Uses of Class

Packages that use MemberReference

Uses of MemberReference in org.jikesrvm

Methods in org.jikesrvm with parameters of type MemberReference
static void VM.sysWrite(MemberReference mr)
static void VM.write(MemberReference value)
          Low level print to console.

Uses of MemberReference in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Subclasses of MemberReference in org.jikesrvm.classloader
 class FieldReference
          A class to represent the reference in a class file to a field.
 class MethodReference
          A class to represent the reference in a class file to a method of that class or interface.

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as MemberReference
private static MemberReference[][] MemberReference.members
          Dictionary of all MemberReference instances.
protected  MemberReference RVMMember.memRef
          The canonical MemberReference for this member

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader with type parameters of type MemberReference
private static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<MemberReference> MemberReference.dictionary
          Used to canonicalize memberReferences

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return MemberReference
static MemberReference MemberReference.findOrCreate(TypeReference tRef, Atom mn, Atom md)
          Find or create the canonical MemberReference instance for the given tuple.
 MemberReference RVMMember.getMemberRef()
          Canonical member reference for this member.
static MemberReference MemberReference.getMemberRef(int id)
static MemberReference MemberReference.parse(StringTokenizer parser)
          Given a StringTokenizer currently pointing to the start of a MemberReference (created by doing a toString() on a MemberReference), parse it and find/create the appropriate MemberReference.
static MemberReference MemberReference.parse(StringTokenizer parser, boolean boot)

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type MemberReference
(package private) static RVMField RVMField.createAnnotationField(TypeReference annotationClass, MemberReference memRef)
          Create a field for a synthetic annotation class
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationInit(TypeReference aClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, int objectInitIndex, RVMField[] aFields, RVMMethod[] aMethods, int[] defaultConstants)
          Create a method to initialise the annotation class
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createAnnotationMethod(TypeReference annotationClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, RVMMethod interfaceMethod, int constantPoolIndex)
          Create a copy of the method that occurs in the annotation interface.
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.createDefaultConstructor(TypeReference klass, MemberReference memRef)
          Create a method to act as a default constructor (just return)
static InterfaceMethodSignature InterfaceMethodSignature.findOrCreate(MemberReference ref)
          Find or create an interface method signature for the given method reference.
(package private) static RVMField RVMField.readField(TypeReference declaringClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, DataInputStream input)
          Read and create a field.
(package private) static RVMMethod RVMMethod.readMethod(TypeReference declaringClass, int[] constantPool, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, DataInputStream input)
          Called from ClassFileReader.readClass(TypeReference,DataInputStream) to create an instance of a RVMMethod by reading the relevant data from the argument bytecode stream.
static int TableBasedDynamicLinker.resolveMember(MemberReference ref)
          Cause dynamic linking of the argument MemberReference

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type MemberReference
AbstractMethod(TypeReference declaringClass, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, TypeReference[] exceptionTypes, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations, RVMAnnotation[][] parameterAnnotations, Object annotationDefault)
          Construct abstract method information
NativeMethod(TypeReference declaringClass, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, TypeReference[] exceptionTypes, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations, RVMAnnotation[][] parameterAnnotations, Object annotationDefault)
          Construct native method information
NormalMethod(TypeReference dc, MemberReference mr, short mo, TypeReference[] et, short lw, short ow, byte[] bc, ExceptionHandlerMap eMap, int[] lm, LocalVariableTable lvt, int[] constantPool, Atom sig, RVMAnnotation[] annotations, RVMAnnotation[][] parameterAnnotations, Object ad)
          Construct a normal Java bytecode method's information
RVMField(TypeReference declaringClass, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, Atom signature, int constantValueIndex, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          Create a field.
RVMMember(TypeReference declaringClass, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations)
          NOTE: Only RVMClass is allowed to create an instance of a RVMMember.
RVMMethod(TypeReference declaringClass, MemberReference memRef, short modifiers, TypeReference[] exceptionTypes, Atom signature, RVMAnnotation[] annotations, RVMAnnotation[][] parameterAnnotations, Object annotationDefault)
          Construct a read method

Uses of MemberReference in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32 with parameters of type MemberReference
(package private) static void BaselineCompilerImpl.emitDynamicLinkingSequence(Assembler asm, RegisterConstants.GPR reg, MemberReference ref, boolean couldBeZero)
          Emit dynamic linking sequence placing the offset of the given member in reg

Uses of MemberReference in

Fields in declared as MemberReference
(package private)  MemberReference MethodOperand.memRef
          Member reference for target.

Methods in that return MemberReference
 MemberReference MethodOperand.getMemberRef()

Constructors in with parameters of type MemberReference
MethodOperand(MemberReference ref, RVMMethod tar, byte t)