Class AOSInstrumentationPlan

  extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.InstrumentationPlan
      extended by org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.instrumentation.AOSInstrumentationPlan

public class AOSInstrumentationPlan
extends InstrumentationPlan

An instance of this class is created for each method that is instrumented by the adaptive system. It serves as a place to put information that is needed by the instrumentation phases. Is is different from an InstrumentationPlan because it contains information that the non-adaptive opt-compiler can't see.

Constructor Summary
AOSInstrumentationPlan(AOSOptions options, NormalMethod method)
          Construct based on options
AOSInstrumentationPlan(NormalMethod method)
          Construct empty plan, must setup manually
Method Summary
 void finalizeInstrumentation(NormalMethod method)
          Called after compilation completes, but before method is executed
 void initInstrumentation(NormalMethod method)
          Called before at the beginning of compilation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AOSInstrumentationPlan(NormalMethod method)
Construct empty plan, must setup manually


public AOSInstrumentationPlan(AOSOptions options,
                              NormalMethod method)
Construct based on options

Method Detail


public void initInstrumentation(NormalMethod method)
Description copied from class: InstrumentationPlan
Called before at the beginning of compilation

Specified by:
initInstrumentation in class InstrumentationPlan


public void finalizeInstrumentation(NormalMethod method)
Description copied from class: InstrumentationPlan
Called after compilation completes, but before method is executed

Specified by:
finalizeInstrumentation in class InstrumentationPlan