored at a particular index of a class's constant pool.
static RVMMethod ClassLoaderProxy.lookupMethod(RVMClass cls, MethodReference ref)
          Find the method of the given class that matches the given descriptor.

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape declared as RVMClass
private  RVMClass ObjectReplacer.klass
          type of the object

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type RVMClass
private static boolean ObjectReplacer.containsUnsupportedUse(IR ir, Register reg, RVMClass klass, Set<Register> visited)
          Some cases we don't handle yet.
private static ArrayList<RVMField> ObjectReplacer.getFieldsAsArrayList(RVMClass klass)
          Returns a ArrayList, holding the fields of the object

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type RVMClass
ObjectReplacer(Register r, RVMClass _klass, IR i)

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining with type parameters of type RVMClass
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMClass,ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass>> InterfaceHierarchy.interfaceMapping
          a mapping from RVMClass (an interface) to a set of classes that claim to implement this interface.
private static ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMClass,ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass>> InterfaceHierarchy.interfaceMapping
          a mapping from RVMClass (an interface) to a set of classes that claim to implement this interface.
private  HashMapRVM<RVMClass,InvalidationDatabase.MethodSet> InvalidationDatabase.noSubclassHash
          A mapping from RVMClass to MethodSet: holds the set of methods which depend on a particular class being "final"

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining that return types with arguments of type RVMClass
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass> InterfaceHierarchy.allImplementors(RVMClass I)
          Return the set of all classes known to implement interface I.
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass> InterfaceHierarchy.allSubClasses(RVMClass C)
          Return the set of all classes known to extend C
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass> InterfaceHierarchy.findOrCreateSet(RVMClass I)
          Return the set of classes that implement a given interface.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining with parameters of type RVMClass
 void ClassLoadingDependencyManager.addNoSubclassDependency(RVMClass source, CompiledMethod cm)
          Record that the code currently being compiled (cm) must be invalidated if source ever has a subclass.
 void InvalidationDatabase.addNoSubclassDependency(RVMClass source, int dependent_cmid)
          Record that if a particular RVMClass ever has a subclass, then the CompiledMethod encoded by the cmid must be invalidated.
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass> InterfaceHierarchy.allImplementors(RVMClass I)
          Return the set of all classes known to implement interface I.
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass> InterfaceHierarchy.allSubClasses(RVMClass C)
          Return the set of all classes known to extend C
 void ClassLoadingDependencyManager.classInitialized(RVMClass c, boolean writingBootImage)
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<RVMClass> InterfaceHierarchy.findOrCreateSet(RVMClass I)
          Return the set of classes that implement a given interface.
private  void ClassLoadingDependencyManager.handleOverriddenMethods(RVMClass c)
          Take action when a method is overridden.
private  void ClassLoadingDependencyManager.handleSubclassing(RVMClass c)
 Iterator<Integer> InvalidationDatabase.invalidatedBySubclass(RVMClass m)
          Returns an iteration of CMID's (compiled method ids) that are dependent on the argument RVMMethod not having any subclasses.
private static void InterfaceHierarchy.noteImplements(RVMClass c, RVMClass I)
          Note that class c implements interface I;
static void InterfaceHierarchy.notifyClassInitialized(RVMClass c)
          Notify this dictionary that a new class has been initialized.
 void InvalidationDatabase.removeNoSubclassDependency(RVMClass source)
          Delete all NoSubclass dependencies on the argument RVMClass
 void InvalidationDatabase.removeNoSubclassDependency(RVMClass source, int dependent_cmid)
          Delete a NoSubclassDependency.

Uses of RVMClass in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMClass
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyScalar(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMClass type, int allocator)

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel that return RVMClass
 RVMClass ITable.getInterfaceClass()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type RVMClass
static Address ObjectModel.allocateScalar(BootImageInterface bootImage, RVMClass klass, boolean needsIdentityHash, int identityHashValue)
          Allocate and initialize space in the bootimage (at bootimage writing time) to be an uninitialized instance of the (scalar) type specified by klass.
static int ObjectModel.bytesRequiredWhenCopied(Object fromObj, RVMClass type)
          how many bytes are needed when the scalar object is copied by GC?
static int JavaHeader.bytesRequiredWhenCopied(Object fromObj, RVMClass type)
          how many bytes are needed when the scalar object is copied by GC?
static int ObjectModel.bytesUsed(Object obj, RVMClass type)
          how many bytes are used by the scalar?
static int JavaHeader.bytesUsed(Object obj, RVMClass type)
          how many bytes are used by the scalar object?
static int ObjectModel.computeScalarHeaderSize(RVMClass type)
          Compute the header size of an instance of the given type.
static int JavaHeader.computeScalarHeaderSize(RVMClass type)
          Compute the header size of an instance of the given type.
static int ObjectModel.getAlignment(RVMClass t)
          Return the desired aligment of the alignment point in the object returned by getScalarOffsetForAlignment.
static int JavaHeader.getAlignment(RVMClass t)
          Return the desired aligment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMClass.
static int ObjectModel.getAlignment(RVMClass t, Object obj)
          Return the desired alignment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMClass.
static int JavaHeader.getAlignment(RVMClass t, Object obj)
          Return the desired aligment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMClass.
protected  FieldLayoutContext FieldLayoutPacked.getLayoutContext(RVMClass klass)
protected abstract  FieldLayoutContext FieldLayout.getLayoutContext(RVMClass klass)
          Return the appropriate layout context object for the given class.
protected  FieldLayoutContext FieldLayoutUnpacked.getLayoutContext(RVMClass klass)
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMClass type)
          Get the next object after this scalar under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMClass type)
          Get the next scalar in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static Address ObjectModel.getObjectEndAddress(Object object, RVMClass type)
          Get the pointer just past an object
static Address JavaHeader.getObjectEndAddress(Object obj, RVMClass type)
          What is the first word after the class?
static int ObjectModel.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMClass t, boolean needsIdentityHash)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int JavaHeader.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMClass t, boolean needsIdentityHash)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int ObjectModel.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMClass t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int JavaHeader.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMClass t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static Object ObjectModel.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(Object obj, Address region, RVMClass type)
          Get the reference of an object after copying to a specified region.
static Object JavaHeader.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(Object obj, Address to, RVMClass type)
          Get the reference of a scalar when copied to the specified region.
protected  void FieldLayout.layoutField(FieldLayoutContext layout, RVMClass klass, RVMField field, int fieldSize)
          Lay out a given field.
 void FieldLayout.layoutInstanceFields(RVMClass klass)
          This is where a class gets laid out.
static void ObjectModel.layoutInstanceFields(RVMClass klass)
          Layout the instance fields declared in this class.
static Object ObjectModel.moveObject(Address toAddress, Object fromObj, int numBytes, RVMClass type)
          Copy a scalar object to the given raw storage address
static Object JavaHeader.moveObject(Address toAddress, Object fromObj, int numBytes, RVMClass type)
          Copy a scalar to the given raw storage address
static Object ObjectModel.moveObject(Object fromObj, Object toObj, int numBytes, RVMClass type)
          Copy a scalar object to the given raw storage address
static Object JavaHeader.moveObject(Object fromObj, Object toObj, int numBytes, RVMClass type)
          Copy an array to the given location.
static Offset JavaHeader.objectEndOffset(RVMClass klass)
          What is the offset of the first word after the class?
static int ObjectModel.objectStartOffset(RVMClass t)
          For a reference to an object, what is the offset in bytes to the bottom word of the object?
static int JavaHeader.objectStartOffset(RVMClass klass)
          What is the offset of the first word of the class?
protected  void FieldLayout.setOffset(RVMClass klass, RVMField field, int offset)
          Update a field to set its offset within the object.
protected  void FieldLayout.updateClass(RVMClass klass, FieldLayoutContext fieldLayout)
          Update the RVMClass with context info.

Uses of RVMClass in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime that return RVMClass
 RVMClass StackBrowser.getCurrentClass()
          The class of the method associated with the current stack frame

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type RVMClass
static void RuntimeEntrypoints.initializeClassForDynamicLink(RVMClass cls)
          Prepare a class for use prior to first allocation, field access, or method invocation.
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewScalar(RVMClass cls)
          Allocate something like "new Foo()".

Uses of RVMClass in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMClass
(package private) static void GenerateInterfaceDeclarations.emitCDeclarationsForJavaType(String Cname, RVMClass cls)

Uses of RVMClass in

Fields in declared as RVMClass
(package private) static RVMClass OptTestHarness.mainClass

Methods in that return RVMClass
(package private) static RVMClass OptTestHarness.loadClass(String s)

Methods in with parameters of type RVMClass
(package private) static RVMMethod OptTestHarness.findDeclaredOrFirstMethod(RVMClass klass, String methname, String methdesc)
          Finds a method, either one with a given descriptor or the first matching one in in the given class.
private static void OptTestHarness.processClass(RVMClass klass, OptOptions opts)