Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectReference

Uses of ObjectReference in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type ObjectReference
static void VM.sysWrite(ObjectReference o)
static void VM.sysWrite(String s, ObjectReference r)
static void VM.sysWriteln(ObjectReference o)
static void VM.sysWriteln(String s, ObjectReference r)
static void VM.write(ObjectReference object)
static void VM.writeHex(ObjectReference value)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type ObjectReference
private static void BaselineMagic.check(ObjectReference value)
          Method called to check an object reference is valid

Uses of ObjectReference in

Methods in with parameters of type ObjectReference
static Address MemoryManager.allocateSpace(CollectorContext context, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator, ObjectReference from)
          Allocate space for GC-time copying of an object
static void DebugUtil.dumpRef(ObjectReference ref)
static void MemoryManager.dumpRef(ObjectReference ref)
          Logs information about a reference to the error output.
static int AlignmentEncoding.getTibCode(ObjectReference object)
          Extract the encoded value from an object's TIB pointer
static boolean DebugUtil.mappedVMRef(ObjectReference ref)
static boolean MemoryManager.mightBeTIB(ObjectReference obj)
          Check if object might be a TIB.
static boolean MemoryManager.objectInVM(ObjectReference object)
          Checks if a reference refers to an object in an in-use area of memory.
static boolean DebugUtil.validRef(ObjectReference ref)
static boolean MemoryManager.validRef(ObjectReference ref)
          Checks if a reference is valid.
static boolean DebugUtil.validType(ObjectReference typeAddress)
          Check if an address appears to point to an instance of RVMType

Uses of ObjectReference in

Methods in that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.copy(ObjectReference from, int allocator)
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyArray(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMArray type, int allocator)
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyScalar(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMClass type, int allocator)
 ObjectReference TraceInterface.getLink(ObjectReference ref)
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.getObjectFromStartAddress(Address start)
private  ObjectReference ReferenceProcessor.getReference(int i)
          Retrieve from the reference table
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(ObjectReference from, Address to)
protected  ObjectReference ReferenceProcessor.getReferent(ObjectReference object)
          Get the referent from a reference.
 ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceAtomicWrite(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Atomically write a reference field of an object or array and return the old value of the reference field.
 ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of an object reference read barrier.
 ObjectReference ReferenceProcessor.processReference(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference reference)
          Process a reference with the current semantics.

Methods in with parameters of type ObjectReference
private  void ReferenceProcessor.addCandidate(Reference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent)
          Add a reference to the list of references.
static void ReferenceProcessor.addPhantomCandidate(PhantomReference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent)
          Add a reference to the list of phantom references.
private  void ReferenceProcessor.addReference(Reference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent)
          Add a reference at the end of the table
 Address Barriers.addressRead(ObjectReference ref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Address.
 boolean Barriers.addressTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, Address expected, Address newValue, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
 void Barriers.addressWrite(ObjectReference ref, Address target, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Address.
static void ReferenceProcessor.addSoftCandidate(SoftReference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent)
          Add a reference to the list of soft references.
static void ReferenceProcessor.addWeakCandidate(WeakReference<?> ref, ObjectReference referent)
          Add a reference to the list of weak references.
 Offset TraceInterface.adjustSlotOffset(boolean isScalar, ObjectReference src, Address slot)
 boolean ObjectModel.attemptAvailableBits(ObjectReference object, Word oldVal, Word newVal)
 boolean Barriers.booleanRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a boolean read barrier.
 void Barriers.booleanWrite(ObjectReference objref, boolean value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a boolean write barrier.
 byte Barriers.byteRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a byte read barrier.
 void Barriers.byteWrite(ObjectReference objref, byte value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a byte write barrier.
 char Barriers.charRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a char read barrier.
 void Barriers.charWrite(ObjectReference objref, char value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a char write barrier.
protected  void ReferenceProcessor.clearReferent(ObjectReference newReference)
          Weak and soft references always clear the referent before enqueueing.
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.copy(ObjectReference from, int allocator)
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyArray(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMArray type, int allocator)
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyScalar(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMClass type, int allocator)
 Address ObjectModel.copyTo(ObjectReference from, ObjectReference to, Address region)
 double Barriers.doubleRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a double read barrier.
 void Barriers.doubleWrite(ObjectReference objref, double value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a double write barrier.
 void ObjectModel.dumpObject(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ReferenceProcessor.enqueueReference(ObjectReference addr)
          Put this Reference object on its ReferenceQueue (if it has one) when its referent is no longer sufficiently reachable.
 Extent Barriers.extentRead(ObjectReference ref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Extent.
 void Barriers.extentWrite(ObjectReference ref, Extent target, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Extent.
 float Barriers.floatRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a float read barrier.
 void Barriers.floatWrite(ObjectReference objref, float value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a float write barrier.
 int ObjectModel.getAlignOffsetWhenCopied(ObjectReference object)
 int ObjectModel.getAlignWhenCopied(ObjectReference object)
 int ObjectModel.getArrayLength(ObjectReference object)
 int ObjectModel.getCurrentSize(ObjectReference object)
 Word TraceInterface.getDeathTime(ObjectReference ref)
 ObjectReference TraceInterface.getLink(ObjectReference ref)
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference object)
 Address ObjectModel.getObjectEndAddress(ObjectReference object)
(package private) static int ObjectModel.getObjectSize(ObjectReference object)
          Return the size of a given object, in bytes
 Word TraceInterface.getOID(ObjectReference ref)
 ObjectReference ObjectModel.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(ObjectReference from, Address to)
protected  ObjectReference ReferenceProcessor.getReferent(ObjectReference object)
          Get the referent from a reference.
 int ObjectModel.getSizeWhenCopied(ObjectReference object)
 byte[] ObjectModel.getTypeDescriptor(ObjectReference ref)
 int Barriers.intRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a int read barrier.
 boolean Barriers.intTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, int expected, int newValue, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
 void Barriers.intWrite(ObjectReference objref, int value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a int write barrier.
 boolean ObjectModel.isAcyclic(ObjectReference typeRef)
 boolean ObjectModel.isArray(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ObjectModel.isPrimitiveArray(ObjectReference object)
 long Barriers.longRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a long read barrier.
 boolean Barriers.longTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, long expected, long newValue, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
 void Barriers.longWrite(ObjectReference objref, long value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a long write barrier.
 ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceAtomicWrite(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Atomically write a reference field of an object or array and return the old value of the reference field.
 void Barriers.objectReferenceNonHeapWrite(Address slot, ObjectReference target, Word unusedA, Word unusedB)
          Perform the actual write of the non-heap write barrier.
 ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of an object reference read barrier.
 boolean Barriers.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
 void Barriers.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of an object reference write barrier.
 Address ObjectModel.objectStartRef(ObjectReference object)
 Offset Barriers.offsetRead(ObjectReference ref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Offset.
 void Barriers.offsetWrite(ObjectReference ref, Offset target, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Offset.
 Word ObjectModel.prepareAvailableBits(ObjectReference object)
private  void ScanThread.processCodeLocation(ObjectReference code, Address ipLoc)
          Push a code pointer location onto the code locations deque, optionally performing a sanity check first.
 ObjectReference ReferenceProcessor.processReference(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference reference)
          Process a reference with the current semantics.
private  void ScanThread.pushFrameIP(ObjectReference code, int verbosity)
          Push the instruction pointer associated with this frame onto the code locations deque.
 Word ObjectModel.readAvailableBitsWord(ObjectReference object)
 byte ObjectModel.readAvailableByte(ObjectReference object)
 Address ObjectModel.refToAddress(ObjectReference object)
private  void ScanThread.scanFrameForCode(ObjectReference code)
          Scan this frame for internal code pointers.
 void Scanning.scanObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Scanning of a object, processing each pointer field encountered.
 void ObjectModel.setAvailableBit(ObjectReference object, int idx, boolean flag)
          Sets a bit available for memory manager use in an object.
 void TraceInterface.setDeathTime(ObjectReference ref, Word time_)
 void TraceInterface.setLink(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference link)
private  void ReferenceProcessor.setReference(int i, ObjectReference ref)
          Update the reference table
protected  void ReferenceProcessor.setReferent(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference referent)
          Set the referent in a reference.
 short Barriers.shortRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a short read barrier.
 void Barriers.shortWrite(ObjectReference objref, short value, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a short write barrier.
 Address TraceInterface.skipOwnFramesAndDump(ObjectReference typeRef)
 void Scanning.specializedScanObject(int id, TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
 boolean ObjectModel.testAvailableBit(ObjectReference object, int idx)
          Tests a bit available for memory manager use in an object.
 void TraceInterface.updateDeathTime(ObjectReference obj)
          Update an object's death time.
 Word Barriers.wordAtomicWrite(ObjectReference ref, Word target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Atomically write a raw reference field of an object or array and return the old value of the reference field.
 Word Barriers.wordRead(ObjectReference ref, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Word.
 boolean Barriers.wordTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference ref, Word old, Word target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
 void Barriers.wordWrite(ObjectReference ref, Word target, Word offset, Word location, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Word.
 void ObjectModel.writeAvailableBitsWord(ObjectReference object, Word val)
 void ObjectModel.writeAvailableByte(ObjectReference object, byte val)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel that return ObjectReference
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getArrayFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Get an object reference from the address the lowest word of the object was allocated.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getArrayFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Get an object reference from the address the lowest word of the object was allocated.
static ObjectReference MiscHeader.getLink(Object ref)
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj)
          Get the next object in the heap under contiguous allocation.
protected static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, int size)
          Get the next object in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          Get the next object after this array under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          Get the next array in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMClass type)
          Get the next object after this scalar under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMClass type)
          Get the next scalar in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getObjectFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Get an object reference from the address the lowest word of the object was allocated.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getObjectFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Get an object reference from the address the lowest word of the object was allocated.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getScalarFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Get an object reference from the address the lowest word of the object was allocated.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getScalarFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Get an object reference from the address the lowest word of the object was allocated.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type ObjectReference
static void ObjectModel.describeObject(ObjectReference addr)
          For debugging.
static void ObjectModel.dumpHeader(ObjectReference ptr)
          For low level debugging of GC subsystem.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj)
          Get the next object in the heap under contiguous allocation.
protected static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, int size)
          Get the next object in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          Get the next object after this array under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          Get the next array in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMClass type)
          Get the next object after this scalar under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMClass type)
          Get the next scalar in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static int ObjectModel.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMArray t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int JavaHeader.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMArray t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int ObjectModel.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMClass t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int JavaHeader.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMClass t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static Address ObjectModel.getPointerInMemoryRegion(ObjectReference ref)
          Given a reference, return an address which is guaranteed to be inside the memory region allocated to the object.
static Address JavaHeader.getPointerInMemoryRegion(ObjectReference ref)
          Given a reference, return an address which is guaranteed to be inside the memory region allocated to the object.
static TIB ObjectModel.getTIB(ObjectReference ptr)
          Get the TIB for an object.
static Address ObjectModel.objectStartRef(ObjectReference obj)
          Map from the object ref to the lowest address of the storage associated with the object
static Address JavaHeader.objectStartRef(ObjectReference obj)
          Map from the object ref to the lowest address of the storage associated with the object
static void MiscHeader.setLink(Object object, ObjectReference link)
static void ObjectModel.setTIB(ObjectReference ptr, TIB tib)
          Set the TIB for an object.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan

Methods in org.mmtk.plan that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedFinalizable(ObjectReference object)
          If a Finalizable object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedReference(ObjectReference object)
          If the referenced object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedReferenceType(ObjectReference object)
          If the Reference Type object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedReferent(ObjectReference object)
          If the reference object (from a Reference Type) has object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference MutatorContext.javaLangReferenceReadBarrier(ObjectReference referent)
          Read a reference type.
 ObjectReference Plan.loadObjectReference(Address slot)
          Load an object reference
 ObjectReference MutatorContext.objectReferenceNonHeapRead(Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB)
          Read an object reference.
 ObjectReference MutatorContext.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read an object reference.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.retainForFinalize(ObjectReference object)
          An object is unreachable and is about to be added to the finalizable queue.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.retainReferent(ObjectReference object)
          Make alive a referent object that is known not to be live (isLive is false).
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          This method traces an object with knowledge of the fact that object is a root or not.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean MutatorContext.addressBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of Addresse's are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 Address MutatorContext.addressRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read an Address.
 boolean MutatorContext.addressTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Address old, Address value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void MutatorContext.addressWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Address value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Address.
 Address CollectorContext.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean MutatorContext.booleanBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of booleans are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 boolean MutatorContext.booleanRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a boolean.
 void MutatorContext.booleanWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, boolean value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a boolean.
 boolean MutatorContext.byteBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of bytes are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 byte MutatorContext.byteRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a byte.
 void MutatorContext.byteWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, byte value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a byte.
 boolean MutatorContext.charBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of chars are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 char MutatorContext.charRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a char.
 void MutatorContext.charWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, char value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a char.
 int CollectorContext.copyCheckAllocator(ObjectReference from, int bytes, int align, int allocator)
          Run-time check of the allocator to use for a given copy allocation.
 boolean MutatorContext.doubleBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of doubles are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 double MutatorContext.doubleRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a double.
 void MutatorContext.doubleWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, double value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a double.
 boolean MutatorContext.extentBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of Extents are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 Extent MutatorContext.extentRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read an Extent.
 void MutatorContext.extentWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Extent value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Extent.
 boolean MutatorContext.floatBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of floats are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 float MutatorContext.floatRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a float.
 void MutatorContext.floatWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, float value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a float.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedFinalizable(ObjectReference object)
          If a Finalizable object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedReference(ObjectReference object)
          If the referenced object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedReferenceType(ObjectReference object)
          If the Reference Type object has moved, return the new location.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.getForwardedReferent(ObjectReference object)
          If the reference object (from a Reference Type) has object has moved, return the new location.
 boolean MutatorContext.intBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of ints are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 int MutatorContext.intRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a int.
 boolean MutatorContext.intTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, int old, int value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void MutatorContext.intWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, int value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a int.
 boolean TraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 boolean TraceLocal.isReachable(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object reachable?
 boolean TraceLocal.isReferentLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified referent of a reference type object live?
 ObjectReference MutatorContext.javaLangReferenceReadBarrier(ObjectReference referent)
          Read a reference type.
 boolean MutatorContext.longBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of longs are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 long MutatorContext.longRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a long.
 boolean MutatorContext.longTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, long old, long value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void MutatorContext.longWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, long value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a long.
 boolean MutatorContext.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 void MutatorContext.objectReferenceNonHeapWrite(Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB)
          A new reference is about to be created in a location that is not a regular heap object.
 ObjectReference MutatorContext.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read an object reference.
 boolean MutatorContext.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void MutatorContext.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
 boolean MutatorContext.offsetBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of Offsets are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 Offset MutatorContext.offsetRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read an Offset.
 void MutatorContext.offsetWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Offset value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Offset.
 void MutatorContext.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 void CollectorContext.postCopy(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform any post-copy actions.
 void TraceLocal.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
          Trace a reference during GC.
 void TransitiveClosure.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
          Trace an edge during GC.
 void TraceLocal.processInteriorEdge(ObjectReference target, Address slot, boolean root)
          Trace a reference during GC.
 void TraceWriteBuffer.processNode(ObjectReference object)
          Enqueue an object during a trace.
 void TraceLocal.processNode(ObjectReference object)
          Add a gray object
 void TransitiveClosure.processNode(ObjectReference object)
          Trace a node during GC.
 boolean TraceLocal.readyToFinalize(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if an object is ready to move to the finalizable queue, i.e. it has no regular references to it.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.retainForFinalize(ObjectReference object)
          An object is unreachable and is about to be added to the finalizable queue.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.retainReferent(ObjectReference object)
          Make alive a referent object that is known not to be live (isLive is false).
 int Plan.sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC)
          Return the expected reference count.
protected  void TraceLocal.scanObject(ObjectReference object)
          Collectors that move objects must override this method.
 boolean MutatorContext.shortBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of shorts are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 short MutatorContext.shortRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a short.
 void MutatorContext.shortWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, short value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a short.
 void Plan.storeObjectReference(Address slot, ObjectReference value)
          Store an object reference
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 ObjectReference TraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          This method traces an object with knowledge of the fact that object is a root or not.
 boolean Plan.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
          Can this object ever move.
 boolean TraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Ensure that the referenced object will not move from this point through to the end of the collection.
 boolean MutatorContext.wordBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of Words are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 Word MutatorContext.wordRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Read a Word.
 boolean MutatorContext.wordTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word old, Word value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void MutatorContext.wordWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a Word.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference ConcurrentMutator.javaLangReferenceReadBarrier(ObjectReference ref)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent with parameters of type ObjectReference
protected abstract  void ConcurrentMutator.checkAndEnqueueReference(ObjectReference ref)
          Process a reference that may require being enqueued as part of a concurrent collection.
 ObjectReference ConcurrentMutator.javaLangReferenceReadBarrier(ObjectReference ref)
 boolean ConcurrentMutator.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 boolean ConcurrentMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void ConcurrentMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference CMSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep with parameters of type ObjectReference
protected  void CMSMutator.checkAndEnqueueReference(ObjectReference ref)
          Process a reference that may require being enqueued as part of a concurrent collection.
 boolean CMSTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 void CMSMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 ObjectReference CMSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 boolean CMS.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.copyms

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.copyms that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference CopyMSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.copyms with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address CopyMSCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean CopyMSTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object reachable?
 void CopyMSMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 void CopyMSCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 int CopyMS.sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC)
 ObjectReference CopyMSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 boolean CopyMSTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current collection ?

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.generational

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GenMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference GenNurseryTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational with parameters of type ObjectReference
private  void GenMutator.fastPath(Address slot, ObjectReference tgt)
          Perform the root write barrier fast path, which may involve remembering a reference if necessary.
private  void GenMutator.fastPath(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, int mode)
          Perform the write barrier fast path, which may involve remembering a reference if necessary.
(package private) static boolean Gen.inNursery(ObjectReference obj)
          Return true if the object resides within the nursery
 boolean GenMatureTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 boolean GenNurseryTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 boolean GenMutator.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 void GenMutator.objectReferenceNonHeapWrite(Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB)
          A new reference is about to be created in a location that is not a regular heap object.
 boolean GenMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void GenMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
 void GenMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 int Gen.sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC)
 ObjectReference GenMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference GenNurseryTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 boolean Gen.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenMatureTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if this object is guaranteed not to move during this collection (i.e. this object is definitely not an unforwarded object).
 boolean GenNurseryTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will the object move from now on during the collection.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GenCopyMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference into the mature space during GC.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address GenCopyCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean GenCopyMatureTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 void GenCopyMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 void GenCopyCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform any post-copy actions.
 ObjectReference GenCopyMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference into the mature space during GC.
 boolean GenCopyMatureTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if this object is guaranteed not to move during this collection (i.e. this object is definitely not an unforwarded object).

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GenImmixMatureDefragTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference GenImmixMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address GenImmixCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean GenImmixMatureDefragTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenImmixMatureTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 void GenImmixMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 void GenImmixCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
protected  void GenImmixMatureDefragTraceLocal.scanObject(ObjectReference object)
protected  void GenImmixMatureTraceLocal.scanObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference GenImmixMatureDefragTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference GenImmixMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenImmix.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenImmixMatureDefragTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenImmixMatureTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GenMSMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address GenMSCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean GenMSMatureTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 void GenMSMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 void GenMSCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 ObjectReference GenMSMatureTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenMS.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenMSMatureTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.immix

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.immix that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference ImmixDefragTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 ObjectReference ImmixTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.immix with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address ImmixCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean ImmixDefragTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 boolean ImmixTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 void ImmixMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 void ImmixCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
protected  void ImmixDefragTraceLocal.scanObject(ObjectReference object)
protected  void ImmixTraceLocal.scanObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference ImmixDefragTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 ObjectReference ImmixTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 boolean Immix.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ImmixDefragTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if this object is guaranteed not to move during this collection (i.e. this object is defintely not an unforwarded object).
 boolean ImmixTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Ensure that the referenced object will not move from this point through to the end of the collection.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference MCForwardTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 ObjectReference MCMarkTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean MCForwardTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 boolean MCMarkTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 void MCMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 int MC.sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC)
 ObjectReference MCForwardTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 ObjectReference MCMarkTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 boolean MC.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean MCForwardTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current trace ?
 boolean MCMarkTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current trace ?

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference MSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean MSTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 void MSMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 ObjectReference MSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 boolean MS.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
          Can this object ever move.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.nogc

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.nogc that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference NoGCTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.nogc with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean NoGCTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
 void NoGCMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 ObjectReference NoGCTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.poisoned

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.poisoned that return ObjectReference
static ObjectReference Poisoned.depoison(Word value)
          DePoison a reference value.
 ObjectReference Poisoned.loadObjectReference(Address slot)
 ObjectReference PoisonedMutator.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.poisoned with parameters of type ObjectReference
 ObjectReference PoisonedMutator.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 boolean PoisonedMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void PoisonedMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
static Word Poisoned.poison(ObjectReference reference)
          Poison a reference value.
 void Poisoned.storeObjectReference(Address slot, ObjectReference value)
          Store an object reference

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.refcount

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount with parameters of type ObjectReference
static boolean RCHeader.attemptToLog(ObjectReference object)
          Attempt to log object for coalescing RC.
static void RCHeader.clearMarked(ObjectReference object)
          Has this object been marked by the most recent backup trace.
private  void RCBaseMutator.coalescingWriteBarrierSlow(ObjectReference srcObj)
          Slow path of the coalescing write barrier.
static int RCHeader.decRC(ObjectReference object)
          Decrement the reference count of an object.
static int RCHeader.getRC(ObjectReference object)
          Return the reference count for the object.
static int RCHeader.incRC(ObjectReference object)
          Increment the reference count of an object.
static void RCHeader.initializeHeader(ObjectReference object, boolean initialInc)
          Perform any required initialization of the GC portion of the header.
static int RCHeader.initRC(ObjectReference object)
          Initialize the reference count of an object.
static boolean RCHeader.isLiveRC(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if given object is live
static boolean RCHeader.isMarked(ObjectReference object)
          Has this object been marked by the most recent backup trace.
static boolean RCHeader.isNew(ObjectReference object)
          Has this object been marked as new.
static boolean RCBase.isRCObject(ObjectReference object)
static boolean RCHeader.logRequired(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if object is yet to be logged (for coalescing RC).
static void RCHeader.makeLogged(ObjectReference object)
          Signify completion of logging object.
static void RCHeader.makeUnlogged(ObjectReference object)
          Change object's state to UNLOGGED.
 boolean RCBaseMutator.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 boolean RCBaseMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void RCBaseMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
 void RCBaseMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
protected  void RCDecBuffer.process(ObjectReference object)
 void RCZero.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
static int RCHeader.remainRC(ObjectReference object)
          Retain the reference count of an object.
 int RCBase.sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC)
static boolean RCHeader.testAndMark(ObjectReference object)
          Attempt to atomically mark this object.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference BTTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          When we trace a non-root object we do nothing.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean BTTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object reachable?
 void BTSweepImmortalScanner.scan(ObjectReference object)
          Scan an object during sweep.
 boolean BTSweeper.sweepCell(ObjectReference object)
 boolean BTFreeLargeObjectSweeper.sweepLargeObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference BTTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          When we trace a non-root object we do nothing.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.fullheap

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.fullheap that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference RCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          When we trace a non-root object we do nothing.
 ObjectReference RCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          When we trace a root object we remember it.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.fullheap with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean RCFindRootSetTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object reachable?
 void RCModifiedProcessor.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
 ObjectReference RCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          When we trace a non-root object we do nothing.
 ObjectReference RCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          When we trace a root object we remember it.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          When we trace a non-root object we do nothing.
 ObjectReference GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          When we trace a root object we remember it.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address GenRCCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object reachable?
 void GenRCMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 void GenRCCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform any post-copy actions.
 void GenRCModifiedProcessor.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
 ObjectReference GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          When we trace a non-root object we do nothing.
 ObjectReference GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          When we trace a root object we remember it.
 boolean GenRC.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GenRCFindRootSetTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.semispace

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference SSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace with parameters of type ObjectReference
 Address SSCollector.allocCopy(ObjectReference original, int bytes, int align, int offset, int allocator)
          Allocate space for copying an object (this method does not copy the object, it only allocates space)
 boolean SSTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
static boolean SSCollector.isSemiSpaceObject(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given reference is to an object that is within one of the semi-spaces.
 void SSMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 void SSCollector.postCopy(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 ObjectReference SSTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 boolean SS.willNeverMove(ObjectReference object)
 boolean SSTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current trace ?

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference SSGCspyTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy with parameters of type ObjectReference
 void SSGCspyMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
 ObjectReference SSGCspyTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.
 boolean SSGCspyTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current trace ?

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GCTraceTraceLocal.getForwardedReference(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference GCTraceTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference during GC.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace with parameters of type ObjectReference
 ObjectReference GCTraceTraceLocal.getForwardedReference(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GCTraceTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean GCTraceTraceLocal.isReachable(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if obj is a reachable object.
 boolean GCTraceMutator.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 boolean GCTraceMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void GCTraceMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
 void GCTraceMutator.postAlloc(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes, int allocator)
          Perform post-allocation actions.
 ObjectReference GCTraceTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference during GC.
 boolean GCTraceTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Is this object guaranteed not to move during the collection.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.usePrimitiveWriteBarriers

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.usePrimitiveWriteBarriers with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.addressTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Address old, Address value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot with the passed replacement value.
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.addressWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Address value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Address.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.booleanBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.booleanWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, boolean value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a boolean.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.byteBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.byteWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, byte value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a byte.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.charBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.charWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, char value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a char.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.doubleBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.doubleWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, double value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a double.
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.extentWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Extent value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Extent.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.floatBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.floatWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, float value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a float.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.intBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.intTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, int old, int value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.intWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, int value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a int.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.longBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.longTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, long old, long value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.longWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, long value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a long.
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.offsetWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Offset value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an Offset.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.shortBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.shortWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, short value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a short.
 boolean UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.wordTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word old, Word value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void UsePrimitiveWriteBarriersMutator.wordWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write a Word.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
private  void StickyImmixMutator.logSource(ObjectReference src)
          Add an object to the modified objects buffer and mark the object has having been logged.
 boolean StickyImmixMutator.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 boolean StickyImmixMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void StickyImmixMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
protected  void StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal.scanObject(ObjectReference object)
 ObjectReference StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
 boolean StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if this object is guaranteed not to move during this collection (i.e. this object is definitely not an unforwarded object).

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.plan.stickyms

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.stickyms that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference StickyMSNurseryTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.stickyms with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean StickyMSNurseryTraceLocal.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the specified object live?
private  void StickyMSMutator.logSource(ObjectReference src)
          Add an object to the modified objects buffer and mark the object has having been logged.
 boolean StickyMSMutator.objectReferenceBulkCopy(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes)
          A number of references are about to be copied from object src to object dst (as in an array copy).
 boolean StickyMSMutator.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
 void StickyMSMutator.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Write an object reference.
 int StickyMS.sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC)
 ObjectReference StickyMSNurseryTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object)
          This method is the core method during the trace of the object graph.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.policy

Methods in org.mmtk.policy that return ObjectReference
(package private)  ObjectReference MarkCompactCollector.FromCursor.advanceToObject()
          Advance from the cursor to the start of the next object.
static ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.getForwardingPointer(ObjectReference object)
          Non-atomic read of forwarding pointer
 ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.traceForwardObject(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
 ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.traceMarkObject(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
 ObjectReference LargeObjectSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference ImmortalSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under an immortal collection policy.
 ObjectReference CopySpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
 ObjectReference RawPageSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object.
 ObjectReference MarkSweepSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
abstract  ObjectReference Space.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object as part of a collection and return the object, which may have been forwarded (if a copying collector).
 ObjectReference ExplicitFreeListSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference CopySpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.

Methods in org.mmtk.policy with parameters of type ObjectReference
(package private)  void MarkCompactCollector.FromCursor.advanceToObjectEnd(ObjectReference current)
          Advance the cursor to the end of the given object.
static void MarkCompactSpace.clearForwardingPointer(ObjectReference object)
          Non-atomic clear of forwarding pointer word (assumption, thread doing the set has done attempt to forward and owns the right to copy the object)
protected static void SegregatedFreeListSpace.clearLiveBit(ObjectReference object)
          Clear the live bit for a given object
static void MarkCompactSpace.clearMark(ObjectReference object)
          Used to mark boot image objects during a parallel scan of objects during GC Returns true if marking was done.
(package private)  void MarkCompactCollector.ToCursor.copy(ObjectReference from, ObjectReference to)
          Copy an object to an address within this cursor's region.
 void object)
          Free an object
 void object)
          Free an object.
static ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.getForwardingPointer(ObjectReference object)
          Non-atomic read of forwarding pointer
static Space Space.getSpaceForObject(ObjectReference object)
          Return the space for a given object
 void ImmortalSpace.initializeHeader(ObjectReference object)
          Initialize the object header post-allocation.
 void MarkCompactSpace.initializeHeader(ObjectReference object)
          Initialise the header of the object.
 void LargeObjectSpace.initializeHeader(ObjectReference object, boolean alloc)
          Perform any required initialization of the GC portion of the header.
 void ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.initializeHeader(ObjectReference object, boolean alloc)
          Perform any required initialization of the GC portion of the header.
 void MarkSweepSpace.initializeHeader(ObjectReference object, boolean alloc)
          Perform any required initialization of the GC portion of the header.
private  void LargeObjectSpace.internalMarkObject(ObjectReference object, boolean nurseryObject)
          An object has been marked (identifiged as live).
protected  boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.isCellLive(ObjectReference object)
          In the cell containing this object live?
protected  boolean MarkSweepSpace.isCellLive(ObjectReference object)
          Should the sweep reclaim the cell containing this object.
static boolean Space.isImmortal(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given object is in an immortal (uncollected) space.
private  boolean LargeObjectSpace.isInNursery(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the object is in the logical nursery
(package private)  boolean MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor.isInRegion(ObjectReference ref)
static boolean Space.isInSpace(int descriptor, ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given object is the space associated with the given descriptor.
 boolean LargeObjectSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ImmortalSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean CopySpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if this object is live in this GC
 boolean RawPageSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean MarkSweepSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
 boolean MarkCompactSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
abstract  boolean Space.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Is the object in this space alive?
 boolean ExplicitFreeListSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
static boolean Space.isMappedObject(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given object is in a space managed by MMTk.
static boolean MarkCompactSpace.isMarked(ObjectReference object)
          Used to mark boot image objects during a parallel scan of objects during GC Returns true if marking was done.
static boolean Space.isMovable(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given object is in space that moves objects.
 boolean ImmortalSpace.isReachable(ObjectReference object)
          Returns if the object in question is currently thought to be reachable.
 boolean CopySpace.isReachable(ObjectReference object)
 boolean MarkCompactSpace.isReachable(ObjectReference object)
 boolean Space.isReachable(ObjectReference object)
          Has the object in this space been reached during the current collection.
protected static boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.liveBitSet(ObjectReference object)
          Test the live bit for a given object
protected static void SegregatedFreeListSpace.markBlock(ObjectReference object)
          Set the live bit for the block containing the given object
 void CopySpace.postAlloc(ObjectReference object)
          Perform any required post-allocation initialization Nothing to be done in this case
 void MarkSweepSpace.postAlloc(ObjectReference object)
          Perform any required post allocation initialization
 void MarkCompactSpace.postAlloc(ObjectReference object)
          Perform any required post-allocation initialization Nothing to be done in this case
 void MarkSweepSpace.postCopy(ObjectReference object, boolean majorGC)
          Perform any required post copy (i.e. in-GC allocation) initialization.
protected  boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.reclaimCellForObject(ObjectReference object)
          Should the sweep reclaim the cell containing this object.
static void MarkCompactSpace.setForwardingPointer(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference ptr)
          Non-atomic write of forwarding pointer word (assumption, thread doing the set has done attempt to forward and owns the right to copy the object)
abstract  boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.Sweeper.sweepCell(ObjectReference object)
abstract  boolean ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.Sweeper.sweepLargeObject(ObjectReference object)
private static boolean MarkCompactSpace.testAndClearMark(ObjectReference object)
          Used to mark boot image objects during a parallel scan of objects during GC Returns true if marking was done.
private  boolean MarkSweepSpace.testAndMark(ObjectReference object)
          Atomically attempt to set the mark bit of an object.
static boolean MarkCompactSpace.testAndMark(ObjectReference object)
          Used to mark boot image objects during a parallel scan of objects during GC.
private  boolean LargeObjectSpace.testAndMark(ObjectReference object, byte value)
          Atomically attempt to set the mark bit of an object.
private static boolean ImmortalSpace.testAndMark(ObjectReference object, byte value)
          Used to mark boot image objects during a parallel scan of objects during GC Returns true if marking was done.
static boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.testAndSetLiveBit(ObjectReference object)
          Atomically set the live bit for a given object
private  boolean LargeObjectSpace.testMarkBit(ObjectReference object, byte value)
          Return true if the mark bit for an object has the given value.
private  boolean MarkSweepSpace.testMarkState(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the mark count for an object has the given value.
static boolean MarkCompactSpace.toBeCompacted(ObjectReference object)
          Used to mark boot image objects during a parallel scan of objects during GC Returns true if marking was done.
 ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.traceForwardObject(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
 ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.traceMarkObject(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
 ObjectReference LargeObjectSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference ExplicitLargeObjectSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference ImmortalSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under an immortal collection policy.
 ObjectReference CopySpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
 ObjectReference RawPageSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object.
 ObjectReference MarkSweepSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference MarkCompactSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
abstract  ObjectReference Space.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object as part of a collection and return the object, which may have been forwarded (if a copying collector).
 ObjectReference ExplicitFreeListSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object under a mark sweep collection policy.
 ObjectReference CopySpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator)
          Trace an object under a copying collection policy.
protected static void SegregatedFreeListSpace.unsyncClearLiveBit(ObjectReference object)
          Clear the live bit for a given object
static boolean SegregatedFreeListSpace.unsyncSetLiveBit(ObjectReference object)
          Set the live bit for a given object, without using synchronization primitives---must only be used when contention for live bit is strictly not possible

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.policy.immix

Methods in org.mmtk.policy.immix that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.fastTraceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object in the context of a non-moving collection.
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.nurseryTraceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator)
          Trace a reference to an object during a nursery collection for a sticky mark bits implementation of immix.
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object.
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator)
          Trace a reference to an object.
private  ObjectReference ImmixSpace.traceObjectWithOpportunisticCopy(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator, boolean nurseryCollection)
          Trace a reference to an object, forwarding the object if appropriate If the object is not already marked, mark the object and enqueue it for subsequent processing.

Methods in org.mmtk.policy.immix with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean ImmixSpace.copyNurseryIsLive(ObjectReference object)
          Test the liveness of an object during copying sticky mark bits collection
 boolean ImmixSpace.fastIsLive(ObjectReference object)
          Test the liveness of an object during defragmentation
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.fastTraceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object in the context of a non-moving collection.
private  boolean ImmixSpace.isDefragSource(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ImmixSpace.isLive(ObjectReference object)
          Generic test of the liveness of an object
(package private) static boolean ObjectHeader.isMatureObject(ObjectReference object)
(package private) static boolean ObjectHeader.isNewObject(ObjectReference object)
(package private) static boolean ObjectHeader.isPinnedObject(ObjectReference object)
(package private) static boolean ObjectHeader.isStraddlingObject(ObjectReference object)
(package private) static void ObjectHeader.markAsStraddling(ObjectReference object)
 void ImmixSpace.markLines(ObjectReference object)
          Mark the line/s associated with a given object.
(package private) static void Line.markMultiLine(Address start, ObjectReference object, byte markValue)
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.nurseryTraceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator)
          Trace a reference to an object during a nursery collection for a sticky mark bits implementation of immix.
static void ObjectHeader.pinObject(ObjectReference object)
 void ImmixSpace.postAlloc(ObjectReference object, int bytes)
          Perform any required post allocation initialization
 void ImmixSpace.postCopy(ObjectReference object, int bytes, boolean majorGC)
          Perform any required post copy (i.e. in-GC allocation) initialization.
(package private) static void ObjectHeader.returnToPriorStateAndEnsureUnlogged(ObjectReference object, byte status)
(package private) static void ObjectHeader.setMarkStateUnlogAndUnlock(ObjectReference object, byte gcByte, byte markState)
(package private) static byte ObjectHeader.testAndMark(ObjectReference object, byte markState)
          Non-atomically test and set the mark bit of an object.
(package private) static boolean ObjectHeader.testMarkState(ObjectReference object, byte value)
          Return true if the mark count for an object has the given value.
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object.
 ObjectReference ImmixSpace.traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator)
          Trace a reference to an object.
private  ObjectReference ImmixSpace.traceObjectWithOpportunisticCopy(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object, int allocator, boolean nurseryCollection)
          Trace a reference to an object, forwarding the object if appropriate If the object is not already marked, mark the object and enqueue it for subsequent processing.
private  void ImmixSpace.traceObjectWithoutMoving(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace a reference to an object in the context of a non-moving collection.
 boolean ImmixSpace.willNotMoveThisGC(ObjectReference object)
 boolean ImmixSpace.willNotMoveThisNurseryGC(ObjectReference object)
(package private) static void ObjectHeader.writeMarkState(ObjectReference object, byte markState, boolean straddle)
          Write the allocState into the mark state fields of an object non-atomically.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility

Methods in org.mmtk.utility that return ObjectReference
static ObjectReference ForwardingWord.extractForwardingPointer(Word forwardingWord)
static ObjectReference ForwardingWord.forwardObject(ObjectReference object, int allocator)
static ObjectReference ForwardingWord.spinAndGetForwardedObject(ObjectReference object, Word statusWord)

Methods in org.mmtk.utility with parameters of type ObjectReference
static void TraceGenerator.addTraceObject(ObjectReference ref, int linkSpace)
          Add a newly allocated object into the linked list of objects in a region.
static Word ForwardingWord.attemptToForward(ObjectReference object)
          Either return the forwarding pointer if the object is already forwarded (or being forwarded) or write the bit pattern that indicates that the object is being forwarded
static void ForwardingWord.clearForwardingBits(ObjectReference object)
          Clear the GC forwarding portion of the header for an object.
static ObjectReference ForwardingWord.forwardObject(ObjectReference object, int allocator)
static boolean ForwardingWord.isForwarded(ObjectReference object)
          Has an object been forwarded?
static boolean ForwardingWord.isForwardedOrBeingForwarded(ObjectReference object)
          Has an object been forwarded or is it being forwarded?
static boolean HeaderByte.isUnlogged(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the specified object needs to be logged.
static void HeaderByte.markAsLogged(ObjectReference object)
          Mark an object as logged.
static void HeaderByte.markAsUnlogged(ObjectReference object)
(package private) abstract  void CycleDetector.possibleCycleRoot(ObjectReference object)
static void TraceGenerator.processPointerUpdate(boolean isScalar, ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt)
          Do any tracing work required at each a pointer store operation.
static void TraceGenerator.propagateDeathTime(ObjectReference ref)
          This propagates the death time being computed to the object passed as an address.
static void TraceGenerator.rootEnumerate(ObjectReference obj)
          This method is called for each root-referenced object at every Merlin root enumeration.
static byte HeaderByte.setBuildTimeGCByte(Address object, ObjectReference typeRef, int size)
          Perform any required initialization of the GC portion of the header.
static void ForwardingWord.setForwardingPointer(ObjectReference object, ObjectReference ptr)
          Non-atomic write of forwarding pointer word (assumption, thread doing the set has done attempt to forward and owns the right to copy the object)
static ObjectReference ForwardingWord.spinAndGetForwardedObject(ObjectReference object, Word statusWord)
static void TraceGenerator.traceAlloc(boolean isImmortal, ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference typeRef, int bytes)
          Do any tracing work required at each object allocation.
static void Log.write(ObjectReference o)
          writes an object reference, in hexadecimal.
static void Log.writeln(ObjectReference o)
          writes an object reference, in hexadecimal, and a new-line, then flushes the buffer.
static void Log.writeln(ObjectReference o, boolean flush)
          writes an object reference, in hexadecimal, and a new-line, then optionally flushes the buffer.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility.alloc

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with parameters of type ObjectReference
static void BlockAllocator.markBlockMeta(ObjectReference ref)
          Mark the metadata for this block.
 void DumpLinearScan.scan(ObjectReference object)
abstract  void LinearScan.scan(ObjectReference object)
          Scan an object.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility.deque

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.deque that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference SortTODObjectReferenceStack.pop()
          Pop an address from the address stack, return zero if the stack is empty.
 ObjectReference ObjectReferenceBuffer.pop()
          Retrieves an object.
 ObjectReference ObjectReferenceDeque.pop()
          Pop an object from the object queue, return zero if the queue is empty.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.deque with parameters of type ObjectReference
 void ObjectReferenceDeque.insert(ObjectReference object)
          Insert an object into the object queue.
protected abstract  void ObjectReferenceBuffer.process(ObjectReference object)
          This is the method that ensures
 void ObjectReferenceBuffer.processChildren(ObjectReference object)
          Process each of the child objects for the passed object.
 void ObjectReferenceBuffer.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
 void SortTODObjectReferenceStack.push(ObjectReference object)
          Push an address onto the address stack.
 void ObjectReferenceBuffer.push(ObjectReference object)
          Pushes an object onto the queue, forcing an inlined sequence.
 void ObjectReferenceDeque.push(ObjectReference object)
          Push an object onto the object queue.
 void ObjectReferenceBuffer.pushOOL(ObjectReference object)
          Pushes an object onto the queue, forcing an out of line sequence.
 void ObjectReferenceDeque.pushOOL(ObjectReference object)
          Push an object onto the object queue, force this out of line ("OOL"), in some circumstances it is too expensive to have the push inlined, so this call is made.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy with parameters of type ObjectReference
 void LinearScan.scan(ObjectReference obj)
          Scan an object.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type ObjectReference
 void ImmortalSpaceDriver.Closure.processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot)
          Process an edge.
 void LinearSpaceDriver.scan(ObjectReference obj)
          Update the tile statistics
 void AbstractDriver.scan(ObjectReference obj)
          Scan an object found at a location.
 void ImmortalSpaceDriver.scan(ObjectReference object, boolean total)
          Update the tile statistics.
 void LinearSpaceDriver.scan(ObjectReference obj, boolean total)
          Update the tile statistics
 void AbstractDriver.scan(ObjectReference obj, boolean total)
          Scan an object found at a location.
protected  boolean LinearSpaceDriver.scanCheckPrimitiveArray(ObjectReference obj, int index, boolean total, int length)
          Check if this Object is an array of primitives.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility.heap

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type ObjectReference
static boolean Mmapper.objectIsMapped(ObjectReference object)
          Return true if the given object has been mmapped

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker that return ObjectReference
static ObjectReference SanityDataTable.getObjectReference(Address entry)
          Given an address of an entry, read the reference component.
 ObjectReference SanityRootTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          Trace a root object, i.e. root must be true.
 ObjectReference SanityTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          This method traces an object with knowledge of the fact that object is a root or not.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker with parameters of type ObjectReference
static void SanityChecker.dumpObjectInformation(ObjectReference object)
          Print out object information (used for warning and error messages)
 Address SanityDataTable.getEntry(ObjectReference object, boolean create)
          Get an entry for an object.
 void SanityChecker.processObject(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          Process an object during sanity checking, validating data, incrementing counters and enqueuing if this is the first visit to the object.
 void SanityLinearScan.scan(ObjectReference object)
 void SanityChecker.scanProcessObject(ObjectReference object)
          Process an object during a linear scan of the heap.
 ObjectReference SanityRootTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          Trace a root object, i.e. root must be true.
 ObjectReference SanityTraceLocal.traceObject(ObjectReference object, boolean root)
          This method traces an object with knowledge of the fact that object is a root or not.
 boolean SanityRootTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current trace ?
 boolean SanityTraceLocal.willNotMoveInCurrentCollection(ObjectReference object)
          Will this object move from this point on, during the current trace?

Uses of ObjectReference in org.mmtk.vm

Methods in org.mmtk.vm that return ObjectReference
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copy(ObjectReference from, int allocator)
          Copy an object using a plan's allocCopy to get space and install the forwarding pointer.
abstract  ObjectReference TraceInterface.getLink(ObjectReference ref)
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference object)
          Return the next object in the heap under contiguous allocation
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.getObjectFromStartAddress(Address start)
          Return an object reference from knowledge of the low order word
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(ObjectReference from, Address to)
          Return the reference that an object will be referred to after it is copied to the specified region.
abstract  ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceAtomicWrite(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Atomically write a reference field of an object or array and return the old value of the reference field.
abstract  ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a read barrier.

Methods in org.mmtk.vm with parameters of type ObjectReference
abstract  Address Barriers.addressRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Address.
abstract  boolean Barriers.addressTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference ref, Address old, Address target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
abstract  void Barriers.addressWrite(ObjectReference ref, Address target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Address.
abstract  Offset TraceInterface.adjustSlotOffset(boolean isScalar, ObjectReference src, Address slot)
          This adjusts the offset into an object to reflect what it would look like if the fields were laid out in memory space immediately after the object pointer.
abstract  boolean ObjectModel.attemptAvailableBits(ObjectReference object, Word oldVal, Word newVal)
          Attempts to set the bits available for memory manager use in an object.
abstract  boolean Barriers.booleanRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a boolean read barrier.
abstract  void Barriers.booleanWrite(ObjectReference ref, boolean value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a boolean write barrier.
abstract  byte Barriers.byteRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a byte read barrier.
abstract  void Barriers.byteWrite(ObjectReference ref, byte value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a byte write barrier.
abstract  char Barriers.charRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a char read barrier.
abstract  void Barriers.charWrite(ObjectReference ref, char value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a char write barrier.
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copy(ObjectReference from, int allocator)
          Copy an object using a plan's allocCopy to get space and install the forwarding pointer.
abstract  Address ObjectModel.copyTo(ObjectReference from, ObjectReference to, Address region)
          Copy an object to be pointer to by the to address.
abstract  double Barriers.doubleRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a double read barrier.
abstract  void Barriers.doubleWrite(ObjectReference ref, double value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a double write barrier.
abstract  void ObjectModel.dumpObject(ObjectReference object)
          Dump debugging information for an object.
abstract  Extent Barriers.extentRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Extent.
abstract  void Barriers.extentWrite(ObjectReference ref, Extent target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Extent.
abstract  float Barriers.floatRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a float read barrier.
abstract  void Barriers.floatWrite(ObjectReference ref, float value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a float write barrier.
abstract  int ObjectModel.getAlignOffsetWhenCopied(ObjectReference object)
          Return the alignment offset requirements for a copy of this object
abstract  int ObjectModel.getAlignWhenCopied(ObjectReference object)
          Return the alignment requirement for a copy of this object
abstract  int ObjectModel.getArrayLength(ObjectReference object)
          Get the length of an array object.
abstract  int ObjectModel.getCurrentSize(ObjectReference object)
          Return the size used by an object
abstract  Word TraceInterface.getDeathTime(ObjectReference ref)
abstract  ObjectReference TraceInterface.getLink(ObjectReference ref)
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference object)
          Return the next object in the heap under contiguous allocation
abstract  Address ObjectModel.getObjectEndAddress(ObjectReference object)
          Gets a pointer to the address just past the end of the object.
abstract  Word TraceInterface.getOID(ObjectReference ref)
abstract  ObjectReference ObjectModel.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(ObjectReference from, Address to)
          Return the reference that an object will be referred to after it is copied to the specified region.
abstract  int ObjectModel.getSizeWhenCopied(ObjectReference object)
          Return the size required to copy an object
abstract  byte[] ObjectModel.getTypeDescriptor(ObjectReference ref)
          Get the type descriptor for an object.
abstract  int Barriers.intRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a int read barrier.
abstract  boolean Barriers.intTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, int old, int value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
abstract  void Barriers.intWrite(ObjectReference ref, int value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a int write barrier.
abstract  boolean ObjectModel.isAcyclic(ObjectReference typeRef)
          Checks if a reference of the given type in another object is inherently acyclic.
abstract  boolean ObjectModel.isArray(ObjectReference object)
          Is the passed object an array?
abstract  boolean ObjectModel.isPrimitiveArray(ObjectReference object)
          Is the passed object a primitive array?
abstract  long Barriers.longRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a long read barrier.
abstract  boolean Barriers.longTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, long old, long value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
abstract  void Barriers.longWrite(ObjectReference ref, long value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a long write barrier.
 void Debug.modbufEntry(ObjectReference object)
          A modbuf (object remembering barrier) entry has been traced during collection.
abstract  ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceAtomicWrite(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Atomically write a reference field of an object or array and return the old value of the reference field.
abstract  void Barriers.objectReferenceNonHeapWrite(Address slot, ObjectReference target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB)
          Perform the actual write of the non-heap write barrier.
abstract  ObjectReference Barriers.objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a read barrier.
abstract  boolean Barriers.objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
abstract  void Barriers.objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of an object reference write barrier.
abstract  Address ObjectModel.objectStartRef(ObjectReference object)
          Returns the lowest address of the storage associated with an object.
abstract  Offset Barriers.offsetRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Offset.
abstract  void Barriers.offsetWrite(ObjectReference ref, Offset target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Offset.
abstract  Word ObjectModel.prepareAvailableBits(ObjectReference object)
          Gets the value of bits available for memory manager use in an object, in preparation for setting those bits.
abstract  Word ObjectModel.readAvailableBitsWord(ObjectReference object)
          Read the bits available for memory manager use in an object.
abstract  byte ObjectModel.readAvailableByte(ObjectReference object)
          Read the byte available for memory manager use in an object.
abstract  Address ObjectModel.refToAddress(ObjectReference object)
          Returns an address guaranteed to be inside the storage assocatied with and object.
abstract  void Scanning.scanObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Delegated scanning of a object, processing each pointer field encountered.
abstract  void TraceInterface.setDeathTime(ObjectReference ref, Word time_)
abstract  void TraceInterface.setLink(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference link)
abstract  short Barriers.shortRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of a short read barrier.
abstract  void Barriers.shortWrite(ObjectReference ref, short value, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of a short write barrier.
abstract  Address TraceInterface.skipOwnFramesAndDump(ObjectReference typeRef)
          This skips over the frames added by the tracing algorithm, outputs information identifying the method the containts the "new" call triggering the allocation, and returns the address of the first non-trace, non-alloc stack frame.
abstract  void Scanning.specializedScanObject(int id, TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object)
          Invoke a specialized scan method.
 void Debug.traceObject(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference object)
          Trace an object during GC *** Non-standard, requires plumbing into a collector during debugging ***
abstract  void TraceInterface.updateDeathTime(ObjectReference obj)
          Update an object's death time.
abstract  Word Barriers.wordAtomicWrite(ObjectReference ref, Word rawTarget, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Atomically write a Word field of an object or array and return the old value of the Word field.
abstract  Word Barriers.wordRead(ObjectReference ref, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Word.
abstract  boolean Barriers.wordTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference ref, Word old, Word target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
abstract  void Barriers.wordWrite(ObjectReference ref, Word target, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode)
          Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Word.
abstract  void ObjectModel.writeAvailableBitsWord(ObjectReference object, Word val)
          Sets the bits available for memory manager use in an object.
abstract  void ObjectModel.writeAvailableByte(ObjectReference object, byte val)
          Sets the byte available for memory manager use in an object.

Uses of ObjectReference in org.vmmagic.unboxed

Methods in org.vmmagic.unboxed that return ObjectReference
static ObjectReference ObjectReference.fromObject(Object obj)
          Convert from an object to a reference.
 ObjectReference ObjectReferenceArray.get(int index)
 ObjectReference Address.loadObjectReference()
          Loads a reference from the memory location pointed to by the current instance.
 ObjectReference Address.loadObjectReference(Offset offset)
          Loads a reference from the memory location pointed to by the current instance.
static ObjectReference ObjectReference.nullReference()
          Return a null reference
 ObjectReference Address.prepareObjectReference()
          Prepare for an atomic store operation.
 ObjectReference Address.prepareObjectReference(Offset offset)
          Prepare for an atomic store operation.
 ObjectReference Address.toObjectReference()
          Fabricate an ObjectReference instance from an Address instance.

Methods in org.vmmagic.unboxed with parameters of type ObjectReference
 boolean Address.attempt(ObjectReference old, ObjectReference value)
          Attempt an atomic store operation.
 boolean Address.attempt(ObjectReference old, ObjectReference value, Offset offset)
          Attempt an atomic store operation.
 void ObjectReferenceArray.set(int index, ObjectReference v)
 void value)
          Stores the address value in the memory location pointed to by the current instance.
 void value, Offset offset)
          Stores the object reference value in the memory location pointed to by the current instance.