Uses of Class

Packages that use UninterruptibleNoWarn

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
private static void VM._assertionFailure(String msg1, String msg2)
private static int VM.getStringLength(String s)
static void Services.setArrayUninterruptible(Object[] dst, int index, Object value)
          Sets an element of a object array without possibly losing control.
static void VM.sysExit(int value)
          Exit virtual machine.
private static void VM.writeHexNotRunningVM(int value)
private static void VM.writeHexNotRunningVM(long value)
private static void VM.writeNotRunningVM(char value)
private static void VM.writeNotRunningVM(double value)
private static void VM.writeNotRunningVM(int value)
private static void VM.writeNotRunningVM(long value)
private static void VM.writeNotRunningVM(String value)

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in org.jikesrvm.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.ia32 with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
 byte RegisterConstants.GPR.value()

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in org.jikesrvm.jni

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
 void LinkageTripletTable.set(int index, AddressArray value)
          Set a LinkageTripletTable entry.
 void FunctionTable.set(int index, ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray value)
          Set an ITable entry.

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in

Methods in with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
private  AddressArray ReferenceProcessor.growReferenceTable()
          Grow the reference table by GROWTH_FACTOR.
private  int Strings.naiveCopyStringToChars(String str, char[] dst, int dstBegin, int dstEnd)
          Copies characters from the string into the character array.
 void Barriers.objectArrayStoreNoGCBarrier(Object[] dst, int index, Object value)
          Sets an element of an object array without invoking any write barrier.
 void Collection.outOfMemory()
          Fail with an out of memory error.
 ObjectReference ReferenceProcessor.processReference(TraceLocal trace, ObjectReference reference)
          Process a reference with the current semantics.
 void Collection.requestMutatorFlush()
 void FinalizableProcessor.scan(TraceLocal trace, boolean nursery)
          Scan through the list of references.

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
 void IMT.set(int index, ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray value)
          Sets an entry in the IMT.
 void ITableArray.set(int index, ITable value)
          Set an ITable entry in the array.
 void ITable.set(int index, Object value)
          Sets an entry in this ITable.
 void TIB.set(int index, Object value)
          Set a TIB entry.

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
static Address Statics.getSlotContentsAsAddress(Offset offset)
          Fetch contents of a slot, as an Address.
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, Object object)
          Set contents of a slot, as an object.

Uses of UninterruptibleNoWarn in org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type UninterruptibleNoWarn
 int RVMThread.asyncBlock(RVMThread.BlockAdapter ba)
static void RVMThread.dumpStack()
          Dump stack of calling thread, starting at callers frame
private static void TimerThread.printExceptionAndDie(Throwable e)