Uses of Class

Packages that use BooleanOption

Uses of BooleanOption in org.mmtk.utility.options

Subclasses of BooleanOption in org.mmtk.utility.options
 class DefragStress
          Should we force degfrag every time the immix space is collected?
 class EagerCompleteSweep
          Should we eagerly finish sweeping at the start of a collection
 class EagerMmapSpaces
          Should spaces be eagerly demand zero mmapped?
 class EchoOptions
          Echo when options are set?
 class FragmentationStats
          Option to print fragmentation information for the free list.
 class FullHeapSystemGC
          Should a major GC be performed when a system GC is triggered?
 class GCspyWait
          Should the VM wait for the visualiser to connect?
 class GenCycleDetection
          Should we use a generational approach to cycle detection?
 class HarnessAll
          Should we wrap the entire execution with a harnessBegin/harnessEnd?
 class IgnoreSystemGC
          Should we ignore calls to java.lang.System.gc?
 class NoFinalizer
          Should finalization be disabled?
 class NoReferenceTypes
          Should reference type processing be disabled?
 class PrintPhaseStats
          When printing statistics, should statistics for each gc-mutator phase be printed?
 class ProtectOnRelease
          Should memory be protected on release?
 class SanityCheck
          Should a major GC be performed when a system GC is triggered?
 class UseReturnBarrier
          Should we enable a return barrier?
 class VariableSizeHeap
          Should we shrink/grow the heap to adjust to application working set?
 class VerboseFragmentationStats
          Should we print verbose fragmentation statistics for the free list allocator?
 class VerboseTiming
          Should we display detailed breakdown of where GC time is spent?
 class XmlStats
          Display statistics and options in XML rather than human-readable format.