Uses of Class

Packages that use InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict

Uses of InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict in org.jikesrvm.classloader

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader that return InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict
private static InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict InterfaceInvocation.buildIMTDict(RVMClass klass, RVMClass[] interfaces)
          Build up a description of the IMT contents for the given class.

Methods in org.jikesrvm.classloader with parameters of type InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict
private static void InterfaceInvocation.populateIMT(RVMClass klass, InterfaceInvocation.IMTDict d)
          Populate an indirect IMT for C using the IMTDict d