Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.ia32

Interface Summary
PhysicalRegisterConstants This class holds constants that describe IA32 physical register set.

Class Summary
CallingConvention This class contains IA32 calling conventions The two public methods are: expandCallingConventions(IR) which is called by the register allocator immediately before allocation to make manifest the use of registers by the calling convention.
ExpandFPRStackConvention At the beginning of each basic block, the register allocator expects all floating-point stack locations to be available, and named FPi, 0 < i < 7 However, BURS may consume FP stack locations by inserting instructions that push or pop the floating-point stack.
MIRSplitRanges This class splits live ranges for certain special cases to ensure correctness during IA32 register allocation.
RegisterRestrictions An instance of this class encapsulates restrictions on register assignment.
StackManager Class to manage the allocation of the "compiler-specific" portion of the stackframe.