Uses of Class

Packages that use RVMField

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.adaptive

Fields in org.jikesrvm.adaptive declared as RVMField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.cbsResetValueField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.counterArrayManagerCounterArraysField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.edgeListenerSamplesTakenField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.edgeListenerUpdateCalledField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.globalCBSField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.invocationCountsField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.methodListenerNumSamplesField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.specializedMethodsField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.threadCBSField
static RVMField AosEntrypoints.yieldCountListenerNumYieldsField

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as RVMField
private  RVMField[] FieldVector.array
private  RVMField[] RVMClass.declaredFields
          Fields of this class
private static RVMField[] FieldVector.empty
protected static RVMField[] RVMType.emptyVMField
          Canonical representation of no fields
private  RVMField[] RVMClass.instanceFields
          fields distinct for each instance of class
static RVMField RVMType.JavaLangRefReferenceReferenceField
private  RVMField FieldReference.resolvedMember
          The RVMField that this field reference resolved to (null if not yet resolved).
private  RVMField[] RVMClass.staticFields
          fields shared by all instances of class

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return RVMField
(package private) static RVMField RVMField.createAnnotationField(TypeReference annotationClass, MemberReference memRef)
          Create a field for a synthetic annotation class
(package private)  RVMField FieldVector.elementAt(int index)
 RVMField RVMClass.findDeclaredField(Atom fieldName)
          Find description of a field of this class.
 RVMField RVMClass.findDeclaredField(Atom fieldName, Atom fieldDescriptor)
          Find description of a field of this class.
 RVMField[] FieldVector.finish()
 RVMField[] RVMClass.getDeclaredFields()
          Fields defined directly by this class (i.e. not including superclasses).
 RVMField[] Primitive.getInstanceFields()
          Non-static fields of this class/array type (composed with supertypes, if any).
abstract  RVMField[] RVMType.getInstanceFields()
          Non-static fields of this class/array type (composed with supertypes, if any).
 RVMField[] UnboxedType.getInstanceFields()
          Non-static fields of this class/array type (composed with supertypes, if any).
 RVMField[] RVMArray.getInstanceFields()
          Non-static fields of this array type.
 RVMField[] RVMClass.getInstanceFields()
          Non-static fields of this class (composed with supertypes, if any).
 RVMField[] Primitive.getStaticFields()
          Static fields of this class/array type.
abstract  RVMField[] RVMType.getStaticFields()
          Static fields of this class/array type.
 RVMField[] UnboxedType.getStaticFields()
          Static fields of this class/array type.
 RVMField[] RVMArray.getStaticFields()
          Static fields of this array type.
 RVMField[] RVMClass.getStaticFields()
          Static fields of this class.
 RVMField FieldReference.peekResolvedField()
          Find the RVMField that this field reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
(package private) static RVMField[] ClassFileReader.readDeclaredFields(TypeReference typeRef, DataInputStream input, int[] constantPool)
          Read the declared fields of the class being read
(package private) static RVMField RVMField.readField(TypeReference declaringClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, DataInputStream input)
          Read and create a field.
 RVMField FieldReference.resolve()
          Find the RVMField that this field reference refers to using the search order specified in JVM spec
private  RVMField FieldReference.resolveInternal(RVMClass declaringClass)
private  RVMField FieldReference.searchInterfaceFields(RVMClass c)

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMField
(package private)  void FieldVector.addElement(RVMField item)
 void FieldVector.addUniqueElement(RVMField item)
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationInit(TypeReference aClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, int objectInitIndex, RVMField[] aFields, RVMMethod[] aMethods, int[] defaultConstants)
          Create a method to initialise the annotation class
 void RVMClass.makeFieldTraced(RVMField field)
          Make the passed field a traced field by garbage collection.
 boolean NormalMethod.mayWrite(RVMField field)
 boolean RVMMethod.mayWrite(RVMField field)
(package private)  void FieldVector.setElementAt(RVMField item, int index)
private  void RVMClass.setFinalStaticJTOCEntry(RVMField field, Offset fieldOffset)
          Insert the value of a final static field into the JTOC
(package private)  void FieldReference.setResolvedMember(RVMField it)
          For use by RVMField constructor

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type RVMField
RVMClass(TypeReference typeRef, int[] constantPool, short modifiers, RVMClass superClass, RVMClass[] declaredInterfaces, RVMField[] declaredFields, RVMMethod[] declaredMethods, TypeReference[] declaredClasses, TypeReference declaringClass, TypeReference enclosingClass, MethodReference enclosingMethod, Atom sourceName, RVMMethod classInitializerMethod, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          Construct a class from its constituent loaded parts

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with type parameters of type RVMField
private  ImmutableEntryHashMapRVM<RVMField,FieldDatabase.FieldDatabaseEntry> FieldDatabase.db

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type RVMField
(package private)  FieldDatabase.FieldDatabaseEntry FieldDatabase.findOrCreateEntry(RVMField f)
static Address StaticFieldReader.getAddressStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns the current contents of a Address static field.
static TypeReference FieldAnalysis.getConcreteType(RVMField f)
          Have we determined a single concrete type for a field?
 TypeReference FieldDatabase.getConcreteType(RVMField f)
          return the concrete type of a field, or null if none determined
static double StaticFieldReader.getDoubleStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns the current contents of a double static field.
static ConstantOperand StaticFieldReader.getFieldValueAsConstant(RVMField field, Object obj)
          Read the field from obj and return as the appropriate constant
static float StaticFieldReader.getFloatStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns the current contents of a float static field.
static int StaticFieldReader.getIntStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns the current contents of an int-like static field.
private static Field StaticFieldReader.getJDKField(RVMField field)
          Utilitiy to convert a RVMField to a java.lang.reflect.Field
static long StaticFieldReader.getLongStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns the current contents of a long static field.
static Object StaticFieldReader.getObjectStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns the current contents of a reference static field.
static ConstantOperand StaticFieldReader.getStaticFieldValue(RVMField field)
          Returns a constant operand with the current value of a static field.
static TypeReference StaticFieldReader.getTypeFromStaticField(RVMField field)
          Get the type of an object contained in a static field.
static boolean StaticFieldReader.isStaticFieldNull(RVMField field)
          Does a static field null contain null?
private static boolean FieldAnalysis.isTrouble(RVMField f)
          For some special classes, the flow-insensitive summaries are INCORRECT due to using the wrong implementation during boot image writing.
private static void FieldAnalysis.recordBottom(RVMMethod m, RVMField f)
          Record that a method writes an unknown concrete type to a field.
private static void FieldAnalysis.recordConcreteType(RVMMethod m, RVMField f, TypeReference t)
          Record that a method stores an object of a particular concrete type to a field.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt with parameters of type RVMField
FieldDatabase.FieldDatabaseEntry(RVMField f)

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape that return types with arguments of type RVMField
private static ArrayList<RVMField> ObjectReplacer.getFieldsAsArrayList(RVMClass klass)
          Returns a ArrayList, holding the fields of the object

Method parameters in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.escape with type arguments of type RVMField
private  void ObjectReplacer.scalarReplace(RegisterOperand use, RegisterOperand[] scalars, ArrayList<RVMField> fields, Set<Register> visited)
          Replace a given use of a object with its scalar equivalent
private  void ObjectReplacer.transform2(Register reg, Instruction defI, RegisterOperand[] scalars, ArrayList<RVMField> fields, Set<Register> visited)

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.hir2lir with parameters of type RVMField
static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getField(Instruction s, IR ir, RegisterOperand obj, RVMField field)
          Load an instance field.
(package private) static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getField(Instruction s, IR ir, RegisterOperand obj, RVMField field, Operand guard)
          Load an instance field.
static RegisterOperand ConvertToLowLevelIR.getStatic(Instruction s, IR ir, RVMField field)
          Load a static field.

Uses of RVMField in

Methods in with parameters of type RVMField
static MethodOperand MethodOperand.STATIC(RVMField target)
          create a method operand for an INVOKE_STATIC bytecode where the target method is known at compile time.

Constructors in with parameters of type RVMField
LocationOperand(RVMField loc)
          Constructs a new location operand with the given field

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.ia32

Fields in org.jikesrvm.ia32 declared as RVMField
static RVMField[] OutOfLineMachineCode.pcThunkInstructionsField

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel

Methods in org.jikesrvm.objectmodel with parameters of type RVMField
protected  void FieldLayout.layoutField(FieldLayoutContext layout, RVMClass klass, RVMField field, int fieldSize)
          Lay out a given field.
protected  void FieldLayout.setOffset(RVMClass klass, RVMField field, int offset)
          Update a field to set its offset within the object.

Uses of RVMField in org.jikesrvm.runtime

Fields in org.jikesrvm.runtime declared as RVMField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.arrayIndexTrapParamField
static RVMField Entrypoints.billionthField
static RVMField Entrypoints.bootThreadField
static RVMField Entrypoints.classLoaderDefinedPackages
static RVMField Entrypoints.debugRequestedField
static RVMField Entrypoints.depthField
static RVMField Entrypoints.dimensionField
static RVMField Entrypoints.dumpBufferLockField
static RVMField Entrypoints.edgeCountersField
static RVMField Entrypoints.execStatusField
static RVMField Entrypoints.externalSignalFlagField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.framePointerField
static RVMField Entrypoints.gcLockField
static RVMField Entrypoints.gcStatusField
static RVMField Entrypoints.half32Field
static RVMField Entrypoints.halfFloatField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.hiddenSignatureIdField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.hijackedReturnAddressField
static RVMField Entrypoints.I2DconstantField
          special double value for use in int <--> double conversions
static RVMField Entrypoints.idField
static RVMField Entrypoints.IEEEmagicField
          IEEEmagic constant
static RVMField Entrypoints.innermostElementTypeDimensionField
static RVMField Entrypoints.intBufferLockField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIEnvBasePointerOnEntryToNative
static RVMField Entrypoints.jniEnvField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIEnvSavedJTOCField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIEnvSavedTRField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIExternalFunctionsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIGlobalRefsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIHasPendingExceptionField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIRefsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIRefsMaxField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIRefsSavedFPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNIRefsTopField
static RVMField Entrypoints.JNITopJavaFPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.latestContenderField
static RVMField Entrypoints.lockStateField
static RVMField Entrypoints.longOneField
static RVMField Entrypoints.luni1
static RVMField Entrypoints.luni2
static RVMField Entrypoints.luni3
static RVMField Entrypoints.luni4
static RVMField Entrypoints.luni5
static RVMField Entrypoints.luni6
static RVMField Entrypoints.magicObjectRemapperField
static RVMField Entrypoints.maxintField
          largest double that can be rounded to an int
static RVMField Entrypoints.maxintFloatField
          largest float that can be rounded to an int
static RVMField Entrypoints.maxlongField
          largest double that can be rounded to a long
static RVMField Entrypoints.maxlongFloatField
          largest float that can be rounded to a long
static RVMField Entrypoints.memberOffsetsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.minintField
          smallest double that can be rounded to an int
static RVMField Entrypoints.minusOneField
static RVMField Entrypoints.oneDoubleField
static RVMField Entrypoints.oneFloatField
static RVMField Entrypoints.referenceReferentField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.reflectiveMethodInvokerInstructionsField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.registersFPField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.registersFPRsField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.registersGPRsField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.registersInUseField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.registersIPField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.registersLRField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.restoreHardwareExceptionStateInstructionsField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.restoreVolatilesInstructionsField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.saveThreadStateInstructionsField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.saveVolatilesInstructionsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.scratchStorageField
static RVMField Entrypoints.specializedMethodsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.SQBEField
static RVMField Entrypoints.SQCFField
static RVMField Entrypoints.SQheadField
static RVMField Entrypoints.SQNCField
static RVMField Entrypoints.SQNCWField
static RVMField Entrypoints.SQtailField
static RVMField Entrypoints.stackLimitField
static RVMField Entrypoints.synchronizedCounterField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysDoubleRemainderIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysDoubleToIntIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysDoubleToLongIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysFloatToIntIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysFloatToLongIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysLongDivideIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysLongRemainderIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysLongToDoubleIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysLongToFloatIPField
static RVMField Entrypoints.sysWriteLockField
static RVMField Entrypoints.takeYieldpointField
static RVMField Entrypoints.the_boot_recordField
static RVMField Entrypoints.threadContextRegistersField
static RVMField Entrypoints.threadContextRegistersSaveField
static RVMField Entrypoints.threadExceptionRegistersField
static RVMField Entrypoints.threadSlotField
static RVMField Entrypoints.threadStackField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.threadSwitchInstructionsField
static RVMField Entrypoints.traceOIDField
static RVMField Entrypoints.tracePrevAddressField
static RVMField ArchEntrypoints.trampolineRegistersField
static RVMField Entrypoints.two32Field
static RVMField Entrypoints.twoFloatField
static RVMField Entrypoints.zeroDoubleField
static RVMField Entrypoints.zeroFloatField

Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime that return RVMField
static RVMField EntrypointHelper.getField(Class<?> klass, String member, Class<?> type)
          Get description of virtual machine field.
(package private) static RVMField EntrypointHelper.getField(String klass, String member, Class<?> type)
          Get description of virtual machine field.
static RVMField EntrypointHelper.getField(String klass, String member, String descriptor)

Uses of RVMField in

Fields in declared as RVMField
(package private)  RVMField SortableField.f

Constructors in with parameters of type RVMField
SortableField(RVMField ff)