Uses of Class

Packages that use Operand

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.instrumentation

Methods in org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.instrumentation with parameters of type Operand
(package private) static RegisterOperand CounterArrayManager.InsertALoadOffset(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand reg2, int offset)
          Insert array load off before s in the instruction stream.

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt declared as Operand
(package private)  Operand[] LocalCSE.AvailableExpression.ops

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt that return Operand
(package private) static Operand Simple.equivalentValforPHI(Instruction phi)
          Try to find an operand that is equivalent to the result of a given phi instruction.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type Operand
private  boolean NullCheckCombining.canFold(Instruction s, Operand activeGuard, boolean isStore)
private static Address ExpressionFolding.getAddressValue(Operand op)
private static Address Simplifier.getAddressValue(Operand op)
          Turn the given operand encoding an address constant into an Address
private static double ExpressionFolding.getDoubleValue(Operand op)
private static float ExpressionFolding.getFloatValue(Operand op)
private static int ExpressionFolding.getIntValue(Operand op)
private static long ExpressionFolding.getLongValue(Operand op)
private static Simplifier.DefUseEffect Simplifier.multiplyByConstant(AbstractRegisterPool regpool, Instruction s, Operand op1, Operand op2, OptOptions opts)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type Operand
LocalCSE.AvailableExpression(Instruction i, Operator op, Operand[] ops, LocationOperand loc, Register t)

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir

Subclasses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir
private static class BC2IR.DummyStackSlot
          Dummy stack slot
 class ReturnAddressOperand
          ReturnAddress operand.

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir declared as Operand
private  Operand[] BC2IR._localState
          Current state of local variables.
(package private)  Operand[] GenerationContext.arguments
          The parameters which BC2IR should use to seed the local state for the entry basic block.
private  Operand BC2IR.currentGuard
(package private)  Operand[] BasicBlockLE.localState
          State of the local variables at the start of this basic block.
 Operand GenerationContext.result
          Used to communicate the meet of the return values back to the caller Mainly useful when BC2IR is doing inlining....allows the caller BC2IR object to exploit knowledge the callee BC2IR object had about the result.
private  Operand[] OperandStack.stack

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir that return Operand
private  Operand BC2IR._loadLocalForOSR(Operand op)
          make a temporary register, and create a move instruction
private  Operand BC2IR._prepareDoubleConstant(Operand op)
          special process for long/double constants
private  Operand BC2IR._prepareLongConstant(Operand op)
          special process for long/double constants
 Operand BC2IR.DummyStackSlot.copy()
 Operand ReturnAddressOperand.copy()
(package private)  Operand[] BasicBlockLE.copyLocalState()
          Return a shallow copy of my local state.
 Operand BC2IR.getConstantOperand(int index)
          Fetch the value of the next operand, a constant, from the bytecode stream.
 Operand BC2IR.getCurrentGuard()
(package private)  Operand OperandStack.getFromTop(int n)
static Operand BC2IR.getGuard(Operand op)
private  Operand BC2IR.getLocal(int i)
          Gets the specified local variable.
private  Operand BC2IR.getLocalDual(int i)
          Gets the specified local variable (long, double).
private  Operand GenerationContext.getLockObject()
          Get the object for locking for synchronized methods.
(package private)  Operand OperandStack.peek(int depth)
(package private)  Operand OperandStack.peekAt(int pos)
(package private)  Operand BC2IR.pop()
          Pop an operand from the stack.
(package private)  Operand OperandStack.pop()
(package private)  Operand BC2IR.pop(TypeReference type)
          Pop an operand of the given type from the stack.
 Operand BC2IR.popAddress()
          Pop a ref operand from the stack.
(package private)  Operand BC2IR.popDouble()
          Pop a double operand from the stack.
(package private)  Operand BC2IR.popFloat()
          Pop a float operand from the stack.
 Operand BC2IR.popInt()
          Pop an int operand from the stack.
(package private)  Operand BC2IR.popLong()
          Pop a long operand from the stack.
 Operand BC2IR.popRef()
          Pop a ref operand from the stack.
private  Operand BC2IR.popShiftInt(boolean longShift)
          Pop an int from the stack to be used in a shift.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir with parameters of type Operand
 Instruction BC2IR._aloadHelper(Operator operator, Operand ref, Operand index, TypeReference type)
private  Instruction BC2IR._binaryDualHelper(Operator operator, Operand op1, Operand op2, TypeReference type)
private  Instruction BC2IR._binaryHelper(Operator operator, Operand op1, Operand op2, TypeReference type)
private  BasicBlockLE BBSet._createBBLE(int bcIndex, Operand[] simLocals, BasicBlockLE parent, boolean left)
          Allocate a new BBLE at the given bcIndex.
private  Instruction BC2IR._guardedBinaryDualHelper(Operator operator, Operand op1, Operand op2, Operand guard, TypeReference type)
private  Instruction BC2IR._guardedBinaryHelper(Operator operator, Operand op1, Operand op2, Operand guard, TypeReference type)
private  Operand BC2IR._loadLocalForOSR(Operand op)
          make a temporary register, and create a move instruction
private  Instruction BC2IR._moveDualHelper(Operator operator, Operand val, TypeReference type)
private  Instruction BC2IR._moveHelper(Operator operator, Operand val, TypeReference type)
private  Operand BC2IR._prepareDoubleConstant(Operand op)
          special process for long/double constants
private  Operand BC2IR._prepareLongConstant(Operand op)
          special process for long/double constants
private  void BC2IR._returnHelper(Operator operator, Operand val)
private  Instruction BC2IR._unaryDualHelper(Operator operator, Operand val, TypeReference type)
private  Instruction BC2IR._unaryHelper(Operator operator, Operand val, TypeReference type)
 void BC2IR.assertIsType(Operand op, TypeReference type)
          Assert that the given operand is of the given type, or of a subclass of the given type.
private static void GenerateMagic.cmpHelper(BC2IR bc2ir, GenerationContext gc, ConditionOperand cond, Operand given_o2)
private  BasicBlockLE BBSet.condCreateAndInit(BasicBlockLE x, boolean shouldCreate, int target, BasicBlockLE from, OperandStack simStack, Operand[] simLocals, boolean left)
          Conditionally create a block at the specified target as a child of x.
(package private)  void BasicBlockLE.copyIntoLocalState(Operand[] _localState)
          Save a shallow copy of the given local variable state into this.
 boolean BC2IR.do_BoundsCheck(Operand ref, Operand index)
          Generate a boundscheck instruction for the given operand and index.
private  boolean BC2IR.do_CheckStore(Operand ref, Operand elem, TypeReference elemType)
          Generate a storecheck for the given array and elem
private  boolean BC2IR.do_IntZeroCheck(Operand div)
          Generate a check for 0 for the given operand
private  boolean BC2IR.do_LongZeroCheck(Operand div)
          Generate a check for 0 for the given operand
 boolean BC2IR.do_NullCheck(Operand ref)
          Generate a null-check instruction for the given operand.
private  Instruction BC2IR.do_store(int index, Operand op1)
          Simulate a store into a given local variable of an int/long/double/float Returns generated instruction (or null if no instruction generated.)
 TypeReference BC2IR.getArrayTypeOf(Operand op)
          Return the data type of the given operand, assuming that the operand is an array reference.
static Operand BC2IR.getGuard(Operand op)
private  BasicBlockLE BBSet.getOrCreateBlock(BasicBlockLE x, boolean shouldCreate, int target, BasicBlockLE from, OperandStack simStack, Operand[] simLocals)
          Get or create a block at the specified target.
(package private)  BasicBlockLE BBSet.getOrCreateBlock(int target, BasicBlockLE from, OperandStack simStack, Operand[] simLocals)
          Get or create a block at the specified target.
private  BasicBlockLE BC2IR.getOrCreateBlock(int target, BasicBlockLE from, OperandStack simStack, Operand[] simLocals)
          Get or create a block at the specified target.
private  TypeReference BC2IR.getRefTypeOf(Operand op)
          Return the data type of the given operand, assuming that the operand is a reference.
private  void BBSet.initializeExceptionHandlers(BasicBlockLE bble, Operand[] simLocals)
          Initialize bble's handlers array based on startPCs/endPCs.
private  void BBSet.injectMove(BasicBlock block, RegisterOperand res, Operand val)
 boolean GenerationContext.isLocal(Operand op, int i, TypeReference type)
          Is the operand a particular bytecode local?
static boolean BC2IR.isNonNull(Operand op)
private static LocationOperand GenerateMagic.mapToMetadata(Operand metadata)
private  boolean BBSet.matchingJSRcontext(OperandStack simStack, Operand[] simLocals, BasicBlockLE candBBLE)
          We specialize basic blocks with respect to the return addresses they have on their expression stack and/or in their local variables on entry to the block.
 void BC2IR.push(Operand r)
          Push a single width operand (int, float, ref, ...) on the simulated stack.
(package private)  void OperandStack.push(Operand val)
(package private)  void BC2IR.push(Operand r, TypeReference type)
          Push an operand of the specified type on the simulated stack.
private  Instruction BC2IR.pushCopy(Operand op1)
          Push a copy of the given operand onto simulated stack.
private  Instruction BC2IR.pushCopy(Operand op1, int b1)
          Push a copy of the given operand onto simulated stack.
(package private)  void BC2IR.pushDual(Operand r)
          Push a double width operand (long, double) on the simulated stack.
(package private)  void BBSet.rectifyLocals(Operand[] localState, BasicBlockLE p)
          Rectify the given local variable state with the local variable state stored in the given BBLE.
(package private)  void OperandStack.replaceFromTop(int n, Operand op)
private  void BC2IR.setCurrentGuard(Operand guard)
static void BC2IR.setGuard(RegisterOperand rop, Operand guard)
private  void BC2IR.setLocal(int i, Operand op)
          Set the specified local variable
private  void BC2IR.setLocalDual(int i, Operand op)
          Set the specified local variable
 boolean BC2IR.DummyStackSlot.similar(Operand op)
 boolean ReturnAddressOperand.similar(Operand op)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir with parameters of type Operand
BBSet(GenerationContext gc, BytecodeStream bcodes, Operand[] localState)
          Initialize the BBSet to handle basic block generation for the argument generation context and bytecode info.

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow declared as Operand
private  Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.carriedLoopIterator
          The iterator that is used to loop within the exit block
 Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.initialIteratorValue
          The the initial iterator that comes into the phi node in the header
private  Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.phiLoopIterator
          The the phi iterator that gets modified by the stride to produce the carried iterator
 Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.strideValue
          The stride operand to the iterator instruction
 Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.terminalIteratorValue
          The value that ends the loop
private  Operand LoopUnrolling.RealDefs.use

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow that return Operand
private static Operand LoopUnrolling._follow(Operand use)
static Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.follow(Operand use)
          Follow the operand's definition filtering out moves This code is taken and modified from an old LoopUnrolling
private static Operand LoopUnrolling.follow(Operand use)
 Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.generateLoopInvariantOperand(BasicBlock block, Operand op)
          Loop invariants may not be accessible before a loop, so generate the instructions so they are
 Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.getCarriedLoopIterator()
          Get the carried loop iterator
 Operand LoopUnrolling.RealDefs.nextClear()
 Operand LoopUnrolling.RealDefs.nextElement()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow with parameters of type Operand
private static Operand LoopUnrolling._follow(Operand use)
private static void LoopUnrolling._printDefs(Operand op)
private  void BranchOptimizations.booleanCompareHelper(Instruction cb, RegisterOperand res, Operand val1, Operand val2, ConditionOperand cond)
          Generate a boolean operation opcode 1) IF br !
static Instruction AnnotatedLSTNode.definingInstruction(Operand op)
          Find the instruction that defines an operand.
private static Instruction LoopUnrolling.definingInstruction(Operand op)
static Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.follow(Operand use)
          Follow the operand's definition filtering out moves This code is taken and modified from an old LoopUnrolling
private static Operand LoopUnrolling.follow(Operand use)
 Operand AnnotatedLSTNode.generateLoopInvariantOperand(BasicBlock block, Operand op)
          Loop invariants may not be accessible before a loop, so generate the instructions so they are
 int AnnotatedLSTNode.getFixedDistanceFromPhiIterator(Operand op)
          Get fixed distance from the phi iterator
private  void LoopUnrolling.RealDefs.init(Operand use)
 boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isCarriedLoopIterator(Operand op)
          Is this operand related to the carried iterator of this loop?
(package private) static boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isConstant(Operand op)
          Test whether the operand is constant
(package private)  boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isFixedDistanceFromPhiIterator(Operand op)
          Is this operand a fixed distance from the phi iterator?
 boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isInvariant(Operand op)
          Is this value modified by the loop?
private static boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isLoopInvariant(Operand op, BitVector loop, BasicBlock header)
          Test whether operand value will be invariant in a loop by tracing back earlier definitions.
 boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isPhiLoopIterator(Operand op)
          Is this operand related to the phi iterator of this loop?
 boolean AnnotatedLSTNode.isRelatedToIterator(Operand op)
          Is this operand related to the iterator of this loop?
private static boolean LoopUnrolling.loopInvariant(Operand op, BitVector nloop, int depth)
private static boolean LoopUnrolling.printDefs(Operand op, BitVector nloop, int depth)

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow with parameters of type Operand
LoopUnrolling.RealDefs(Operand use)
LoopUnrolling.RealDefs(Operand use, int visit)

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph with parameters of type Operand
private  void DepGraph.computeBackwardDependencesDef(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode)
          Compute backward dependences from a given def to a given node.
private  void DepGraph.computeBackwardDependencesUse(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode)
          Compute backward dependences from a given use to a given node.
private  void DepGraph.computeForwardDependencesDef(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode)
          Compute forward dependences from a given def to a given node.
private  void DepGraph.computeForwardDependencesUse(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode)
          Compute forward dependences from a given use to a given node.
static DepGraphEdge DepGraphEdge.findInputEdge(DepGraphNode n, Operand op)
          Return the input edge for a given node that corresponds to a given operand.

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape that return types with arguments of type Operand
private static Iterator<Operand> SimpleEscape.iterateReturnValues(IR ir)
          Return an iterator over the operands that serve as return values in an IR TODO: Move this utility elsewhere

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with parameters of type Operand
private static int SimpleEscape.getParameterIndex(Operand op, Instruction s)
          Which parameter to a call instruction corresponds to op?

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir that return Operand
(package private) static Operand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand obj, Operand guard)
          get the tib from the object pointer to by obj
(package private) static Operand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s, IR ir, RVMType type)
          get the class tib for type
(package private) static Operand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s, IR ir, TypeOperand type)
          get the class tib for type

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir with parameters of type Operand
private static Instruction DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.convertToBranchingTypeCheck(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand RHSobj, TypeReference LHStype, Operand RHStib, RegisterOperand result)
          Generate wrapper around branching type check to get a value producing type check.
private static Instruction DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.generateBranchingTypeCheck(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand RHSobj, TypeReference LHStype, Operand RHStib, BasicBlock trueBlock, BasicBlock falseBlock, RegisterOperand oldGuard, BranchProfileOperand falseProb)
          Generate a branching dynamic type check.
private static Instruction DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.generateValueProducingTypeCheck(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand RHSobj, TypeReference LHStype, Operand RHStib, RegisterOperand result)
          Generate a value-producing dynamic type check.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getField(Instruction s, IR ir, RegisterOperand obj, RVMField field, Operand guard)
          Load an instance field.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getInstanceMethod(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand tib, RVMMethod method)
          Get an instance method from a TIB
(package private) static Operand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand obj, Operand guard)
          get the tib from the object pointer to by obj
static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.insertBinary(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand o1, Operand o2)
          Insert a binary instruction before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertGuardedUnary(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand o1, Operand guard)
          Insert a guarded unary instruction before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand reg2, Offset offset)
          Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand reg2, Offset offset, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
          Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand reg2, Offset offset, Operand guard)
          Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand reg2, Operand offset, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
          Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffsetJTOC(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand offset)
          Insert a load off the JTOC before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertUnary(Instruction s, IR ir, Operator operator, TypeReference type, Operand o1)
          Insert a unary instruction before s in the instruction stream.

Uses of Operand in

Fields in declared as Operand
private  Operand Instruction.OE.deferredMOReg
protected  Operand Instruction.BASE_OE.nextElem
private  Operand[] Instruction.ops
          The operands of this instruction.

Fields in with type parameters of type Operand
private  Enumeration<Operand> IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum.instructionOperands
          Enumeration of non-heap operands defined by the instruction
private  Enumeration<Operand> IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum.instructionOperands
          Enumeration of non-heap operands defined by the instruction

Methods in that return Operand
static Operand Call.getAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction.
static Operand Load.getAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_CacheOp.getAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction.
static Operand Attempt.getAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction.
static Operand Store.getAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction.
static Operand Prepare.getAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction.
static Operand ALoad.getArray(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Array from the argument instruction.
static Operand AStore.getArray(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Array from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_DoubleShift.getBitsToShift(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called BitsToShift from the argument instruction.
static Operand Call.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Load.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_CacheOp.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Attempt.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Store.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Prepare.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Address from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand ALoad.getClearArray(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Array from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand AStore.getClearArray(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Array from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_DoubleShift.getClearBitsToShift(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called BitsToShift from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_FSave.getClearDestination(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Destination from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Multianewarray.getClearDimension(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Dimension from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand OsrPoint.getClearElement(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Element from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand OsrBarrier.getClearElement(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Element from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand CondMove.getClearFalseValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called FalseValue from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand InlineGuard.getClearGoal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Goal from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Call.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedBinary.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MonitorOp.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedUnary.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand BoundsCheck.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TypeCheck.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GetField.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Load.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardCarrier.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedSet.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand PutField.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Attempt.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand ALoad.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand StoreCheck.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand InstanceOf.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand InlineGuard.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Store.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand AStore.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Prepare.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand InstrumentedCounter.getClearIncrement(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Increment from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand BoundsCheck.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Index from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand ALoad.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Index from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand AStore.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Index from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Attempt.getClearNewValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called NewValue from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GetField.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Load.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand PutField.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Attempt.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Store.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GetStatic.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand PutStatic.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Prepare.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Attempt.getClearOldValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called OldValue from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
 Operand Instruction.getClearOperand(int i)
          NOTE: It is incorrect to use getClearOperand with a constant argument outside of the automatically generated code in Operators.
static Operand Call.getClearParam(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Call.getClearParam(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MonitorOp.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand BoundsCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TypeCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GetField.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedSet.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand PutField.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand CacheOp.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand NullCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand StoreCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand InstanceOf.getClearRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Set.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_UnaryAcc.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Move.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_CondMove.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_BinaryAcc.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_DoubleShift.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Unary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Phi.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Nullary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getClearResult1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getClearResult1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Multiply.getClearResult1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Multiply.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand NewArray.getClearSize(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Size from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_CaseLabel.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Target from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Call.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Target from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand CondMove.getClearTrueValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called TrueValue from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TableSwitch.getClearUnknown1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand LookupSwitch.getClearUnknown1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TableSwitch.getClearUnknown2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand LookupSwitch.getClearUnknown2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedUnary.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_UnaryNoRes.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Return.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedSet.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Unary.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand StoreCheck.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Return.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Move.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Unary.getClearVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand CondMove.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand IfCmp2.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedBinary.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Binary.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_TrapIf.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_XChng.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand BooleanCmp.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand IfCmp.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TrapIf.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Compare.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Test.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand CondMove.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand IfCmp2.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand GuardedBinary.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Return.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Binary.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_TrapIf.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_XChng.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand BooleanCmp.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand IfCmp.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TrapIf.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Compare.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Test.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand TableSwitch.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Move.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand PutField.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_CondMove.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_BinaryAcc.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand MIR_Multiply.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand LookupSwitch.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Athrow.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand InlineGuard.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Store.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand ZeroCheck.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand AStore.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand PutStatic.getClearValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand Phi.getClearValue(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Value from the argument instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand IRTools.getDefaultOperand(TypeReference type)
          Returns a constant operand with a default value for a given type
static Operand MIR_FSave.getDestination(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Destination from the argument instruction.
static Operand Multianewarray.getDimension(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Dimension from the argument instruction.
static Operand OsrPoint.getElement(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Element from the argument instruction.
static Operand OsrBarrier.getElement(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Element from the argument instruction.
static Operand CondMove.getFalseValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called FalseValue from the argument instruction.
static Operand InlineGuard.getGoal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Goal from the argument instruction.
static Operand Call.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedBinary.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand MonitorOp.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedUnary.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand BoundsCheck.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand TypeCheck.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand GetField.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand Load.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardCarrier.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedSet.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand PutField.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand Attempt.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand ALoad.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand StoreCheck.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand InstanceOf.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand InlineGuard.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand Store.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand AStore.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand Prepare.getGuard(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Guard from the argument instruction.
static Operand InstrumentedCounter.getIncrement(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Increment from the argument instruction.
static Operand BoundsCheck.getIndex(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Index from the argument instruction.
static Operand ALoad.getIndex(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Index from the argument instruction.
static Operand AStore.getIndex(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Index from the argument instruction.
static Operand Attempt.getNewValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called NewValue from the argument instruction.
static Operand GetField.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand Load.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand PutField.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand Attempt.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand Store.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand GetStatic.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand PutStatic.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand Prepare.getOffset(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Offset from the argument instruction.
static Operand Attempt.getOldValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called OldValue from the argument instruction.
 Operand Instruction.getOperand(int i)
          NOTE: It is incorrect to use getOperand with a constant argument outside of the automatically generated code in Operators.
static Operand Call.getParam(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Call.getParam(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument instruction.
static Operand MonitorOp.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand BoundsCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand TypeCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand GetField.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedSet.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand PutField.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand CacheOp.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand NullCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand StoreCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand InstanceOf.getRef(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Ref from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Set.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_UnaryAcc.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Move.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_CondMove.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_BinaryAcc.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_DoubleShift.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Unary.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand Phi.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Nullary.getResult(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getResult1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getResult1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Multiply.getResult1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getResult2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getResult2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Multiply.getResult2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Result2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand NewArray.getSize(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Size from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_CaseLabel.getTarget(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Target from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Call.getTarget(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Target from the argument instruction.
static Operand CondMove.getTrueValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called TrueValue from the argument instruction.
static Operand TableSwitch.getUnknown1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand LookupSwitch.getUnknown1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand TableSwitch.getUnknown2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand LookupSwitch.getUnknown2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Unknown2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedUnary.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_UnaryNoRes.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Return.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedSet.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand Unary.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand StoreCheck.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand Return.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand Move.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Unary.getVal(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val from the argument instruction.
static Operand CondMove.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand IfCmp2.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedBinary.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand Binary.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_TrapIf.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_XChng.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand BooleanCmp.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand IfCmp.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand TrapIf.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Compare.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Test.getVal1(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val1 from the argument instruction.
static Operand CondMove.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand IfCmp2.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand GuardedBinary.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Return.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand Binary.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_TrapIf.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_XChng.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand BooleanCmp.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand IfCmp.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand TrapIf.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Compare.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Test.getVal2(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Val2 from the argument instruction.
static Operand TableSwitch.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Move.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand PutField.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Divide.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_CondMove.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_BinaryAcc.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand MIR_Multiply.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand LookupSwitch.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand Athrow.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand InlineGuard.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand Store.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand ZeroCheck.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand AStore.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand PutStatic.getValue(Instruction i)
          Get the operand called Value from the argument instruction.
static Operand Phi.getValue(Instruction i, int k)
          Get the k'th operand called Value from the argument instruction.
 Operand IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum.nextElement()
 Operand IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum.nextElement()
 Operand Instruction.BASE_OE.nextElement()
private  Operand Instruction.outOfLineCopy(Operand op)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Operand
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getDefs()
          Enumerate all defs (both pure defs and def/uses) of an instruction.
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getDefUses()
          Enumerate all the def/uses of an instruction.
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getMemoryOperands()
          Enumerate all memory operands of an instruction
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getOperands()
          Enumerate all "leaf" operands of an instruction.
 Enumeration<Operand> IR.getParameters()
          Return an enumeration of the parameters to the IR Warning: Only valid before register allocation (see CallingConvention)
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getPureDefs()
          Enumerate all the pure defs (ie not including def/uses) of an instruction.
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getPureUses()
          Enumerate all the pure uses (ie not including def/uses) of an instruction.
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getRootOperands()
          Enumerate all the root operands of an instruction (DOES NOT ENUMERATE CONTAINED OPERANDS OF MEMORY OPERANDS).
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getRootUses()
          Enumerate all root uses of an instruction.
 Enumeration<Operand> Instruction.getUses()
          Enumerate all uses of an instruction (includes def/use).

Methods in with parameters of type Operand
static Instruction InstrumentedCounter.create(Operator o, IntConstantOperand Data, IntConstantOperand Index, Operand Increment)
          Create an instruction of the InstrumentedCounter instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_CaseLabel.create(Operator o, IntConstantOperand Index, Operand Target)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_CaseLabel instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Return.create(Operator o, IntConstantOperand PopBytes, Operand Val, Operand Val2)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Return instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_UnaryAcc.create(Operator o, Operand Result)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_UnaryAcc instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_UnaryNoRes.create(Operator o, Operand Val)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction format.
static Instruction CacheOp.create(Operator o, Operand Ref)
          Create an instruction of the CacheOp instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_CacheOp.create(Operator o, Operand Address)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_CacheOp instruction format.
static Instruction Athrow.create(Operator o, Operand Value)
          Create an instruction of the Athrow instruction format.
static Instruction Return.create(Operator o, Operand Val)
          Create an instruction of the Return instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Nullary.create(Operator o, Operand Result)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Nullary instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_FSave.create(Operator o, Operand Destination)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_FSave instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Set.create(Operator o, Operand Result, IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Set instruction format.
static Instruction Phi.create(Operator o, Operand Result, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the Phi instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_ConvertDW2QW.create(Operator o, Operand Result1, Operand Result2)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction format.
static Instruction MonitorOp.create(Operator o, Operand Ref, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the MonitorOp instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Move.create(Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Value)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Move instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_XChng.create(Operator o, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_XChng instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_BinaryAcc.create(Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Value)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_BinaryAcc instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Compare.create(Operator o, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Compare instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Test.create(Operator o, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Test instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Unary.create(Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Val)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Unary instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_CondMove.create(Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Value, IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_CondMove instruction format.
static Instruction PutStatic.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Create an instruction of the PutStatic instruction format.
static Instruction GuardedSet.create(Operator o, Operand Ref, Operand Val, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the GuardedSet instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Multiply.create(Operator o, Operand Result1, Operand Result2, Operand Value)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Multiply instruction format.
static Instruction InlineGuard.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Guard, Operand Goal, BranchOperand Target, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
          Create an instruction of the InlineGuard instruction format.
static Instruction LookupSwitch.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Unknown1, Operand Unknown2, BranchOperand Default, BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the LookupSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction TableSwitch.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Unknown1, Operand Unknown2, IntConstantOperand Low, IntConstantOperand High, BranchOperand Default, BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the TableSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction Store.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Create an instruction of the Store instruction format.
static Instruction PutField.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Ref, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the PutField instruction format.
static Instruction Store.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the Store instruction format.
static Instruction AStore.create(Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Array, Operand Index, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the AStore instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Divide.create(Operator o, Operand Result1, Operand Result2, Operand Value, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Divide instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_DoubleShift.create(Operator o, Operand Result, RegisterOperand Source, Operand BitsToShift)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_DoubleShift instruction format.
static Instruction Unary.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val)
          Create an instruction of the Unary instruction format.
static Instruction NullCheck.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Ref)
          Create an instruction of the NullCheck instruction format.
static Instruction ZeroCheck.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Value)
          Create an instruction of the ZeroCheck instruction format.
static Instruction Move.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val)
          Create an instruction of the Move instruction format.
static Instruction GetStatic.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Create an instruction of the GetStatic instruction format.
static Instruction Call.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format.
static Instruction Call.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format.
static Instruction GuardedUnary.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the GuardedUnary instruction format.
static Instruction Binary.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Create an instruction of the Binary instruction format.
static Instruction IfCmp.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, BranchOperand Target, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
          Create an instruction of the IfCmp instruction format.
static Instruction IfCmp2.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond1, BranchOperand Target1, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1, ConditionOperand Cond2, BranchOperand Target2, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
          Create an instruction of the IfCmp2 instruction format.
static Instruction BooleanCmp.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
          Create an instruction of the BooleanCmp instruction format.
static Instruction CondMove.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, Operand TrueValue, Operand FalseValue)
          Create an instruction of the CondMove instruction format.
static Instruction TrapIf.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, TrapCodeOperand TCode)
          Create an instruction of the TrapIf instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_TrapIf.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, IA32ConditionOperand Cond, TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_TrapIf instruction format.
static Instruction Load.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Create an instruction of the Load instruction format.
static Instruction Prepare.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Create an instruction of the Prepare instruction format.
static Instruction GetField.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Ref, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the GetField instruction format.
static Instruction Load.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the Load instruction format.
static Instruction ALoad.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Array, Operand Index, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the ALoad instruction format.
static Instruction Prepare.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the Prepare instruction format.
static Instruction GuardedBinary.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the GuardedBinary instruction format.
static Instruction BoundsCheck.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Ref, Operand Index, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the BoundsCheck instruction format.
static Instruction StoreCheck.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Ref, Operand Val, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the StoreCheck instruction format.
static Instruction Attempt.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, Operand OldValue, Operand NewValue, LocationOperand Location)
          Create an instruction of the Attempt instruction format.
static Instruction Attempt.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, Operand OldValue, Operand NewValue, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the Attempt instruction format.
static Instruction TypeCheck.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Ref, TypeOperand Type)
          Create an instruction of the TypeCheck instruction format.
static Instruction TypeCheck.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Ref, TypeOperand Type, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the TypeCheck instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, MethodOperand Method, int numVarOps)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction NewArray.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, TypeOperand Type, Operand Size)
          Create an instruction of the NewArray instruction format.
static Instruction InstanceOf.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, TypeOperand Type, Operand Ref)
          Create an instruction of the InstanceOf instruction format.
static Instruction InstanceOf.create(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, TypeOperand Type, Operand Ref, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the InstanceOf instruction format.
static Instruction Call.create0(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create0(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create0(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create0(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, MethodOperand Method)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create1(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create1(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create1(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create1(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Param_1)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create1(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction MIR_Call.create1(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, Operand Param_1)
          Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create2(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 2 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create2(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 2 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create3(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 3 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create3(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 3 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create4(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 4 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create4(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 4 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create5(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 5 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create5(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 5 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create6(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 6 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create6(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 6 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create7(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 7 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create7(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 7 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create8(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7, Operand Param_8)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 8 variable arguments.
static Instruction Call.create8(Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7, Operand Param_8)
          Create an instruction of the Call instruction format with 8 variable arguments.
static boolean IRTools.defDoublesAsUse(Operand d, Instruction s)
          Is the operand d, which is a def in instruction s, also a def in instruction s?
 int MachineSpecificIR.getBURSManagedFPRValue(Operand operand)
private  Object IR.getVariableDef(String where, Operand operand)
          Get the variable defined by this operand
private  Object IR.getVariableUse(String where, Operand operand)
          Get the variable used by this operand
 boolean MachineSpecificIR.isBURSManagedFPROperand(Operand operand)
abstract  boolean MachineSpecificIR.isConditionOperand(Operand operand)
 boolean IR.isParameter(Operand op)
          Is the operand a parameter of the IR?
 boolean MachineSpecificIR.isPowerPCTrapOperand(Operand operand)
 RegisterOperand AbstractRegisterPool.makeTemp(Operand op)
          Make a temporary register operand that can hold the values implied by the passed operand.
static RegisterOperand IRTools.moveIntoRegister(ArchitectureSpecificOpt.RegisterPool pool, Instruction s, Operand op)
          Generates an instruction to move the given operand into a register, and inserts it before the given instruction.
static RegisterOperand IRTools.moveIntoRegister(TypeReference type, Operator move_op, ArchitectureSpecificOpt.RegisterPool pool, Instruction s, Operand op)
          Generates an instruction to move the given operand into a register, and inserts it before the given instruction.
static Instruction InstrumentedCounter.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, IntConstantOperand Data, IntConstantOperand Index, Operand Increment)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the InstrumentedCounter instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_CaseLabel.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, IntConstantOperand Index, Operand Target)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_CaseLabel instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Return.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, IntConstantOperand PopBytes, Operand Val, Operand Val2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Return instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_UnaryAcc.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_UnaryAcc instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_UnaryNoRes.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Val)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Ref)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the CacheOp instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Address)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_CacheOp instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Athrow.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Athrow instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Return.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Val)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Return instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Nullary.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Nullary instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_FSave.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Destination)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_FSave instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Set.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Set instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Phi.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Phi instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_ConvertDW2QW.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result1, Operand Result2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MonitorOp.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Ref, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MonitorOp instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Move.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Value)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Move instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_XChng.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_XChng instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Value)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_BinaryAcc instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Compare.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Compare instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Test.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Test instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Unary.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Val)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Unary instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_CondMove.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, Operand Value, IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_CondMove instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction PutStatic.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the PutStatic instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction GuardedSet.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Ref, Operand Val, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the GuardedSet instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Multiply.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result1, Operand Result2, Operand Value)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Multiply instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction InlineGuard.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Guard, Operand Goal, BranchOperand Target, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the InlineGuard instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction LookupSwitch.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Unknown1, Operand Unknown2, BranchOperand Default, BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the LookupSwitch instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction TableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Unknown1, Operand Unknown2, IntConstantOperand Low, IntConstantOperand High, BranchOperand Default, BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the TableSwitch instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Store.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Store instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction PutField.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Ref, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the PutField instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Store.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Store instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction AStore.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Value, Operand Array, Operand Index, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the AStore instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Divide.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result1, Operand Result2, Operand Value, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Divide instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_DoubleShift.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, Operand Result, RegisterOperand Source, Operand BitsToShift)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_DoubleShift instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Unary.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Unary instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction NullCheck.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Ref)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the NullCheck instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction ZeroCheck.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Value)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the ZeroCheck instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Move.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Move instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction GetStatic.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the GetStatic instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction GuardedUnary.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the GuardedUnary instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Binary.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Binary instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction IfCmp.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, BranchOperand Target, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the IfCmp instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction IfCmp2.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond1, BranchOperand Target1, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1, ConditionOperand Cond2, BranchOperand Target2, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the IfCmp2 instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction BooleanCmp.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the BooleanCmp instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction CondMove.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, Operand TrueValue, Operand FalseValue)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the CondMove instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction TrapIf.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, ConditionOperand Cond, TrapCodeOperand TCode)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the TrapIf instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_TrapIf.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, IA32ConditionOperand Cond, TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_TrapIf instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Load.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Load instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Prepare.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Prepare instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction GetField.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Ref, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the GetField instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Load.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Load instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction ALoad.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Array, Operand Index, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the ALoad instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Prepare.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Prepare instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction GuardedBinary.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Val1, Operand Val2, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the GuardedBinary instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction BoundsCheck.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Ref, Operand Index, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the BoundsCheck instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction StoreCheck.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand GuardResult, Operand Ref, Operand Val, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the StoreCheck instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Attempt.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, Operand OldValue, Operand NewValue, LocationOperand Location)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Attempt instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Attempt.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, Operand Offset, Operand OldValue, Operand NewValue, LocationOperand Location, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Attempt instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction TypeCheck.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Ref, TypeOperand Type)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the TypeCheck instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction TypeCheck.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Ref, TypeOperand Type, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the TypeCheck instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, MethodOperand Method, int numVarOps)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction NewArray.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, TypeOperand Type, Operand Size)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the NewArray instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction InstanceOf.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, TypeOperand Type, Operand Ref)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the InstanceOf instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction InstanceOf.mutate(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, TypeOperand Type, Operand Ref, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the InstanceOf instruction format having the specified operator and operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate0(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate0(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, MethodOperand Method)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate1(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate1(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Param_1)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, RegisterOperand Result2, Operand Target, Operand Param_1)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate2(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate2(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate3(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate3(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate4(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate4(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate5(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate5(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate6(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate6(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate7(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate7(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate8(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7, Operand Param_8)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction Call.mutate8(Instruction i, Operator o, RegisterOperand Result, Operand Address, MethodOperand Method, Operand Guard, Operand Param_1, Operand Param_2, Operand Param_3, Operand Param_4, Operand Param_5, Operand Param_6, Operand Param_7, Operand Param_8)
          Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the Call instruction format having the specified operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
private  Operand Instruction.outOfLineCopy(Operand op)
 void Instruction.putOperand(int i, Operand op)
          NOTE: It is incorrect to use putOperand with a constant argument outside of the automatically generated code in Operators.
 void Instruction.replaceOperand(Operand oldOp, Operand newOp)
          Replace all occurances of the first operand with the second.
 void Instruction.replaceSimilarOperands(Operand oldOp, Operand newOp)
          Replace any operands that are similar to the first operand with a copy of the second operand.
static void Call.setAddress(Instruction i, Operand Address)
          Set the operand called Address in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Load.setAddress(Instruction i, Operand Address)
          Set the operand called Address in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_CacheOp.setAddress(Instruction i, Operand Address)
          Set the operand called Address in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Attempt.setAddress(Instruction i, Operand Address)
          Set the operand called Address in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Store.setAddress(Instruction i, Operand Address)
          Set the operand called Address in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Prepare.setAddress(Instruction i, Operand Address)
          Set the operand called Address in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void ALoad.setArray(Instruction i, Operand Array)
          Set the operand called Array in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void AStore.setArray(Instruction i, Operand Array)
          Set the operand called Array in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_DoubleShift.setBitsToShift(Instruction i, Operand BitsToShift)
          Set the operand called BitsToShift in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_FSave.setDestination(Instruction i, Operand Destination)
          Set the operand called Destination in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Multianewarray.setDimension(Instruction i, int k, Operand o)
          Set the k'th operand called Dimension in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void OsrPoint.setElement(Instruction i, int k, Operand o)
          Set the k'th operand called Element in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void OsrBarrier.setElement(Instruction i, int k, Operand o)
          Set the k'th operand called Element in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void CondMove.setFalseValue(Instruction i, Operand FalseValue)
          Set the operand called FalseValue in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void InlineGuard.setGoal(Instruction i, Operand Goal)
          Set the operand called Goal in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Call.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedBinary.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MonitorOp.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedUnary.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void BoundsCheck.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TypeCheck.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GetField.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Load.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardCarrier.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand op)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedSet.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void PutField.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Attempt.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Divide.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void ALoad.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void StoreCheck.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void InstanceOf.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void InlineGuard.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Store.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void AStore.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Prepare.setGuard(Instruction i, Operand Guard)
          Set the operand called Guard in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void InstrumentedCounter.setIncrement(Instruction i, Operand Increment)
          Set the operand called Increment in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void BoundsCheck.setIndex(Instruction i, Operand Index)
          Set the operand called Index in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void ALoad.setIndex(Instruction i, Operand Index)
          Set the operand called Index in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void AStore.setIndex(Instruction i, Operand Index)
          Set the operand called Index in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Attempt.setNewValue(Instruction i, Operand NewValue)
          Set the operand called NewValue in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GetField.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Load.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void PutField.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Attempt.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Store.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GetStatic.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void PutStatic.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Prepare.setOffset(Instruction i, Operand Offset)
          Set the operand called Offset in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Attempt.setOldValue(Instruction i, Operand OldValue)
          Set the operand called OldValue in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Call.setParam(Instruction i, int k, Operand o)
          Set the k'th operand called Param in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Call.setParam(Instruction i, int k, Operand o)
          Set the k'th operand called Param in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MonitorOp.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void BoundsCheck.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TypeCheck.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GetField.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedSet.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void PutField.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void CacheOp.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void NullCheck.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void StoreCheck.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void InstanceOf.setRef(Instruction i, Operand Ref)
          Set the operand called Ref in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Set.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_UnaryAcc.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Move.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_CondMove.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_BinaryAcc.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_DoubleShift.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Unary.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Phi.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Nullary.setResult(Instruction i, Operand Result)
          Set the operand called Result in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_ConvertDW2QW.setResult1(Instruction i, Operand Result1)
          Set the operand called Result1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Divide.setResult1(Instruction i, Operand Result1)
          Set the operand called Result1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Multiply.setResult1(Instruction i, Operand Result1)
          Set the operand called Result1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_ConvertDW2QW.setResult2(Instruction i, Operand Result2)
          Set the operand called Result2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Divide.setResult2(Instruction i, Operand Result2)
          Set the operand called Result2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Multiply.setResult2(Instruction i, Operand Result2)
          Set the operand called Result2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void NewArray.setSize(Instruction i, Operand Size)
          Set the operand called Size in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_CaseLabel.setTarget(Instruction i, Operand Target)
          Set the operand called Target in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Call.setTarget(Instruction i, Operand Target)
          Set the operand called Target in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void CondMove.setTrueValue(Instruction i, Operand TrueValue)
          Set the operand called TrueValue in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TableSwitch.setUnknown1(Instruction i, Operand Unknown1)
          Set the operand called Unknown1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void LookupSwitch.setUnknown1(Instruction i, Operand Unknown1)
          Set the operand called Unknown1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TableSwitch.setUnknown2(Instruction i, Operand Unknown2)
          Set the operand called Unknown2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void LookupSwitch.setUnknown2(Instruction i, Operand Unknown2)
          Set the operand called Unknown2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedUnary.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_UnaryNoRes.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Return.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedSet.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Unary.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void StoreCheck.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Return.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Move.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Unary.setVal(Instruction i, Operand Val)
          Set the operand called Val in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void CondMove.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void IfCmp2.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedBinary.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Binary.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_TrapIf.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_XChng.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void BooleanCmp.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void IfCmp.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TrapIf.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Compare.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Test.setVal1(Instruction i, Operand Val1)
          Set the operand called Val1 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void CondMove.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void IfCmp2.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void GuardedBinary.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Return.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Binary.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_TrapIf.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_XChng.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void BooleanCmp.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void IfCmp.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TrapIf.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Compare.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Test.setVal2(Instruction i, Operand Val2)
          Set the operand called Val2 in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Phi.setValue(Instruction i, int k, Operand o)
          Set the k'th operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void TableSwitch.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Move.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void PutField.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Divide.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_CondMove.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_BinaryAcc.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void MIR_Multiply.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void LookupSwitch.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Athrow.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void InlineGuard.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void Store.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void ZeroCheck.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void AStore.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static void PutStatic.setValue(Instruction i, Operand Value)
          Set the operand called Value in the argument instruction to the argument operand.
static boolean IRTools.useDoublesAsDef(Operand u, Instruction s)
          Is the operand u, which is a use in instruction s, also a def in instruction s?

Uses of Operand in

Methods in that return Operand
 Operand RegisterPool.makeJTOCOp(IR ir, Instruction s)
          Return a constant operand that is the base address of the JTOC.

Methods in with parameters of type Operand
 int MachineSpecificIRIA.getBURSManagedFPRValue(Operand operand)
 boolean MachineSpecificIRIA.isBURSManagedFPROperand(Operand operand)
 boolean MachineSpecificIRIA.isConditionOperand(Operand operand)

Uses of Operand in

Subclasses of Operand in
 class AddressConstantOperand
          Represents an address constant operand.
 class BasicBlockOperand
          Represents a basic block (used in LABEL and BBEND instructions)
 class BranchOperand
          Represents a branch target.
 class BranchProfileOperand
 class ClassConstantOperand
          Represents a constant class operand.
 class CodeConstantOperand
          Represents a constant code operand, found for example, from an TIBConstantOperand.
 class ConditionOperand
          Encodes the condition codes for branches.
 class ConstantOperand
          Common superclass for all constant operands
 class DoubleConstantOperand
          Represents a constant double operand.
 class FloatConstantOperand
          Represents a constant float operand.
 class HeapOperand<T>
          Represents a heap variable for instructions in Heap Array SSA form.
 class InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand
          An InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand object keeps necessary information to recover non-inlined status for an inlined method.
 class IntConstantOperand
          Represents a constant int operand.
 class LocationOperand
          Represents a location in memory.
 class LongConstantOperand
          Represents a constant long operand.
 class MemoryOperand
          A memory operand.
 class MethodOperand
          Refers to a method.
 class NullConstantOperand
          This operand represents the null constant.
 class ObjectConstantOperand
          Represents a constant object operand (for example, from an initialized static final).
 class OsrTypeInfoOperand
          An OsrTypeInfoOperand object keeps type information of locals and stacks at a byte code index.
 class RegisterOperand
          A symbolic or physical register.
 class StackLocationOperand
          Represents a symbolic name for a stack location.
 class StringConstantOperand
          Represents a constant string operand.
 class TIBConstantOperand
          Represents a constant TIB operand, found for example, from an ObjectConstantOperand.
 class TrapCodeOperand
          Encode the semantic reason for a trap instruction.
 class TrueGuardOperand
          This operand represents a "true" guard, e.g. non-nullness of the result of an allocation or boundcheck eliminated via analysis of the loop induction variables.
 class TypeOperand
          A TypeOperand represents a type.
 class UnreachableOperand
          This operand represents, in a phi function, a control-flow path that is actually unreachable.

Fields in declared as Operand
 Operand MemoryOperand.guard
          The guard operand that validates this memory access

Methods in that return Operand
 Operand OsrTypeInfoOperand.copy()
 Operand BranchOperand.copy()
          Returns a copy of this branch operand.
 Operand ConditionOperand.copy()
 Operand ObjectConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand TypeOperand.copy()
 Operand BasicBlockOperand.copy()
 Operand LocationOperand.copy()
 Operand MemoryOperand.copy()
 Operand ClassConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand UnreachableOperand.copy()
 Operand MethodOperand.copy()
 Operand NullConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand TrapCodeOperand.copy()
 Operand InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand.copy()
 Operand CodeConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand AddressConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand StringConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand TIBConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand BranchProfileOperand.copy()
          Returns a copy of this branch operand.
abstract  Operand Operand.copy()
          Return a new operand that is semantically equivalent to this.
 Operand LongConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand DoubleConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand IntConstantOperand.copy()
 Operand StackLocationOperand.copy()
 Operand RegisterOperand.copy()
          Returns a copy of this register operand as an operand
 Operand TrueGuardOperand.copy()
 Operand FloatConstantOperand.copy()
static Operand op1, Operand op2, Register reg)
          Meet two operands based on their positions in the operand lattice.

Methods in with parameters of type Operand
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.B(RegisterOperand base, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.BD(RegisterOperand base, Offset disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.BI(RegisterOperand base, RegisterOperand index, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.BID(RegisterOperand base, RegisterOperand index, Offset disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.BIS(RegisterOperand base, RegisterOperand index, byte scale, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
static boolean Operand.conservativelyApproximates(Operand op1, Operand op2)
          Compare two operands based on their positions in the operand lattice.
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.D(Address disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
 int ConditionOperand.evaluate(Operand v1, Operand v2)
          Given two operands, evaluate the condition on them.
static MemoryOperand MemoryOperand.I(RegisterOperand base, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
static Operand op1, Operand op2, Register reg)
          Meet two operands based on their positions in the operand lattice.
 boolean OsrTypeInfoOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean BranchOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean ConditionOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean ObjectConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean TypeOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean BasicBlockOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean LocationOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean MemoryOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean UnreachableOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean MethodOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean NullConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean TrapCodeOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean CodeConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean AddressConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean TIBConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean BranchProfileOperand.similar(Operand op)
abstract  boolean Operand.similar(Operand op)
          Are two operands semantically equivalent?
 boolean LongConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean HeapOperand.similar(Operand op)
          Does this operand correspond to the same heap variable as another heap operand?
 boolean DoubleConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean IntConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean StackLocationOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean RegisterOperand.similar(Operand op)
          Returns whether the given operand is a register operand and has the same register object.
 boolean TrueGuardOperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean FloatConstantOperand.similar(Operand op)

Constructors in with parameters of type Operand
MemoryOperand(RegisterOperand base, RegisterOperand index, byte scale, Offset disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)

Uses of Operand in

Subclasses of Operand in
 class BURSManagedFPROperand
          An FPR register that BURS is managing.
 class IA32ConditionOperand
          An IA32 condition operand

Methods in that return Operand
 Operand BURSManagedFPROperand.copy()
 Operand IA32ConditionOperand.copy()

Methods in with parameters of type Operand
 boolean BURSManagedFPROperand.similar(Operand op)
 boolean IA32ConditionOperand.similar(Operand op)

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir with parameters of type Operand
protected static AddressConstantOperand BURS_Common_Helpers.AC(Operand op)
protected  void BURS_MemOp_Helpers.augmentAddress(Operand op)
protected static Address BURS_Common_Helpers.AV(Operand op)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.consumeAddress(byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected static int BURS_Common_Helpers.FITS(Operand op, int numBits, int trueCost)
protected static int BURS_Common_Helpers.FITS(Operand op, int numBits, int trueCost, int falseCost)
protected static IntConstantOperand BURS_Common_Helpers.IC(Operand op)
protected static int BURS_Common_Helpers.IV(Operand op)
protected static LongConstantOperand BURS_Common_Helpers.LC(Operand op)
protected static boolean BURS_Common_Helpers.MINUSONE(Operand a)
private  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_ARRAY(Operand base, Operand index, byte scale, byte size, Offset disp, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
          Construct memory operand for an array access
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_B(Operand base, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_BD(Operand base, Offset disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_BI(Operand base, Operand index, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_BID(Operand base, Operand index, Offset disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_BIS(Operand base, Operand index, byte scale, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_D(Offset disp, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO(Operand base, Operand offset, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO(Operand base, Operand offset, byte size, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard, int disp)
protected  MemoryOperand BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO(Operand base, Operand offset, byte size, Offset disp, LocationOperand loc, Operand guard)
protected static boolean BURS_Common_Helpers.ONE(Operand a)
protected static RegisterOperand BURS_Common_Helpers.R(Operand op)
protected static boolean BURS_Common_Helpers.ZERO(Operand a)

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32 that return Operand
(package private) static Operand NormalizeConstants.asImmediateOrReg(Operand addr, Instruction s, IR ir)
          IA32 supports 32 bit int immediates, so nothing to do.
private  Operand BURS_Helpers.asReg(Instruction s, Operator movop, Operand op)
          Move op into a register operand if it isn't one already.
protected static Operand BURS_Helpers.follow(Operand use)
          Follow a chain of Move operations filtering back to a def
protected  Operand BURS_Helpers.MO_CONV(byte size)
          Create a slot on the stack in memory for a conversion
protected  Operand BURS_Helpers.myFP0()
protected  Operand BURS_Helpers.myFP1()

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32 with parameters of type Operand
(package private) static Operand NormalizeConstants.asImmediateOrReg(Operand addr, Instruction s, IR ir)
          IA32 supports 32 bit int immediates, so nothing to do.
private  Operand BURS_Helpers.asReg(Instruction s, Operator movop, Operand op)
          Move op into a register operand if it isn't one already.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.ATTEMPT_IFCMP(MemoryOperand mo, Operand oldValue, Operand newValue, ConditionOperand cond, BranchOperand target, BranchProfileOperand bp)
          This routine expands the compound pattern IFCMP(ATTEMPT, ZERO) into an atomic compare/exchange followed by a branch on success/failure of the attempted atomic compare/exchange.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.ATTEMPT_LONG(RegisterOperand result, MemoryOperand mo, Operand oldValue, Operand newValue)
          This routine expands an ATTEMPT instruction into an atomic compare exchange.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.ATTEMPT(RegisterOperand result, MemoryOperand mo, Operand oldValue, Operand newValue)
          This routine expands an ATTEMPT instruction into an atomic compare exchange.
private static void ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.basic_long_ifcmp(Instruction s, IR ir, ConditionOperand cond, Register xh, Register xl, Operand yh, Operand yl)
protected  void BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_DOUBLE(Instruction s, RegisterOperand res, ConditionOperand cond, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Expansion of BOOLEAN_CMP_DOUBLE
protected  void BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(Instruction s, RegisterOperand res, Operand val1, Operand val2, ConditionOperand cond)
          Expansion of BOOLEAN_CMP_INT
protected  void BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(Instruction s, RegisterOperand res, Operand val1, Operand val2, ConditionOperand cond)
          Expansion of BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG
protected  void BURS_Helpers.CALL(Instruction s, Operand address)
          Expansion of CALL.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.CMOV_FMOV(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, ConditionOperand cond, Operand trueValue, Operand falseValue)
          Generate a floating point move portion of a conditional move.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.CMOV_MOV(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, ConditionOperand cond, Operand trueValue, Operand falseValue)
          Generate an integer move portion of a conditional move.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.EMIT_Commutative(Operator operator, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Create the MIR instruction given by operator from the Binary LIR operands
protected  void BURS_Helpers.EMIT_NonCommutative(Operator operator, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Create the MIR instruction given by operator from the Binary LIR operands
protected  void BURS_Helpers.EMIT_Unary(Operator operator, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand value)
          Create the MIR instruction given by operator from the Binary LIR operands
protected static Operand BURS_Helpers.follow(Operand use)
          Follow a chain of Move operations filtering back to a def
protected  void BURS_Helpers.FP_MOV_OP_MOV(Instruction s, Operator op, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Expansion of FP_ADD_ACC, FP_MUL_ACC, FP_SUB_ACC, and FP_DIV_ACC.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.FP_REM(Instruction s, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Expansion of FP_REM
protected  void BURS_Helpers.FPR_2INT(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value)
          Expansion of FLOAT_2INT and DOUBLE_2INT, using the FIST instruction.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.IFCMP(Instruction s, RegisterOperand guardResult, Operand val1, Operand val2, ConditionOperand cond)
          Generate a compare and branch sequence.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.INT_2LONG(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value, boolean signExtend)
          Expansion of INT_2LONG
protected  void BURS_Helpers.INT_DIVIDES(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand val1, Operand val2, boolean isDiv)
          Expansion of INT_DIV and INT_REM
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LCMP_CMOV(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand val1, Operand val2, ConditionOperand cond, Operand trueValue, Operand falseValue)
          Generate a long compare and cmov
protected  byte BURS_Helpers.LEA_SHIFT(Operand op)
protected  int BURS_Helpers.LEA_SHIFT(Operand op, int trueCost)
          Can an IV be the scale in a LEA instruction?
protected  int BURS_Helpers.LEA_SHIFT(Operand op, int trueCost, int falseCost)
          Can an IV be the scale in a LEA instruction?
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_ADD(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value1, Operand value2)
          Expansion of LONG_ADD
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_AND(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value1, Operand value2)
          Expansion of LONG_AND
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_CMP(Instruction s, RegisterOperand res, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Expansion of LONG_CMP: compare to values and set result to -1, 0, 1 for <, =, >, respectively
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_MUL(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value1, Operand value2)
          Expansion of LONG_MUL
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_NEG(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value)
          Expansion of LONG_NEG
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_NOT(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value)
          Expansion of LONG_NOT
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_OR(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value1, Operand value2)
          Expansion of LONG_OR
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_SHL(Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2, boolean maskWith3f)
          Expansion of LONG_SHL
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_SHR(Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2, boolean maskWith3f)
          Expansion of LONG_SHR
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_SUB(Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Expansion of LONG_SUB
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_USHR(Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2, boolean maskWith3f)
          Expansion of LONG_USHR
protected  void BURS_Helpers.LONG_XOR(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand value1, Operand value2)
          Expansion of LONG_XOR
protected  boolean BURS_Helpers.SIMILAR_REGISTERS(Operand... ops)
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_ABS(boolean single, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand value)
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_CONV(Operator op, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand value)
          Expansion of SSE2 conversions double <-> float
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_COP(Operator operator, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          BURS expansion of a commutative SSE2 operation.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(Instruction s, RegisterOperand result, Operand lhsCmp, Operand rhsCmp, ConditionOperand cond, Operand trueValue, Operand falseValue)
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_IFCMP(Operator op, Instruction s, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          Expansion of SSE2 comparison operations
protected  Operator BURS_Helpers.SSE2_MOVE(Operand o)
          Returns the appropriate move operator based on the type of operand.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_NCOP(Operator operator, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand val1, Operand val2)
          BURS expansion of a non commutative SSE2 operation.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SSE2_NEG(boolean single, Instruction s, Operand result, Operand value)
          Expansion of SSE2 negation ops
protected  byte BURS_Helpers.SSE2_SIZE(Operand o)
          Returns the size based on the type of operand.
protected  void BURS_Helpers.STORE_LONG_FOR_CONV(Operand op)
          Create a 64bit slot on the stack in memory for a conversion and store the given long
protected  void BURS_Helpers.SYSCALL(Instruction s, Operand address)
          Expansion of SYSCALL.

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32 with parameters of type Operand
(package private)  RegisterConstants.GPR AssemblerBase.getBase(Operand op)
          Given a memory operand, return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding of its base regsiter.
(package private)  byte AssemblerBase.getCond(Operand op)
          Return the condition bits of a given optimizing compiler condition operand.
(package private)  Offset AssemblerBase.getDisp(Operand op)
          Given a memory operand, return the 2 bit IA32 ISA encoding of its scale, suitable for passing to the Assembler to mask into a SIB byte.
(package private)  RegisterConstants.FPR AssemblerBase.getFPR_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  RegisterConstants.GPR AssemblerBase.getGPR_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  int AssemblerBase.getImm(Operand op)
          Return the IA32 ISA encoding of the immediate value represented by the the given operand.
(package private)  RegisterConstants.GPR AssemblerBase.getIndex(Operand op)
          Given a memory operand, return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding of its index register.
(package private)  int AssemblerBase.getLabel(Operand op)
          Return the label representing the target of the given branch operand.
(package private)  RegisterConstants.MM AssemblerBase.getMM_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  RegisterConstants.MachineRegister AssemblerBase.getReg(Operand op)
          Given a register operand, return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding of that register.
(package private)  short AssemblerBase.getScale(Operand op)
          Given a memory operand, return the 2 bit IA32 ISA encoding of its scale, suitable for passing to the Assembler to mask into a SIB byte.
(package private)  RegisterConstants.XMM AssemblerBase.getXMM_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isAbs(Operand op)
          Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing absolute mode addressing.
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isCond(Operand op)
          Is the given operand an IA32 condition operand?
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isFPR_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isGPR_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isImm(Operand op)
          Is the given operand an immediate?
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isImmOrLabel(Operand op)
          Is the given operand a branch target?
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isLabel(Operand op)
          Is the given operand a branch target that requires a label?
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isMM_Reg(Operand op)
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isReg(Operand op)
          Is the given operand a register operand?
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isRegDisp(Operand op)
          Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing register-displacement mode addressing.
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isRegIdx(Operand op)
          Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing the full glory of scaled-index-base addressing.
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isRegInd(Operand op)
          Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing register-indirect mode addressing.
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isRegOff(Operand op)
          Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing register-offset mode addressing.
(package private)  boolean AssemblerBase.isXMM_Reg(Operand op)
private  int AssemblerBase.operandCost(Operand op, boolean shortFormImmediate)

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa declared as Operand
(package private)  Operand LeaveSSA.Copy.source
          The right-hand side of the copy instruction

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa that return Operand
private  Operand ValueGraph.bypassMoves(Operand op)
          Bypass MOVE instructions that def an operand: return the first def in the chain that is not the result of a MOVE instruction.
private  Operand LoopVersioning.getConstantAdjustedArrayLengthRef(Operand op)
          Get the array length reference ignoring instructions that adjust its result by a fixed amount
(package private)  Operand LICM.getResult(Instruction inst)
          Get the result operand of the instruction
(package private)  Operand LeaveSSA.VariableStacks.peek(Register s)
          Get the name at the top of the stack for a particular register
(package private)  Operand LeaveSSA.VariableStacks.pop(Register s)
          Pop the name at the top of the stack for a particular register

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa with parameters of type Operand
(package private) static void LoadElimination.appendMove(Register r, Operand src, Instruction store)
          Append an instruction after a store instruction that caches value in register r.
private  Operand ValueGraph.bypassMoves(Operand op)
          Bypass MOVE instructions that def an operand: return the first def in the chain that is not the result of a MOVE instruction.
(package private)  Instruction LICM.definingInstruction(Operand op)
          Return the instruction that defines the operand.
private  BasicBlock LoopVersioning.generateExplicitBoundCheck(Instruction boundCheckInstr, Operand minIndexValue, Operand maxIndexValue, HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap, BasicBlock block, BasicBlock unoptimizedLoopEntry)
          Generate bound check branch blocks
private  int LoopVersioning.getConstantAdjustedArrayLengthDistance(Operand op)
          Get the distance from an array length by addding up instructions that adjust the array length result by a constant amount
private  Operand LoopVersioning.getConstantAdjustedArrayLengthRef(Operand op)
          Get the array length reference ignoring instructions that adjust its result by a fixed amount
(package private)  void LeaveSSA.VariableStacks.push(Register s, Operand name)
          Push a name at the top of the stack for a particular register
(package private)  BasicBlock LICM.useBlock(Instruction use, Operand op)
private  boolean LICM.useDominates(Operand op, BasicBlock block)

Method parameters in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa with type arguments of type Operand
private  Instruction LICM.scheduleScalarDefsEarly(Enumeration<Operand> e, Instruction earlyPos, Instruction inst)
          Schedule me as early as possible, but behind the definitions in e and behind earlyPos

Uses of Operand in org.jikesrvm.osr

Fields in org.jikesrvm.osr declared as Operand
 Operand LocalRegPair.operand
          What's the register operand, from which we can get the symbolic register.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.osr with parameters of type Operand
LocalRegPair(boolean kind, int num, byte type, Operand op)