Class DFSenumerateByFinish

  extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.Stack<GraphNode>
      extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.DFSenumerateByFinish
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<GraphNode>, Enumeration<GraphNode>
Direct Known Subclasses:
FilteredDFSenumerateByFinish, ReverseDFSenumerateByFinish

public class DFSenumerateByFinish
extends Stack<GraphNode>
implements Enumeration<GraphNode>

This class implements depth-first search over a Graph, return an enumeration of the nodes of the graph in order of increasing finishing time. This class follows the outNodes of the graph nodes to define the graph, but this behavior can be changed by overriding the getConnected method.

Field Summary
 GraphNode currentRoot
          While a depth-first enumeration is in progress, this field holds the current root node, i.e. the current bottom of the search stack (assuming stacks grow upward).
private  Enumeration<GraphNode> e
          an enumeration of all nodes to search from
private  List<Enumeration<GraphNode>> info
          an enumeration of child nodes for each node being searched
private  GraphNode theNextElement
          the current next element in finishing time order
Constructor Summary
protected DFSenumerateByFinish(Graph net)
          Construct a depth-first enumerator across all the nodes of a graph.
  DFSenumerateByFinish(Graph net, Enumeration<GraphNode> nodes)
          Construct a depth-first enumerator across the (possibly improper) subset of nodes reachable from the nodes in the given enumeration.
Method Summary
protected  Enumeration<GraphNode> getConnected(GraphNode n)
          get the out edges of a given node
 boolean hasMoreElements()
          Return whether there are any more nodes left to enumerate.
 GraphNode nextElement()
          Find the next graph node in finishing time order.
Methods inherited from class org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.Stack
compare, copy, empty, getTOS, isEmpty, iterator, peek, pop, push, shallowCopy, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public GraphNode currentRoot
While a depth-first enumeration is in progress, this field holds the current root node, i.e. the current bottom of the search stack (assuming stacks grow upward). This is used primarily when constructing strongly connected components.


private GraphNode theNextElement
the current next element in finishing time order


private final Enumeration<GraphNode> e
an enumeration of all nodes to search from


private final List<Enumeration<GraphNode>> info
an enumeration of child nodes for each node being searched

Constructor Detail


protected DFSenumerateByFinish(Graph net)
Construct a depth-first enumerator across all the nodes of a graph.

net - the graph whose nodes to enumerate


public DFSenumerateByFinish(Graph net,
                            Enumeration<GraphNode> nodes)
Construct a depth-first enumerator across the (possibly improper) subset of nodes reachable from the nodes in the given enumeration.

net - the graph whose nodes to enumerate
nodes - the set of nodes from which to start searching
Method Detail


public boolean hasMoreElements()
Return whether there are any more nodes left to enumerate.

Specified by:
hasMoreElements in interface Enumeration<GraphNode>
true if there nodes left to enumerate.


public GraphNode nextElement()
Find the next graph node in finishing time order.

Specified by:
nextElement in interface Enumeration<GraphNode>
the next graph node in finishing time order.
See Also:


protected Enumeration<GraphNode> getConnected(GraphNode n)
get the out edges of a given node

n - the node of which to get the out edges
the out edges