Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm |
Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
void |
MachineSpecific.adjustESP(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers,
Offset delta,
boolean traceAdjustments)
A thread's stack has been moved or resized. |
abstract void |
MachineSpecific.initializeStack(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers contextRegisters,
Address ip,
Address sp)
The following method initializes a thread stack as if "startoff" method had been called by an empty baseline-compiled "sentinel" frame with one local variable. |
Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
void |
BaselineExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Pass control to a catch block. |
void |
BaselineExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Unwind a stackframe. |
Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.ia32 |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.ia32 with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
void |
OptExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Pass control to a catch block. |
void |
OptExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Unwind a stackframe. |
Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm.ia32 |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.ia32 with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
void |
MachineSpecificIA.adjustESP(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers,
Offset delta,
boolean traceAdjustments)
void |
MachineSpecificIA.initializeStack(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers contextRegisters,
Address ip,
Address sp)
Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32 |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni.ia32 with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
void |
JNIExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Deliver exception, not possible for JNI methods |
void |
JNIExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Unwind registers/stack through JNI method |
Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm.runtime |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
abstract void |
ExceptionDeliverer.deliverException(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
Address catchBlockInstructionAddress,
Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Stackframe's method has a "catch" block for exception being thrown and control is to be passed to that catch block. |
private static void |
RuntimeEntrypoints.deliverException(Throwable exceptionObject,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers exceptionRegisters)
Deliver an exception to current java thread. |
static void |
Magic.restoreHardwareExceptionState(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Resume execution with specified thread exception state. |
static void |
Magic.saveThreadState(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Saves current thread state. |
static void |
Magic.threadSwitch(RVMThread currentThread,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers restoreRegs)
Switch threads. |
private static void |
RuntimeEntrypoints.unwindInvisibleStackFrame(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Unwind stack frame for an |
abstract void |
ExceptionDeliverer.unwindStackFrame(CompiledMethod compiledMethod,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers)
Stackframe's method has no "catch" block for exception being thrown and stackframe is to be "unwound" as follows: 1. for a synchronized method, call ObjectModel.genericUnlock(), passing it the appropriate "lock" object for non-static methods, the lock is the method's first argument ("this") for static methods, the lock is the method's java.lang.Class 2. restore the non-volatile registers (including fp) that were saved in the method's prologue, by copying them from the method's stackframe save area into the provided "registers" object |
Uses of ArchitectureSpecific.Registers in org.jikesrvm.scheduler |
Fields in org.jikesrvm.scheduler declared as ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
Place to save register state when this thread is not actually running. |
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
Place to save register state when this thread is not actually running. |
private ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
private ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
private ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
Place to save register state during hardware(C signal trap handler) or software (RuntimeEntrypoints.athrow) trap handling. |
private ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
private ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
Registers used by return barrier trampoline |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler that return ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler with parameters of type ArchitectureSpecific.Registers | |
private static void |
RVMThread.adjustRegisters(ArchitectureSpecific.Registers registers,
Offset delta)
A thread's stack has been moved or resized. |
static void |
RVMThread.resizeCurrentStack(int newSize,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers exceptionRegisters)
Change the size of the currently executing thread's stack. |
private static void |
RVMThread.transferExecutionToNewStack(byte[] newStack,
ArchitectureSpecific.Registers exceptionRegisters)