Uses of Class

Packages that use LinearScan.CompoundInterval

Uses of LinearScan.CompoundInterval in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc

Subclasses of LinearScan.CompoundInterval in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc
(package private) static class LinearScan.SpillLocationInterval
          The following represents the intervals assigned to a particular spill location

Fields in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc declared as LinearScan.CompoundInterval
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.MappedBasicInterval.container

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc that return LinearScan.CompoundInterval
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.CompoundInterval.copy(Register r)
          Copy the ranges into a new interval associated with a register r.
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.CompoundInterval.copy(Register r, LinearScan.BasicInterval stop)
          Copy the ranges into a new interval associated with a register r.
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.ActiveSet.getCurrentInterval(Register r)
          Given that a physical register r is currently allocated to an interval in the active set, return the interval.
(package private) static LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.getInterval(Register reg)
          Returns the interval associated with the passed register.
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.ActiveSet.getSpillCandidate(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
          choose one of the active intervals or the newInterval to spill.
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.IntervalAnalysis.processLiveInterval(LiveIntervalElement live, BasicBlock bb)
          for each live interval associated with this block we either add a new interval, or extend a previous interval if it is contiguous
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.CompoundInterval.removeIntervalsAndCache(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i)
          Remove some basic intervals from this compound interval, and return the intervals actually removed.
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.ActiveSet.spillMinUnitCost(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
          Choose the interval with the min unit cost (defined as the number of defs and uses)

Methods in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc with parameters of type LinearScan.CompoundInterval
(package private)  void LinearScan.CompoundInterval.addNonIntersectingInterval(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i, LinearScan.BasicInterval stop)
          Merge this interval with another, non-intersecting interval.
(package private)  void LinearScan.ActiveSet.allocate(LinearScan.BasicInterval newInterval, LinearScan.CompoundInterval container)
          Assign a basic interval to either a register or a spill location.
private  boolean LinearScan.ActiveSet.allocateToPhysical(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i, Register p)
          Check whether it's ok to allocate an interval i to physical register p.
private  boolean LinearScan.ActiveSet.checkAssignmentIfSpilled(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i, LinearScan.CompoundInterval spill)
          Check whether, if we spilled interval spill, we could then assign interval i to physical register spill.getRegister().
(package private)  Register LinearScan.ActiveSet.findAvailableRegister(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
          try to find a free physical register to allocate to the compound interval.
(package private)  LinearScan.SpillLocationInterval LinearScan.SpillLocationManager.findOrCreateSpillLocation(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
          Return a spill location that is valid to hold the contents of compound interval ci.
private  Register LinearScan.ActiveSet.getPhysicalPreference(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
          Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the available physical register to which an interval has the highest preference.
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.ActiveSet.getSpillCandidate(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
          choose one of the active intervals or the newInterval to spill.
(package private)  LinearScan.SpillLocationInterval LinearScan.SpillLocationManager.getSpillPreference(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci, int spillSize)
          Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the available spill location to which ci has the highest preference.
(package private)  boolean LinearScan.CompoundInterval.intersects(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i)
          Does this interval intersect with i?
(package private)  void LinearScan.CompoundInterval.removeAll(LinearScan.CompoundInterval c)
          SJF: Apparently our java.util implementation of removeAll() doesn't work.
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.CompoundInterval.removeIntervalsAndCache(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i)
          Remove some basic intervals from this compound interval, and return the intervals actually removed.
(package private) static void LinearScan.setInterval(Register reg, LinearScan.CompoundInterval interval)
          Associates the passed live interval with the passed register, using the scratchObject field of Register.
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval LinearScan.ActiveSet.spillMinUnitCost(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
          Choose the interval with the min unit cost (defined as the number of defs and uses)
private  void LinearScan.ActiveSet.updatePhysicalInterval(Register p, LinearScan.CompoundInterval c, LinearScan.BasicInterval stop)
          Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical register p to include a new compound interval c.

Constructors in org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc with parameters of type LinearScan.CompoundInterval
LinearScan.MappedBasicInterval(int begin, int end, LinearScan.CompoundInterval c)
LinearScan.MappedBasicInterval(LinearScan.BasicInterval b, LinearScan.CompoundInterval c)