Uses of Space in org.jikesrvm.mm.mmtk |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.mm.mmtk with parameters of type Space | |
void |
MMTk_Events.tracePageAcquired(Space space,
Address startAddress,
int numPages)
void |
MMTk_Events.tracePageReleased(Space space,
Address startAddress,
int numPages)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan |
Fields in org.mmtk.plan declared as Space | |
static Space |
The space that holds any VM specific objects (e.g. a boot image) |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan with parameters of type Space | |
protected boolean |
Plan.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
This method controls the triggering of a GC. |
Allocator |
MutatorContext.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Return the allocator instance associated with a space space , for this plan instance. |
protected void |
Plan.logPoll(Space space,
String message)
Log a message from within 'poll' |
boolean |
Plan.poll(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
This method is called periodically by the allocation subsystem (by default, each time a page is consumed), and provides the collector with an opportunity to collect. |
protected void |
Simple.switchNurseryZeroingApproach(Space nurserySpace)
Update the nursery zeroing approach based on option settings. |
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.concurrent.marksweep with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
CMSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.copyms |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.copyms with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
CopyMS.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
Allocator |
CopyMSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational that return Space | |
protected abstract Space |
Accessor method to allow the generic generational code in Gen.java to access the mature space. |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
Gen.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
Allocator |
GenMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying that return Space | |
Space |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.copying with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
GenCopyMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix that return Space | |
protected Space |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.immix with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
GenImmixMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep that return Space | |
protected Space |
Accessor method to allow the generic generational code in Gen.java to access the mature space. |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.generational.marksweep with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
GenMSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.immix |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.immix with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
ImmixMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.markcompact with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
MCMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.marksweep with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
MSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.nogc |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.nogc with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
NoGCMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.refcount |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
RCBaseMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.refcount.generational with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
GenRC.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
Allocator |
GenRCMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.semispace |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
SSMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy with parameters of type Space | |
Allocator |
SSGCspyMutator.getAllocatorFromSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gctrace with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
GCTrace.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix |
Methods in org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
StickyImmix.collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull,
Space space)
This method controls the triggering of a GC. |
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.policy |
Subclasses of Space in org.mmtk.policy | |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one treadmill space. |
class |
This class implements tracing functionality for a simple copying space. |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one *space*. |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space. |
class |
This class implements tracing for a simple immortal collection policy. |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one explicitly managed large object space. |
class |
This class implements functionality for a simple sliding mark-compact space. |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*. |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one raw page space. |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one mark-sweep *space*. |
Fields in org.mmtk.policy declared as Space | |
private static Space[] |
Methods in org.mmtk.policy that return Space | |
static Space |
Space.getSpaceForAddress(Address addr)
Return the space for a given address, not necessarily the start address of an object. |
static Space |
Space.getSpaceForObject(ObjectReference object)
Return the space for a given object |
Methods in org.mmtk.policy with parameters of type Space | |
void |
Space.SpaceVisitor.visit(Space s)
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.policy.immix |
Subclasses of Space in org.mmtk.policy.immix | |
class |
Each instance of this class corresponds to one immix space. |
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.utility.alloc |
Fields in org.mmtk.utility.alloc declared as Space | |
protected Space |
space this bump pointer is associated with |
Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc that return Space | |
Space |
Space |
protected abstract Space |
Return the space this allocator is currently bound to. |
Methods in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with parameters of type Space | |
static Address |
BlockAllocator.alloc(Space space,
int blockSizeClass)
Allocate a block, returning the address of the first usable byte in the block. |
static void |
BlockAllocator.free(Space space,
Address block)
Free a block. |
void |
BumpPointer.gcspyGatherData(LinearSpaceDriver driver,
Space scanSpace)
Gather data for GCspy. |
void |
BumpPointer.rebind(Space space)
Re-associate this bump pointer with a different space. |
Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.alloc with parameters of type Space | |
BumpPointer(Space space,
boolean allowScanning)
Constructor. |
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers |
Fields in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers declared as Space | |
protected Space |
The MMTK space |
Methods in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type Space | |
protected Subspace |
AbstractDriver.createSubspace(Space mmtkSpace)
Create a subspace for this space. |
Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type Space | |
AbstractDriver(ServerInterpreter server,
String name,
Space mmtkSpace,
int blockSize,
boolean mainSpace)
Create a new driver for this collector. |
GenImmortalSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server,
String spaceName,
Space mmtkSpace,
int blockSize,
boolean mainSpace)
Create a new driver for a generational immortal space. |
ImmortalSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server,
String spaceName,
Space mmtkSpace,
int blockSize,
boolean mainSpace)
Create a new driver for an immortal Contiguous MMTk space. |
LinearSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server,
String spaceName,
Space mmtkSpace,
int blockSize,
boolean mainSpace)
Create a new driver for a contiguous MMTk space. |
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.utility.heap |
Fields in org.mmtk.utility.heap declared as Space | |
protected Space |
private static Space[] |
Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap that return Space | |
static Space |
Map.getSpaceForAddress(Address address)
Return the space in which this address resides. |
Methods in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type Space | |
static Address |
Map.allocateContiguousChunks(int descriptor,
Space space,
int chunks,
Address head)
Allocate some number of contiguous chunks within a discontiguous region. |
static void |
Map.insert(Address start,
Extent extent,
int descriptor,
Space space)
Insert a space and its descriptor into the map, associating it with a particular address range. |
Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.heap with parameters of type Space | |
FreeListPageResource(Space space,
Address start,
Extent bytes)
Constructor Contiguous free list resource. |
FreeListPageResource(Space space,
Address start,
Extent bytes,
int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
Constructor Contiguous free list resource. |
FreeListPageResource(Space space,
int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
Constructor Discontiguous monotone resource. |
MonotonePageResource(Space space,
Address start,
Extent bytes,
int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
Constructor Contiguous monotone resource. |
MonotonePageResource(Space space,
int metaDataPagesPerRegion)
Constructor Discontiguous monotone resource. |
PageResource(Space space)
Constructor for discontiguous spaces |
PageResource(Space space,
Address start)
Constructor for contiguous spaces |
PageResource(Space space,
boolean contiguous)
Constructor |
Uses of Space in org.mmtk.vm |
Methods in org.mmtk.vm with parameters of type Space | |
abstract void |
MMTk_Events.tracePageAcquired(Space space,
Address startAddress,
int numPages)
abstract void |
MMTk_Events.tracePageReleased(Space space,
Address startAddress,
int numPages)