Uses of Class

Packages that use TIB

Uses of TIB in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as TIB
private  TIB RVMArray.typeInformationBlock
          The TIB for this type, created when the array is resolved.
private  TIB RVMClass.typeInformationBlock
          type and virtual method dispatch table for class

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return TIB
 TIB Primitive.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class/array type.
abstract  TIB RVMType.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class/array type.
 TIB UnboxedType.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class/array type.
 TIB RVMArray.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this array type.
 TIB RVMClass.getTypeInformationBlock()
          Runtime type information for this class type.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type TIB
static ITable InterfaceInvocation.findITable(TIB tib, int id)
          Return a reference to the itable for a given class, interface pair We might not have created the iTable yet, in which case we will do that and then return it.
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfClass(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded class.
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfInterface(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded interface.
static boolean DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOfNonArray(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB)
          LHSclass is a fully loaded class or interface.
 void InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.populateIMT(RVMClass klass, TIB tib, IMT imt)
private  void RVMArray.publishResolved(TIB allocatedTib, short[] superclassIds, int[] doesImplement)
          Atomically initialize the important parts of the TIB and let the world know this type is resolved.
private  void RVMClass.publishResolved(TIB allocatedTib, short[] superclassIds, int[] doesImplement)
          Atomically initialize the important parts of the TIB and let the world know this type is resolved.
private  void InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict.set(TIB tib, IMT imt, int extSlot, ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray value)

Uses of TIB in

Fields in declared as TIB
private static TIB DebugUtil.tibForArrayType
private static TIB DebugUtil.tibForClassType
private static TIB DebugUtil.tibForPrimitiveType

Methods in that return TIB
static TIB MemoryManager.newTIB(int numVirtualMethods, int alignCode)
          Allocate a new type information block (TIB).

Methods in with parameters of type TIB
static Object MemoryManager.allocateArray(int numElements, int logElementSize, int headerSize, TIB tib, int allocator, int align, int offset, int site)
          Allocate an array object.
private static Object MemoryManager.allocateArrayInternal(int numElements, int size, TIB tib, int allocator, int align, int offset, int site)
          Allocate an array object.
static Object MemoryManager.allocateScalar(int size, TIB tib, int allocator, int align, int offset, int site)
          Allocate a scalar object.
static void MemoryManager.initializeHeader(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address ref, TIB tib, int size, boolean isScalar)
          Override the boot-time initialization method here, so that the core JMTk code doesn't need to know about the BootImageInterface type.

Uses of TIB in

Methods in with parameters of type TIB
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyArray(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMArray type, int allocator)
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyScalar(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMClass type, int allocator)

Uses of TIB in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel that return TIB
static TIB TIB.allocate(int size, int alignData)
          Create a new TIB of the specified size.
static TIB ObjectModel.getTIB(Object o)
          Get the TIB for an object.
static TIB JavaHeader.getTIB(Object o)
          Get the TIB for an object.
static TIB ObjectModel.getTIB(ObjectReference ptr)
          Get the TIB for an object.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type TIB
static Object ObjectModel.initializeArray(Address ptr, TIB tib, int numElems, int size)
          Initialize raw storage with low memory word ptr of size bytes to be an uninitialized instance of the array type specific by tib with numElems elements.
static Object JavaHeader.initializeArrayHeader(Address ptr, TIB tib, int size)
          Perform any required initialization of the JAVA portion of the header.
static Address JavaHeader.initializeArrayHeader(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address ptr, TIB tib, int size, int numElements, boolean needsIdentityHash, int identityHashValue)
          Perform any required initialization of the JAVA portion of the header.
static void MiscHeader.initializeHeader(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address ref, TIB tib, int size, boolean isScalar)
          Perform any required initialization of the MISC portion of the header.
static void MiscHeader.initializeHeader(Object obj, TIB tib, int size, boolean isScalar)
          Perform any required initialization of the MISC portion of the header.
static Object ObjectModel.initializeScalar(Address ptr, TIB tib, int size)
          Initialize raw storage with low memory word ptr of size bytes to be an uninitialized instance of the (scalar) type specified by tib.
static Object JavaHeader.initializeScalarHeader(Address ptr, TIB tib, int size)
          Perform any required initialization of the JAVA portion of the header.
static Address JavaHeader.initializeScalarHeader(BootImageInterface bootImage, Address ptr, TIB tib, int size, boolean needsIdentityHash, int identityHashValue)
          Perform any required initialization of the JAVA portion of the header.
 void TIB.setArrayElementTib(TIB arrayElementTIB)
          Set the TIB of the elements of this array (null if not an array).
static void ObjectModel.setTIB(ObjectReference ptr, TIB tib)
          Set the TIB for an object.
static void ObjectModel.setTIB(Object ref, TIB tib)
          Set the TIB for an object.
static void JavaHeader.setTIB(Object ref, TIB tib)
          Set the TIB for an object.

Uses of TIB in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime that return TIB
static TIB Magic.addressAsTIB(Address address)
          Cast bits.
static TIB Magic.getTIBAtOffset(Object object, Offset offset)
          Get TIB at arbitrary (byte) offset from object.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type TIB
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewArray(int numElements, int logElementSize, int headerSize, TIB tib, int allocator, int align, int offset, int site)
          Allocate something like "new int[cnt]" or "new Foo[cnt]".
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewScalar(int size, TIB tib, boolean hasFinalizer, int allocator, int align, int offset, int site)
          Allocate something like "new Foo()".
static void Statics.setSlotContents(Offset offset, TIB tib)
          Set contents of a slot, as a CodeArray.
static Object Magic.tibAsObject(TIB tib)
          Cast bits of tib into an object Note: for use by Statics when assigning slots