Uses of Class

Packages that use MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor

Uses of MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor in org.mmtk.policy

Subclasses of MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor in org.mmtk.policy
private static class MarkCompactCollector.FromCursor
          Subclass for the read-only cursor that leads the scan of regions.
private static class MarkCompactCollector.ToCursor
          Subclass for the read-only cursor that follows the 'from' cursor, writing or calculating the position of copied objects

Methods in org.mmtk.policy with parameters of type MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor
(package private)  boolean MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor.sameRegion(MarkCompactCollector.RegionCursor other)