Packages that use JNIEnvironment | |
org.jikesrvm.jni | |
org.jikesrvm.scheduler |
Uses of JNIEnvironment in org.jikesrvm.jni |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.jni with parameters of type JNIEnvironment | |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.AllocObject(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF)
AllocObject: allocate the space for an object without running any constructor the header is filled and the fields are initialized to null |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallBooleanMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallBooleanMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallBooleanMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallBooleanMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallBooleanMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallBooleanMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallByteMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallByteMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallByteMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallByteMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallByteMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallByteMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallCharMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallCharMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallCharMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallCharMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallCharMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallCharMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallDoubleMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallDoubleMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallDoubleMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallDoubleMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallDoubleMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallDoubleMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallFloatMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallFloatMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallFloatMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallFloatMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallFloatMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallFloatMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallIntMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallIntMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a int value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallIntMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallIntMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an integer value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallIntMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallIntMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an int value |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallLongMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallLongMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallLongMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallLongMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallLongMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallLongMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a boolean value |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualByteMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualByteMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualByteMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualByteMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualByteMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualByteMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a byte value |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualCharMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualCharMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualCharMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualCharMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualCharMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualCharMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a char value |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a double value |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualFloatMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualFloatMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a float value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualIntMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualIntMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a int value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualIntMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualIntMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an integer value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualIntMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualIntMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an int value |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualLongMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualLongMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualLongMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualLongMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualLongMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualLongMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a long value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualObjectMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualObjectMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns an object arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualNonvirtualObjectMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an object value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an object |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualShortMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualShortMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualShortMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualShortMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualShortMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualShortMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallNonvirtualVoidMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a void value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns void |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns void |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallObjectMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallObjectMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns an object arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallObjectMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallObjectMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns an object value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallObjectMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallObjectMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns an object |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallShortMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallShortMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallShortMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallShortMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallShortMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallShortMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns a short value |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticBooleanMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticBooleanMethod: invoke a static method that returns a boolean value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticBooleanMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticBooleanMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a boolean value |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticBooleanMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticBooleanMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a boolean value |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticByteMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticByteMethod: invoke a static method that returns a byte value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticByteMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticByteMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a byte value |
private static byte |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticByteMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticByteMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a byte value |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticCharMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticCharMethod: invoke a static method that returns a char value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticCharMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticCharMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a char value |
private static char |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticCharMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticCharMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a char value |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticDoubleMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticDoubleMethod: invoke a static method that returns a double value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticDoubleMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticDoubleMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a double value |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticDoubleMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticDoubleMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a double value |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticFloatMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticFloagMethod: invoke a static method that returns a float value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticFloatMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticFloatMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a float value |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticFloatMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticFloatMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a float value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticIntMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticIntMethod: invoke a static method that returns an integer value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticIntMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticIntMethodA: invoke a static method that returns an integer value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticIntMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticIntMethodV: invoke a static method that returns an integer value |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticLongMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticLongMethod: invoke a static method that returns a long value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticLongMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticLongMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a long value |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticLongMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticLongMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a long value |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticObjectMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticObjectMethod: invoke a static method that returns an object value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticObjectMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticObjectMethodA: invoke a static method that returns an object |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticObjectMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticObjectMethodV: invoke a static method that returns an object |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticShortMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticShortMethod: invoke a static method that returns a short value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticShortMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticShortMethodA: invoke a static method that returns a short value |
private static short |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticShortMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticShortMethodV: invoke a static method that returns a short value |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticVoidMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
CallStaticVoidMethod: invoke a static method that returns void arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticVoidMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticVoidMethodA: invoke a static method that returns void |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallStaticVoidMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallStaticVoidMethodA: invoke a static method that returns void |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallVoidMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID)
CallVoidMethod: invoke a virtual method that returns a void value arguments passed using the vararg ... style NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallVoidMethodA(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallVoidMethodA: invoke a virtual method that returns void |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.CallVoidMethodV(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
CallVoidMethodV: invoke a virtual method that returns void |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.DefineClass(JNIEnvironment env,
Address classNameAddress,
int classLoader,
Address data,
int dataLen)
DefineClass: Loads a class from a buffer of raw class data. |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.DeleteGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env,
int refJREF)
private static void |
JNIFunctions.DeleteLocalRef(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF)
private static void |
JNIFunctions.DeleteWeakGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env,
int refJREF)
private static int |
JNIFunctions.EnsureLocalCapacity(JNIEnvironment env,
int capacity)
EnsureLocalCapacity |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.ExceptionCheck(JNIEnvironment env)
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ExceptionClear(JNIEnvironment env)
ExceptionClear |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ExceptionDescribe(JNIEnvironment env)
ExceptionDescribe: print the exception description and the stack trace back, then clear the exception |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.ExceptionOccurred(JNIEnvironment env)
ExceptionOccurred |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.FatalError(JNIEnvironment env,
Address messageAddress)
FatalError: print a message and terminate the VM |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.FindClass(JNIEnvironment env,
Address classNameAddress)
FindClass: given a class name, find its RVMClass, or 0 if not found |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.FromReflectedField(JNIEnvironment env,
int fieldJREF)
FromReflectedField |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.FromReflectedMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int methodJREF)
FromReflectedMethod |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetArrayLength(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF)
GetArrayLength: return array length |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetBooleanArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetBooleanArrayElements: get all the elements of a boolean array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetBooleanArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetBooleanArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetBooleanField: read an instance field of type boolean |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetByteArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetByteArrayElements: get all the elements of a byte array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetByteArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetByteArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetByteField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetByteField: read an instance field of type byte |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetCharArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetCharArrayElements: get all the elements of a char array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetCharArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetCharArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetCharField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetCharField: read an instance field of type character |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetDirectBufferAddress(JNIEnvironment env,
int bufJREF)
private static long |
JNIFunctions.GetDirectBufferCapacity(JNIEnvironment env,
int bufJREF)
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetDoubleArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetDoubleArrayElements: get all the elements of a double array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetDoubleArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetDoubleArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.GetDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetDoubleField: read an instance field of type double |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetFieldID(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
Address fieldNameAddress,
Address descriptorAddress)
GetFieldID: return a field id, which can be cached in native code and reused |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetFloatArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetFloatArrayElements: get all the elements of a float array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetFloatArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetFloatArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.GetFloatField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetFloatField: read an instance field of type float |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetIntArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetIntArrayElements: get all the elements of an integer array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetIntArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetIntArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetIntField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetIntField: read an instance field of type integer |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetJavaVM(JNIEnvironment env,
Address StarStarJavaVM)
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetLongArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetLongArrayElements: get all the elements of a long array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetLongArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetLongArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.GetLongField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetLongField: read an instance field of type long |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetMethodID(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
Address methodNameAddress,
Address methodSigAddress)
GetMethodID: get the virtual method ID given the name and the signature |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetObjectArrayElement(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int index)
GetObjectArrayElement: retrieve an object from an object array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetObjectClass(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF)
GetObjectClass |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetObjectField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetObjectField: read a instance field of type Object |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetPrimitiveArrayCritical: return a direct pointer to the primitive array and disable GC so that the array will not be moved. |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetShortArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetShortArrayElements: get all the elements of a short array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetShortArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
GetShortArrayRegion: copy a region of the array into the native buffer |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetShortField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID)
GetShortField: read an instance field of type short |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticBooleanField: read a static field of type boolean |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticByteField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticByteField: read a static field of type byte |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticCharField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticCharField: read a static field of type character |
private static double |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticDoubleField: read a static field of type double |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticFieldID(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
Address fieldNameAddress,
Address descriptorAddress)
GetStaticFieldID: return a field id which can be cached in native code and reused |
private static float |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticFloatField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticFloatField: read a static field of type float |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticIntField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticIntField: read a static field of type integer |
private static long |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticLongField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticLongField: read a static field of type long |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticMethodID(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
Address methodNameAddress,
Address methodSigAddress)
GetStaticMethodID: return the method ID for invocation later |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticObjectField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticObjectField: read a static field of type Object |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStaticShortField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID)
GetStaticShortField: read a static field of type short |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetStringChars(JNIEnvironment env,
int strJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetStringChars: return address of buffer containing contents of a String |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetStringCritical(JNIEnvironment env,
int strJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetStringCritical: Like GetStringChars and ReleaseStringChars, but in some VM environments the VM may be able to avoid making a copy. |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStringLength(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF)
GetStringLength: return the length of a String |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetStringRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int strJREF,
int start,
int len,
Address buf)
GetStringRegion: Copy a region of Unicode characters from a string to the given buffer. |
private static Address |
JNIFunctions.GetStringUTFChars(JNIEnvironment env,
int strJREF,
Address isCopyAddress)
GetStringUTFChars: return address of buffer containing contents of a String |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetStringUTFLength(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF)
GetStringUTFLength: return number of bytes to represent a String in UTF8 format |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.GetStringUTFRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int strJREF,
int start,
int len,
Address buf)
GetStringUTFRegion: Copy a region of Unicode characters from a string to the given buffer, as UTF8 characters. |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetSuperclass(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF)
GetSuperclass: find the superclass given a class |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.GetVersion(JNIEnvironment env)
GetVersion: the version of the JNI |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.IsAssignableFrom(JNIEnvironment env,
int firstClassJREF,
int secondClassJREF)
IsAssignableFrom: determine if an an object of class or interface cls1 can be cast to the class or interface cls2 |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.IsInstanceOf(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int classJREF)
IsInstanceOf: determine if an object is an instance of the class |
private static boolean |
JNIFunctions.IsSameObject(JNIEnvironment env,
int obj1JREF,
int obj2JREF)
IsSameObject: determine if two references point to the same object |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.MonitorEnter(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF)
MonitorEnter |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.MonitorExit(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF)
MonitorExit |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewBooleanArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewBooleanArray: create a new boolean array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewByteArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewByteArray: create a new byte array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewCharArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewCharArray: create a new char array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewDirectByteBuffer(JNIEnvironment env,
Address address,
long capacity)
These functions are in JNI 1.4 |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewDoubleArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewDoubleArray: create a new double array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewFloatArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewFloatArray: create a new float array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env,
int objectJREF)
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewIntArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewIntArray: create a new integer array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewLocalRef(JNIEnvironment env,
int oldJREF)
NewLocalRef |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewLongArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewLongArray: create a new long array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewObject(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID)
NewObject: create a new object instance NOTE: the vararg's are not visible in the method signature here; they are saved in the caller frame and the glue frame |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewObjectA(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
NewObjectA: create a new object instance |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewObjectArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length,
int classJREF,
int initElementJREF)
NewObjectArray: create a new Object array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewObjectV(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int methodID,
Address argAddress)
NewObjectV: create a new object instance |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewShortArray(JNIEnvironment env,
int length)
NewShortArray: create a new short array |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewString(JNIEnvironment env,
Address uchars,
int len)
NewString: create a String Object from C array of unicode chars |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewStringUTF(JNIEnvironment env,
Address utf8bytes)
NewStringUTF: create a String Object from C array of utf8 bytes |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.NewWeakGlobalRef(JNIEnvironment env,
int objectJREF)
private static int |
JNIFunctions.PopLocalFrame(JNIEnvironment env,
int resultJREF)
Push a local frame for local references. |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.PushLocalFrame(JNIEnvironment env,
int capacity)
Push a local frame for local references. |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.RegisterNatives(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
Address methodsAddress,
int nmethods)
RegisterNatives: registers implementation of native methods |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseBooleanArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseByteArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseByteArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseCharArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseCharArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseDoubleArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseFloatArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseFloatArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseIntArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseIntArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseLongArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseLongArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address arrayCopyAddress,
int mode)
ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical: this function is intended to be paired with the GetPrimitiveArrayCritical function. |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseShortArrayElements(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
Address copyBufferAddress,
int releaseMode)
ReleaseShortArrayElements: free the native copy of the array, update changes to Java array as indicated |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseStringChars(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
Address bufAddress)
ReleaseStringChars: release buffer obtained via GetStringChars |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseStringCritical(JNIEnvironment env,
int strJREF,
Address carray)
ReleaseStringCritical: this function is intended to be paired with the GetStringCritical function. |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.ReleaseStringUTFChars(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
Address bufAddress)
ReleaseStringUTFChars: release buffer obtained via GetStringUTFChars |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.reserved0(JNIEnvironment env)
Empty Slots |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.reserved1(JNIEnvironment env)
private static int |
JNIFunctions.reserved2(JNIEnvironment env)
private static int |
JNIFunctions.reserved3(JNIEnvironment env)
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetBooleanArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetBooleanArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (1 byte element) |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
boolean value)
SetBooleanField: set an instance field of type boolean |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetByteArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetByteArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (1 byte element) |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetByteField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
byte value)
SetByteField: set an instance field of type byte |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetCharArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetCharArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (2 byte element) |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetCharField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
char value)
SetCharField: set an instance field of type char |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetDoubleArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetDoubleArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
double value)
SetDoubleField: set an instance field of type double |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetFloatArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetFloatArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetFloatField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
float value)
SetFloatField: set an instance field of type float |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetIntArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetIntArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetIntField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
int value)
SetIntField: set an instance field of type integer |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetLongArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetLongArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetLongField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
long value)
SetLongField: set an instance field of type long |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetObjectArrayElement(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int index,
int objectJREF)
SetObjectArrayElement: store an object into an object array |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetObjectField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
int valueJREF)
SetObjectField: set a instance field of type Object |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetShortArrayRegion(JNIEnvironment env,
int arrayJREF,
int startIndex,
int length,
Address bufAddress)
SetShortArrayRegion: copy a region of the native buffer into the array (2 byte element) |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetShortField(JNIEnvironment env,
int objJREF,
int fieldID,
short value)
SetShortField: set an instance field of type short |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticBooleanField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
boolean fieldValue)
SetStaticBooleanField: set a static field of type boolean |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticByteField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
byte fieldValue)
SetStaticByteField: set a static field of type byte |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticCharField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
char fieldValue)
SetStaticCharField: set a static field of type char |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticDoubleField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
double fieldValue)
SetStaticDoubleField: set a static field of type float |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticFloatField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
float fieldValue)
SetStaticFloatField: set a static field of type float |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticIntField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
int fieldValue)
SetStaticIntField: set a static field of type integer |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticLongField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
long fieldValue)
SetStaticLongField: set a static field of type long |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticObjectField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
int objectJREF)
SetStaticObjectField: set a static field of type Object |
private static void |
JNIFunctions.SetStaticShortField(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF,
int fieldID,
short fieldValue)
SetStaticShortField: set a static field of type short |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.Throw(JNIEnvironment env,
int exceptionJREF)
Throw: register a Throwable object as a pending exception, to be
delivered on return to the Java caller |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.ThrowNew(JNIEnvironment env,
int throwableClassJREF,
Address exceptionNameAddress)
ThrowNew |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.ToReflectedField(JNIEnvironment env,
int clsJREF,
int fieldID,
boolean isStatic)
ToReflectedField |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.ToReflectedMethod(JNIEnvironment env,
int clsJREF,
int methodID,
boolean isStatic)
ToReflectedMethod |
private static int |
JNIFunctions.UnregisterNatives(JNIEnvironment env,
int classJREF)
UnregisterNatives: unregisters native methods |
Uses of JNIEnvironment in org.jikesrvm.scheduler |
Fields in org.jikesrvm.scheduler declared as JNIEnvironment | |
private JNIEnvironment |
Cached JNI environment for this thread |
private JNIEnvironment |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.scheduler that return JNIEnvironment | |
JNIEnvironment |
Get current thread's JNI environment. |