Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util

Interface Summary
BitSetMapping An object that implements a bijection between whole numbers and objects.
Graph An abstract interface for generic graphs; general graph utilities should be defined in terms of this interface and all graph implementations in the system should implement it.
GraphEdge Graph representations that use explicit edge objects should have their edge objects implement this interface.
GraphElement Deprecated.  
GraphNode A generic interface for graph nodes.
SpaceEffGraphNode.GraphEdgeEnumeration<T extends GraphEdge>  
TopSortInterface Interface to allow building top-sort, by calling TopSort.buildTopSort()

Class Summary
Bits Utilities for manipulating values at the bit-level.
BitSet A bit set is a set of elements, each of which corresponds to a unique integer from [0,MAX].
DFSenumerateByFinish This class implements depth-first search over a Graph, return an enumeration of the nodes of the graph in order of increasing finishing time.
FilterEnumerator<S,T> A FilterEnumerator filters and maps a source Enumeration to generate a new one.
FilterIterator<T> A FilterIterator filters and maps a source Iterator to generate a new one.
GraphUtilities This class implements miscellaneous utilities for graphs.
ReverseDFSenumerateByFinish This class generates an enumeration of nodes of a graph, in order of increasing finishing time in a reverse Depth First Search, i.e. a search traversing nodes from target to source.
ReverseEnumerator<T> An enumerator that provides access to the reverse order of elements for a given Enumeration.
SortedGraphIterator An efficient topsort dataflow iterator to be used with SortedGraphNode.
SpaceEffGraph SpaceEffGraph package implements a generic directed graph that can be a multigraph.
SpaceEffGraphEdge SpaceEffGraphEdge is a generic graph edge.
SpaceEffGraphNode SpaceEffGraphNode is a generic graph node.
SpaceEffGraphNodeList List of Graph nodes.
Stack<T> Stack is a smaller implementation of java.util.Stack, that uses a linked list rather than a vector.
TopSort Depth First Spanning Tree, builds topological sort of a graph consisting of SortedGraphNode.
Tree This class is a generic tree.
TreeBottomUpEnumerator This class provides enumeration of a tree in bottom-up order It guarantees that all children of a node will be visited before the parent.
TreeNode This class is a node in a tree.
TreeNodeChildrenEnumerator This class provides enumeration of all children of a TreeNode
TreeTopDownEnumerator This class provides enumeration of elements of a tree in a town-down manner It guarantees that all children of a node will only be visited after the parent.