Uses of Class

Packages that use Option

Uses of Option in org.jikesrvm.options

Methods in org.jikesrvm.options with parameters of type Option
protected  void o, String message)
protected  void OptionSet.logValue(Option o, boolean forXml)
protected  void OptionSet.warn(Option o, String message)

Uses of Option in org.mmtk.utility.options

Subclasses of Option in org.mmtk.utility.options
 class BoundedNursery
          Provide an upper bound on nursery size.
 class ConcurrentTrigger
          Concurrent trigger percentage
 class CycleFilterThreshold
          Trigger cycle buffer filtering if the space available falls below this threshold.
 class CycleMetaDataLimit
          Trigger cycle detection if the meta data volume grows to this limit.
 class CycleTriggerThreshold
          Trigger cycle detection if the space available falls below this threshold.
 class DebugAddress
          Allow an address to be specified on the command line for use in debugging.
 class DefragFreeHeadroom
 class DefragFreeHeadroomFraction
 class DefragHeadroom
 class DefragHeadroomFraction
 class DefragLineReuseRatio
 class DefragSimpleSpillThreshold
 class DefragStress
          Should we force degfrag every time the immix space is collected?
 class DummyEnum
          A sample enumeration for testing.
 class EagerCompleteSweep
          Should we eagerly finish sweeping at the start of a collection
 class EagerMmapSpaces
          Should spaces be eagerly demand zero mmapped?
 class EchoOptions
          Echo when options are set?
 class FixedNursery
          Provide an lower and upper bound on nursery size.
 class FragmentationStats
          Option to print fragmentation information for the free list.
 class FullHeapSystemGC
          Should a major GC be performed when a system GC is triggered?
 class GCspyPort
          Port number for GCSpy server to connect with visualiser.
 class GCspyTileSize
          GCspy Tile Size.
 class GCspyWait
          Should the VM wait for the visualiser to connect?
 class GCTimeCap
          Try to limit reference counting collections to this time cap.
 class GenCycleDetection
          Should we use a generational approach to cycle detection?
 class HarnessAll
          Should we wrap the entire execution with a harnessBegin/harnessEnd?
 class IgnoreSystemGC
          Should we ignore calls to java.lang.System.gc?
 class LineReuseRatio
 class MarkSweepMarkBits
          Number of bits to use for the header cycle of mark sweep spaces.
 class MetaDataLimit
          Provide a bound on how much metadata is allowed before a GC is triggered.
 class NoFinalizer
          Should finalization be disabled?
 class NoReferenceTypes
          Should reference type processing be disabled?
 class NurseryZeroing
          The zeroing approach to use for new object allocations.
 class PerfEvents
          Performance counter options.
 class PretenureThresholdFraction
 class PrintPhaseStats
          When printing statistics, should statistics for each gc-mutator phase be printed?
 class ProtectOnRelease
          Should memory be protected on release?
 class SanityCheck
          Should a major GC be performed when a system GC is triggered?
 class StressFactor
          Force frequent collections after amounts of allocation.
 class Threads
          The number of GC threads to use for parallel collection.
 class TraceRate
          The granularity of the trace being produced.
 class UseReturnBarrier
          Should we enable a return barrier?
 class VariableSizeHeap
          Should we shrink/grow the heap to adjust to application working set?
 class Verbose
          GC verbosity level.
 class VerboseFragmentationStats
          Should we print verbose fragmentation statistics for the free list allocator?
 class VerboseTiming
          Should we display detailed breakdown of where GC time is spent?
 class XmlStats
          Display statistics and options in XML rather than human-readable format.

Uses of Option in org.vmutil.options

Subclasses of Option in org.vmutil.options
 class AddressOption
          An option with a simple integer value.
 class BooleanOption
          Base class for boolean options.
 class EnumOption
          An option that is a selection of several strings.
 class FloatOption
          An option that has a simple single precision floating point value.
 class IntOption
          An option with a simple integer value.
 class MicrosecondsOption
          A time option that stores values at a microsecond granularity.
 class PagesOption
          A memory option that stores values as a whole number of pages.
 class StringOption
          An option that has a simple string value.

Fields in org.vmutil.options declared as Option
private  Option OptionSet.head
private  Option
private  Option OptionSet.tail

Methods in org.vmutil.options that return Option
 Option OptionSet.getFirst()
          Return the first option.
 Option Option.getNext()
          Return the next option in the linked list.
 Option OptionSet.getOption(String key)
          Using the VM determined key, look up the corresponding option, or return null if an option can not be found.

Methods in org.vmutil.options with parameters of type Option
protected abstract  void o, String message)
          A fatal error occurred during the setting of an option.
 void OptionSet.log(Option o)
          Log the option value in plain text.
 void OptionSet.logChange(Option o)
          Log an option change
protected abstract  void OptionSet.logValue(Option o, boolean forXml)
          Format and log an option value.
 void OptionSet.logXml(Option o)
          Log the option value in XML.
(package private)  String OptionSet.register(Option o, String name)
          Register the option to this set, computing its key in the process.
(package private)  void Option.setNext(Option o)
          Update the next pointer in the Option chain.
protected abstract  void OptionSet.warn(Option o, String message)
          A non-fatal error occurred during the setting of an option.