Uses of Class

Packages that use RVMArray

Uses of RVMArray in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as RVMArray
static RVMArray RVMType.AddressArrayType
static RVMArray RVMArray.BooleanArray
static RVMArray RVMArray.ByteArray
private  RVMArray RVMType.cachedElementType
          cached RVMArray that corresponds to arrays of this type.
static RVMArray RVMArray.CharArray
static RVMArray RVMType.CodeArrayType
static RVMArray RVMArray.DoubleArray
static RVMArray RVMType.ExtentArrayType
static RVMArray RVMArray.FloatArray
static RVMArray RVMArray.IntArray
static RVMArray RVMArray.JavaLangObjectArray
static RVMArray RVMType.JavaLangObjectArrayType
static RVMArray RVMArray.LongArray
static RVMArray RVMType.ObjectReferenceArrayType
static RVMArray RVMType.OffsetArrayType
static RVMArray RVMArray.ShortArray
static RVMArray RVMType.WordArrayType

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return RVMArray
 RVMArray RVMType.asArray()
 RVMArray RVMType.getArrayTypeForElementType()
          Get array type corresponding to "this" array element type.
 RVMArray BytecodeStream.getPrimitiveArrayType(int etype)
          Returns the type of the array of given primitive type (as a RVMType).
static RVMArray RVMArray.getPrimitiveArrayType(int atype)
          Get description of specified primitive array.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMArray
(package private) static int[] DynamicTypeCheck.buildDoesImplement(RVMArray t)
          Create the doesImplement vector for a RVMArray.

Uses of RVMArray in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline with parameters of type RVMArray
protected abstract  void TemplateCompilerFramework.emit_resolved_newarray(RVMArray array)
          Emit code to allocate an array

Uses of RVMArray in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 declared as RVMArray
private  RVMArray BaselineMagic.CreateArray.array

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type RVMArray
protected  void BaselineCompilerImpl.emit_resolved_newarray(RVMArray array)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type RVMArray
BaselineMagic.CreateArray(RVMArray array)

Uses of RVMArray in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape declared as RVMArray
private  RVMArray ShortArrayReplacer.vmArray
          type of the array

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type RVMArray
private static boolean ShortArrayReplacer.containsUnsupportedUse(IR ir, Register reg, int size, RVMArray vmArray, Set<Register> visited)
          Some cases we don't handle yet.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type RVMArray
ShortArrayReplacer(Register r, RVMArray a, int s, IR i)

Uses of RVMArray in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMArray
private  ObjectReference ObjectModel.copyArray(ObjectReference from, TIB tib, RVMArray type, int allocator)

Uses of RVMArray in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type RVMArray
static Address ObjectModel.allocateArray(BootImageInterface bootImage, RVMArray array, int numElements, boolean needsIdentityHash, int identityHashValue, int alignCode)
          Allocate and initialize space in the bootimage (at bootimage writing time) to be an uninitialized instance of the (array) type specified by array.
static Address ObjectModel.allocateArray(BootImageInterface bootImage, RVMArray array, int numElements, boolean needsIdentityHash, int identityHashValue, int align, int alignCode)
          Allocate and initialize space in the bootimage (at bootimage writing time) to be an uninitialized instance of the (array) type specified by array.
static Address ObjectModel.allocateCode(BootImageInterface bootImage, RVMArray array, int numElements)
          Allocate and initialize space in the bootimage (at bootimage writing time) to be an uninitialized instance of the (array) type specified by array.
static int ObjectModel.bytesRequiredWhenCopied(Object fromObj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          how many bytes are needed when the array object is copied by GC?
static int JavaHeader.bytesRequiredWhenCopied(Object fromObj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          how many bytes are needed when the array object is copied by GC?
static int ObjectModel.bytesUsed(Object obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          how many bytes are used by the array?
static int JavaHeader.bytesUsed(Object obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          how many bytes are used by the array object?
static int ObjectModel.computeArrayHeaderSize(RVMArray type)
          Compute the header size of an instance of the given type.
static int JavaHeader.computeArrayHeaderSize(RVMArray type)
          Compute the header size of an instance of the given type.
static int ObjectModel.getAlignment(RVMArray t)
          Return the desired alignment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMArray.
static int JavaHeader.getAlignment(RVMArray t)
          Return the desired alignment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMArray.
static int ObjectModel.getAlignment(RVMArray t, Object obj)
          Return the desired alignment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMArray.
static int JavaHeader.getAlignment(RVMArray t, Object obj)
          Return the desired alignment of the alignment point returned by getOffsetForAlignment in instances of the argument RVMArray.
static ObjectReference ObjectModel.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          Get the next object after this array under contiguous allocation.
static ObjectReference JavaHeader.getNextObject(ObjectReference obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          Get the next array in the heap under contiguous allocation.
static Address ObjectModel.getObjectEndAddress(Object object, RVMArray type, int elements)
          Get the pointer just past an object
static Address JavaHeader.getObjectEndAddress(Object obj, RVMArray type, int numElements)
          What is the first word after the array?
static int ObjectModel.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMArray t, boolean needsIdentityHash)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int JavaHeader.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMArray t, boolean needsIdentityHash)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int ObjectModel.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMArray t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static int JavaHeader.getOffsetForAlignment(RVMArray t, ObjectReference obj)
          Return the offset relative to physical beginning of object that must be aligned.
static Object ObjectModel.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(Object obj, Address region, RVMArray type)
          Get the reference of an object after copying to a specified region.
static Object JavaHeader.getReferenceWhenCopiedTo(Object obj, Address to, RVMArray type)
          Get the reference of an array when copied to the specified region.
static Object ObjectModel.moveObject(Address toAddress, Object fromObj, int numBytes, RVMArray type)
          Copy an array object to the given raw storage address
static Object JavaHeader.moveObject(Address toAddress, Object fromObj, int numBytes, RVMArray type)
          Copy an array to the given raw storage address
static Object ObjectModel.moveObject(Object fromObj, Object toObj, int numBytes, RVMArray type)
          Copy an array object to the given raw storage address
static Object JavaHeader.moveObject(Object fromObj, Object toObj, int numBytes, RVMArray type)
          Copy an array to the given location.

Uses of RVMArray in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type RVMArray
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.buildMDAHelper(RVMMethod method, int[] numElements, int dimIndex, RVMArray arrayType)
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.buildMultiDimensionalArray(int methodId, int[] numElements, RVMArray arrayType)
          Build a multi-dimensional array.
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.buildTwoDimensionalArray(int methodId, int dim0, int dim1, RVMArray arrayType)
          Build a two-dimensional array.
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewArray(int numElements, RVMArray array)
          Allocate something like "new Foo[]".
static Object RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewArray(int numElements, RVMArray array, int site)