Uses of Class

Packages that use BaselineSaveLSRegisters   

Uses of BaselineSaveLSRegisters in

Methods in with annotations of type BaselineSaveLSRegisters
          Collection entry point.

Uses of BaselineSaveLSRegisters in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type BaselineSaveLSRegisters
static int FileSystem.bytesAvailable(int fd)
static int FileSystem.readByte(int fd)
          Read single byte from file.
static int FileSystem.readBytes(int fd, byte[] buf, int off, int cnt)
          Read multiple bytes.
static boolean FileSystem.sync(int fd)
static int FileSystem.writeByte(int fd, int b)
          Write single byte to file
static int FileSystem.writeBytes(int fd, byte[] buf, int off, int cnt)
          Write multiple bytes.

Uses of BaselineSaveLSRegisters in org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with annotations of type BaselineSaveLSRegisters
(package private)  void RVMThread.checkBlock()
          Check if the thread is supposed to block, and if so, block it.
private  void Monitor.lockWithHandshakeNoRec()
 void Monitor.relockWithHandshake(int recCount)
          Relock the mutex after using unlockCompletely, but do so "nicely".
 void Monitor.timedWaitAbsoluteWithHandshake(long whenWakeupNanos)
          Wait until someone calls broadcast, or until the clock reaches the given time.
 void Monitor.timedWaitRelativeWithHandshake(long delayNanos)
          Wait until someone calls broadcast, or until at least the given number of nanoseconds pass.
 void Monitor.waitWithHandshake()
          Wait until someone calls broadcast.
static void RVMThread.yieldpointFromBackedge()
          Yieldpoint taken on backedge.
static void RVMThread.yieldpointFromEpilogue()
          Yieldpoint taken in epilogue.
static void RVMThread.yieldpointFromPrologue()
          Yieldpoint taken in prologue.