Uses of Class

Packages that use Intrinsic

Uses of Intrinsic in org.jikesrvm.jni

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with annotations of type Intrinsic
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray FunctionTable.get(int index)
          Get an ITable entry.
 AddressArray LinkageTripletTable.get(int index)
          Get a LinkageTripletTable entry.
 int FunctionTable.length()
          Return the length of the ITable
 int LinkageTripletTable.length()
          Return the length of the LinkageTripletTable
 void LinkageTripletTable.set(int index, AddressArray value)
          Set a LinkageTripletTable entry.
 void FunctionTable.set(int index, ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray value)
          Set an ITable entry.

Uses of Intrinsic in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with annotations of type Intrinsic
 ITable ITableArray.get(int index)
          Get an ITable entry from the array.
 ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray IMT.get(int index)
          Gets an entry in the IMT.
 Object ITable.get(int index)
          Gets an entry in the ITable.
 T RuntimeTable.get(int index)
          Get a value from the table.
 Object TIB.get(int index)
          Get a TIB entry.
 T[] RuntimeTable.getBacking()
          Only called at boot image write time.
 int ITableArray.length()
          Return the length of the array of ITable
 int IMT.length()
          Returns the length of the IMT
 int ITable.length()
          Return the length of the ITable
 int RuntimeTable.length()
          Get the table length.
 int TIB.length()
          Return the length of the TIB
 void IMT.set(int index, ArchitectureSpecific.CodeArray value)
          Sets an entry in the IMT.
 void ITableArray.set(int index, ITable value)
          Set an ITable entry in the array.
 void ITable.set(int index, Object value)
          Sets an entry in this ITable.
 void TIB.set(int index, Object value)
          Set a TIB entry.
 void RuntimeTable.set(int index, T value)
          Set a value to the table.

Uses of Intrinsic in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Classes in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type Intrinsic
 class Magic
          Magic methods for accessing raw machine memory, registers, and operating system calls.