Uses of Class

Packages that use Counter

Uses of Counter in org.mmtk.utility.statistics

Subclasses of Counter in org.mmtk.utility.statistics
 class BooleanCounter
          This class implements a simple boolean counter (counting number of phases where some boolean event is true).
 class EventCounter
          This class implements a simple event counter (counting number events that occur for each phase).
 class LongCounter
          This abstract class implements a simple counter (counting some integer (long) value for each phase).
 class PerfEvent
          This class represents a perf event, such as cache misses, etc.
 class Timer
          This class implements a simple timer.

Fields in org.mmtk.utility.statistics declared as Counter
private static Counter[] Stats.counter

Methods in org.mmtk.utility.statistics with parameters of type Counter
(package private) static void Stats.newCounter(Counter ctr)
          Add a new counter to the set of managed counters.
private static void Stats.printPhaseStatXml(Counter c, int p, Stats.Phase phase)
          Print a single phase counter in an xml tag
private static void Stats.printTotalXml(Counter c, Stats.Phase phase)
          Print a single total in an xml tag