Class LinearScan.ActiveSet

  extended by java.util.AbstractCollection<E>
      extended by java.util.AbstractSet<E>
          extended by java.util.TreeSet<LinearScan.BasicInterval>
              extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.LinearScan.IntervalSet
                  extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.LinearScan.IncreasingEndMappedIntervalSet
                      extended by org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.LinearScan.ActiveSet
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<LinearScan.BasicInterval>, Collection<LinearScan.BasicInterval>, NavigableSet<LinearScan.BasicInterval>, Set<LinearScan.BasicInterval>, SortedSet<LinearScan.BasicInterval>
Enclosing class:

static final class LinearScan.ActiveSet
extends LinearScan.IncreasingEndMappedIntervalSet

"Active set" for linear scan register allocation. This version is maintained sorted in order of increasing live interval end point.

Field Summary
private  IR ir
          Governing ir
(package private) static long serialVersionUID
          Support for Set serialization
private  SpillCostEstimator spillCost
          An object to help estimate spill costs
private  boolean spilled
          Have we spilled anything?
private  LinearScan.SpillLocationManager spillManager
          Manager of spill locations;
Fields inherited from class org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.LinearScan.IncreasingEndMappedIntervalSet
Constructor Summary
LinearScan.ActiveSet(IR ir, LinearScan.SpillLocationManager sm)
          Default constructor
Method Summary
(package private)  void allocate(LinearScan.BasicInterval newInterval, LinearScan.CompoundInterval container)
          Assign a basic interval to either a register or a spill location.
private  boolean allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(Register symb, Register p)
          Check whether it's ok to allocate symbolic register to a physical register p.
private  boolean allocateToPhysical(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i, Register p)
          Check whether it's ok to allocate an interval i to physical register p.
private  boolean checkAssignmentIfSpilled(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i, LinearScan.CompoundInterval spill)
          Check whether, if we spilled interval spill, we could then assign interval i to physical register spill.getRegister().
(package private)  boolean currentlyActive(Register r)
          Is a particular physical register currently allocated to an interval in the active set?
(package private)  void expireOldIntervals(LinearScan.BasicInterval newInterval)
          For each new basic interval, we scan the list of active basic intervals in order of increasing end point.
(package private)  Register findAvailableRegister(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
          try to find a free physical register to allocate to the compound interval.
(package private)  Register findAvailableRegister(Register symb)
          Try to find a free physical register to allocate to a symbolic register.
(package private)  void freeInterval(LinearScan.MappedBasicInterval bi)
          Take action when a basic interval becomes inactive
(package private)  LinearScan.BasicInterval getBasicInterval(Register r, Instruction s)
          Find the basic interval for register r containing instruction s.
(package private)  LinearScan.CompoundInterval getCurrentInterval(Register r)
          Given that a physical register r is currently allocated to an interval in the active set, return the interval.
private  Register getPhysicalPreference(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
          Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the available physical register to which an interval has the highest preference.
private  Register getPhysicalPreference(Register r)
          Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the available physical register to which a symbolic register has the highest preference.
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval getSpillCandidate(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
          choose one of the active intervals or the newInterval to spill.
(package private)  boolean spilledSomething()
          Have we spilled anything?
private  LinearScan.CompoundInterval spillMinUnitCost(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
          Choose the interval with the min unit cost (defined as the number of defs and uses)
private  void updatePhysicalInterval(Register p, LinearScan.BasicInterval i)
          Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical register p to include a new interval i
private  void updatePhysicalInterval(Register p, LinearScan.CompoundInterval c, LinearScan.BasicInterval stop)
          Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical register p to include a new compound interval c.
Methods inherited from class org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.LinearScan.IntervalSet
Methods inherited from class java.util.TreeSet
add, addAll, ceiling, clear, clone, comparator, contains, descendingIterator, descendingSet, first, floor, headSet, headSet, higher, isEmpty, iterator, last, lower, pollFirst, pollLast, remove, size, subSet, subSet, tailSet, tailSet
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractSet
equals, hashCode, removeAll
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
containsAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Set
containsAll, equals, hashCode, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray

Field Detail


static final long serialVersionUID
Support for Set serialization

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private final IR ir
Governing ir


private final LinearScan.SpillLocationManager spillManager
Manager of spill locations;


private final transient SpillCostEstimator spillCost
An object to help estimate spill costs


private boolean spilled
Have we spilled anything?

Constructor Detail


LinearScan.ActiveSet(IR ir,
                     LinearScan.SpillLocationManager sm)
Default constructor

Method Detail


boolean spilledSomething()
Have we spilled anything?


void expireOldIntervals(LinearScan.BasicInterval newInterval)
For each new basic interval, we scan the list of active basic intervals in order of increasing end point. We remove any "expired" intervals - those intervals that no longer overlap the new interval because their end point precedes the new interval's start point - and makes the corresponding register available for allocation

newInterval - the new interval


void freeInterval(LinearScan.MappedBasicInterval bi)
Take action when a basic interval becomes inactive


void allocate(LinearScan.BasicInterval newInterval,
              LinearScan.CompoundInterval container)
Assign a basic interval to either a register or a spill location.


private void updatePhysicalInterval(Register p,
                                    LinearScan.BasicInterval i)
Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical register p to include a new interval i


private void updatePhysicalInterval(Register p,
                                    LinearScan.CompoundInterval c,
                                    LinearScan.BasicInterval stop)
Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical register p to include a new compound interval c. Include only those basic intervals in c up to and including basic interval stop.


boolean currentlyActive(Register r)
Is a particular physical register currently allocated to an interval in the active set?


LinearScan.CompoundInterval getCurrentInterval(Register r)
Given that a physical register r is currently allocated to an interval in the active set, return the interval.


Register findAvailableRegister(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
try to find a free physical register to allocate to the compound interval. if no free physical register is found, return null;


Register findAvailableRegister(Register symb)
Try to find a free physical register to allocate to a symbolic register.


private Register getPhysicalPreference(Register r)
Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the available physical register to which a symbolic register has the highest preference.

r - the symbolic register in question.
the preferred register. null if no preference found.


private Register getPhysicalPreference(LinearScan.CompoundInterval ci)
Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the available physical register to which an interval has the highest preference.

the preferred register. null if no preference found.


private boolean allocateToPhysical(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i,
                                   Register p)
Check whether it's ok to allocate an interval i to physical register p. If so, return true; If not, return false.


private boolean allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(Register symb,
                                              Register p)
Check whether it's ok to allocate symbolic register to a physical register p. If so, return true; If not, return false. NOTE: This routine assumes we're processing the first interval of register symb; so p.isAvailable() is the key information needed.


private LinearScan.CompoundInterval getSpillCandidate(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
choose one of the active intervals or the newInterval to spill.


private LinearScan.CompoundInterval spillMinUnitCost(LinearScan.CompoundInterval newInterval)
Choose the interval with the min unit cost (defined as the number of defs and uses)


private boolean checkAssignmentIfSpilled(LinearScan.CompoundInterval i,
                                         LinearScan.CompoundInterval spill)
Check whether, if we spilled interval spill, we could then assign interval i to physical register spill.getRegister().

true if the allocation would fit. false otherwise


LinearScan.BasicInterval getBasicInterval(Register r,
                                          Instruction s)
Find the basic interval for register r containing instruction s. If there are two such intervals, return the 1st one. If there is none, return null.