Uses of Class

Packages that use Primitive

Uses of Primitive in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Fields in org.jikesrvm.classloader declared as Primitive
static Primitive RVMType.BooleanType
static Primitive RVMType.ByteType
static Primitive RVMType.CharType
static Primitive RVMType.DoubleType
static Primitive RVMType.FloatType
static Primitive RVMType.IntType
static Primitive RVMType.LongType
static Primitive RVMType.ShortType
static Primitive RVMType.VoidType

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return Primitive
 Primitive RVMType.asPrimitive()
(package private) static Primitive Primitive.createPrimitive(TypeReference tr)
          Create an instance of a Primitive