Uses of Class

Packages that use Space   

Uses of Space in

Methods in with parameters of type Space
 void MMTk_Events.tracePageAcquired(Space space, Address startAddress, int numPages)
 void MMTk_Events.tracePageReleased(Space space, Address startAddress, int numPages)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan

Fields in org.mmtk.plan declared as Space
static Space Plan.vmSpace
          The space that holds any VM specific objects (e.g. a boot image)

Methods in org.mmtk.plan with parameters of type Space
protected  boolean Plan.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space)
          This method controls the triggering of a GC.
 Allocator MutatorContext.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
          Return the allocator instance associated with a space space, for this plan instance.
protected  void Plan.logPoll(Space space, String message)
          Log a message from within 'poll'
 boolean Plan.poll(boolean spaceFull, Space space)
          This method is called periodically by the allocation subsystem (by default, each time a page is consumed), and provides the collector with an opportunity to collect.
protected  void Simple.switchNurseryZeroingApproach(Space nurserySpace)
          Update the nursery zeroing approach based on option settings.

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep with parameters of type Space
 Allocator CMSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.copyms

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.copyms with parameters of type Space
 boolean CopyMS.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space)
 Allocator CopyMSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational that return Space
protected abstract  Space Gen.activeMatureSpace()
          Accessor method to allow the generic generational code in to access the mature space.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational with parameters of type Space
 boolean Gen.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space)
 Allocator GenMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying that return Space
 Space GenCopy.activeMatureSpace()

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying with parameters of type Space
 Allocator GenCopyMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix that return Space
protected  Space GenImmix.activeMatureSpace()

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix with parameters of type Space
 Allocator GenImmixMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep that return Space
protected  Space GenMS.activeMatureSpace()
          Accessor method to allow the generic generational code in to access the mature space.

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep with parameters of type Space
 Allocator GenMSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.immix

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.immix with parameters of type Space
 Allocator ImmixMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact with parameters of type Space
 Allocator MCMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep with parameters of type Space
 Allocator MSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.nogc

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.nogc with parameters of type Space
 Allocator NoGCMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.refcount

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount with parameters of type Space
 Allocator RCBaseMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational with parameters of type Space
 boolean GenRC.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space)
 Allocator GenRCMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.semispace

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace with parameters of type Space
 Allocator SSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy with parameters of type Space
 Allocator SSGCspyMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace with parameters of type Space
 boolean GCTrace.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix

Methods in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix with parameters of type Space
 boolean StickyImmix.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space)
          This method controls the triggering of a GC.

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.policy

Subclasses of Space in org.mmtk.policy
 class BaseLargeObjectSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one treadmill space.
 class CopySpace
          This class implements tracing functionality for a simple copying space.
 class ExplicitFreeListSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one *space*.
 class ExplicitLargeObjectSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space.
 class ImmortalSpace
          This class implements tracing for a simple immortal collection policy.
 class LargeObjectSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space.
 class MarkCompactSpace
          This class implements functionality for a simple sliding mark-compact space.
 class MarkSweepSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.
 class RawPageSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one raw page space.
 class SegregatedFreeListSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*.

Fields in org.mmtk.policy declared as Space
private static Space[] Space.spaces

Methods in org.mmtk.policy that return Space
static Space Space.getSpaceForAddress(Address addr)
          Return the space for a given address, not necessarily the start address of an object.
static Space Space.getSpaceForObject(ObjectReference object)
          Return the space for a given object

Methods in org.mmtk.policy with parameters of type Space
 void Space.SpaceVisitor.visit(Space s)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.policy.immix

Subclasses of Space in org.mmtk.policy.immix
 class ImmixSpace
          Each instance of this class corresponds to one immix space.

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.utility.alloc

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.alloc declared as Space
protected  Space
          space this bump pointer is associated with

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc that return Space
 Space ImmixAllocator.getSpace()
 Space BumpPointer.getSpace()
protected abstract  Space Allocator.getSpace()
          Return the space this allocator is currently bound to.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with parameters of type Space
static Address BlockAllocator.alloc(Space space, int blockSizeClass)
          Allocate a block, returning the address of the first usable byte in the block.
static void space, Address block)
          Free a block.
 void BumpPointer.gcspyGatherData(LinearSpaceDriver driver, Space scanSpace)
          Gather data for GCspy.
 void BumpPointer.rebind(Space space)
          Re-associate this bump pointer with a different space.

Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with parameters of type Space
BumpPointer(Space space, boolean allowScanning)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers declared as Space
protected  Space AbstractDriver.mmtkSpace
          The MMTK space

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type Space
protected  Subspace AbstractDriver.createSubspace(Space mmtkSpace)
          Create a subspace for this space.

Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type Space
AbstractDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String name, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for this collector.
GenImmortalSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for a generational immortal space.
ImmortalSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for an immortal Contiguous MMTk space.
LinearSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for a contiguous MMTk space.

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.utility.heap

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.heap declared as Space
protected  Space
private static Space[] Map.spaceMap

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap that return Space
static Space Map.getSpaceForAddress(Address address)
          Return the space in which this address resides.

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type Space
static Address Map.allocateContiguousChunks(int descriptor, Space space, int chunks, Address head)
          Allocate some number of contiguous chunks within a discontiguous region.
static void Map.insert(Address start, Extent extent, int descriptor, Space space)
          Insert a space and its descriptor into the map, associating it with a particular address range.

Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type Space
FreeListPageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes)
          Constructor Contiguous free list resource.
FreeListPageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes, int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
          Constructor Contiguous free list resource.
FreeListPageResource(Space space, int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
          Constructor Discontiguous monotone resource.
MonotonePageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes, int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
          Constructor Contiguous monotone resource.
MonotonePageResource(Space space, int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
          Constructor Discontiguous monotone resource.
PageResource(Space space)
          Constructor for discontiguous spaces
PageResource(Space space, Address start)
          Constructor for contiguous spaces
PageResource(Space space, boolean contiguous)

Uses of Space in org.mmtk.vm

Methods in org.mmtk.vm with parameters of type Space
abstract  void MMTk_Events.tracePageAcquired(Space space, Address startAddress, int numPages)
abstract  void MMTk_Events.tracePageReleased(Space space, Address startAddress, int numPages)