Uses of Class

Packages that use JNIEnvironment

Uses of JNIEnvironment in org.jikesrvm.jni

Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with parameters of type JNIEnvironment
private static int JNIFunctions.AllocObject(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF)
          AllocObject: allocate the space for an object without running any constructor the header is filled and the fields are initialized to null
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallBooleanMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallBooleanMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallBooleanMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallBooleanMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallBooleanMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallBooleanMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallByteMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallByteMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallByteMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallByteMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallByteMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallByteMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value
private static char JNIFunctions.CallCharMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallCharMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static char JNIFunctions.CallCharMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallCharMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value
private static char JNIFunctions.CallCharMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallCharMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value
private static double JNIFunctions.CallDoubleMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallDoubleMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static double JNIFunctions.CallDoubleMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallDoubleMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value
private static double JNIFunctions.CallDoubleMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallDoubleMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value
private static float JNIFunctions.CallFloatMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallFloatMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static float JNIFunctions.CallFloatMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallFloatMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value
private static float JNIFunctions.CallFloatMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallFloatMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallIntMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallIntMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a int value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.CallIntMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallIntMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an integer value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallIntMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallIntMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an int value
private static long JNIFunctions.CallLongMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallLongMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static long JNIFunctions.CallLongMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallLongMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value
private static long JNIFunctions.CallLongMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallLongMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualByteMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualByteMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualByteMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualByteMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualByteMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualByteMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value
private static char JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualCharMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualCharMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static char JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualCharMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualCharMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value
private static char JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualCharMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualCharMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value
private static double JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static double JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value
private static double JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value
private static float JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualFloatMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualFloatMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static float JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value
private static float JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualIntMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualIntMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a int value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualIntMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualIntMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an integer value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualIntMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualIntMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an int value
private static long JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualLongMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualLongMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static long JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualLongMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualLongMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value
private static long JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualLongMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualLongMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualObjectMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualObjectMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns an object arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualNonvirtualObjectMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an object value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an object
private static short JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualShortMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualShortMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static short JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualShortMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualShortMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value
private static short JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualShortMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualShortMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value
private static void JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallNonvirtualVoidMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a void value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static void JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns void
private static void JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns void
private static int JNIFunctions.CallObjectMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallObjectMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns an object arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.CallObjectMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallObjectMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an object value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallObjectMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallObjectMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an object
private static short JNIFunctions.CallShortMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallShortMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static short JNIFunctions.CallShortMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallShortMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value
private static short JNIFunctions.CallShortMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallShortMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallStaticBooleanMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticBooleanMethod: invoke a static method that returns a boolean value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallStaticBooleanMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticBooleanMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a boolean value
private static boolean JNIFunctions.CallStaticBooleanMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticBooleanMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a boolean value
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallStaticByteMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticByteMethod: invoke a static method that returns a byte value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallStaticByteMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticByteMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a byte value
private static byte JNIFunctions.CallStaticByteMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticByteMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a byte value
private static char JNIFunctions.CallStaticCharMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticCharMethod: invoke a static method that returns a char value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static char JNIFunctions.CallStaticCharMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticCharMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a char value
private static char JNIFunctions.CallStaticCharMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticCharMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a char value
private static double JNIFunctions.CallStaticDoubleMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticDoubleMethod: invoke a static method that returns a double value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static double JNIFunctions.CallStaticDoubleMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticDoubleMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a double value
private static double JNIFunctions.CallStaticDoubleMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticDoubleMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a double value
private static float JNIFunctions.CallStaticFloatMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticFloagMethod: invoke a static method that returns a float value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static float JNIFunctions.CallStaticFloatMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticFloatMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a float value
private static float JNIFunctions.CallStaticFloatMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticFloatMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a float value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallStaticIntMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticIntMethod: invoke a static method that returns an integer value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.CallStaticIntMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticIntMethodA: invoke a static method that returns an integer value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallStaticIntMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticIntMethodV: invoke a static method that returns an integer value
private static long JNIFunctions.CallStaticLongMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticLongMethod: invoke a static method that returns a long value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static long JNIFunctions.CallStaticLongMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticLongMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a long value
private static long JNIFunctions.CallStaticLongMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticLongMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a long value
private static int JNIFunctions.CallStaticObjectMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticObjectMethod: invoke a static method that returns an object value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.CallStaticObjectMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticObjectMethodA: invoke a static method that returns an object
private static int JNIFunctions.CallStaticObjectMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticObjectMethodV: invoke a static method that returns an object
private static short JNIFunctions.CallStaticShortMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticShortMethod: invoke a static method that returns a short value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static short JNIFunctions.CallStaticShortMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticShortMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a short value
private static short JNIFunctions.CallStaticShortMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticShortMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a short value
private static void JNIFunctions.CallStaticVoidMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          CallStaticVoidMethod: invoke a static method that returns void arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static void JNIFunctions.CallStaticVoidMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticVoidMethodA: invoke a static method that returns void
private static void JNIFunctions.CallStaticVoidMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallStaticVoidMethodA: invoke a static method that returns void
private static void JNIFunctions.CallVoidMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID)
          CallVoidMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a void value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static void JNIFunctions.CallVoidMethodA(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallVoidMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns void
private static void JNIFunctions.CallVoidMethodV(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          CallVoidMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns void
private static int JNIFunctions.DefineClass(JNIEnvironment env, Address classNameAddress, int classLoader, Address data, int dataLen)
          DefineClass: Loads a class from a buffer of raw class data.
private static void JNIFunctions.DeleteGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env, int refJREF)
private static void JNIFunctions.DeleteLocalRef(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF)
private static void JNIFunctions.DeleteWeakGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env, int refJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.EnsureLocalCapacity(JNIEnvironment env, int capacity)
private static int JNIFunctions.ExceptionCheck(JNIEnvironment env)
private static void JNIFunctions.ExceptionClear(JNIEnvironment env)
private static void JNIFunctions.ExceptionDescribe(JNIEnvironment env)
          ExceptionDescribe: print the exception description and the stack trace back, then clear the exception
private static int JNIFunctions.ExceptionOccurred(JNIEnvironment env)
private static void JNIFunctions.FatalError(JNIEnvironment env, Address messageAddress)
          FatalError: print a message and terminate the VM
private static int JNIFunctions.FindClass(JNIEnvironment env, Address classNameAddress)
          FindClass: given a class name, find its RVMClass, or 0 if not found
private static int JNIFunctions.FromReflectedField(JNIEnvironment env, int fieldJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.FromReflectedMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int methodJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.GetArrayLength(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF)
          GetArrayLength: return array length
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetBooleanArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetBooleanArrayElements: get all the elements of a boolean array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetBooleanArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetBooleanArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static int JNIFunctions.GetBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetBooleanField: read an instance field of type boolean
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetByteArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetByteArrayElements: get all the elements of a byte array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetByteArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetByteArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static int JNIFunctions.GetByteField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetByteField: read an instance field of type byte
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetCharArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetCharArrayElements: get all the elements of a char array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetCharArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetCharArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static int JNIFunctions.GetCharField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetCharField: read an instance field of type character
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetDirectBufferAddress(JNIEnvironment env, int bufJREF)
private static long JNIFunctions.GetDirectBufferCapacity(JNIEnvironment env, int bufJREF)
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetDoubleArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetDoubleArrayElements: get all the elements of a double array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetDoubleArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetDoubleArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static double JNIFunctions.GetDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetDoubleField: read an instance field of type double
private static int JNIFunctions.GetFieldID(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, Address fieldNameAddress, Address descriptorAddress)
          GetFieldID: return a field id, which can be cached in native code and reused
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetFloatArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetFloatArrayElements: get all the elements of a float array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetFloatArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetFloatArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static float JNIFunctions.GetFloatField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetFloatField: read an instance field of type float
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetIntArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetIntArrayElements: get all the elements of an integer array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetIntArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetIntArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static int JNIFunctions.GetIntField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetIntField: read an instance field of type integer
private static int JNIFunctions.GetJavaVM(JNIEnvironment env, Address StarStarJavaVM)
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetLongArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetLongArrayElements: get all the elements of a long array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetLongArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetLongArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static long JNIFunctions.GetLongField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetLongField: read an instance field of type long
private static int JNIFunctions.GetMethodID(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, Address methodNameAddress, Address methodSigAddress)
          GetMethodID: get the virtual method ID given the name and the signature
private static int JNIFunctions.GetObjectArrayElement(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int index)
          GetObjectArrayElement: retrieve an object from an object array
private static int JNIFunctions.GetObjectClass(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.GetObjectField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetObjectField: read a instance field of type Object
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetPrimitiveArrayCritical: return a direct pointer to the primitive array and disable GC so that the array will not be moved.
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetShortArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetShortArrayElements: get all the elements of a short array
private static void JNIFunctions.GetShortArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          GetShortArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer
private static int JNIFunctions.GetShortField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID)
          GetShortField: read an instance field of type short
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticBooleanField: read a static field of type boolean
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticByteField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticByteField: read a static field of type byte
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticCharField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticCharField: read a static field of type character
private static double JNIFunctions.GetStaticDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticDoubleField: read a static field of type double
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticFieldID(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, Address fieldNameAddress, Address descriptorAddress)
          GetStaticFieldID: return a field id which can be cached in native code and reused
private static float JNIFunctions.GetStaticFloatField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticFloatField: read a static field of type float
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticIntField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticIntField: read a static field of type integer
private static long JNIFunctions.GetStaticLongField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticLongField: read a static field of type long
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticMethodID(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, Address methodNameAddress, Address methodSigAddress)
          GetStaticMethodID: return the method ID for invocation later
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticObjectField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticObjectField: read a static field of type Object
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStaticShortField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID)
          GetStaticShortField: read a static field of type short
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetStringChars(JNIEnvironment env, int strJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetStringChars: return address of buffer containing contents of a String
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetStringCritical(JNIEnvironment env, int strJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetStringCritical: Like GetStringChars and ReleaseStringChars, but in some VM environments the VM may be able to avoid making a copy.
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStringLength(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF)
          GetStringLength: return the length of a String
private static void JNIFunctions.GetStringRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int strJREF, int start, int len, Address buf)
          GetStringRegion: Copy a region of Unicode characters from a string to the given buffer.
private static Address JNIFunctions.GetStringUTFChars(JNIEnvironment env, int strJREF, Address isCopyAddress)
          GetStringUTFChars: return address of buffer containing contents of a String
private static int JNIFunctions.GetStringUTFLength(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF)
          GetStringUTFLength: return number of bytes to represent a String in UTF8 format
private static void JNIFunctions.GetStringUTFRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int strJREF, int start, int len, Address buf)
          GetStringUTFRegion: Copy a region of Unicode characters from a string to the given buffer, as UTF8 characters.
private static int JNIFunctions.GetSuperclass(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF)
          GetSuperclass: find the superclass given a class
private static int JNIFunctions.GetVersion(JNIEnvironment env)
          GetVersion: the version of the JNI
private static boolean JNIFunctions.IsAssignableFrom(JNIEnvironment env, int firstClassJREF, int secondClassJREF)
          IsAssignableFrom: determine if an an object of class or interface cls1 can be cast to the class or interface cls2
private static int JNIFunctions.IsInstanceOf(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int classJREF)
          IsInstanceOf: determine if an object is an instance of the class
private static boolean JNIFunctions.IsSameObject(JNIEnvironment env, int obj1JREF, int obj2JREF)
          IsSameObject: determine if two references point to the same object
private static int JNIFunctions.MonitorEnter(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.MonitorExit(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.NewBooleanArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewBooleanArray: create a new boolean array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewByteArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewByteArray: create a new byte array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewCharArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewCharArray: create a new char array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewDirectByteBuffer(JNIEnvironment env, Address address, long capacity)
          These functions are in JNI 1.4
private static int JNIFunctions.NewDoubleArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewDoubleArray: create a new double array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewFloatArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewFloatArray: create a new float array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env, int objectJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.NewIntArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewIntArray: create a new integer array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewLocalRef(JNIEnvironment env, int oldJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.NewLongArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewLongArray: create a new long array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewObject(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID)
          NewObject: create a new object instance NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame
private static int JNIFunctions.NewObjectA(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          NewObjectA: create a new object instance
private static int JNIFunctions.NewObjectArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length, int classJREF, int initElementJREF)
          NewObjectArray: create a new Object array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewObjectV(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int methodID, Address argAddress)
          NewObjectV: create a new object instance
private static int JNIFunctions.NewShortArray(JNIEnvironment env, int length)
          NewShortArray: create a new short array
private static int JNIFunctions.NewString(JNIEnvironment env, Address uchars, int len)
          NewString: create a String Object from C array of unicode chars
private static int JNIFunctions.NewStringUTF(JNIEnvironment env, Address utf8bytes)
          NewStringUTF: create a String Object from C array of utf8 bytes
private static int JNIFunctions.NewWeakGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env, int objectJREF)
private static int JNIFunctions.PopLocalFrame(JNIEnvironment env, int resultJREF)
          Push a local frame for local references.
private static int JNIFunctions.PushLocalFrame(JNIEnvironment env, int capacity)
          Push a local frame for local references.
private static int JNIFunctions.RegisterNatives(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, Address methodsAddress, int nmethods)
          RegisterNatives: registers implementation of native methods
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseBooleanArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseByteArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseByteArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseCharArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseCharArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseDoubleArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseFloatArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseFloatArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseIntArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseIntArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseLongArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseLongArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address arrayCopyAddress, int mode)
          ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical: this function is intended to be paired with the GetPrimitiveArrayCritical function.
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseShortArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, Address copyBufferAddress, int releaseMode)
          ReleaseShortArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseStringChars(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, Address bufAddress)
          ReleaseStringChars: release buffer obtained via GetStringChars
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseStringCritical(JNIEnvironment env, int strJREF, Address carray)
          ReleaseStringCritical: this function is intended to be paired with the GetStringCritical function.
private static void JNIFunctions.ReleaseStringUTFChars(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, Address bufAddress)
          ReleaseStringUTFChars: release buffer obtained via GetStringUTFChars
private static int JNIFunctions.reserved0(JNIEnvironment env)
          Empty Slots
private static int JNIFunctions.reserved1(JNIEnvironment env)
private static int JNIFunctions.reserved2(JNIEnvironment env)
private static int JNIFunctions.reserved3(JNIEnvironment env)
private static void JNIFunctions.SetBooleanArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetBooleanArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (1 byte element)
private static void JNIFunctions.SetBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, boolean value)
          SetBooleanField: set an instance field of type boolean
private static void JNIFunctions.SetByteArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetByteArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (1 byte element)
private static void JNIFunctions.SetByteField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, byte value)
          SetByteField: set an instance field of type byte
private static void JNIFunctions.SetCharArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetCharArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (2 byte element)
private static void JNIFunctions.SetCharField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, char value)
          SetCharField: set an instance field of type char
private static void JNIFunctions.SetDoubleArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetDoubleArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array
private static void JNIFunctions.SetDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, double value)
          SetDoubleField: set an instance field of type double
private static void JNIFunctions.SetFloatArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetFloatArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array
private static void JNIFunctions.SetFloatField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, float value)
          SetFloatField: set an instance field of type float
private static void JNIFunctions.SetIntArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetIntArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array
private static void JNIFunctions.SetIntField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, int value)
          SetIntField: set an instance field of type integer
private static void JNIFunctions.SetLongArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetLongArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array
private static void JNIFunctions.SetLongField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, long value)
          SetLongField: set an instance field of type long
private static void JNIFunctions.SetObjectArrayElement(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int index, int objectJREF)
          SetObjectArrayElement: store an object into an object array
private static void JNIFunctions.SetObjectField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, int valueJREF)
          SetObjectField: set a instance field of type Object
private static void JNIFunctions.SetShortArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env, int arrayJREF, int startIndex, int length, Address bufAddress)
          SetShortArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (2 byte element)
private static void JNIFunctions.SetShortField(JNIEnvironment env, int objJREF, int fieldID, short value)
          SetShortField: set an instance field of type short
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, boolean fieldValue)
          SetStaticBooleanField: set a static field of type boolean
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticByteField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, byte fieldValue)
          SetStaticByteField: set a static field of type byte
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticCharField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, char fieldValue)
          SetStaticCharField: set a static field of type char
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, double fieldValue)
          SetStaticDoubleField: set a static field of type float
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticFloatField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, float fieldValue)
          SetStaticFloatField: set a static field of type float
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticIntField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, int fieldValue)
          SetStaticIntField: set a static field of type integer
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticLongField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, long fieldValue)
          SetStaticLongField: set a static field of type long
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticObjectField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, int objectJREF)
          SetStaticObjectField: set a static field of type Object
private static void JNIFunctions.SetStaticShortField(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF, int fieldID, short fieldValue)
          SetStaticShortField: set a static field of type short
private static int JNIFunctions.Throw(JNIEnvironment env, int exceptionJREF)
          Throw: register a Throwable object as a pending exception, to be delivered on return to the Java caller
private static int JNIFunctions.ThrowNew(JNIEnvironment env, int throwableClassJREF, Address exceptionNameAddress)
private static int JNIFunctions.ToReflectedField(JNIEnvironment env, int clsJREF, int fieldID, boolean isStatic)
private static int JNIFunctions.ToReflectedMethod(JNIEnvironment env, int clsJREF, int methodID, boolean isStatic)
private static int JNIFunctions.UnregisterNatives(JNIEnvironment env, int classJREF)
          UnregisterNatives: unregisters native methods

Uses of JNIEnvironment in org.jikesrvm.scheduler

Fields in org.jikesrvm.scheduler declared as JNIEnvironment
private  JNIEnvironment RVMThread.jniEnv
          Cached JNI environment for this thread
private  JNIEnvironment RVMThread.jniEnvShadow

Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler that return JNIEnvironment
 JNIEnvironment RVMThread.getJNIEnv()
          Get current thread's JNI environment.