Packages that use SysCallTemplate | |
org.jikesrvm.runtime |
Uses of SysCallTemplate in org.jikesrvm.runtime |
Methods in org.jikesrvm.runtime with annotations of type SysCallTemplate | |
abstract Address |
SysCall.gcspyDriverAddStream(Address driver,
int id)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverEndOutput(Address driver)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverInit(Address driver,
int id,
Address serverName,
Address driverName,
Address title,
Address blockInfo,
int tileNum,
Address unused,
int mainSpace)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverInitOutput(Address driver)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverResize(Address driver,
int size)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverSetTileName(Address driver,
int i,
Address start,
long value)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverSetTileNameRange(Address driver,
int i,
Address start,
Address end)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverSpaceInfo(Address driver,
Address info)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverStartComm(Address driver)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverStream(Address driver,
int id,
int len)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverStreamByteValue(Address driver,
byte value)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverStreamIntValue(Address driver,
int value)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverStreamShortValue(Address driver,
short value)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverSummary(Address driver,
int id,
int len)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyDriverSummaryValue(Address driver,
int value)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyFormatSize(Address buffer,
int size)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyIntWriteControl(Address driver,
int id,
int tileNum)
abstract Address |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerAddDriver(Address addr)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerAddEvent(Address server,
int event,
Address name)
abstract Address |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerInit(int port,
int len,
Address name,
int verbose)
abstract int |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerIsConnected(Address server,
int event)
abstract Address |
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerSafepoint(Address server,
int event)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerSetGeneralInfo(Address server,
Address info)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerStartCompensationTimer(Address server)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyMainServerStopCompensationTimer(Address server)
abstract int |
SysCall.gcspySprintf(Address str,
Address format,
Address value)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyStartserver(Address server,
int wait,
Address serverOuterLoop)
abstract void |
SysCall.gcspyStreamInit(Address stream,
int id,
int dataType,
Address name,
int minValue,
int maxValue,
int zeroValue,
int defaultValue,
Address pre,
Address post,
int presentation,
int paintStyle,
int maxStreamIndex,
int red,
int green,
int blue)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysAccess(byte[] name,
int kind)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysArg(int argno,
byte[] buf,
int buflen)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysBytesAvailable(int fd)
abstract Address |
SysCall.sysCalloc(int length)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysConsoleWriteChar(char v)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysConsoleWriteDouble(double value,
int postDecimalDigits)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysConsoleWriteInteger(int value,
int hexToo)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysConsoleWriteLong(long value,
int hexToo)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysCopy(Address dst,
Address src,
Extent cnt)
abstract void |
abstract long |
abstract void |
abstract Address |
SysCall.sysDlopen(byte[] libname)
abstract Address |
SysCall.sysDlsym(Address libHandler,
byte[] symbolName)
abstract double |
SysCall.sysDoubleRemainder(double x,
double y)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysDoubleToInt(double x)
abstract long |
SysCall.sysDoubleToLong(double x)
abstract void |
abstract void |
SysCall.sysExit(int value)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysFloatToInt(float x)
abstract long |
SysCall.sysFloatToLong(float x)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysFree(Address location)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysGetenv(byte[] varName,
byte[] buf,
int limit)
abstract int |
abstract Word |
abstract long |
SysCall.sysLongDivide(long x,
long y)
abstract long |
SysCall.sysLongRemainder(long x,
long y)
abstract double |
SysCall.sysLongToDouble(long x)
abstract float |
SysCall.sysLongToFloat(long x)
abstract Address |
SysCall.sysMalloc(int length)
abstract Address |
SysCall.sysMMap(Address start,
Extent length,
int protection,
int flags,
int fd,
Offset offset)
abstract Address |
SysCall.sysMMapErrno(Address start,
Extent length,
int protection,
int flags,
int fd,
Offset offset)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysMonitorBroadcast(Word monitor)
abstract Word |
Allocate the space for a pthread_mutex (using malloc) and initialize it using pthread_mutex_init with the recursive mutex options. |
abstract void |
SysCall.sysMonitorDestroy(Word monitor)
Destroy the monitor pointed to by the argument and free its memory by calling free. |
abstract void |
SysCall.sysMonitorEnter(Word monitor)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysMonitorExit(Word monitor)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysMonitorTimedWaitAbsolute(Word monitor,
long whenWakeupNanos)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysMonitorWait(Word monitor)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysMProtect(Address start,
Extent length,
int prot)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysNanoSleep(long howLongNanos)
abstract long |
abstract int |
abstract long |
SysCall.sysParseMemorySize(byte[] sizeName,
byte[] sizeFlag,
byte[] defaultFactor,
int roundTo,
byte[] argToken,
byte[] subArg)
Parse memory sizes passed as command-line arguments. |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysPerfEventCreate(int id,
byte[] name)
abstract void |
abstract void |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysPerfEventInit(int events)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysPerfEventRead(int id,
long[] values)
abstract float |
SysCall.sysPrimitiveParseFloat(byte[] buf)
Used to parse command line arguments that are doubles and floats early in booting before it is safe to call Float.valueOf or Double.valueOf. |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysPrimitiveParseInt(byte[] buf)
Used to parse command line arguments that are bytes and ints early in booting before it is safe to call Byte.parseByte or Integer.parseInt. |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysReadByte(int fd)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysReadBytes(int fd,
Address buf,
int cnt)
abstract void |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysSetFdCloseOnExec(int fd)
abstract void |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysStashVMThread(RVMThread vmThread)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysStat(byte[] name,
int kind)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysSyncCache(Address address,
int size)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysSyncFile(int fd)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysThreadBind(int cpuId)
abstract int |
Tells you if the current system supportes sysNativeThreadBind(). |
abstract Word |
SysCall.sysThreadCreate(Address tr,
Address ip,
Address fp)
Create a native thread (aka "unix kernel thread", "pthread"). |
abstract void |
abstract void |
abstract int |
SysCall.sysWriteByte(int fd,
int data)
abstract int |
SysCall.sysWriteBytes(int fd,
Address buf,
int cnt)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysZero(Address dst,
Extent cnt)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysZeroNT(Address dst,
Extent cnt)
abstract void |
SysCall.sysZeroPages(Address dst,
int cnt)