Uses of Class

Packages that use ServerInterpreter   

Uses of ServerInterpreter in

Methods in that return ServerInterpreter
 ServerInterpreter Factory.newGCspyServerInterpreter()

Methods in with parameters of type ServerInterpreter
 ServerSpace Factory.newGCspyServerSpace(ServerInterpreter serverInterpreter, String serverName, String driverName, String title, String blockInfo, int tileNum, String unused, boolean mainSpace)

Uses of ServerInterpreter in

Subclasses of ServerInterpreter in
 class ServerInterpreter
          Generic GCspy Server Interpreter.

Constructors in with parameters of type ServerInterpreter
ServerSpace(ServerInterpreter serverInterpreter, String serverName, String driverName, String title, String blockInfo, int tileNum, String unused, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new GCspy Space

Uses of ServerInterpreter in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy declared as ServerInterpreter
static ServerInterpreter GCspy.server

Uses of ServerInterpreter in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers declared as ServerInterpreter
protected  ServerInterpreter AbstractDriver.server
          The owning GCspy server

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type ServerInterpreter
protected  ServerSpace AbstractDriver.createServerSpace(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, int maxTileNum, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new GCspy ServerSpace and add it to the ServerInterpreter.

Constructors in org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers with parameters of type ServerInterpreter
AbstractDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String name, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for this collector.
GenImmortalSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for a generational immortal space.
GenLOSDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, LargeObjectSpace lospace, int blockSize, int threshold, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for this collector
ImmortalSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for an immortal Contiguous MMTk space.
LinearSpaceDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for a contiguous MMTk space.
TreadmillDriver(ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, LargeObjectSpace lospace, int blockSize, int threshold, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new driver for this collector

Uses of ServerInterpreter in org.mmtk.vm

Methods in org.mmtk.vm that return ServerInterpreter
static ServerInterpreter VM.newGCspyServerInterpreter()
          Create a new ServerInterpreter instance using the appropriate VM-specific concrete ServerInterpreter sub-class.
abstract  ServerInterpreter Factory.newGCspyServerInterpreter()
          Create a new ServerInterpreter instance using the appropriate VM-specific concrete ServerInterpreter sub-class.

Methods in org.mmtk.vm with parameters of type ServerInterpreter
static ServerSpace VM.newGCspyServerSpace(ServerInterpreter serverInterpreter, String serverName, String driverName, String title, String blockInfo, int tileNum, String unused, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new ServerInterpreter instance using the appropriate VM-specific concrete ServerInterpreter sub-class.
abstract  ServerSpace Factory.newGCspyServerSpace(ServerInterpreter serverInterpreter, String serverName, String driverName, String title, String blockInfo, int tileNum, String unused, boolean mainSpace)
          Create a new ServerSpace instance using the appropriate VM-specific concrete ServerSpace sub-class.