001    /*
002     *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003     *
004     *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005     *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006     *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009     *
010     *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011     *  regarding copyright ownership.
012     */
013    package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc;
015    import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
016    import java.util.ArrayList;
017    import java.util.Comparator;
018    import java.util.Enumeration;
019    import java.util.HashMap;
020    import java.util.HashSet;
021    import java.util.Iterator;
022    import java.util.Map;
023    import java.util.SortedSet;
024    import java.util.TreeSet;
026    import org.jikesrvm.VM;
027    import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecificOpt.PhysicalRegisterConstants;
028    import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecificOpt.PhysicalRegisterSet;
029    import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecificOpt.RegisterRestrictions;
030    import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecificOpt.StackManager;
031    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions;
032    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException;
033    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilerPhase;
034    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanAtomicElement;
035    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanCompositeElement;
036    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanElement;
037    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BasicBlock;
038    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ControlFlowGraph;
039    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GCIRMapElement;
040    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR;
041    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction;
042    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators;
043    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.RegSpillListElement;
044    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Register;
045    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.AddressConstantOperand;
046    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.IntConstantOperand;
047    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.LongConstantOperand;
048    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand;
049    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand;
050    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.GraphEdge;
051    import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.SpaceEffGraphNode;
052    import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRConstants;
053    import org.jikesrvm.osr.LocalRegPair;
054    import org.jikesrvm.osr.MethodVariables;
055    import org.jikesrvm.osr.VariableMapElement;
056    import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word;
058    /**
059     * Main driver for linear scan register allocation.
060     */
061    public final class LinearScan extends OptimizationPlanCompositeElement {
063      /**
064       * Build this phase as a composite of others.
065       */
066      LinearScan() {
067        super("Linear Scan Composite Phase",
068              new OptimizationPlanElement[]{new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new IntervalAnalysis()),
069                                                new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new RegisterRestrictionsPhase()),
070                                                new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new LinearScanPhase()),
071                                                new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new UpdateGCMaps1()),
072                                                new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new SpillCode()),
073                                                new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new UpdateGCMaps2()),
074                                                new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new UpdateOSRMaps()),});
075      }
077      /**
078       * Mark FMOVs that end a live range?
079       */
080      private static final boolean MUTATE_FMOV = VM.BuildForIA32;
082      /*
083       * debug flags
084       */
085      private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
086      private static final boolean VERBOSE_DEBUG = false;
087      private static final boolean GC_DEBUG = false;
088      private static final boolean DEBUG_COALESCE = false;
090      /**
091       * Register allocation is required
092       */
093      @Override
094      public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
095        return true;
096      }
098      @Override
099      public String getName() {
100        return "Linear Scan Composite Phase";
101      }
103      @Override
104      public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
105        return false;
106      }
108      /**
109       *  Associates the passed live interval with the passed register, using
110       *  the scratchObject field of Register.
111       *
112       *  @param reg the register
113       *  @param interval the live interval
114       */
115      static void setInterval(Register reg, CompoundInterval interval) {
116        reg.scratchObject = interval;
117      }
119      /**
120       *  Returns the interval associated with the passed register.
121       *  @param reg the register
122       *  @return the live interval or {@code null}
123       */
124      static CompoundInterval getInterval(Register reg) {
125        return (CompoundInterval) reg.scratchObject;
126      }
128      /**
129       *  returns the dfn associated with the passed instruction
130       *  @param inst the instruction
131       *  @return the associated dfn
132       */
133      static int getDFN(Instruction inst) {
134        return inst.scratch;
135      }
137      /**
138       *  Associates the passed dfn number with the instruction
139       *  @param inst the instruction
140       *  @param dfn the dfn number
141       */
142      static void setDFN(Instruction inst, int dfn) {
143        inst.scratch = dfn;
144      }
146      /**
147       *  Print the DFN numbers associated with each instruction
148       */
149      static void printDfns(IR ir) {
150        System.out.println("DFNS: **** " + ir.getMethod() + "****");
151        for (Instruction inst = ir.firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); inst != null; inst =
152            inst.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
153          System.out.println(getDFN(inst) + " " + inst);
154        }
155      }
157      /**
158       * Return the Depth-first-number of the end of the live interval.
159       * Return the dfn for the end of the basic block if the interval is
160       * open-ended.
161       */
162      static int getDfnEnd(LiveIntervalElement live, BasicBlock bb) {
163        Instruction end = live.getEnd();
164        int dfnEnd;
165        if (end != null) {
166          dfnEnd = getDFN(end);
167        } else {
168          dfnEnd = getDFN(bb.lastInstruction());
169        }
170        return dfnEnd;
171      }
173      /**
174       * Return the Depth-first-number of the beginning of the live interval.
175       * Return the dfn for the beginning of the basic block if the interval is
176       * open-ended.
177       */
178      static int getDfnBegin(LiveIntervalElement live, BasicBlock bb) {
179        Instruction begin = live.getBegin();
180        int dfnBegin;
181        if (begin != null) {
182          dfnBegin = getDFN(begin);
183        } else {
184          dfnBegin = getDFN(bb.firstInstruction());
185        }
186        return dfnBegin;
187      }
189      public static final class LinearScanState {
190        /**
191         * The live interval information, a set of Basic Intervals
192         * sorted by increasing start point
193         */
194        public final ArrayList<BasicInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<BasicInterval>();
196        /**
197         * Was any register spilled?
198         */
199        public boolean spilledSomething = false;
201        /**
202         * Analysis information used by linear scan.
203         */
204        public ActiveSet active;
205      }
207      /**
208       * A phase to compute register restrictions.
209       */
210      static final class RegisterRestrictionsPhase extends CompilerPhase {
212        /**
213         * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no
214         * per-compilation instance fields.
215         * @param ir not used
216         * @return this
217         */
218        @Override
219        public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) {
220          return this;
221        }
223        @Override
224        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
225          return true;
226        }
228        @Override
229        public String getName() {
230          return "Register Restrictions";
231        }
233        @Override
234        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
235          return false;
236        }
238        /**
239         *  @param ir the IR
240         */
241        @Override
242        public void perform(IR ir) {
244          //  The registerManager has already been initialized
245          GenericStackManager sm = ir.stackManager;
247          // Set up register restrictions
248          sm.computeRestrictions(ir);
249        }
250      }
252      public static final class LinearScanPhase extends CompilerPhase
253          implements PhysicalRegisterConstants, Operators {
255        /**
256         * An object which manages spill location assignments.
257         */
258        private SpillLocationManager spillManager;
260        /**
261         * The governing IR
262         * Also used by ClassWriter
263         */
264        public IR ir;
266        /**
267         * Constructor for this compiler phase
268         */
269        private static final Constructor<CompilerPhase> constructor = getCompilerPhaseConstructor(LinearScanPhase.class);
271        /**
272         * Get a constructor object for this compiler phase
273         * @return compiler phase constructor
274         */
275        @Override
276        public Constructor<CompilerPhase> getClassConstructor() {
277          return constructor;
278        }
280        /**
281         * Register allocation is required
282         */
283        @Override
284        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
285          return true;
286        }
288        @Override
289        public String getName() {
290          return "Linear Scan";
291        }
293        @Override
294        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
295          return false;
296        }
298        /**
299         *  Perform the linear scan register allocation algorithm.<p>
300         *
301         *  See TOPLAS 21(5), Sept 1999, p 895-913
302         *  @param ir the IR
303         */
304        @Override
305        public void perform(IR ir) {
307          this.ir = ir;
309          //  The registerManager has already been initialized
310          //GenericStackManager sm = ir.stackManager;
312          // Get register restrictions
313          // RegisterRestrictions restrict = sm.getRestrictions(); - unused
315          // Create the object that manages spill locations
316          spillManager = new SpillLocationManager(ir);
318          // Create an (empty) set of active intervals.
319          ActiveSet active = new ActiveSet(ir, spillManager);
320          ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.active = active;
322          // Intervals sorted by increasing start point
323          for (BasicInterval b : ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.intervals) {
325            MappedBasicInterval bi = (MappedBasicInterval) b;
326            CompoundInterval ci = bi.container;
328            active.expireOldIntervals(bi);
330            // If the interval does not correspond to a physical register
331            // then we process it.
332            if (!ci.getRegister().isPhysical()) {
333              // Update register allocation based on the new interval.
334              active.allocate(bi, ci);
335            } else {
336              // Mark the physical register as currently allocated.
337              ci.getRegister().allocateRegister();
338            }
339            active.add(bi);
340          }
342          // update the state.
343          if (active.spilledSomething()) {
344            ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.spilledSomething = true;
345          }
346        }
347      }
349      /**
350       * Implements a basic live interval (no holes), which is a pair
351       * <pre>
352       *   begin    - the starting point of the interval
353       *   end      - the ending point of the interval
354       * </pre>
355       *
356       * <p> Begin and end are numbers given to each instruction by a numbering pass.
357       */
358      static class BasicInterval {
360        /**
361         * DFN of the beginning instruction of this interval
362         */
363        private final int begin;
364        /**
365         * DFN of the last instruction of this interval
366         */
367        private int end;
369        /**
370         * Default constructor.
371         */
372        BasicInterval(int begin, int end) {
373          this.begin = begin;
374          this.end = end;
375        }
377        /**
378         * @return the DFN signifying the beginning of this basic interval
379         */
380        final int getBegin() {
381          return begin;
382        }
384        /**
385         * @return the DFN signifying the end of this basic interval
386         */
387        final int getEnd() {
388          return end;
389        }
391        /**
392         * Extend a live interval to a new endpoint
393         */
394        final void setEnd(int newEnd) {
395          end = newEnd;
396        }
398        /**
399         * Does this interval start after dfn?
400         * @param dfn the depth first numbering to compare to
401         */
402        final boolean startsAfter(int dfn) {
403          return begin > dfn;
404        }
406        /**
407         * Does this interval start before dfn?
408         * @param dfn the depth first numbering to compare to
409         */
410        final boolean startsBefore(int dfn) {
411          return begin < dfn;
412        }
414        /**
415         * Does this interval contain a dfn?
416         * @param dfn the depth first numbering to compare to
417         */
418        final boolean contains(int dfn) {
419          return begin <= dfn && end >= dfn;
420        }
422        /**
423         * Does this interval start before another?
424         * @param i the interval to compare with
425         */
426        final boolean startsBefore(BasicInterval i) {
427          return begin < i.begin;
428        }
430        /**
431         * Does this interval end after another?
432         * @param i the interval to compare with
433         */
434        final boolean endsAfter(BasicInterval i) {
435          return end > i.end;
436        }
438        /**
439         * Does this interval represent the same range as another?
440         * @param i the interval to compare with
441         */
442        final boolean sameRange(BasicInterval i) {
443          return begin == i.begin && end == i.end;
444        }
446        /**
447         * Redefine equals
448         */
449        @Override
450        public boolean equals(Object o) {
451          if (!(o instanceof BasicInterval)) return false;
453          BasicInterval i = (BasicInterval) o;
454          return sameRange(i);
455        }
457        /**
458         * Does this interval end before dfn
459         * @param dfn the depth first numbering to compare to
460         */
461        final boolean endsBefore(int dfn) {
462          return end < dfn;
463        }
465        /**
466         * Does this interval end after dfn
467         * @param dfn the depth first numbering to compare to
468         */
469        final boolean endsAfter(int dfn) {
470          return end > dfn;
471        }
473        /**
474         * Does this interval intersect with another?
475         */
476        final boolean intersects(BasicInterval i) {
477          int iBegin = i.getBegin();
478          int iEnd = i.getEnd();
479          return !(endsBefore(iBegin + 1) || startsAfter(iEnd - 1));
480        }
482        /**
483         * Return a String representation
484         */
485        @Override
486        public String toString() {
487          String s = "[ " + begin + ", " + end + " ] ";
488          return s;
489        }
490      }
492      /**
493       * A basic interval contained in a CompoundInterval.
494       */
495      static class MappedBasicInterval extends BasicInterval {
496        final CompoundInterval container;
498        MappedBasicInterval(BasicInterval b, CompoundInterval c) {
499          super(b.begin, b.end);
500          this.container = c;
501        }
503        MappedBasicInterval(int begin, int end, CompoundInterval c) {
504          super(begin, end);
505          this.container = c;
506        }
508        /**
509         * Redefine equals
510         */
511        @Override
512        public boolean equals(Object o) {
513          if (super.equals(o)) {
514            MappedBasicInterval i = (MappedBasicInterval) o;
515            return container == i.container;
516          } else {
517            return false;
518          }
519        }
521        @Override
522        public String toString() {
523          return "<" + container.getRegister() + ">:" + super.toString();
524        }
526      }
528      /**
529       * Implements a live interval with holes; ie; a list of basic live
530       * intervals.
531       */
532      static class CompoundInterval extends IncreasingStartIntervalSet {
533        /** Support for Set serialization */
534        static final long serialVersionUID = 7423553044815762071L;
535        /**
536         * Is this compound interval fully contained in infrequent code?
537         */
538        private boolean _infrequent = true;
540        final void setFrequent() { _infrequent = false; }
542        final boolean isInfrequent() { return _infrequent; }
544        /**
545         * The register this compound interval represents
546         */
547        private final Register reg;
549        /**
550         * A spill location assigned for this interval.
551         */
552        private SpillLocationInterval spillInterval;
554        SpillLocationInterval getSpillInterval() { return spillInterval; }
556        /**
557         * Return the register this interval represents
558         */
559        Register getRegister() {
560          return reg;
561        }
563        /**
564         * Create a new compound interval of a single Basic interval
565         */
566        CompoundInterval(int dfnBegin, int dfnEnd, Register register) {
567          BasicInterval newInterval = new MappedBasicInterval(dfnBegin, dfnEnd, this);
568          add(newInterval);
569          reg = register;
570        }
572        /**
573         * Create a new compound interval of a single Basic interval
574         */
575        CompoundInterval(BasicInterval i, Register register) {
576          BasicInterval newInterval = new MappedBasicInterval(i.getBegin(), i.getEnd(), this);
577          add(newInterval);
578          reg = register;
579        }
581        /**
582         * Dangerous constructor: use with care.
583         */
584        CompoundInterval(Register r) {
585          reg = r;
586        }
588        /**
589         * Copy the ranges into a new interval associated with a register r.
590         */
591        CompoundInterval copy(Register r) {
592          CompoundInterval result = new CompoundInterval(r);
594          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> i = iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
595            BasicInterval b = i.next();
596            result.add(b);
597          }
598          return result;
599        }
601        /**
602         * Copy the ranges into a new interval associated with a register r.
603         * Copy only the basic intervals up to and including stop.
604         */
605        CompoundInterval copy(Register r, BasicInterval stop) {
606          CompoundInterval result = new CompoundInterval(r);
608          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> i = iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
609            BasicInterval b = i.next();
610            result.add(b);
611            if (b.sameRange(stop)) return result;
612          }
613          return result;
614        }
616        /**
617         * Add a new live range to this compound interval.
618         *
619         * @param live the new live range
620         * @param bb the basic block for live
621         * @return the new basic interval if one was created; null otherwise
622         */
623        BasicInterval addRange(LiveIntervalElement live, BasicBlock bb) {
625          if (shouldConcatenate(live, bb)) {
626            // concatenate with the last basic interval
627            BasicInterval last = last();
628            last.setEnd(getDfnEnd(live, bb));
629            return null;
630          } else {
631            // create a new basic interval and append it to the list.
632            BasicInterval newInterval = new MappedBasicInterval(getDfnBegin(live, bb), getDfnEnd(live, bb), this);
633            add(newInterval);
634            return newInterval;
635          }
636        }
638        /**
639         * Should we simply merge the live interval <code>live</code> into a
640         *  previous BasicInterval?
641         *
642         * @param live the live interval being queried
643         * @param bb the basic block in which live resides.
644         */
645        private boolean shouldConcatenate(LiveIntervalElement live, BasicBlock bb) {
647          BasicInterval last = last();
649          // Make sure the new live range starts after the last basic interval
650          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
651            VM._assert(last.getEnd() <= getDfnBegin(live, bb));
652          }
654          int dfnBegin = getDfnBegin(live, bb);
655          if (live.getBegin() != null) {
656            if (live.getBegin() == bb.firstRealInstruction()) {
657              // live starts the basic block.  Now make sure it is contiguous
658              // with the last interval.
659              return last.getEnd() + 1 >= dfnBegin;
660            } else {
661              // live does not start the basic block.  Merge with last iff
662              // last and live share an instruction.  This happens when a
663              // register is def'ed and use'd in the same instruction.
664              return last.getEnd() == dfnBegin;
665            }
666          } else {
667            // live.getBegin == null.
668            // Merge if it is contiguous with the last interval.
669            int dBegin = getDFN(bb.firstInstruction());
670            return last.getEnd() + 1 >= dBegin;
671          }
672        }
674        /**
675         * Assign this compound interval to a free spill location.
676         *
677         * @param spillManager governing spill location manager
678         */
679        void spill(SpillLocationManager spillManager) {
680          spillInterval = spillManager.findOrCreateSpillLocation(this);
681          RegisterAllocatorState.setSpill(reg, spillInterval.getOffset());
682          RegisterAllocatorState.clearOneToOne(reg);
683          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
684            System.out.println("Assigned " + reg + " to location " + spillInterval.getOffset());
685          }
686        }
688        /**
689         * Has this interval been spilled?
690         */
691        boolean isSpilled() {
692          return (RegisterAllocatorState.getSpill(getRegister()) != 0);
693        }
695        /**
696         * Assign this compound interval to a physical register.
697         */
698        void assign(Register r) {
699          getRegister().allocateToRegister(r);
700        }
702        /**
703         * Has this interval been assigned to a physical register?
704         */
705        boolean isAssigned() {
706          return (RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(getRegister()) != null);
707        }
709        /**
710         * Get the physical register this interval is assigned to. null if
711         * none assigned.
712         */
713        Register getAssignment() {
714          return RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(getRegister());
715        }
717        /**
718         * Merge this interval with another, non-intersecting interval.
719         * Precondition: BasicInterval stop is an interval in i.  This version
720         * will only merge basic intervals up to and including stop into this.
721         */
722        void addNonIntersectingInterval(CompoundInterval i, BasicInterval stop) {
723          SortedSet<BasicInterval> headSet = i.headSetInclusive(stop);
724          addAll(headSet);
725        }
727        /**
728         * Compute the headSet() [from java.util.SortedSet] but include all
729         * elements less than upperBound <em>inclusive</em>
730         */
731        SortedSet<BasicInterval> headSetInclusive(BasicInterval upperBound) {
732          BasicInterval newUpperBound = new BasicInterval(upperBound.getBegin() + 1, upperBound.getEnd());
733          return headSet(newUpperBound);
734        }
736        /**
737         * Compute the headSet() [from java.util.SortedSet] but include all
738         * elements less than upperBound <em>inclusive</em>
739         */
740        SortedSet<BasicInterval> headSetInclusive(int upperBound) {
741          BasicInterval newUpperBound = new BasicInterval(upperBound + 1, upperBound + 1);
742          return headSet(newUpperBound);
743        }
745        /**
746         * Compute the tailSet() [from java.util.SortedSet] but include all
747         * elements greater than lowerBound <em>inclusive</em>
748         */
749        SortedSet<BasicInterval> tailSetInclusive(int lowerBound) {
750          BasicInterval newLowerBound = new BasicInterval(lowerBound - 1, lowerBound - 1);
751          return tailSet(newLowerBound);
752        }
754        /**
755         * Remove some basic intervals from this compound interval, and return
756         * the intervals actually removed.
757         *
758         * PRECONDITION: all basic intervals in i must appear in this compound
759         * interval, unless they end after the end of this interval
760         */
761        CompoundInterval removeIntervalsAndCache(CompoundInterval i) {
762          CompoundInterval result = new CompoundInterval(i.getRegister());
763          Iterator<BasicInterval> myIterator = iterator();
764          Iterator<BasicInterval> otherIterator = i.iterator();
765          BasicInterval current = myIterator.hasNext() ? myIterator.next() : null;
766          BasicInterval currentI = otherIterator.hasNext() ? otherIterator.next() : null;
768          while (currentI != null && current != null) {
769            if (current.startsBefore(currentI)) {
770              current = myIterator.hasNext() ? myIterator.next() : null;
771            } else if (currentI.startsBefore(current)) {
772              currentI = otherIterator.hasNext() ? otherIterator.next() : null;
773            } else {
774              if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(current.sameRange(currentI));
776              currentI = otherIterator.hasNext() ? otherIterator.next() : null;
777              BasicInterval next = myIterator.hasNext() ? myIterator.next() : null;
778              // add the interval to the cache
779              result.add(current);
780              current = next;
781            }
782          }
784          // SJF: the loop as written is slightly more efficient than calling
785          // removeAll().  However, for some reason, replacing the loop with
786          // the call to removeAll breaks the compiler on OptTestHarness
787          // -oc:O2 -method RVMMethod replaceCharWithString -.  This is deeply
788          // disturbing.  TODO: fix it.  (Hope the problem goes away if/when
789          // we migrate to classpath libraries).
790          // removeAll(result);
791          for (BasicInterval b : result) {
792            remove(b);
793          }
795          return result;
796        }
798        /**
799         * SJF: Apparently our java.util implementation of removeAll()
800         * doesn't work.  Perhaps I've somehow screwed up the comparator with
801         * the "consistent with equals" property?
802         * It breaks javalex on BaseOptMarkSweep on IA32
803         * Hopefully this problem will go away if/when we switch to classpath.
804         * Else, perhaps I'll ditch use of java.util Collections and write my
805         * own collection classes.
806         * In the meantime, here's an ugly hack to get around the problem.
807         */
808        void removeAll(CompoundInterval c) {
809          for (BasicInterval b : c) {
810            remove(b);
811          }
812        }
814        /**
815         * Return the lowest DFN in this compound interval.
816         */
817        int getLowerBound() {
818          BasicInterval b = first();
819          return b.getBegin();
820        }
822        /**
823         * Return the highest DFN in this compound interval.
824         */
825        int getUpperBound() {
826          BasicInterval b = last();
827          return b.getEnd();
828        }
830        /**
831         * Does this interval intersect with i?
832         */
833        boolean intersects(CompoundInterval i) {
835          if (isEmpty()) return false;
836          if (i.isEmpty()) return false;
838          // Walk over the basic intervals of this interval and i.
839          // Restrict the walking to intervals that might intersect.
840          int lower = Math.max(getLowerBound(), i.getLowerBound());
841          int upper = Math.min(getUpperBound(), i.getUpperBound());
843          // we may have to move one interval lower on each side.
844          BasicInterval b = getBasicInterval(lower);
845          int myLower = (b == null) ? lower : b.getBegin();
846          if (myLower > upper) return false;
847          b = i.getBasicInterval(lower);
848          int otherLower = (b == null) ? lower : b.getBegin();
849          if (otherLower > upper) return false;
851          SortedSet<BasicInterval> myTailSet = tailSetInclusive(myLower);
852          SortedSet<BasicInterval> otherTailSet = i.tailSetInclusive(otherLower);
853          Iterator<BasicInterval> myIterator = myTailSet.iterator();
854          Iterator<BasicInterval> otherIterator = otherTailSet.iterator();
856          BasicInterval current = myIterator.hasNext() ? myIterator.next() : null;
857          BasicInterval currentI = otherIterator.hasNext() ? otherIterator.next() : null;
859          while (current != null && currentI != null) {
860            if (current.getBegin() > upper) break;
861            if (currentI.getBegin() > upper) break;
862            if (current.intersects(currentI)) return true;
864            if (current.startsBefore(currentI)) {
865              current = myIterator.hasNext() ? myIterator.next() : null;
866            } else {
867              currentI = otherIterator.hasNext() ? otherIterator.next() : null;
868            }
869          }
870          return false;
871        }
873        /**
874         * Return the first basic interval that contains a given
875         * instruction.
876         *
877         * If there is no such interval, return null;
878         * @param s   The instruction in question
879         */
880        BasicInterval getBasicInterval(Instruction s) {
881          return getBasicInterval(getDFN(s));
882        }
884        /**
885         * Return the first basic interval that contains the given
886         * instruction.
887         *
888         * If there is no such interval, return null;
889         * @param n The DFN of the instruction in question
890         */
891        BasicInterval getBasicInterval(int n) {
892          SortedSet<BasicInterval> headSet = headSetInclusive(n);
893          if (!headSet.isEmpty()) {
894            BasicInterval last = headSet.last();
895            return last.contains(n) ? last : null;
896          } else {
897            return null;
898          }
899        }
901        /**
902         * Make a String representation
903         */
904        @Override
905        public String toString() {
906          String str = "[" + getRegister() + "]:";
907          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> i = iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
908            BasicInterval b = i.next();
909            str = str + b;
910          }
911          return str;
912        }
913      }
915      /**
916       * "Active set" for linear scan register allocation.
917       * This version is maintained sorted in order of increasing
918       * live interval end point.
919       */
920      static final class ActiveSet extends IncreasingEndMappedIntervalSet {
921        /** Support for Set serialization */
922        static final long serialVersionUID = 2570397490575294294L;
923        /**
924         * Governing ir
925         */
926        private final IR ir;
928        /**
929         * Manager of spill locations;
930         */
931        private final SpillLocationManager spillManager;
933        /**
934         * An object to help estimate spill costs
935         */
936        private final transient SpillCostEstimator spillCost;
938        /**
939         * Have we spilled anything?
940         */
941        private boolean spilled;
943        /**
944         * Default constructor
945         */
946        ActiveSet(IR ir, SpillLocationManager sm) {
947          super();
948          spilled = false;
949          this.ir = ir;
950          this.spillManager = sm;
952          switch (ir.options.REGALLOC_SPILL_COST_ESTIMATE) {
953            case OptOptions.REGALLOC_SIMPLE_SPILL_COST:
954              spillCost = new SimpleSpillCost(ir);
955              break;
956            case OptOptions.REGALLOC_BRAINDEAD_SPILL_COST:
957              spillCost = new BrainDeadSpillCost(ir);
958              break;
959            case OptOptions.REGALLOC_BLOCK_COUNT_SPILL_COST:
960              spillCost = new BlockCountSpillCost(ir);
961              break;
962            default:
963              OptimizingCompilerException.UNREACHABLE("unsupported spill cost");
964              spillCost = null;
965          }
966        }
968        /**
969         * Have we spilled anything?
970         */
971        boolean spilledSomething() {
972          return spilled;
973        }
975        /**
976         *  For each new basic interval, we scan the list of active basic
977         *  intervals in order of increasing end point.  We remove any "expired"
978         *  intervals - those
979         *  intervals that no longer overlap the new interval because their
980         *  end point precedes the new interval's start point - and makes the
981         *  corresponding register available for allocation
982         *
983         *  @param newInterval the new interval
984         */
985        void expireOldIntervals(BasicInterval newInterval) {
987          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> e = iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
988            MappedBasicInterval bi = (MappedBasicInterval) e.next();
990            // break out of the loop when we reach an interval that is still
991            // alive
992            int newStart = newInterval.getBegin();
993            if (bi.endsAfter(newStart)) break;
995            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("Expire " + bi);
997            // note that the bi interval no longer is live
998            freeInterval(bi);
1000            // remove bi from the active set
1001            e.remove();
1003          }
1004        }
1006        /**
1007         * Take action when a basic interval becomes inactive
1008         */
1009        void freeInterval(MappedBasicInterval bi) {
1010          CompoundInterval container = bi.container;
1011          Register r = container.getRegister();
1013          if (r.isPhysical()) {
1014            r.deallocateRegister();
1015            return;
1016          }
1018          if (container.isSpilled()) {
1019            // free the spill location iff this is the last interval in the
1020            // compound interval.
1021            BasicInterval last = container.last();
1022            if (last.sameRange(bi)) {
1023              spillManager.freeInterval(container.getSpillInterval());
1024            }
1025          } else {
1026            // free the assigned register
1027            if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(container.getAssignment().isAllocated());
1028            container.getAssignment().deallocateRegister();
1029          }
1031        }
1033        /**
1034         * Assign a basic interval to either a register or a spill location.
1035         */
1036        void allocate(BasicInterval newInterval, CompoundInterval container) {
1038          if (DEBUG) {
1039            System.out.println("Allocate " + newInterval + " " + container.getRegister());
1040          }
1042          Register r = container.getRegister();
1044          if (container.isSpilled()) {
1045            // We previously decided to spill the compound interval.  No further
1046            // action is needed.
1047            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("Previously spilled " + container);
1048          } else {
1049            if (container.isAssigned()) {
1050              // The compound interval was previously assigned to a physical
1051              // register.
1052              Register phys = container.getAssignment();
1053              if (!currentlyActive(phys)) {
1054                // The assignment of newInterval to phys is still OK.
1055                // Update the live ranges of phys to include the new basic
1056                // interval
1057                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1058                  System.out.println("Previously assigned to " +
1059                                     phys +
1060                                     " " +
1061                                     container +
1062                                     " phys interval " +
1063                                     getInterval(phys));
1064                }
1065                updatePhysicalInterval(phys, newInterval);
1066                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1067                  System.out.println(" now phys interval " + getInterval(phys));
1068                }
1069                // Mark the physical register as currently allocated
1070                phys.allocateRegister();
1071              } else {
1072                // The previous assignment is not OK, since the physical
1073                // register is now in use elsewhere.
1074                if (DEBUG) {
1075                  System.out.println("Previously assigned, " + phys + " " + container);
1076                }
1077                // first look and see if there's another free register for
1078                // container.
1079                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("Looking for free register");
1080                Register freeR = findAvailableRegister(container);
1081                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("Free register? " + freeR);
1083                if (freeR == null) {
1084                  // Did not find a free register to assign.  So, spill one of
1085                  // the two intervals concurrently allocated to phys.
1087                  CompoundInterval currentAssignment = getCurrentInterval(phys);
1088                  // choose which of the two intervals to spill
1089                  double costA = spillCost.getCost(container.getRegister());
1090                  double costB = spillCost.getCost(currentAssignment.getRegister());
1091                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1092                    System.out.println("Current assignment " + currentAssignment + " cost " + costB);
1093                  }
1094                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1095                    System.out.println("Cost of spilling" + container + " cost " + costA);
1096                  }
1097                  CompoundInterval toSpill = (costA < costB) ? container : currentAssignment;
1098                  // spill it.
1099                  Register p = toSpill.getAssignment();
1100                  toSpill.spill(spillManager);
1101                  spilled = true;
1102                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1103                    System.out.println("Spilled " + toSpill + " from " + p);
1104                  }
1105                  CompoundInterval physInterval = getInterval(p);
1106                  physInterval.removeAll(toSpill);
1107                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("  after spill phys" + getInterval(p));
1108                  if (toSpill != container) updatePhysicalInterval(p, newInterval);
1109                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1110                    System.out.println(" now phys interval " + getInterval(p));
1111                  }
1112                } else {
1113                  // found a free register for container! use it!
1114                  if (DEBUG) {
1115                    System.out.println("Switch container " + container + "from " + phys + " to " + freeR);
1116                  }
1117                  CompoundInterval physInterval = getInterval(phys);
1118                  if (DEBUG) {
1119                    System.out.println("Before switch phys interval" + physInterval);
1120                  }
1121                  physInterval.removeAll(container);
1122                  if (DEBUG) {
1123                    System.out.println("Intervals of " + phys + " now " + physInterval);
1124                  }
1126                  container.assign(freeR);
1127                  updatePhysicalInterval(freeR, container, newInterval);
1128                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1129                    System.out.println("Intervals of " + freeR + " now " + getInterval(freeR));
1130                  }
1131                  // mark the free register found as currently allocated.
1132                  freeR.allocateRegister();
1133                }
1134              }
1135            } else {
1136              // This is the first attempt to allocate the compound interval.
1137              // Attempt to find a free physical register for this interval.
1138              Register phys = findAvailableRegister(r);
1139              if (phys != null) {
1140                // Found a free register.  Perform the register assignment.
1141                container.assign(phys);
1142                if (DEBUG) {
1143                  System.out.println("First allocation " + phys + " " + container);
1144                }
1145                updatePhysicalInterval(phys, newInterval);
1146                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("  now phys" + getInterval(phys));
1147                // Mark the physical register as currently allocated.
1148                phys.allocateRegister();
1149              } else {
1150                // Could not find a free physical register.  Some member of the
1151                // active set must be spilled.  Choose a spill candidate.
1152                CompoundInterval spillCandidate = getSpillCandidate(container);
1153                if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
1154                  VM._assert(!spillCandidate.isSpilled());
1155                  VM._assert((spillCandidate.getRegister().getType() == r.getType()) ||
1156                             (spillCandidate.getRegister().isNatural() && r.isNatural()));
1157                  VM._assert(!ir.stackManager.getRestrictions().mustNotSpill(spillCandidate.getRegister()));
1158                  if (spillCandidate.getAssignment() != null) {
1159                    VM._assert(!ir.stackManager.getRestrictions().
1160                        isForbidden(r, spillCandidate.getAssignment()));
1161                  }
1162                }
1163                if (spillCandidate != container) {
1164                  // spill a previously allocated interval.
1165                  phys = spillCandidate.getAssignment();
1166                  spillCandidate.spill(spillManager);
1167                  spilled = true;
1168                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1169                    System.out.println("Spilled " + spillCandidate + " from " + phys);
1170                  }
1171                  CompoundInterval physInterval = getInterval(phys);
1172                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1173                    System.out.println(" assigned " + phys + " to " + container);
1174                  }
1175                  physInterval.removeAll(spillCandidate);
1176                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("  after spill phys" + getInterval(phys));
1177                  updatePhysicalInterval(phys, newInterval);
1178                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1179                    System.out.println(" now phys interval " + getInterval(phys));
1180                  }
1181                  container.assign(phys);
1182                } else {
1183                  // spill the new interval.
1184                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("spilled " + container);
1185                  container.spill(spillManager);
1186                  spilled = true;
1187                }
1188              }
1189            }
1190          }
1191        }
1193        /**
1194         * Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical
1195         * register p to include a new interval i
1196         */
1197        private void updatePhysicalInterval(Register p, BasicInterval i) {
1198          // Get a representation of the intervals already assigned to p.
1199          CompoundInterval physInterval = getInterval(p);
1200          if (physInterval == null) {
1201            // no interval yet.  create one.
1202            setInterval(p, new CompoundInterval(i, p));
1203          } else {
1204            // incorporate i into the set of intervals assigned to p
1205            CompoundInterval ci = new CompoundInterval(i, p);
1206            if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(!ci.intersects(physInterval));
1207            physInterval.addAll(ci);
1208          }
1209        }
1211        /**
1212         * Update the interval representing the allocations of a physical
1213         * register p to include a new compound interval c.  Include only
1214         * those basic intervals in c up to and including basic interval stop.
1215         */
1216        private void updatePhysicalInterval(Register p, CompoundInterval c, BasicInterval stop) {
1217          // Get a representation of the intervals already assigned to p.
1218          CompoundInterval physInterval = getInterval(p);
1219          if (physInterval == null) {
1220            // no interval yet.  create one.
1221            setInterval(p, c.copy(p, stop));
1222          } else {
1223            // incorporate c into the set of intervals assigned to p
1224            if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(!c.intersects(physInterval));
1225            // copy to a new BasicInterval so "equals" will work as expected,
1226            // since "stop" may be a MappedBasicInterval.
1227            stop = new BasicInterval(stop.getBegin(), stop.getEnd());
1228            physInterval.addNonIntersectingInterval(c, stop);
1229          }
1230        }
1232        /**
1233         * Is a particular physical register currently allocated to an
1234         * interval in the active set?
1235         */
1236        boolean currentlyActive(Register r) {
1237          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> e = iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
1238            MappedBasicInterval i = (MappedBasicInterval) e.next();
1239            CompoundInterval container = i.container;
1240            if (RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(container.getRegister()) == r) {
1241              return true;
1242            }
1243          }
1244          return false;
1245        }
1247        /**
1248         * Given that a physical register r is currently allocated to an
1249         * interval in the active set, return the interval.
1250         */
1251        CompoundInterval getCurrentInterval(Register r) {
1252          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> e = iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
1253            MappedBasicInterval i = (MappedBasicInterval) e.next();
1254            CompoundInterval container = i.container;
1255            if (RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(container.getRegister()) == r) {
1256              return container;
1257            }
1258          }
1259          OptimizingCompilerException.UNREACHABLE("getCurrentInterval", "Not Currently Active ", r.toString());
1260          return null;
1261        }
1263        /**
1264         * try to find a free physical register to allocate to the compound
1265         * interval.  if no free physical register is found, return null;
1266         */
1267        Register findAvailableRegister(CompoundInterval ci) {
1269          if (ir.options.FREQ_FOCUS_EFFORT && ci.isInfrequent()) {
1270            // don't bother trying to find an available register
1271            return null;
1272          }
1274          Register r = ci.getRegister();
1275          RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1277          // first attempt to allocate to the preferred register
1278          if (ir.options.REGALLOC_COALESCE_MOVES) {
1279            Register p = getPhysicalPreference(ci);
1280            if (p != null) {
1281              if (DEBUG_COALESCE) {
1282                System.out.println("REGISTER PREFERENCE " + ci + " " + p);
1283              }
1284              return p;
1285            }
1286          }
1288          PhysicalRegisterSet phys = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet();
1289          int type = PhysicalRegisterSet.getPhysicalRegisterType(r);
1291          // next attempt to allocate to a volatile
1292          if (!restrict.allVolatilesForbidden(r)) {
1293            for (Enumeration<Register> e = phys.enumerateVolatiles(type); e.hasMoreElements();) {
1294              Register p = e.nextElement();
1295              if (allocateToPhysical(ci, p)) {
1296                return p;
1297              }
1298            }
1299          }
1301          // next attempt to allocate to a Nonvolatile.  we allocate the
1302          // novolatiles backwards.
1303          for (Enumeration<Register> e = phys.enumerateNonvolatilesBackwards(type); e.hasMoreElements();) {
1304            Register p = e.nextElement();
1305            if (allocateToPhysical(ci, p)) {
1306              return p;
1307            }
1308          }
1310          // no allocation succeeded.
1311          return null;
1312        }
1314        /**
1315         * Try to find a free physical register to allocate to a symbolic
1316         * register.
1317         */
1318        Register findAvailableRegister(Register symb) {
1320          RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1322          // first attempt to allocate to the preferred register
1323          if (ir.options.REGALLOC_COALESCE_MOVES) {
1324            Register p = getPhysicalPreference(symb);
1325            if (p != null) {
1326              if (DEBUG_COALESCE) {
1327                System.out.println("REGISTER PREFERENCE " + symb + " " + p);
1328              }
1329              return p;
1330            }
1331          }
1333          PhysicalRegisterSet phys = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet();
1334          int type = PhysicalRegisterSet.getPhysicalRegisterType(symb);
1336          // next attempt to allocate to a volatile
1337          if (!restrict.allVolatilesForbidden(symb)) {
1338            for (Enumeration<Register> e = phys.enumerateVolatiles(type); e.hasMoreElements();) {
1339              Register p = e.nextElement();
1340              if (allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(symb, p)) {
1341                return p;
1342              }
1343            }
1344          }
1346          // next attempt to allocate to a Nonvolatile.  we allocate the
1347          // novolatiles backwards.
1348          for (Enumeration<Register> e = phys.enumerateNonvolatilesBackwards(type); e.hasMoreElements();) {
1349            Register p = e.nextElement();
1350            if (allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(symb, p)) {
1351              return p;
1352            }
1353          }
1355          // no allocation succeeded.
1356          return null;
1357        }
1359        /**
1360         * Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the
1361         * available physical register to which a symbolic register has the
1362         * highest preference.
1363         *
1364         * @param r the symbolic register in question.
1365         * @return the preferred register.  null if no preference found.
1366         */
1367        private Register getPhysicalPreference(Register r) {
1368          // a mapping from Register to Integer
1369          // (physical register to weight);
1370          HashMap<Register, Integer> map = new HashMap<Register, Integer>();
1372          CoalesceGraph graph = ir.stackManager.getPreferences().getGraph();
1373          SpaceEffGraphNode node = graph.findNode(r);
1375          // Return null if no affinities.
1376          if (node == null) return null;
1378          // walk through all in edges of the node, searching for affinity
1379          for (Enumeration<GraphEdge> in = node.inEdges(); in.hasMoreElements();) {
1380            CoalesceGraph.Edge edge = (CoalesceGraph.Edge) in.nextElement();
1381            CoalesceGraph.Node src = (CoalesceGraph.Node) edge.from();
1382            Register neighbor = src.getRegister();
1383            if (neighbor.isSymbolic()) {
1384              // if r is assigned to a physical register r2, treat the
1385              // affinity as an affinity for r2
1386              Register r2 = RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(r);
1387              if (r2 != null && r2.isPhysical()) {
1388                neighbor = r2;
1389              }
1390            }
1391            if (neighbor.isPhysical()) {
1392              // if this is a candidate interval, update its weight
1393              if (allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(r, neighbor)) {
1394                int w = edge.getWeight();
1395                Integer oldW = map.get(neighbor);
1396                if (oldW == null) {
1397                  map.put(neighbor, w);
1398                } else {
1399                  map.put(neighbor, oldW + w);
1400                }
1401                break;
1402              }
1403            }
1404          }
1405          // walk through all out edges of the node, searching for affinity
1406          for (Enumeration<GraphEdge> in = node.outEdges(); in.hasMoreElements();) {
1407            CoalesceGraph.Edge edge = (CoalesceGraph.Edge) in.nextElement();
1408            CoalesceGraph.Node dest = (CoalesceGraph.Node) edge.to();
1409            Register neighbor = dest.getRegister();
1410            if (neighbor.isSymbolic()) {
1411              // if r is assigned to a physical register r2, treat the
1412              // affinity as an affinity for r2
1413              Register r2 = RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(r);
1414              if (r2 != null && r2.isPhysical()) {
1415                neighbor = r2;
1416              }
1417            }
1418            if (neighbor.isPhysical()) {
1419              // if this is a candidate interval, update its weight
1420              if (allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(r, neighbor)) {
1421                int w = edge.getWeight();
1422                Integer oldW = map.get(neighbor);
1423                if (oldW == null) {
1424                  map.put(neighbor, w);
1425                } else {
1426                  map.put(neighbor, oldW + w);
1427                }
1428                break;
1429              }
1430            }
1431          }
1432          // OK, now find the highest preference.
1433          Register result = null;
1434          int weight = -1;
1435          for (Map.Entry<Register, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
1436            int w = entry.getValue();
1437            if (w > weight) {
1438              weight = w;
1439              result = entry.getKey();
1440            }
1441          }
1442          return result;
1443        }
1445        /**
1446         * Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the
1447         * available physical register to which an interval has the highest
1448         * preference.
1449         *
1450         * @return the preferred register.  null if no preference found.
1451         */
1452        private Register getPhysicalPreference(CompoundInterval ci) {
1453          // a mapping from Register to Integer
1454          // (physical register to weight);
1455          HashMap<Register, Integer> map = new HashMap<Register, Integer>();
1456          Register r = ci.getRegister();
1458          CoalesceGraph graph = ir.stackManager.getPreferences().getGraph();
1459          SpaceEffGraphNode node = graph.findNode(r);
1461          // Return null if no affinities.
1462          if (node == null) return null;
1464          // walk through all in edges of the node, searching for affinity
1465          for (Enumeration<GraphEdge> in = node.inEdges(); in.hasMoreElements();) {
1466            CoalesceGraph.Edge edge = (CoalesceGraph.Edge) in.nextElement();
1467            CoalesceGraph.Node src = (CoalesceGraph.Node) edge.from();
1468            Register neighbor = src.getRegister();
1469            if (neighbor.isSymbolic()) {
1470              // if r is assigned to a physical register r2, treat the
1471              // affinity as an affinity for r2
1472              Register r2 = RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(r);
1473              if (r2 != null && r2.isPhysical()) {
1474                neighbor = r2;
1475              }
1476            }
1477            if (neighbor.isPhysical()) {
1478              // if this is a candidate interval, update its weight
1479              if (allocateToPhysical(ci, neighbor)) {
1480                int w = edge.getWeight();
1481                Integer oldW = map.get(neighbor);
1482                if (oldW == null) {
1483                  map.put(neighbor, w);
1484                } else {
1485                  map.put(neighbor, oldW + w);
1486                }
1487                break;
1488              }
1489            }
1490          }
1491          // walk through all out edges of the node, searching for affinity
1492          for (Enumeration<GraphEdge> in = node.outEdges(); in.hasMoreElements();) {
1493            CoalesceGraph.Edge edge = (CoalesceGraph.Edge) in.nextElement();
1494            CoalesceGraph.Node dest = (CoalesceGraph.Node) edge.to();
1495            Register neighbor = dest.getRegister();
1496            if (neighbor.isSymbolic()) {
1497              // if r is assigned to a physical register r2, treat the
1498              // affinity as an affinity for r2
1499              Register r2 = RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(r);
1500              if (r2 != null && r2.isPhysical()) {
1501                neighbor = r2;
1502              }
1503            }
1504            if (neighbor.isPhysical()) {
1505              // if this is a candidate interval, update its weight
1506              if (allocateToPhysical(ci, neighbor)) {
1507                int w = edge.getWeight();
1508                Integer oldW = map.get(neighbor);
1509                if (oldW == null) {
1510                  map.put(neighbor, w);
1511                } else {
1512                  map.put(neighbor, oldW + w);
1513                }
1514                break;
1515              }
1516            }
1517          }
1518          // OK, now find the highest preference.
1519          Register result = null;
1520          int weight = -1;
1521          for (Map.Entry<Register, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
1522            int w = entry.getValue();
1523            if (w > weight) {
1524              weight = w;
1525              result = entry.getKey();
1526            }
1527          }
1528          return result;
1529        }
1531        /**
1532         * Check whether it's ok to allocate an interval i to physical
1533         * register p.  If so, return true; If not, return false.
1534         */
1535        private boolean allocateToPhysical(CompoundInterval i, Register p) {
1536          RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1537          Register r = i.getRegister();
1538          PhysicalRegisterSet phys = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet();
1539          if (p != null && !phys.isAllocatable(p)) return false;
1541          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG && p != null) {
1542            if (!p.isAvailable()) System.out.println("unavailable " + i + p);
1543            if (restrict.isForbidden(r, p)) System.out.println("forbidden" + i + p);
1544          }
1546          if ((p != null) && p.isAvailable() && !restrict.isForbidden(r, p)) {
1547            CompoundInterval pInterval = getInterval(p);
1548            if (pInterval == null) {
1549              // no assignment to p yet
1550              return true;
1551            } else {
1552              if (!i.intersects(pInterval)) {
1553                return true;
1554              }
1555            }
1556          }
1557          return false;
1558        }
1560        /**
1561         * Check whether it's ok to allocate symbolic register to a physical
1562         * register p.  If so, return true; If not, return false.
1563         *
1564         * NOTE: This routine assumes we're processing the first interval of
1565         * register symb; so p.isAvailable() is the key information needed.
1566         */
1567        private boolean allocateNewSymbolicToPhysical(Register symb, Register p) {
1568          RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1569          PhysicalRegisterSet phys = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet();
1570          if (p != null && !phys.isAllocatable(p)) return false;
1572          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG && p != null) {
1573            if (!p.isAvailable()) System.out.println("unavailable " + symb + p);
1574            if (restrict.isForbidden(symb, p)) System.out.println("forbidden" + symb + p);
1575          }
1577          return (p != null) && p.isAvailable() && !restrict.isForbidden(symb, p);
1578        }
1580        /**
1581         * choose one of the active intervals or the newInterval to spill.
1582         */
1583        private CompoundInterval getSpillCandidate(CompoundInterval newInterval) {
1584          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("GetSpillCandidate from " + this);
1586          if (ir.options.FREQ_FOCUS_EFFORT && newInterval.isInfrequent()) {
1587            // if it's legal to spill this infrequent interval, then just do so!
1588            // don't spend any more effort.
1589            RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1590            if (!restrict.mustNotSpill(newInterval.getRegister())) {
1591              return newInterval;
1592            }
1593          }
1595          return spillMinUnitCost(newInterval);
1596        }
1598        /**
1599         * Choose the interval with the min unit cost (defined as the number
1600         * of defs and uses)
1601         */
1602        private CompoundInterval spillMinUnitCost(CompoundInterval newInterval) {
1603          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1604            System.out.println(" interval caused a spill: " + newInterval);
1605          }
1606          RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1607          Register r = newInterval.getRegister();
1608          double minCost = spillCost.getCost(r);
1609          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1610            System.out.println(" spill cost: " + r + " " + minCost);
1611          }
1612          CompoundInterval result = newInterval;
1613          if (restrict.mustNotSpill(result.getRegister())) {
1614            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1615              System.out.println(" must not spill: " + result.getRegister());
1616            }
1617            result = null;
1618            minCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1619          }
1620          for (Iterator<BasicInterval> e = iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
1621            MappedBasicInterval b = (MappedBasicInterval) e.next();
1622            CompoundInterval i = b.container;
1623            Register newR = i.getRegister();
1624            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1625              if (i.isSpilled()) {
1626                System.out.println(" not candidate, already spilled: " + newR);
1627              }
1628              if ((r.getType() != newR.getType()) || (r.isNatural() && newR.isNatural())) {
1629                System.out.println(" not candidate, type mismatch : " + r.getType() + " " + newR + " " + newR.getType());
1630              }
1631              if (restrict.mustNotSpill(newR)) {
1632                System.out.println(" not candidate, must not spill: " + newR);
1633              }
1634            }
1635            if (!newR.isPhysical() &&
1636                !i.isSpilled() &&
1637                (r.getType() == newR.getType() || (r.isNatural() && newR.isNatural())) &&
1638                !restrict.mustNotSpill(newR)) {
1639              // Found a potential spill interval. Check if the assignment
1640              // works if we spill this interval.
1641              if (checkAssignmentIfSpilled(newInterval, i)) {
1642                double iCost = spillCost.getCost(newR);
1643                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1644                  System.out.println(" potential candidate " + i + " cost " + iCost);
1645                }
1646                if (iCost < minCost) {
1647                  if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println(" best candidate so far" + i);
1648                  minCost = iCost;
1649                  result = i;
1650                }
1651              } else {
1652                if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1653                  System.out.println(" not a candidate, insufficient range: " + i);
1654                }
1655              }
1656            }
1657          }
1658          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
1659            VM._assert(result != null);
1660          }
1661          return result;
1662        }
1664        /**
1665         * Check whether, if we spilled interval spill, we could then assign
1666         * interval i to physical register spill.getRegister().
1667         *
1668         * @return true if the allocation would fit.  false otherwise
1669         */
1670        private boolean checkAssignmentIfSpilled(CompoundInterval i, CompoundInterval spill) {
1671          Register r = spill.getAssignment();
1673          RegisterRestrictions restrict = ir.stackManager.getRestrictions();
1674          if (restrict.isForbidden(i.getRegister(), r)) return false;
1676          // 1. Speculatively simulate the spill.
1677          CompoundInterval rI = getInterval(r);
1678          CompoundInterval cache = rI.removeIntervalsAndCache(spill);
1680          // 2. Check the fit.
1681          boolean result = !rI.intersects(i);
1683          // 3. Undo the simulated spill.
1684          rI.addAll(cache);
1686          return result;
1687        }
1689        /**
1690         * Find the basic interval for register r containing instruction s.
1691         * If there are two such intervals, return the 1st one.
1692         * If there is none, return null.
1693         */
1694        BasicInterval getBasicInterval(Register r, Instruction s) {
1695          CompoundInterval c = getInterval(r);
1696          if (c == null) return null;
1697          return c.getBasicInterval(s);
1698        }
1700      }
1702      /**
1703       * phase to compute linear scan intervals.
1704       */
1705      public static final class IntervalAnalysis extends CompilerPhase implements Operators {
1706        /**
1707         * the governing ir
1708         */
1709        IR ir;
1711        /**
1712         * a list of basic blocks in topological order
1713         */
1714        private BasicBlock listOfBlocks;
1716        /**
1717         *  a reverse topological list of basic blocks
1718         */
1719        private BasicBlock reverseTopFirst;
1721        /**
1722         * Constructor for this compiler phase
1723         */
1724        private static final Constructor<CompilerPhase> constructor =
1725            getCompilerPhaseConstructor(IntervalAnalysis.class);
1727        /**
1728         * Get a constructor object for this compiler phase
1729         * @return compiler phase constructor
1730         */
1731        @Override
1732        public Constructor<CompilerPhase> getClassConstructor() {
1733          return constructor;
1734        }
1736        /**
1737         * should we perform this phase? yes.
1738         */
1739        @Override
1740        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) { return true; }
1742        /**
1743         * a name for this phase.
1744         */
1745        @Override
1746        public String getName() { return "Interval Analysis"; }
1748        /**
1749         * should we print the ir?
1750         */
1751        @Override
1752        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
1753          return false;
1754        }
1756        /**
1757         * compute live intervals for this ir
1758         * the result is a sorted (by beginning point) set of compound
1759         * intervals, stored in the private 'intervals' field.
1760         *
1761         * note: this implementation bashes the 'scratchobject' field on all
1762         * registers and the 'scratch' field on instructions.
1763         *
1764         * @param ir the ir
1765         */
1766        @Override
1767        public void perform(IR ir) {
1768          this.ir = ir;
1770          ControlFlowGraph cfg = ir.cfg;
1771          PhysicalRegisterSet phys = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet();
1772          LinearScanState state = new LinearScanState();
1773          ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState = state;
1775          // create topological list and a reverse topological list
1776          // the results are on listOfBlocks and reverseTopFirst lists
1777          createTopAndReverseList(cfg);
1779          // give dfn values to each instruction
1780          assignDepthFirstNumbers(cfg);
1782          // initialize registers
1783          initializeRegisters();
1785          int lastBeginSeen = -1;
1787          // visit each basic block in the listOfBlocks list
1788          for (BasicBlock bb = listOfBlocks; bb != null; bb = (BasicBlock) bb.nextSorted) {
1790            // visit each live interval for this basic block
1791            for (LiveIntervalElement live = bb.getFirstLiveIntervalElement(); live != null; live = live.getNext()) {
1793              // check that we process live intervals in order of increasing
1794              // begin.
1795              if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
1796                int begin = getDfnBegin(live, bb);
1797                VM._assert(begin >= lastBeginSeen);
1798                lastBeginSeen = begin;
1799              }
1801              // skip registers which are not allocated.
1802              if (live.getRegister().isPhysical() && !phys.isAllocatable(live.getRegister())) {
1803                continue;
1804              }
1806              CompoundInterval resultingInterval = processLiveInterval(live, bb);
1807              if (!bb.getInfrequent() && resultingInterval != null) {
1808                resultingInterval.setFrequent();
1809              }
1810            }
1811          }
1813          // debug support
1814          if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) {
1815            VM.sysWrite("**** start of interval dump " + ir.method + " ****\n");
1816            VM.sysWrite(ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.intervals.toString());
1817            VM.sysWrite("**** end   of interval dump ****\n");
1818          }
1819        }
1821        /**
1822         *  create topological list and a reverse topological list
1823         *  the results are on listOfBlocks and reverseTopFirst lists
1824         *  @param cfg the control flow graph
1825         */
1826        private void createTopAndReverseList(ControlFlowGraph cfg) {
1827          // dfs: create a list of nodes (basic blocks) in a topological order
1828          cfg.clearDFS();
1829          listOfBlocks = cfg.entry();
1830          listOfBlocks.sortDFS();
1832          // this loop reverses the topological list by using the sortedPrev field
1833          reverseTopFirst = null;
1834          for (BasicBlock bb = listOfBlocks; bb != null; bb = (BasicBlock) bb.nextSorted) {
1836            // put back pointers in the "prev" field
1837            // set reverseTopFirst to be the more recent node we've seen,
1838            // it will be the front of the list when we are done
1839            bb.sortedPrev = reverseTopFirst;
1840            reverseTopFirst = bb;
1841          }
1842        }
1844        /**
1845         *  this method processes all basic blocks, do the following to each block
1846         *   1) add it to the begining of the "listOfBlocks" list
1847         *   2) number the instructions
1848         *   3) process the instructions that restrict physical register
1849         *   assignment
1850         *  @param cfg the control flow graph
1851         */
1852        void assignDepthFirstNumbers(ControlFlowGraph cfg) {
1854          int curDfn = ir.numberInstructions() - 1;
1856          listOfBlocks = null;
1857          for (BasicBlock bb = reverseTopFirst; bb != null; bb = (BasicBlock) bb.sortedPrev) {
1859            // insert bb at the front of the list
1860            bb.nextSorted = listOfBlocks;
1861            listOfBlocks = bb;
1863            // number the instructions last to first
1864            Enumeration<Instruction> e = bb.reverseInstrEnumerator();
1865            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
1866              Instruction inst = e.nextElement();
1867              setDFN(inst, curDfn);
1868              curDfn--;
1869            }
1870          }
1872          if (DEBUG) { printDfns(ir); }
1873        }
1875        /**
1876         * Initialize the interval for each register to null.
1877         */
1878        private void initializeRegisters() {
1879          for (Register reg = ir.regpool.getFirstSymbolicRegister(); reg != null; reg = reg.getNext()) {
1880            setInterval(reg, null);
1881            RegisterAllocatorState.setSpill(reg, 0);
1882            // clear the 'long' type if it's persisted to here.
1883            if (VM.BuildFor32Addr && reg.isLong()) {
1884              reg.clearType();
1885              reg.setInteger();
1886            }
1887          }
1888        }
1890        /**
1891         * for each live interval associated with this block
1892         * we either add a new interval, or extend a previous interval
1893         * if it is contiguous
1894         *
1895         * @param live the liveintervalelement for a basic block/reg pair
1896         * @param bb the basic block
1897         * @return the resulting CompoundInterval. null if the live interval
1898         * is not relevant to register allocation.
1899         */
1900        private CompoundInterval processLiveInterval(LiveIntervalElement live, BasicBlock bb) {
1902          // get the reg and (adjusted) begin, end pair for this interval
1903          Register reg = live.getRegister();
1904          int dfnend = getDfnEnd(live, bb);
1905          int dfnbegin = getDfnBegin(live, bb);
1907          if (MUTATE_FMOV && reg.isFloatingPoint()) {
1908            Operators.helper.mutateFMOVs(live, reg, dfnbegin, dfnend);
1909          }
1911          // check for an existing live interval for this register
1912          CompoundInterval existingInterval = getInterval(reg);
1913          if (existingInterval == null) {
1914            // create a new live interval
1915            CompoundInterval newInterval = new CompoundInterval(dfnbegin, dfnend, reg);
1916            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("created a new interval " + newInterval);
1918            // associate the interval with the register
1919            setInterval(reg, newInterval);
1921            // add the new interval to the sorted set of intervals.
1922            BasicInterval b = newInterval.first();
1923            ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.intervals.add(b);
1925            return newInterval;
1927          } else {
1928            // add the new live range to the existing interval
1929            ArrayList<BasicInterval> intervals = ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.intervals;
1930            BasicInterval added = existingInterval.addRange(live, bb);
1931            if (added != null) {
1932              intervals.add(added);
1933            }
1934            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println("Extended old interval " + reg);
1935            if (VERBOSE_DEBUG) System.out.println(existingInterval);
1937            return existingInterval;
1938          }
1939        }
1940      }
1942      /**
1943       * The following class manages allocation and reuse of spill locations.
1944       */
1945      static class SpillLocationManager implements PhysicalRegisterConstants {
1947        /**
1948         * The governing IR
1949         */
1950        private final IR ir;
1952        /**
1953         * Set of spill locations which were previously allocated, but may be
1954         * free since the assigned register is no longer live.
1955         */
1956        final HashSet<SpillLocationInterval> freeIntervals = new HashSet<SpillLocationInterval>();
1958        /**
1959         * Return a spill location that is valid to hold the contents of
1960         * compound interval ci.
1961         */
1962        SpillLocationInterval findOrCreateSpillLocation(CompoundInterval ci) {
1963          SpillLocationInterval result = null;
1965          Register r = ci.getRegister();
1966          int type = PhysicalRegisterSet.getPhysicalRegisterType(r);
1967          if (type == -1) {
1968            type = DOUBLE_REG;
1969          }
1970          int spillSize = PhysicalRegisterSet.getSpillSize(type);
1972          // Search the free intervals and try to find an interval to
1973          // reuse. First look for the preferred interval.
1974          if (ir.options.REGALLOC_COALESCE_SPILLS) {
1975            result = getSpillPreference(ci, spillSize);
1976            if (result != null) {
1977              if (DEBUG_COALESCE) {
1978                System.out.println("SPILL PREFERENCE " + ci + " " + result);
1979              }
1980              freeIntervals.remove(result);
1981            }
1982          }
1984          // Now search for any free interval.
1985          if (result == null) {
1986            for (SpillLocationInterval s : freeIntervals) {
1987              if (s.getSize() == spillSize && !s.intersects(ci)) {
1988                result = s;
1989                freeIntervals.remove(result);
1990                break;
1991              }
1992            }
1993          }
1995          if (result == null) {
1996            // Could not find an interval to reuse.  Create a new interval.
1997            int location = ir.stackManager.allocateNewSpillLocation(type);
1998            result = new SpillLocationInterval(location, spillSize);
1999          }
2001          // Update the spill location interval to hold the new spill
2002          result.addAll(ci);
2004          return result;
2005        }
2007        /**
2008         * Record that a particular interval is potentially available for
2009         * reuse
2010         */
2011        void freeInterval(SpillLocationInterval i) {
2012          freeIntervals.add(i);
2013        }
2015        /**
2016         * Constructor.
2017         */
2018        SpillLocationManager(IR ir) {
2019          this.ir = ir;
2020        }
2022        /**
2023         * Given the current state of the register allocator, compute the
2024         * available spill location to which ci has the highest preference.
2025         *
2026         * @param ci the interval to spill
2027         * @param spillSize the size of spill location needed
2028         * @return the interval to spill to.  null if no preference found.
2029         */
2030        SpillLocationInterval getSpillPreference(CompoundInterval ci, int spillSize) {
2031          // a mapping from SpillLocationInterval to Integer
2032          // (spill location to weight);
2033          HashMap<SpillLocationInterval, Integer> map = new HashMap<SpillLocationInterval, Integer>();
2034          Register r = ci.getRegister();
2036          CoalesceGraph graph = ir.stackManager.getPreferences().getGraph();
2037          SpaceEffGraphNode node = graph.findNode(r);
2039          // Return null if no affinities.
2040          if (node == null) return null;
2042          // walk through all in edges of the node, searching for spill
2043          // location affinity
2044          for (Enumeration<GraphEdge> in = node.inEdges(); in.hasMoreElements();) {
2045            CoalesceGraph.Edge edge = (CoalesceGraph.Edge) in.nextElement();
2046            CoalesceGraph.Node src = (CoalesceGraph.Node) edge.from();
2047            Register neighbor = src.getRegister();
2048            if (neighbor.isSymbolic() && neighbor.isSpilled()) {
2049              int spillOffset = RegisterAllocatorState.getSpill(neighbor);
2050              // if this is a candidate interval, update its weight
2051              for (SpillLocationInterval s : freeIntervals) {
2052                if (s.getOffset() == spillOffset && s.getSize() == spillSize && !s.intersects(ci)) {
2053                  int w = edge.getWeight();
2054                  Integer oldW = map.get(s);
2055                  if (oldW == null) {
2056                    map.put(s, w);
2057                  } else {
2058                    map.put(s, oldW + w);
2059                  }
2060                  break;
2061                }
2062              }
2063            }
2064          }
2066          // walk through all out edges of the node, searching for spill
2067          // location affinity
2068          for (Enumeration<GraphEdge> in = node.inEdges(); in.hasMoreElements();) {
2069            CoalesceGraph.Edge edge = (CoalesceGraph.Edge) in.nextElement();
2070            CoalesceGraph.Node dest = (CoalesceGraph.Node) edge.to();
2071            Register neighbor = dest.getRegister();
2072            if (neighbor.isSymbolic() && neighbor.isSpilled()) {
2073              int spillOffset = RegisterAllocatorState.getSpill(neighbor);
2074              // if this is a candidate interval, update its weight
2075              for (SpillLocationInterval s : freeIntervals) {
2076                if (s.getOffset() == spillOffset && s.getSize() == spillSize && !s.intersects(ci)) {
2077                  int w = edge.getWeight();
2078                  Integer oldW = map.get(s);
2079                  if (oldW == null) {
2080                    map.put(s, w);
2081                  } else {
2082                    map.put(s, oldW + w);
2083                  }
2084                  break;
2085                }
2086              }
2087            }
2088          }
2090          // OK, now find the highest preference.
2091          SpillLocationInterval result = null;
2092          int weight = -1;
2093          for (Map.Entry<SpillLocationInterval, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
2094            int w = entry.getValue();
2095            if (w > weight) {
2096              weight = w;
2097              result = entry.getKey();
2098            }
2099          }
2100          return result;
2101        }
2102      }
2104      /**
2105       * The following represents the intervals assigned to a particular spill
2106       * location
2107       */
2108      static class SpillLocationInterval extends CompoundInterval {
2109        /** Support for Set serialization */
2110        static final long serialVersionUID = 2854333172650538517L;
2111        /**
2112         * The spill location, an offset from the frame pointer
2113         */
2114        private final int frameOffset;
2116        int getOffset() {
2117          return frameOffset;
2118        }
2120        /**
2121         * The size of the spill location, in bytes.
2122         */
2123        private final int size;
2125        int getSize() {
2126          return size;
2127        }
2129        SpillLocationInterval(int frameOffset, int size) {
2130          super(null);
2131          this.frameOffset = frameOffset;
2132          this.size = size;
2133        }
2135        @Override
2136        public String toString() {
2137          return super.toString() + "<Offset:" + frameOffset + "," + size + ">";
2138        }
2140        /**
2141         * Redefine hash code for reproducibility.
2142         */
2143        @Override
2144        public int hashCode() {
2145          BasicInterval first = first();
2146          BasicInterval last = last();
2147          return frameOffset + (first.getBegin() << 4) + (last.getEnd() << 12);
2148        }
2149      }
2151      /**
2152       * Implements a set of Basic Intervals, sorted by start number.
2153       * This version does NOT use container-mapping as a function in the comparator.
2154       */
2155      static class IncreasingStartIntervalSet extends IntervalSet {
2156        /** Support for Set serialization */
2157        static final long serialVersionUID = -7086728932911844728L;
2159        private static class StartComparator implements Comparator<BasicInterval> {
2160          @Override
2161          public int compare(BasicInterval b1, BasicInterval b2) {
2162            int result = b1.getBegin() - b2.getBegin();
2163            if (result == 0) {
2164              result = b1.getEnd() - b2.getEnd();
2165            }
2166            return result;
2167          }
2168        }
2170        static final StartComparator c = new StartComparator();
2172        IncreasingStartIntervalSet() {
2173          super(c /*,true*/);
2174        }
2175      }
2177      /**
2178       * Implements a set of Basic Intervals, sorted by start number.
2179       * This version uses container-mapping as a function in the comparator.
2180       */
2181      static class IncreasingStartMappedIntervalSet extends IntervalSet {
2182        /** Support for Set serialization */
2183        static final long serialVersionUID = -975667667343524421L;
2185        private static class StartComparator implements Comparator<BasicInterval> {
2186          @Override
2187          public int compare(BasicInterval b1, BasicInterval b2) {
2188            int result = b1.getBegin() - b2.getBegin();
2189            if (result == 0) {
2190              result = b1.getEnd() - b2.getEnd();
2191            }
2192            if (result == 0) {
2193              if (b1 instanceof MappedBasicInterval) {
2194                if (b2 instanceof MappedBasicInterval) {
2195                  MappedBasicInterval mb1 = (MappedBasicInterval) b1;
2196                  MappedBasicInterval mb2 = (MappedBasicInterval) b2;
2197                  return mb1.container.getRegister().number - mb2.container.getRegister().number;
2198                }
2199              }
2200            }
2201            return result;
2202          }
2203        }
2205        static final StartComparator c = new StartComparator();
2207        IncreasingStartMappedIntervalSet() {
2208          super(c);
2209        }
2210      }
2212      /**
2213       * Implements a set of Basic Intervals, sorted by end number.
2214       * This version uses container-mapping as a function in the comparator.
2215       */
2216      static class IncreasingEndMappedIntervalSet extends IntervalSet {
2217        /** Support for Set serialization */
2218        static final long serialVersionUID = -3121737650157210290L;
2220        private static class EndComparator implements Comparator<BasicInterval> {
2221          @Override
2222          public int compare(BasicInterval b1, BasicInterval b2) {
2223            int result = b1.getEnd() - b2.getEnd();
2224            if (result == 0) {
2225              result = b1.getBegin() - b2.getBegin();
2226            }
2227            if (result == 0) {
2228              if (b1 instanceof MappedBasicInterval) {
2229                if (b2 instanceof MappedBasicInterval) {
2230                  MappedBasicInterval mb1 = (MappedBasicInterval) b1;
2231                  MappedBasicInterval mb2 = (MappedBasicInterval) b2;
2232                  return mb1.container.getRegister().number - mb2.container.getRegister().number;
2233                }
2234              }
2235            }
2236            return result;
2237          }
2238        }
2240        static final EndComparator c = new EndComparator();
2242        IncreasingEndMappedIntervalSet() {
2243          super(c);
2244        }
2245      }
2247      abstract static class IntervalSet extends TreeSet<BasicInterval> {
2249        /**
2250         * Create an interval set sorted by increasing start or end number
2251         */
2252        IntervalSet(Comparator<BasicInterval> c) {
2253          super(c);
2254        }
2256        /**
2257         * Return a String representation
2258         */
2259        @Override
2260        public String toString() {
2261          String result = "";
2262          for (BasicInterval b : this) {
2263            result = result + b + "\n";
2264          }
2265          return result;
2266        }
2267      }
2269      /**
2270       * Update GC maps after register allocation but before inserting spill
2271       * code.
2272       */
2273      static final class UpdateGCMaps1 extends CompilerPhase {
2275        @Override
2276        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
2277          return true;
2278        }
2280        /**
2281         * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no
2282         * per-compilation instance fields.
2283         * @param ir not used
2284         * @return this
2285         */
2286        @Override
2287        public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) {
2288          return this;
2289        }
2291        @Override
2292        public String getName() {
2293          return "Update GCMaps 1";
2294        }
2296        @Override
2297        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
2298          return false;
2299        }
2301        /**
2302         *  Iterate over the IR-based GC map collection and for each entry
2303         *  replace the symbolic reg with the real reg or spill it was allocated
2304         *  @param ir the IR
2305         */
2306        @Override
2307        public void perform(IR ir) {
2309          for (GCIRMapElement GCelement : ir.MIRInfo.gcIRMap) {
2310            if (GC_DEBUG) {
2311              VM.sysWrite("GCelement " + GCelement);
2312            }
2314            for (RegSpillListElement elem : GCelement.regSpillList()) {
2315              Register symbolic = elem.getSymbolicReg();
2317              if (GC_DEBUG) {
2318                VM.sysWrite("get location for " + symbolic + '\n');
2319              }
2321              if (symbolic.isAllocated()) {
2322                Register ra = RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(symbolic);
2323                elem.setRealReg(ra);
2324                if (GC_DEBUG) { VM.sysWrite(ra + "\n"); }
2326              } else if (symbolic.isSpilled()) {
2327                int spill = symbolic.getSpillAllocated();
2328                elem.setSpill(spill);
2329                if (GC_DEBUG) { VM.sysWrite(spill + "\n"); }
2330              } else {
2331                OptimizingCompilerException.UNREACHABLE("LinearScan", "register not alive:", symbolic.toString());
2332              }
2333            }
2334          }
2335        }
2336      }
2338      /**
2339       * Update GC Maps again, to account for changes induced by spill code.
2340       */
2341      static final class UpdateGCMaps2 extends CompilerPhase {
2342        /**
2343         * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no
2344         * per-compilation instance fields.
2345         * @param ir not used
2346         * @return this
2347         */
2348        @Override
2349        public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) {
2350          return this;
2351        }
2353        @Override
2354        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
2355          return true;
2356        }
2358        @Override
2359        public String getName() {
2360          return "Update GCMaps 2";
2361        }
2363        @Override
2364        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
2365          return false;
2366        }
2368        /**
2369         *  @param ir the IR
2370         */
2371        @Override
2372        public void perform(IR ir) {
2373          PhysicalRegisterSet phys = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet();
2374          ScratchMap scratchMap = ir.stackManager.getScratchMap();
2376          if (GC_DEBUG) {
2377            System.out.println("SCRATCH MAP:\n" + scratchMap);
2378          }
2379          if (scratchMap.isEmpty()) return;
2381          // Walk over each instruction that has a GC point.
2382          for (GCIRMapElement GCelement : ir.MIRInfo.gcIRMap) {
2383            // new elements to add to the gc map
2384            HashSet<RegSpillListElement> newElements = new HashSet<RegSpillListElement>();
2386            Instruction GCinst = GCelement.getInstruction();
2388            // Get the linear-scan DFN for this instruction.
2389            int dfn = GCinst.scratch;
2391            if (GC_DEBUG) {
2392              VM.sysWrite("GCelement at " + dfn + " , " + GCelement);
2393            }
2395            // a set of elements to delete from the GC Map
2396            HashSet<RegSpillListElement> toDelete = new HashSet<RegSpillListElement>(3);
2398            // For each element in the GC Map ...
2399            for (RegSpillListElement elem : GCelement.regSpillList()) {
2400              if (GC_DEBUG) {
2401                VM.sysWrite("Update " + elem + "\n");
2402              }
2403              if (elem.isSpill()) {
2404                // check if the spilled value currently is cached in a scratch
2405                // register
2406                Register r = elem.getSymbolicReg();
2407                Register scratch = scratchMap.getScratch(r, dfn);
2408                if (scratch != null) {
2409                  if (GC_DEBUG) {
2410                    VM.sysWrite("cached in scratch register " + scratch + "\n");
2411                  }
2412                  // we will add a new element noting that the scratch register
2413                  // also must be including in the GC map
2414                  RegSpillListElement newElem = new RegSpillListElement(r);
2415                  newElem.setRealReg(scratch);
2416                  newElements.add(newElem);
2417                  // if the scratch register is dirty, then delete the spill
2418                  // location from the map, since it doesn't currently hold a
2419                  // valid value
2420                  if (scratchMap.isDirty(GCinst, r)) {
2421                    toDelete.add(elem);
2422                  }
2423                }
2424              } else {
2425                // check if the physical register is currently spilled.
2426                int n = elem.getRealRegNumber();
2427                Register r = phys.get(n);
2428                if (scratchMap.isScratch(r, dfn)) {
2429                  // The regalloc state knows where the physical register r is
2430                  // spilled.
2431                  if (GC_DEBUG) {
2432                    VM.sysWrite("CHANGE to spill location " + RegisterAllocatorState.getSpill(r) + "\n");
2433                  }
2434                  elem.setSpill(RegisterAllocatorState.getSpill(r));
2435                }
2436              }
2438            }
2439            // delete all obsolete elements
2440            for (RegSpillListElement deadElem : toDelete) {
2441              GCelement.deleteRegSpillElement(deadElem);
2442            }
2444            // add each new Element to the gc map
2445            for (RegSpillListElement newElem : newElements) {
2446              GCelement.addRegSpillElement(newElem);
2447            }
2448          }
2449        }
2450      }
2452      /**
2453       * Insert Spill Code after register assignment.
2454       */
2455      static final class SpillCode extends CompilerPhase implements Operators {
2456        /**
2457         * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no
2458         * per-compilation instance fields.
2459         * @param ir not used
2460         * @return this
2461         */
2462        @Override
2463        public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) {
2464          return this;
2465        }
2467        @Override
2468        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
2469          return true;
2470        }
2472        @Override
2473        public String getName() {
2474          return "Spill Code";
2475        }
2477        @Override
2478        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
2479          return false;
2480        }
2482        /**
2483         *  @param ir the IR
2484         */
2485        @Override
2486        public void perform(IR ir) {
2487          replaceSymbolicRegisters(ir);
2489          // Generate spill code if necessary
2490          if (ir.hasSysCall() || ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.spilledSomething) {
2491            StackManager stackMan = (StackManager) ir.stackManager;
2492            stackMan.insertSpillCode(ir.MIRInfo.linearScanState.active);
2493            //      stackMan.insertSpillCode();
2494          }
2496          if (VM.BuildForIA32 && !VM.BuildForSSE2Full) {
2497            Operators.helper.rewriteFPStack(ir);
2498          }
2499        }
2501        /**
2502         *  Iterate over the IR and replace each symbolic register with its
2503         *  allocated physical register.
2504         *  Also used by ClassWriter
2505         */
2506        public static void replaceSymbolicRegisters(IR ir) {
2507          for (Enumeration<Instruction> inst = ir.forwardInstrEnumerator(); inst.hasMoreElements();) {
2508            Instruction s = inst.nextElement();
2509            for (Enumeration<Operand> ops = s.getOperands(); ops.hasMoreElements();) {
2510              Operand op = ops.nextElement();
2511              if (op.isRegister()) {
2512                RegisterOperand rop = op.asRegister();
2513                Register r = rop.getRegister();
2514                if (r.isSymbolic() && !r.isSpilled()) {
2515                  Register p = RegisterAllocatorState.getMapping(r);
2516                  if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(p != null);
2517                  rop.setRegister(p);
2518                }
2519              }
2520            }
2521          }
2522        }
2524      }
2526      /**
2527       * Update GC maps after register allocation but before inserting spill
2528       * code.
2529       */
2530      public static final class UpdateOSRMaps extends CompilerPhase {
2532        @Override
2533        public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) {
2534          return true;
2535        }
2537        /**
2538         * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no
2539         * per-compilation instance fields.
2540         * @param ir not used
2541         * @return this
2542         */
2543        @Override
2544        public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) {
2545          return this;
2546        }
2548        @Override
2549        public String getName() {
2550          return "Update OSRMaps";
2551        }
2553        @Override
2554        public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) {
2555          return false;
2556        }
2558        /**
2559         * Iterate over the IR-based OSR map, and update symbolic registers
2560         * with real reg number or spill locations.
2561         * Verify there are only two types of operands:
2562         *    ConstantOperand
2563         *    RegisterOperand
2564         *        for integer constant, we save the value of the integer
2565         *
2566         * The LONG register has another half part.
2567         *
2568         * CodeSpill replaces any allocated symbolic register by
2569         * physical registers.
2570         */
2571        @Override
2572        public void perform(IR ir) throws OptimizingCompilerException {
2573          // list of OsrVariableMapElement
2574          //LinkedList<VariableMapElement> mapList = ir.MIRInfo.osrVarMap.list;
2575          //for (int numOsrs=0, m=mapList.size(); numOsrs<m; numOsrs++) {
2576          //  VariableMapElement elm = mapList.get(numOsrs);
2577          /* for each osr instruction */
2578          for (VariableMapElement elm : ir.MIRInfo.osrVarMap.list) {
2580            // for each inlined method
2581            //LinkedList<MethodVariables> mvarsList = elm.mvars;                   XXX Remove once proven correct
2582            //for (int numMvars=0, n=mvarsList.size(); numMvars<n; numMvars++) {
2583            //  MethodVariables mvar = mvarsList.get(numMvars);
2584            for (MethodVariables mvar : elm.mvars) {
2586              // for each tuple
2587              //LinkedList<LocalRegPair> tupleList = mvar.tupleList;
2588              //for (int numTuple=0, k=tupleList.size(); numTuple<k; numTuple++) {
2589              //LocalRegPair tuple = tupleList.get(numTuple);
2590              for (LocalRegPair tuple : mvar.tupleList) {
2592                Operand op = tuple.operand;
2593                if (op.isRegister()) {
2594                  Register sym_reg = ((RegisterOperand) op).getRegister();
2596                  setRealPosition(ir, tuple, sym_reg);
2598                  // get another half part of long register
2599                  if (VM.BuildFor32Addr && (tuple.typeCode == OSRConstants.LongTypeCode)) {
2601                    LocalRegPair other = tuple._otherHalf;
2602                    Operand other_op = other.operand;
2604                    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(other_op.isRegister());
2606                    Register other_reg = ((RegisterOperand) other_op).getRegister();
2607                    setRealPosition(ir, other, other_reg);
2608                  }
2609                  /* According to ConvertToLowLevelIR, StringConstant, LongConstant,
2610                  * NullConstant, FloatConstant, and DoubleConstant are all materialized
2611                  * The only thing left is the integer constants which could encode
2612                  * non-moveable objects.
2613                  * POTENTIAL DRAWBACKS: since any long, float, and double are moved
2614                  * to register and treated as use, it may consume more registers and
2615                  * add unnecessary MOVEs.
2616                  *
2617                  * Perhaps, ConvertToLowLevelIR can skip OsrPoint instruction.
2618                  */
2619                } else if (op.isIntConstant()) {
2620                  setTupleValue(tuple, OSRConstants.ICONST, ((IntConstantOperand) op).value);
2621                  if (VM.BuildFor32Addr && (tuple.typeCode == OSRConstants.LongTypeCode)) {
2622                    LocalRegPair other = tuple._otherHalf;
2623                    Operand other_op = other.operand;
2625                    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(other_op.isIntConstant());
2626                    setTupleValue(other, OSRConstants.ICONST, ((IntConstantOperand) other_op).value);
2627                  }
2628                } else if (op.isAddressConstant()) {
2629                  setTupleValue(tuple, OSRConstants.ACONST, ((AddressConstantOperand) op).value.toWord());
2630                } else if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && op.isLongConstant()) {
2631                  setTupleValue(tuple, OSRConstants.LCONST, Word.fromLong(((LongConstantOperand) op).value));
2632                } else {
2633                  throw new OptimizingCompilerException("LinearScan", "Unexpected operand type at ", op.toString());
2634                } // for the op type
2635              } // for each tuple
2636            } // for each inlined method
2637          } // for each osr instruction
2638        } // end of method
2640        void setRealPosition(IR ir, LocalRegPair tuple, Register sym_reg) {
2641          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(sym_reg != null);
2643          int REG_MASK = 0x01F;
2645          // now it is not symbolic register anymore.
2646          // is is really confusing that sometimes a sym reg is a phy,
2647          // and sometimes not.
2648          if (sym_reg.isAllocated()) {
2649            setTupleValue(tuple, OSRConstants.PHYREG, sym_reg.number & REG_MASK);
2650          } else if (sym_reg.isPhysical()) {
2651            setTupleValue(tuple, OSRConstants.PHYREG, sym_reg.number & REG_MASK);
2652          } else if (sym_reg.isSpilled()) {
2653            setTupleValue(tuple, OSRConstants.SPILL, sym_reg.getSpillAllocated());
2654          } else {
2655            dumpIR(ir, "PANIC");
2656            throw new RuntimeException("LinearScan PANIC in OSRMAP, " + sym_reg + " is not alive");
2657          }
2658        } // end of setRealPosition
2660        static void setTupleValue(LocalRegPair tuple, byte type, int value) {
2661          tuple.valueType = type;
2662          tuple.value = Word.fromIntSignExtend(value);
2663        } // end of setTupleValue
2665        static void setTupleValue(LocalRegPair tuple, byte type, Word value) {
2666          tuple.valueType = type;
2667          tuple.value = value;
2668        } // end of setTupleValue
2669      } // end of inner class
2670    }